

(2020-03-30 07:48:27) 下一個

因為COVID-19,有些生意關門,導致一些人員失業,政府於是說在疫情期間不能evict不交房租的房客,但政府並沒說房東的房租損失怎麽辦。估計不少房客are able to pay rents, but choose not to pay rents。


第一個來問的是個半白玉房客,妻子是中學老師,丈夫開Uber,丈夫可能受影響,但妻子是穩定的。妻子幾天前問能不能延期交租,因為大多數公司都是這樣,還轉發煤氣公司的信,裏麵說不會因為不交費而斷煤氣。我感覺她是想試探,就回了封短信,講明我也有很多賬單要付,要她按時交房租。她很快回信說: Don't worry. Rent will be paid. 這封短信見下,大家沒準有用:

You are the first one who asked us about rent extension. We thought about it. We are small house owners, normal people just like you. We are also suffering and are in the same boat as you. But we still need to pay for city property tax, mortgage, insurance, repairs, etc. The city didn't tell us that we can pay tax late. And no super markets will allow us to get groceries without payment. 
Government will send checks to every adult and children in the next few weeks. If one loses his/her job, please file for unemployment benefits immediately. Don't forget about tax refunds. And family and friends are also sources of funds. 
It is hard on everyone. We make all house payments because we value a roof over head. Please try your best to pay rent on time. 
Thank you,

昨天收到一個白玉房客的長郵件,這房客是個director,收入十幾萬的,離婚後帶著一個孩子搬來的。她說公司可能要暫時關門,工資隻能發到4月3號,所以4月和5月房租都要求晚交,等她下月知道公司的具體計劃,finds out what aids she can qualify,在4月20號前她會給一個payment計劃。她最後強調了她已住18個月,一直按時付房租。

我覺得這房客現在一下子說兩個月暫不交,有點過了。她現在還有工資,收入高應該有積蓄,至少能交4月房租。因為這是個白玉房客,所以把上麵第一次的回信改得比較客氣點。正好老朽說應該問房客要證明材料,就在信末加上了這條。回信附在下麵。下午寫好信後發給房客,房客過一會回信: 理解,4月房租會按時付。她的公司可能5月6月都開不了,等4月她知道更多情況後再來商量5月的房租。


That was a big surprise. We are also suffering and are in the same boat as you. We did not expect that you asked to defer your rent since you seem to have had very good income. But we will work with you. 
First just let you know, we are only small house owners. We need to pay for city property tax, mortgage, city water/sewer, insurance, maintenance, etc. The city didn't tell us that RE tax can be paid late. Our lender, which is not FHA backed, didn't allow us to pay mortgage late either at this time. 
We just break even as our rents are very reasonable. We didn't prepare for a loss of April rent at only 5 days before April 1st. For May 1st we may be better prepared. 
We ask that your April rent be paid on time on April 1st. And we will work with you on your May rent. We will also waive all late fees.
There are funds available to you: Government will send checks to every adult and child in the next few weeks; If you lose your job, you will get unemployment benefits soon after you file claim; There are rent aids to tenants from state government, so check with them; Don't forget tax refunds; And family and friends are also sources of funds. 
If you ask for delayed payment of May rent, we will need your cooperation to provide following:
- Proof of loss of income or job due to COVID-19 in the form of a letter from your employer stating date of termination, as well as a copy of last pay stub or check.
- Proof that you have applied for unemployment compensation, and other financial aids if applicable.
- Bank statements. 
- A payment plan.
Thank you.



一直用direct debit房租的服務,1號收的房租要三個工作日後才能到賬,又遇上周末,所以今天早上才知道收到房租的情況。除了總遲交的那個房客,其他的房租都收到了。


另一個是個高收入的房客,三月下旬說公司四月初要關門不發工資,她要求四月五月都晚交,我覺得她完全能交四月,要求她交四月然後根據情況商量五月及以後的房租。她前幾天給我update,說公司四月仍開門幾周,她因為是核心人員可能可以呆到五月,但工資會降低。她公司情況的好轉,不知是否與stimulus plan砸的那幾萬億有關,畢竟政府會補貼仍發工資的企業。








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