Dr. Liu ResearchTIPS



(2019-05-04 07:33:48) 下一個

How to Read to Learn more and Remember Longer? Deep Reading and SQ3R -024


SQ3R是有效閱讀和學習的5個步驟的首字母縮寫。 “S”代表調查。 “Q”代表問題。







的概念。 SQ3R是一種有效的深度閱讀方法,可以幫助我們學習更多知識並記住更長時

How to Read to Learn more and Remember Longer? Deep Reading and SQ3R -024

Hey, it’s Dr. Liu here again. In a previous video, we discussed the method 
for quick reading and quick learning. In this video, I will show you a 
method for deep reading. This method is developed by professors as a 
textbook reading strategy. It can help the reader to remember more of what 
they read. The method is originally called SQ3R. Later, more “R”s are 
added. So sometimes, it becomes SQ4R or even SQ5R. Here, to keep things 
simple, I will stick with SQ3R. 

SQ3R is an acronym for 5 steps to effectively read and learn. “S” stands 
for survey. “Q” stands for question. The three “R”s are read, recite and
review. The first step for deep reading is survey. We want to obtain a 
general idea of what we are reading through a quick survey. We want to know 
how the information is organized and what we need to learn. The items we 
want survey usually include the table of content, headings, subheadings, 
preface, and the summary or conclusions. We may also want to check out major
graphs and images. The survey will allow us to have a general idea about 
what the main ideas are and how the chapters are organized. This will help 
us visualize and make sense of the text when we read it through later. 

Survey is more like reading a picture rather than reading text from 
beginning to end. When we read a picture, we usually do not read from top to
bottom, or from left to right. We want to read the whole picture first and 
then decide where to read for more details. When we are writing, we are 
actually converting a picture of ideas in our mind into the linear output of
text. Therefore, when we are reading, we do not want to be limited by the 
linear form of the text. We want to try our best to restore the big picture 
in the author’s mind. And that is the purpose of survey before actual 

The second step is question. While doing the survey, it is very nature we 
want to start asking questions based on what we already know about the 
topics we are reading. This will help us to associate the new information 
with our existing knowledge. And it makes the new information easier to 
remember. One method is to turn each heading and subheading into a question.
The question will make our reading become a process of looking for answers.
And therefore, the reading will become more motivated and focused. If we 
intend and try hard to look for the answer for a question, when we find it, 
it is more likely we will be able to remember it. It may be helpful to write
down our questions to refer to as we start reading.

After survey and question, we may begin to read the information one section 
at a time. Reading is just one “R” in the SQ3R method, but the reading 
process actually involves more “R”s, such as respond, reduce and record. 
Respond means, while reading, we always keep our questions in mind, and we 
actively looking for answers to respond to these questions. Reduce means, we
should try to reduce the new information into some brief key words, or key 
concepts that make more sense to us, based on our existing knowledge. Record
means taking notes on key ideas obtained from reading. 

Respond, reduce, and record are the three “R”s we need when we conduct 
deep reading. All these three “R”s help us to associate the new 
information with our existing knowledge, and therefore help us to better 
understand. Respond involves answering questions that fill gaps in our 
existing knowledge. Reduce involves digesting new information, connecting 
them to old information, and summarizing all information. Record is taking 
notes using our own words. Record not only can help us to understand now, 
but also can help us for review in the future.

While reading, we should focus on looking for new concepts rather than new 
facts. Facts are fragment information and can easily be forgotten. We do not
really need to remember many facts, since we can always use google when we 
need them. When facts are connected with each other, they may form new 
concepts. Concepts are usually a condensed form of knowledge that provides 
relationships among facts. Many courses in college may spend a whole 
semester just to explain a few key concepts. Focusing on key concepts is a 
typical shortcut to grasp new knowledge. The good news is, it is nature for 
human brain to remember relationships much easier than singles facts. Facts 
can easily be forgotten, but for concepts, once we grasp it, it usually will
stay with us for a life time. When we conduct deep reading, the ability to 
identify key concepts, the ability to reduce the new information to form new
concepts, and the ability to reduce all the fragment facts and highlight 
the logic behind them determine the effectiveness of our learning. 

After the reading, we want to take chance to recite and review what we have 
read. These two “R”s help us to retain the information we learned. By 
recite, we internalize the information we learned. By review regularly at a 
later time, we reinforce the information we learned into long term memory 
for use in the future. For recite, we may explain to others what we learned 
in simple, reduced forms. We may also try to answer the questions we have 
without opening the book. Recite is a necessary step to confirm that we 
really understand what we have read. The quality of the recite reflects the 
quality of our learning. If we are not able to recite clearly and concisely,
that almost always indicates that we do not really understand, and we 
failed to connect the new information effectively with our existing 
knowledge. For review, we may consult our notes, and sometimes we may want 
to go back to reread certain sections selectively, based on our updated 
knowledge at the time of review.

The world is connected, so is the knowledge. When we have read enough books,
we may be more sensitive on relationships among books. Comparing how the 
same problems are viewed by different authors is also an effective way to 
improve our understanding on what we are reading. Sometimes, we may even 
witness the evolution of human knowledge in the history. Thanks for watching
, I am Dr. Liu with research tips for the underdogs. Deep reading is usually
for grasping new concepts. Skimming is usually for expanding our existing 
concepts. The SQ3R is an effective deep reading method that can help us to 
learn more and remember longer. Until next time, let’s keep it as a nature 
way when it is time for some deep reading. 

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