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(2010-01-29 20:54:31) 下一個

蘋果公司在不足一千美元的價位推出了 ipad ,對很多蘋果迷是個驚喜。驚喜之餘,也有一些遺憾。

先說說 ipad 的好處。 ipad 基本是一個大 iphone 。 iphone 在手機裏一枝獨秀,觸摸屏非常好用,可惜我的手機公司不是 AT&T ,隻能幹瞪眼。 Ipad 一出,那些電子相框,電子書閱讀器之類的東西的末日就算到了。 Ipad 的設計和用戶界麵自有其獨特的吸引人之處,特別是用慣 iphone 的用戶更容易上手。 Ipad 的電池能堅持 8 個小時,也是優於一般手提電腦的一個賣點。自從見到 iphone 和那種不用翻蓋的觸摸屏手提電腦,我就在想如果蘋果能做一款觸摸屏手提電腦就好了,屏幕有個 8-10 寸,即方便攜帶,又不太費眼。現在果然它就上市了。 Ipad 的重要意義還在於,它有可能改變大家使用鼠標和鍵盤操作電腦的習慣。要知道,同時使用鼠標和鍵盤實在不是很方便,攜帶也不方便。也許最終有一天電腦的操作會變成用手指頭在屏幕上按來按去。

Ipad 遭到批評指出大致有幾點。一個是接口不全,特別是沒有 HD 電視接口, USB 接口也不方便。再有一個是軟鍵盤不好用。還有一個是不能很方便地同時運行多個程序。還有一個小問題是沒有攝像頭。

我想出的改進方法是做雙板雙屏,一個主板是 ipad ;另一個輔助板上另有一個屏幕,一塊電池,還有 DVD-R , GPS ,攝像頭以及更多的接口。這樣一來, ipad 本身可以獨立使用,但是,加上另一個板則可以用一個屏幕看 DVD 或電子書,另一個屏幕打網絡電話或上網瀏覽網頁。如果需要處理文字,則輔助板可以橫過來調用更大的軟鍵盤。

寫到這裏,上網查了查,原來有些電腦製造商已經生產了不少類似的東西。這種產品叫Slate PC或 Tablet PC,中文叫平板電腦。比如三星就有一款,不到一千美元,但是看著屏幕比較小,CPU速度才1G左右。還有一些防水防震的產品也很有吸引力,不過仔細想想實用性並不大,誰沒事兒老折騰手提電腦玩啊。那些高端的平板觸摸屏手提電腦價位在兩三千美元。惠普有一兩款做得挺漂亮。

Booklet PCs are dual screen tablet computers that fold open like a book. A typical Booklet PC is equipped with multitouch screens and pen writing recognition capabilities. They are designed to be used as a digital day planner, internet surfing device, project planner, to watch videos, live TV, play music, and for e-reading.

Slate computers, which resemble writing slates, are tablet PCs without a dedicated keyboard. For text input, users rely on handwriting recognition via active digitizer, touching the screen with a fingertip or stylus or by using an external keyboard which can usually be attached via a wireless or USB connection.

These tablet PCs typically incorporate small (8.4–14.1 inches/21–36 centimetres) LCD screens and have been popular for quite some time in vertical markets such as health care, education, and field work. Applications for field work often require a tablet PC that has rugged specifications that ensure long life by resisting heat, humidity, and drop/vibration damage.

This added focus on mobility and/or ruggedness often leads to elimination of moving parts that could hinder these qualities.

Convertible notebooks have a base body with an attached keyboard. They more closely resemble modern laptops, and are usually heavier and larger than slates.

Typically, the base of a convertible attaches to the display at a single joint called a swivel hinge or rotating hinge. The joint allows the screen to rotate through 180° and fold down on top of the keyboard to provide a flat writing surface. This design, although the most common, creates a physical point of weakness on the notebook.

Some manufacturers, however, have attempted to overcome these weak points. The Panasonic Toughbook 19, for example, is advertised as a more durable convertible notebook. One model by Acer has a sliding design in which the screen slides up from the slate-like position and locks into place to provide the laptop mode.

Convertibles are by far the most popular form factor of tablet PCs, because the convertibles still offer the keyboard and pointing device of older notebooks, for people who are unsure about the practicality of using the pen as the primary method of input.

Hybrids, coined by users of the HP/Compaq TC1000 and TC1100 series, share the features of the slate and convertible by using a detachable keyboard which operates in a similar fashion to a convertible when attached.

This is not to be confused with slate models that have a detachable keyboard—detachable keyboards for pure slate models do not rotate to allow the tablet to rest on it like a convertible.

With a loyal following, the hybrid form factor has recently received updates after the TC1100. HP has launched an array of tablet pc convertible notebooks over the last few years, the latest being the tx2 which brings multi-touch capabilities to a consumer-aimed notebook.

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