
發現地球真相, 藍圖先生研究銀河大曆史。

[地球解放簡報] 抵抗運動組織介紹

(2017-08-14 18:43:42) 下一個

2015前沿 . 阿加森網絡 Agartha Network
[泰勒斯城公主] 探尋地下城邦文明之謎

[Cobra訪問]地下分離文明與阿加森網絡 201509月
[2012伊斯塔] 簡史: 不平靜的阿加森網絡
[地球解放簡報] 抵抗運動組織介紹

[泰勒斯城公主1995]夏露娜.達克絲訪談 Sharula Dux
[2015阿加森聯盟] 阿加森網絡 (夏露拉.達克絲Sharula Dux)
[2015阿加森聯盟]《魔戒》之王 &利莫裏亞的科普常識 (Aurelia & Nidle)
[西藏密宗神話] 西藏密宗的秘密: 香巴拉的秘密
[西藏密宗神話] 黑魔法. 《時輪經》, 時輪金剛
藍圖先生博客  悅讀 (201512月). 對阿加森世界最前沿的理解


Resistance movement

藍圖先生 (2015.12)
1970年代, [抵抗運動組織]的前身,稱為”組織Organization”。
成立的目的,是為了對抗及推翻`光明會 Illuminati`。

Ishtar Antares伊斯塔.安塔瑞斯  & 地球盟友眼鏡蛇Cobra,
都跟這個組織有關連。他倆也分別寫出了文章, 介紹[抵抗運動]。
Ishtar Antares [http://www.karinya.com/ishtar1.htm]
Cobra  http://2012portal.blogspot.hk/

我喜歡從多角度, 多路線去看一個課題。
[抵抗運動], [ACIO], [SSP- 科瑞coreyGoode],隻是其中一些。
[抵抗運動]訊息的代表是:  Ishtar  & Cobra 。
伊斯塔.安塔爾的信息來源是: Ashtar阿斯塔和Krotron來自阿斯塔指揮部,昴宿星人, 以及一個[抵抗運動]的地麵來源信息。
伊斯塔.安塔爾(本身)屬於 [安塔拉星家族 /antares心大星]源自於昴宿星座。

[ACIO] 稱來自於`阿斯塔指揮部`, 訊息者有Tara塔拉, Rama羅摩, M.Huber庫伯, E.Trutwin楚雯, Susan Leland蘇珊利蘭。
[阿斯塔指揮部] 信息的還有阿曆姍.斯赫爾Alexandriah Stahr, 和凱瑟琳梅Kathryn E.May的訊息。 凱瑟琳梅訊息, 有一個Sananda留下了《新的經文New Scriptures2013》。 不過, 我認為凱瑟琳梅訊息是一次黑色的行動, 是虛假情報特工,是很早便被[光明會]滲透的。
[SSP- 科瑞Corey],2015年大衛威爾科克David Wilcock, 及薩拉博士Dr.Salla, 都紀錄了科瑞所提供的訊息。2015.秋, 科瑞聲稱接觸了阿加森的女祭司Kaaree, 阿加森人向他和崗薩雷斯上校透露了很多有深遠意義的事情。
科瑞的網站是 [球型存有聯盟www.spherebeingalliance.com/]。
另一方麵,  2015年有一組自稱是 `球型聯盟`的生命, 發表了一係列的 “sphere alliance message球型聯盟信息”, 我稱為 [SA係列], 其主要網站是
[americankabuki.blogspot.com]; sphere alliance message#90, 2015年9月12日 他們告訴你, SaLuSa 不是來自於天狼星Sirius, 他是英國人。---不知道你信不信, 反正我有點相信。!

不要他們說什麽, 你就相信什麽。
不要人雲亦雲, 不要人雲亦雲。
阿斯塔太帥了, 所以冒用他名字的人,也太多了,
這個世界有很多冒名的 `阿西塔`。
2001年以來的外星訊息, 一點也不雜亂,
亂的, 是讀者自己。
(廣告: 請閱讀藍圖先生博客)


走進 抵抗運動
引自.譯者日立: 筆者是一個學生,現嚐試翻譯工作,如有紕漏,懇請大家指正。
走進 抵抗運動
The main body of the Resistance movement came to Earth from planet X with the aid of teleportation chambers in December 1999. They have settled down in underground bases that were emptied before in severe battles between the dark forces and the remnants of Agartha kingdom and the so called Organization. The Organization was a forerunner for the Resistance movement and was a leading resisting force against the dark ones throughout the human history. Between 1975 and 1999 they had their main command center about one thousand feet below the underground railway system of New York. When the weakened forces of the Organization were refreshed with members of the Resistance movement they renewed together many underground dwellings and moved their main command center to a new location.

在1999年的12月,抵抗運動的主體部分在傳送室技術的幫助下,由X星來到了地球。抵抗運動在 因之前阿加森王國剩餘力量(被稱之為“組織Organization”)與黑暗勢力的殘酷戰鬥而十室九空的 地下基地中 安頓下來。

Now the Resistance movement has most of its locations under bigger surface cities between 100 feet and 8.6 miles underground. Most locations are between 150 and 1500 feet underground. All their locations are sealed hermetically and isolated from surface influences, such as viruses, dust, polluted air, micro/nanochips Dwellings are constructed in a specific way to avoid undeground structures which were built by the surface civillization for its needs, such as electric installations, water supply systems, underground railway, mining tunnels, military installations, drinking water reservoirs, oil pipelines and drillings, scientific laboratories, installations and drillings…Some most important Resistance movement centres are located under following cities: New York, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, London, Munich and Ljubljana (in Slovenia). Locations that are close to the surface are sometimes lit by sunlight which is directed there with a special mirroring system. Locations that are in greater depths are lit with a soft dispersed light being emitted from free energy light chambers. Those dwellings are thermally insulated since surrounding rock has a pretty high temperature when more than few miles underground.

  現在抵抗運動基地,大多數的位置在地表大城市的100英尺到8.6英裏的下方(一般地下150-1500英尺)。所有的基地都被密不透風的與外界隔離起來,因而病毒,灰塵,汙染的空氣,微型芯片等無法進入。基地的居住地(Dwellings)被建造的能夠躲避開地表人類所建的基礎設施(電纜,水管,地鐵等等)。一些重要的抵抗運動基地位於:紐約,洛杉磯,鹽湖城,倫敦,和盧布爾雅那(在斯洛文尼亞--伊斯塔.安塔瑞斯的出生地)。接近地表的基地有時會用特殊的鏡麵係統(mirroring system)引導外部的陽光來照明。更深層的基地會用來自 自由能源室的 柔和分散的光 來照明。這些基地/(基地中的)居住地 使絕熱的,因為地下周圍的岩石是比較熱的。

The Resistance movement consists of three concentric circles. The inner circle has few dozen members which are leaders of the Resistance movement. Only those with extraordinary skills and talents and those that are willing to accept great responsibilities can qualify for those positions. The middle circle consists of hundreds thousands of members with special gifts for planning, organization, technology research and development, psychology, medicine, healing, spirituality, creativity, art, music…The outer circle are army forces. They are not soldiers as we know them on the surface but experienced interplanetary fighters who do not fight only with blind force but have reached a high level of spiritual development also. Their purpose is to liberate the surface of Earth from the dark forces and to assist humanity in building a new civillization.


Dark forces are still blocking almost all activity of the Resistance movement on the surface with their military superiority. The Resistance movement has means to remove all disease and poverty of humanity and they will use them when military victory over the dark forces will be achieved. The Resistance movement also has vast financial resources of over 100000 billion dollars. This monetary mass is now blocked but will be used for benefit of humanity with the victory of the Resistance movement.


Money is not needed inside the Resistance movement since they have technology that brings them everything they need in life. They use smaller amounts of money for their surface activities, which are not yet very frequent. Everybody inside the Resistance movement does the work he is most talented for. Nobody is forced to work. Every work is done from an inner need for creation. Talents are encouraged and not suppressed as it is the case on the surface. Artists can create new music or excel in painting or sculpture. There are special museums in middle circle of the Resistance movement with objects of art from Atlantis and other high cultures, esprecially Graeco - Roman culture, that serve as a source of inspiration . Everybody from the Resistance movement has access to important pieces of information which are transmitted from the Pleiadian information network. The basic cell of society is not family as is the case on the surface, but soul family, where people meet and mingle according to soul connections they have. Their relationships are much more open, expression of emotional and sexual energies is allowed. Despite all that their relationships are not completely harmonious since the Resistance movement has not yet recovered completely emotionally from severe battles with the dark forces few years ago.


Sciece and technology are very developed inside the Resistance movement. The Resistance movement is actively cooperating with the Galactic confederation which has its strongholds throughout the solar system. They use teleportation chambers for long distance transportation, especially for journeys towards the asteroid belt and planet X. The Resistance movement uses materialization chambers to materialize whatever they need from the etheric substance. They use those chambers to make machines, equipment, objects for daily use and food. Some people prefer to prepare food in a traditional way - by growing vegetables and cooking. Free energy chambers are the main source of energy inside the Resistance movement and they produce physical energy out of the etheric substance. This technology is recently being replaced with tachyon energy which is not based upon electromagnetic radiation and is a clear source of energy of light. With tachyon receivers it is possible to permeate the physical matter with tachyons so that it becomes an emitter of pure light. This process is called tachyonization. By using this process they make wonderful refreshment drinks and change them into an elixir of life, which rejuvenates cells of their bodies. Cloning technology is developed to its perfection and with its aid everyone can choose a physical body according to his taste. People have no health problems except for occasional symptoms that have emotional origin. Eventual problems with inner organs are not removed with operations but with special materialization chambers. Their biotechnologists have developed so called bioskin that can heal up any physical wound in a few moments. With the use of nanotechnology they have developed miniature robots for removal of viruses and harmful biochips. Their computer programmers have broken into the mainframe computer of the dark forces. This computer has a program that controls thinking processes of humanity with a network of microbiochips that are implanted in the brain of every living human on the surface of the planet. A good example of this program is shown in the Matrix movie. When the program in the mainframe computer will be completely broken, the biochip network will begin falling apart and people will realize in astonishment that they have lived psychologically for years in a virtual world without any real contact with themselves, with each other or with nature and the universe. When was the last time that you have been watching the sunset?

抵抗運動的科技十分發達。而且它與 星際聯邦 經常性地聯係與合作。他們運用 傳送室的技術 來進行運輸,特別是向小行星帶,和X星。 他們用 實體轉化室(materialization chamber)把 以太體的物質轉為他們所需的,包括食物,日常用品,機器,工具。有些人更喜歡傳統方式:種植蔬菜和做飯。自由能轉化室(Free Energy Chamber)通過轉換以太物質為物理能量來提供主要的能源。這種技術最近被 超光速子能量 所取代。 這種新能量不像以前一樣是基於電磁輻射而是一種新的潔淨的能源。用 超光子接收器(tachyon receiver),可以使實體物質充滿超光子,並能因此發出自然光。這個過程被稱為 超光子化(tachyonization)。通過這種技術,他們能夠製造出 活化飲料(refreshment drinks)來活化他們身體的細胞。克隆技術也臻於成熟,每個人可以按個人愛好選擇自己的軀體。人們沒有任何疾病,除了一些與情感有關的症狀。內部器官的病因不用手術而是用特殊的 實體轉化室 就可治愈。生物科技發展出了 生化皮膚(bioskin),它可以短時間內愈合任何物理傷口。通過納米技術,他們發展了微型機器人,這些機器人能夠清除病毒和生物芯片。抵抗運動的編程人員已經侵入了黑暗勢力的電腦主架。
黑暗實力的電腦有一個能控製人的意識並聯係著被植入每個地表人的芯片的程序。一個好的例子就是 `黑客帝國Matrix ` 中,當生物芯片被粉碎,人們意識到他們一直在虛擬世界中生活著,主電腦程序就會失效。什麽時候是上一次你真正看到過日落?

Spiritual guidance of the Resistance movement is the Atlantean network. The Atlantean network also consists of three circles. The inner circle are few dozens of priests from Atlantis that have retreated from the surface 25 thousand years ago. They still have the same physical bodies since they have reached immortality. They were completely isolated for all this time without any contact with the surface in order to preserve the purity of their consciousness. They are the last unchannged remnant from Atlantis. They live together on a specific energy point inside the Himalayas and are connected in a special way with the Great White Brotherhood of Ascended masters and with the Lord of the world, Sanat Kumara. Their purpose is to be an inmermediary between the world of Ascended masters and the world of unascended human beings.

他們一齊生活在喜馬拉雅山內的特殊能量點並以一種特殊的方式與 `白色兄弟會-揚升大師`(the Great White Brotherhood of Ascended Masters)和世界之王(King of the world),聖納.庫瑪拉Sanat Kumara 聯係著。 他們為人類充當著與之聯係的媒介。
{LT:  揚升大師學說, 傳說中七個神聖的庫瑪拉 7 Kumaras [主要4個] Sanaka, Sanat , Sananda, Sanatana & [秘藏3個] Sujata , Sana,  and Kapila。
聖納的兒子是Sananda撒南達。楚雯的訊息說, 他在過去地球曆史上有七次化身:
撒南達庫瑪拉 -- 麥基洗德 --諾亞的兒子閃  --瑣羅亞斯德  --圖坦卡蒙國王 --拿撒勒人耶穌 ---當前的劍王(KOS)*劍王,是基督的再臨---這才是凱西預言,珍妮預言的重要內容。。{楚雯文章: [E.Trutwin]上- Sananda撒南達的身份曆史 與劍王KOS,2012年}  }

The middle circle of the Atlantean network consists of few hundreds beings that have contact only with the inner circle and the Galactic confederation. Their purpose is to preserve the legacy of Atlantis. The outer circle consists of few thousand members that have physical contacts with the Resistance movement and offer them spiritual guidance in the form of a mystery school which is a direct successor of mystery schools of old Atlantis. Sometimes they also influence the surface of the planet by sending spiritual impressions to those humans that are receptive for spiritual gudance from the higher mental plane. In the past some highly developed individuals from the surface were accepted in the middle and outer circle of the Atlantean network. Some of them have already reached their Ascension, some have left the Earth, some are still part of the Atlantean network. Underground palaces of the Atlantean network are wonderful, adorned with crystals, surrounded with waterfalls and running water. In crystal temples of Atlantean network the legacy of Atlantis is waiting for a time when on the surface it will establish a just world of New Atlantis

中圈包括幾百人,他們隻與最內圈和 星際聯邦 有聯係。他們的目的是保存亞特蘭蒂斯的遺產。最外圈有幾千人,他們與抵抗運動的人實際接觸並以一種能直接追溯到亞特蘭蒂斯時期的`神秘學的學校`的教學方式 提供給他們靈性指導。有時,這些人會影響到那些在地表上尋求更高靈性層麵的人類。過去,在此之中的一些高度靈性化的人類被接納進了外圈和中圈。有些早已揚升,離開了地球。
亞特蘭蒂斯網絡的地下宮殿十分美麗,裝飾著水晶,並被流水和瀑布環繞。在亞特蘭蒂斯的水晶廟宇中,亞特蘭蒂斯的遺產在等待著由人類在地表建立的 `新亞特蘭蒂斯`的誕生。


Ishtar Antares  About the Author:
I live and work in Slovenia, Europe. I lead Galactic Tantra seminars and am a Cosmic astrology consultant. I began leading workshops about twin souls in 1993 and was very active in the following few years spreading messages from the Ascended Masters about the transformation that Earth is entering into. I also wrote a book about this transformation called " Ascension Star" in Slovenian language. I translated it into English also but has not yet been published outside Slovenia. I spread knowledge about tantra, Light Body Activation, telepathic communication, group merger process and other higherdimensional teachings on group meetings and workshops in Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Ireland and USA.
I like to do workshops worldwide and I can travel anywhere if there are people interested to hear what I have to say. I am enclosing my program of activities. My contact phone number is celular: 386 40 236 600 and my email is antarion@volja.net .
The source of my information is Ashtar and Krotron of the Ashtar Command, the Pleiadians and a physical source that once belonged to the Resistance Movement. I belong to the Antara Star Family that originates from the Pleiades.
我喜歡做訪問在世界範圍內,我可以在任何地方旅行,如果有興趣聽聽我的學問。我附上我的活動方桉。我的聯係電話是celular:386 40 236 600,我的電子郵件是antarion@volja.net。
我的信息來源是: Ashtar阿斯塔和Krotron來自阿斯塔指揮部,昴宿星人, 以及一個[抵抗運動]的地麵來源信息。
我(本身)屬於 [安塔拉星族 /antares心大星]源自於昴宿星座。
範式轉變的博客  (2014-05-16)




中間結構和內圈可以與銀河聯盟Galactic Conferderation[GC]接觸,他們的目的是維護亞特蘭蒂斯的遺產。


Resistance movement 抵抗運動組織介紹
http://cobra.golden-ages.net/  [網站已經消失了.2015]

[抵抗運動 Resistance movement]
作者:  Cobra
In 1975, a certain intelligence agent under codename Michael was running for his life from Illuminati that were chasing him. He gathered around him a group of 12 operatives in order to protect himself. While on the run and in hiding, they discovered a maze of tunnels below the New York underground subway system. They entered the tunnels, disappeared from the surface and regrouped down there. So the Organization was born, having its main command center under the subway system ofNew York. Through the vast spy network that Michael still had on the surface, they have contacted many operatives that fought against the Illuminati and many of them went underground and joined the Organization.


Their main objective was to overthrow the rule of the Illuminati and give advanced technologies to humanity. Personal computers that we know now were developed with assistance of Organization and I have personally seen a room full with rows of computers as they were being developed in their main underground command center back in 1977. The Organization had contact with the positive civilization of Agartha that existed in subterannean caverns for millennia. They had contact with positive Andromedans already in 1977 if not before, as I have seen a sleek silver Andromedan cigar shaped craft in their underground hangar as well.
【組織】的主要目標是推翻光明會的統治以及將先進技術帶給人類。今天我們熟知的個人電腦就是在【組織】協助下發展起來的。 1977年,我親眼在他們的地下總部看過一個擺滿電腦原型機的房間。另外【組織】也有連係存在於地底洞穴中數千年的阿加森(Agartha)正麵文明社會。 1977年或更早以前,他們就已經與正麵的仙女星人有過交流,因為我剛好在他們的地下倉庫中看到一艘仙女星人的圓滑銀色雪茄狀飛船。

{{根據ACIO組織, 塔拉的報告:   1977 on BBC TV’s prime time, 5:00 o’clock news or something, there was an eclipse of the news and the Ashtar Command member said, ‘This is Captain Vrillon of the Ashtar Command’ and proceeded to warn the people of Earth that they would step in as these folks that were controlling the planet were to decide to use nuclear weapons again since 1945.  
1977年在英國廣播公司電視台的黃金時段,下午5點鍾的新聞什麽的,在新聞播放瞬間, 有阿斯塔司令成員稱, “這是阿斯塔司令部 `Vrillon隊長”,並著手警告地球上的人們,他們將會介入,  因為這個星球自1945年以來, 一直被(黑暗勢力)操控及使用核武器。
LT:   Vrillon艦長,事實上是在警告陰謀集團,請他們不要放恣。 不幸的, 在1996年, 黑暗勢力執政官發動了剛果入侵, 導至整個阿加森網絡受到重大破壞, 戰火無情。
所以,在1999年之後, 由撒南達和阿斯塔率領的`阿斯塔指揮部`將卷土重來,聯同所有銀河聯盟GC的力量, 向天龍-獵戶帝國發動地球解放之戰, 時間是現在。}}

In early 1990s, they had some influence in assuring that internet expanded from military ARPANET into public domain.
譯注: ARPANET美國軍方冷戰期間發展的電腦網路,現在網際網路的前身。
The Illuminati and off-planet dark forces launched an offensive in 1996 to destroy the Organization and there were severe physical battles in underground tunnels and caverns that almost destroyed the Organization and also nearly wiped out Agartha.

In the hour of need, a plan was devised to counteract this. In early December 1999, Pleiadians have contacted the Resistance Movement on planet X and ignited a massive uprising against Illuminati there. The Illuminati were overthrown in about three weeks and they had to flee to their bases on Mars and the Moon. At that time, many Resistance Movement freedom fighters have entered the underground tunnel systems on Earth to join the Organization in their fight. The two forces integrated and emerged as one and are now called Resistance Movement.

[地球的命運 1999 ]
在十萬火急當中,光明勢力進行了一個扭轉局麵的大計畫。 1999年12月初,昴宿星人連係在 X行星上抵抗運動(Resistance Movement),然後他們發動了一場對抗當地光明會勢力的大規模起義。
三個禮拜之後,X行星的光明會垮台,不得不逃往火星和月球上的基地。就是在這段期間,許多抵抗運動的自由鬥士進入地球的地下通道加入了【組織】。兩股勢力合二為一,形成了今天的 [抵抗運動Resistance Movement]。
{注:  X行星是一顆運行在太陽係邊緣的小行星。它跟傳說中的Nibiru尼比魯是兩碼事。
Cobra曾說, 整個尼比魯的故事並不是事實, 隻是撒迦利亞.西琴的錯誤解讀。}
Their increased joint force has turned the course of events and now the dark forces were in retreat. In 2000 and 2001 the Illuminati has lost their bases on Mars and the Moon and elsewhere in the solar system. With the assistance of the Pleiadians and other Galactic Confederation forces all remaining Reptilian, Draconian and Reticulan forces were cleared out of the solar system also in the same time frame. This set the dark ones into panic mode and they have staged 9-11 to preserve their last stronghold - planet Earth.
  新添的生力軍扭轉了整個戰局,黑暗勢力由攻轉退。 2000年和2001年,`光明會`失去了火星,月球以及其他的太陽係基地。{注: 光明會的SSP失去了火星上的殖民基地。
最終 Solar Warden太陽看守者行動SSP 也在2012年終止。}

{LT:  1999以來的世紀大戰, 昴宿星人抵抗運動, 阿加森力量, 阿斯塔指揮部(庫瑪拉的部隊), 天狼星軍團,仙女座軍團, 大天使軍團等等都參與了地球解放之戰。
本銀河[至尊神]的化身--(印度神話毗濕奴大神的第十次摩訶化身)是卡爾基.彌勒大神 Kalki Maitreya,
結束卡利尤加時代 Kali Yuga,
開啟黃金紀元 Satya Yuga薩蒂亞時代。
中國預言:  神龍巨醒, 大神們紛紛化身在中國;天上的神靈無不降臨在中國。鬥姆女神率九位皇太子投身在中國,
真實的曆史, 永遠比任何小說更加好看, 更加精彩。
銀河的壯麗實驗正式展現眼前! }

Planet X  [X行星]
Planet X is a planet in the outskirts of our solar system. Its surface is not suitable for physical life, but underground there is a vast system of tunnels and bases that was under Illuminati control until 1999 and is in the hands of the Light forces thereon .

   In 2002, the Pleiadians have given me exact data about characteristics and orbital elements of that planet. It has a rock interior and surface covered with frozen methane ice, which gives it a bluish hue. Its diameter is 9400 miles and its mass is 0.76 Earth masses. Semimajor axis of the orbit is 70 AU, and the inclination is 40 degrees.
Imagine my delight and surprise when I found an article by Japanese astronomer Patryk Lykawka, who stated in 2008 that »hypothetical« planet X should be composed of rock and ice, its diameter would be between 6200 and 9300 miles and its mass between 0.3 and 0.7 Earth masses. Semimajor axis of the orbit should be between 100 and 170 AU and inclination up to 40 degrees :

大家可以想像我發現日本天文學家Patryk Lykawka在2008年發表的論文的時候是有多麽喜悅和驚訝。 他”假設”有顆由岩石和冰組成的X行星。直徑約為6200到9300英裏之間,品質在0.3到0.7個地球品質之間。軌道的半長軸約為100到170AU,傾角達40度:
http://allesoversterren  kunde.nl/artikelen/755-The-mystery-of-Planet-X.html

     The main reason why the astronomers have officially not yet discovered this planet is that they are »told« by the Cabal not to report about it. Also, they are mainly looking for new planets near the ecliptic, but because of its highly inclined orbit this is not where planet X is to be found. Since it is a pretty big object, it would be fairly easy to see it even in larger amateur telescopes if you knew where to look. And oh by the way, it is NOT Nibiru and is NOT going to crash on Earth.

The Event

9-11 had not turned out as the Cabal had planned. Instead it served as an awakening trigger that helped many humans realize what is really going on beyond the propaganda of the mass media.

This new awareness has made it easier for the Resistance Movement to improve their plan of overthrow of the Illuminati on planet Earth.

Until 2003, they have managed to clear all the deep underground military bases and only the uppermost portions of those bases remained.

Since then, the Resistance Movement has infiltrated around 300 of its operatives inside Illuminati network, mostly in top positions in the military and intelligence agencies. Those operatives are undetectable and Illuminati have no idea who or where they are.

In January and early February of this year of 2012, the Resistance Movement has seized most of the gold that was in Illuminati hands. So if you are asking yourself where the Yamashita gold is, now you know the answer. It is not in M ariana trench , it is not in Fort Knox, it is not in cellars of private Rothschild villas and chateaux, it is not in vaults under Kloten airport, it is not in safes of UBS in Zurich, it is not scattered in safes of small banks around the world under Jesuit control. It is in underground chambers of the Resistance Movement, and after the Event it will be returned to humanity and it will serve as a reserve for a new currency which will mean abundance for everyone.
2012年1月到2月初,抵抗運動控製住了光明會手中的大部分黃金。所以如果你們想知道山下黃金跑哪去了,現在謎底揭曉了。它們不在馬裏亞納海溝,不在諾克斯堡,不在羅斯柴爾德家族的別墅或城堡的秘密地窖,不在瑞士蘇黎世機場的地下保險庫,不在瑞士聯合銀行的保險箱,也沒有散落在耶穌會旗下小銀行的保險箱裏。它們在抵抗運動的地下密室,並且在[事件The Event]之後歸還人類。它將作為新貨幣係統的價值儲備,而那意味著全世界的富足生活。

The idea to devise a plan to overthrow the Illuminati network was there ever since the formation of Organization in 1975. In 1977 I spoke with the man who conceived that plan. The document that Drake saw around 1979 was probably an early version of that plan. The early idea was for the military to take over and overthrow the Illuminati under the guidance of the Organization and later the Resistance Movement.


Because of the awakening that happened after 9-11, the original plan has been revised. Now, nobody is taking over the planet. The Resistance Movement will back up the military mainly only with intelligence data about Illuminati and some logistic advice, but will mostly stay behind the scenes. The military will back up civilian authority (federal marshals in the US and Interpol worldwide), which will back up local law enforcement to arrest the members of the Cabal.

The Resistance movement has experience with overthrowing the Cabal and liberating planets, since they did this on planet X in 1999. They have constant physical (not telepathic) contact with the Pleiadians and other positive ET races within the Confederation, which give them daily intel about every Cabal member, where they are, what they do, even what they think. The Illuminati now have nowhere to hide.

No human authority will decide when this is about to happen. The final word when the Event is to happen is coming directly from the Source. This is an event of cosmic importance. The last planet under the grip of the dark forces is about to be liberated and this is going to send ripples of Light throughout the Galaxy.
任何人都無法決定 [事件The Event (地球事件)]發生的時間點。
神聖本源[源頭]會直接下達啟動 [事件]的最終命令。屆時地球這個最後一個被黑暗勢力掌控的行星就會重獲自由,勝利的神聖之光將會回蕩在整個銀河。

Just before the Event, the Source will send a pulse of Light through the Galactic Confederation and the Pleiadians will instruct the Resistance Movement to use its 300 operatives on the surface of the planet to contact the key people inside the military and law enforcement and then the operation will start.

After the operation is successfully completed, there might be people that would like to take advantage of the situation by setting their own governments, confiscating funds... Because the Cabal will be taken care of this does not mean that human greed and lust for power will be exterminated. They are simply part of the character for a certain percentage of unenlightened human population. Rest assured that the Resistance Movement knows who those people are, their actions are being monitored and they will not be allowed to take advantage of the situation.

Until a certain degree of awareness on the planet is reached, the Resistance Movement will be working behind the scenes for the benefit of humanity. At a certain point, most likely not long before the First Contact with the positive extraterrestrials, they will make themselves public .

They have created a fund of 120 trillion dollars, which will be given to humanity along with other prosperity packages. They are in possession of very advanced technologies, mostly of extraterrestrial origin. They will provide some background assistance in putting forth 6000 inventions that were developed by geniuses around the world and then suppressed by the Cabal. After that, they will introduce some of their own technologies that are even more advanced.

This blog was created under instructions from the Resistance Movement with the purpose of instructing the surface population about certain developments in 2012. Many surface operatives of the Resistance Movement read this blog as it contains some coded communications for them. Internet is the easiest way to give them certain not very sensitive intel, at least that part which can be safely transmitted through this public channel. In the future, the Resistance Movement may decide to give some communications to general public and then this blog will become an official communication channel for the Resistance Movement on the surface of this planet.
Cobra  http://2012portal.blogspot.hk/

Etheric Archon Grid

Etheric Archon grid must be removed to a great extent for the Event to happen. For the Light forces to be more successful in removing the etheric Archon grid, more awareness of its existence is needed among the general population.

Etheric Archon grid is present in a thin layer that extends 8.6 miles upwards into the sky from the surface profile of our planet and also 8.6 miles downwards from the surface profile into the Earth's crust. The backbone of the etheric Archon grid is a network of etheric hyperdimensional black hole wormholes which contain billions upon billions of reptilian and amoeba-like entities. When the Light from the Galactic central sun hits the wormholes, they cough up those entities who in turn begin to attack any Light beings they can find, those in incarnation and those on the non-physical planes. This is the reason of energy attacks that many lightworkers and light warriors are experiencing. The non-physical Light forces can remove the released negative entities after some time and teleport them into the Galactic central sun, but until then usually some damage is done already. Again, if more awareness is present about what is really going on, the Light forces will be more effective in protecting us and removing those negative entities.
以太執政官網格的位置是在從我們的星球地表向上延展8.6英裏的一個薄層內以及從地表向下延展8.6英裏的地殼中。以太執政官網格的基礎結構是一個以太的超維度黑洞蟲洞網絡,在它裏麵存在著數以億萬計的爬蟲人和阿米巴變形蟲態的實體。當來自銀河係大中央太陽的光擊中這些蟲洞時,它們便會把那些實體噴吐出來,而那些實體就會反過來開始對它們能找到的所有已經轉生的以及存在於非物質層麵裏的光之存有發起攻擊。這就是許多光之工作者和許多光之戰士正在經曆到的能量攻擊的原因所在。非物質的光明勢力將在一段時間後把那些已經出現的負麵實體移除並傳送到銀河係的大中央太陽裏,但往往在這之前,破壞與損失就已經造成了 。所以再次,如果人們能更多地意識到什麽事情正在發生著,光明勢力就能更有效地保護我們並移除那些負麵實體。

The etheric Archon grid is controlled by a very small group of etheric Archons who give their orders to millions of etheric Draconians (sector commanders), those to billions of reptilians (warriors) and those to amoebas (semi-conscious elemental beings that just obey orders without questioning).

The Archons control the grid with advanced etheric technology. The whole etheric plane within the 17.2 mile layer controlled by the Archons is permeated with strong electromagnetic field chambers that can distort space-time structure according to the program of the etheric mainframe computer program which directs the flow of etheric energies worldwide in a way that controls humanity the most. These chambers detect all positive thoughts and emotions and if these are too powerful, the chambers send a signal to the etheric mainframe computer which then tightens the grid of distorted electromagnetic field around the person experiencing positivity, effectively shutting it down. If this is not enough, it activates additional ELF chambers with a low frequency infrasound hum that suppresses the person, with additional electric pulses sent into the solar plexus chakra to shortcircuit the kundalini energy, shutting it down. This is sometimes combined with strong electromagnetic fields around the third eye chakra, disorienting the mind and making the person sleepy or almost drugged. Along with that, strong negative thoughtforms are projected, constantly bombarding the mind of the person.

Apart from all that, every person in incarnation has an energy amoeba parasite attached to the solar plexus area, which tries to control the emotional life of that person. It also connects with amoeba parasites in other persons, orchestrating conflicts.

Etheric Archons transmit data from the etheric mainframe computer into the physical Black Box which is in possession of one of the main Italian black nobility families and is connected with the physical mainframe computer of the Cabal (》the Beast《) and then linked to mainframe computers inside NSA. Although the Light forces have managed to put a computer virus into the Black Box, this virus has not been as successful as we have hoped.
 {{備注: 有關以太執政官網格的經典文章是這篇:[ET執政官]以太黑暗網格矩陣  Etheric Dark Matrix - 由Cameron Day卡梅倫.岱和Cobra眼鏡蛇先生分別寫作的。http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b8abff8401016476.html }

感謝如水light [2012貼吧http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2980931868]
紅寶石之壁博客 (2014-04-14)[http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_43607aad0101gf94.html]


[Cobra訪問]地下分離文明與阿加森網絡 201509月
Cobra: 一般來說,在人類曆史上有一些主要的地下派係集團。有爬蟲人(蜥蜴人)/天龍星人集團,他們對整個行星有著強大的影響。實際上那些爬蟲人集團和地表的犯罪份子有聯絡,那些犯罪組織其中一些也會有自己的地下網絡,尤其在全世界各大城市下麵,他們與爬蟲人和天龍星人合作 。
 然後又有一些組織叫做逃離團體[esape group]。那些人從地表上撤離,因為他們不喜歡地表的環境於是轉到地下。 他們建立了自己的分離文明[breakaway Civilization]。一些是來自古希臘,古埃及甚至亞特蘭蒂斯。當地表出現大變動,很多人會進入地底建立他們自己的分離文明。很多那些文明開始互相接觸,這樣阿加森網絡便形成了。
      很多那些團體在1996年執政官的入侵後被滲透。在那些地下區域發生了很多戰鬥,許多人死了,尤其在1996-2001,2002年。因為地下有數百萬人死亡, 出於安全理由,那些組織和地表切斷聯係。然後我們還有抵抗運動,抵抗運動我已經介紹過很多次。




 Fall of the Archons Update
[地球盟友]Cobra - “執政官的墜落”情報更新

There is a certain important operation of the Light forces taking place behind the scenes under strictest secrecy. Insiders have been instructed to release no significant intel until this is completed. That is the reason why apparently »nothing« is happening, except for usual Fukushima and Dinar / RV hype.

The only thing I can say about this operation is that it is related to removal of all remaining Archons from the planet and also related to removing the real cause that allowed darkness to spread across the Galaxy millions of years ago in the first place.

On the physical plane, the current Archon leader is now living in a small provincial city not too far from Rome. He came to Earth in 1995 through a portal in a deep underground military base near Verona to prevent the Ascension and planetary liberation process which was in full force then, and to prepare and organize the Congo Archon invasion in 1996. Obviously he does not belong to old Italian black nobility. But he is very well connected with them and with the Jesuit network through the following three main communication nodes:
在物質層麵上,執政官當前領導人實體居住在一個離羅馬不遠的地方小城裏。1995年這個實體經由 (意大利維羅那市附近的一個地底深層秘密軍事基地(D.U.M.B.S)的傳送門裝置跳到了地球,目的是為了阻止當時正如火如荼開展的行星解放和跨維度揚升進程,同時也為了準備和組織1996年的剛果執政官入侵戰略計劃。顯然他並不屬於古老的意大利黑色貴族派係。但他通過以下三個主要通信節點,與黑色貴族和耶穌會網絡保持著良好的聯絡。


His role now is to maintain the quarantine status of planet Earth and to »prevent certain things from happening«.

The main Archon black nobility families still worth noticing are Farnese, Orsini, Aldobrandini and Chigi.

The Farnese family is the main architect of the Cabal as they have created the Jesuits with a little help of the Borja family back in the 1540s. Immediately after that, they have built their first Pentagon in Caprarola near Rome:


In their »map room« inside that building they have shaped the destiny of the world during 16th and 17th centuries:

It is interesting to note that the world map from the 16th century shows Antarctica, which was officially »discovered« in the 1770s. Around that time the Farnese have decided to use Jesuit Adam Weishaupt to create Illuminati, elevate the Rothschilds to power and move the Farnese seat of power to Washington, DC. They have built their second Pentagon there. It is also interesting to see that Larry Farnese, a member of the family, is a senator:
值得注意有趣的是,這張16世紀的世界地圖上畫上了南極洲,但官方曆史中南極洲才在1770年代被世界"發現"。也在那個時候,法爾內塞決定利用耶穌會士成員亞當.魏薩普來建立“光明會”、提高羅斯柴爾德家族的權利地位、把法爾內塞的權利中心移到華盛頓。在華盛頓他們建起了第二個“五角大樓“(美國國防部)。有趣的是拉裏.法爾內塞Larry Farnese是該家族的成員,他是一個參議員:

The Orsini family has a very strong connection with the Reptilian race and is the main connecting link between the physical and non-physical Archons. They are the ones who created the pact between the Reptilian race and the Roman Catholic Church. Long time ago, their main portal was in the underground tunnels beneath Pitigliano. That system of tunnels went all the way to Orvieto and in underground chambers beneath Orvieto they have stored the Vatican gold. The Orsini family lost a lot of their power in May 2010 in a major operation of the Light forces codenamed Mission Blue Shield.

The Aldobrandini family contains members of the original group which chose to experience separation from the Source millions of years ago. They have in their possession secret documents about the existence of Atlantis and fragments of rituals of Atlantean mystery schools. This family is aware of the importance of the Goddess energy. There is a certain fact about this family that will be made public after the Event and will surprise many people.

The Chigi family are bankers for the Jesuits and they control Banca Monte dei Paschi de Siena. As I have stated over a month ago, the Eastern Alliance is disrupting their financial machinations and here are the results:

All these families are losing power rapidly and the Cabal is losing support that was covering their backs for centuries. Besides that, the Cabal is now worried about this:

感謝如水light [2012貼吧http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2980931868]
紅寶石之壁博客 (2014-04-14)[http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_43607aad0101gf94.html]

原文地址:抵抗運動組織被美國揭秘文檔證實        作者:-山裏的小溪-



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