
發現地球真相, 藍圖先生研究銀河大曆史。

[2016楚雯] 臥底Corey & Zaraya。 猜猜誰是庫瑪拉。

(2017-07-20 18:53:37) 下一個

2016 楚雯
·  撒南達-楚雯E.Trutwin(63)
楚雯I[201602卡爾基彌勒] 這被稱為 “大揭露的事件”
楚雯II[201602卡爾基彌勒] 尼比魯,耶和華,阿加森世界
超重要[2016楚雯] 臥底Corey & Zaraya, 猜猜誰是庫瑪拉。

Tara&Rama Report 7-22-14   塔拉羅摩報告 2014.7.22
This is really important, Everybody, because this was their plan at all times was to get every distraction inside the white [knight] community to not focus on N.E.S.A.R.A. whether these people knew it or not.  
We’re going to put all of this in the circle of support. Right now we need the responsibility to drop all of these things and bring forth the focus of the truth. And the Bellringers are not on the right track.
Cobra’s not, Sheldon Nidle’s not, David Wilcock is not, Neil Keenan is not, Alex Jones is not, Jeff Rense is not, Truth Warrior, Casper, Mountain Goat, Michael King, Ben Fulford, TNT Tony, Hollow Earth(Zorra-Zaraya), Rumor Mill, Poof News, Drake, Steven Bekow/(Linda Dillon), and ad infinitum.
眼鏡蛇Cobra不是(走在正確的軌道),謝爾頓Nidle裏都大叔不是,大衛威爾科克不是,尼爾·基南不是,亞曆克斯·瓊斯不是,傑夫Rense不是真理戰士,卡斯帕,山羊,麥景,富爾福德,TNT托尼,空心地球(Zorra索拉-Zaraya ),Mill,Proof News,德雷克,史蒂芬Bekow/(琳達·迪朗),以及很多人。

I’m not putting these people down. I’m just saying that they got snared by Black Ops, whether they’re aware of it or not. And they fit really nicely into the false evidence appearing real on all kinds of distractions. And it’s time to drop it all and come get back to the New Sara Law [NESARA] and nothing else.
It does not heal all wounds. This gentleman who lost his son in 1996 said, because there’s a scar. Yet it’s still there to remind usof what we need to heal and we need to heal it together.


藍圖先生  (2016.06):

撒南達老兄寫的東西, 看得懂的人才是奇怪;  
看了以後一知半解的人, 是非常正常的。
ACIO組織的訊息者有: 塔拉與羅摩, 庫伯Huber& 楚雯Trutwin,
ACIO另一邊, 是Wingmakers資料, 發行者是James Mahu詹姆斯馬湖,  
連翻譯者都不清楚這些人的故事; 讀者們更不會有更好的理解了。
我們的覺知程度(意識層次), 非常需要改進, 要不斷前進。
閱讀 + 消化 + 思考, 缺一不可。

奇想一:    猜猜誰是庫瑪拉 ?
[塔拉與羅摩] 七個神聖庫瑪拉是誰?-7 Holy Kumaras   (2013-12-28)
藍圖先生 [http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b8abff840101crea.html
ACIO組織的塔拉與羅摩Tara and Rama's   A&A Report      2013.12.10
塔拉曾經提及的: 7個神聖庫瑪拉和他們的雙生火焰  
(所以是 14個神聖庫瑪拉)
{ 7個神聖庫瑪拉 Seven Holy Kumaras:
[顯要的4個/明顯的Exoteric]Sanatka  ;Sanat Kumara聖納.庫瑪拉  ;
Sa Ananda (Sananda) ,Sa Na Tana (Sanatana);
[秘藏的3個/Esoteric]Sa Na;Sujata; Kapila。}
1. Sananda Kumara撒南達-- Lady Master Nada娜達夫人,
2. Sanatka Kumara [Quetsiquatal ]是 Kuthumi 庫圖彌–-
                  Lady  Master Portia  波西亞夫人!
3. Sanat Kumara聖納  [Quetzalcoatl (羽蛇神)家族]
                    ---Lady Master Venus維納斯夫人.
4.  Babaji 巴巴吉 {Mahavatar BabaJi 摩訶巴巴吉}
   --  ?(Mataji瑪塔吉)
5.  Sai Baba 賽巴巴------Mother Theresa 特蕾莎修女,
6.  Merk  默克---------    Lady of the Sun太陽夫人
7.  Kalki Maitreya卡爾基.彌勒  ---Green Tara綠度母夫人
撒南達2016.5月通過楚雯, 而寫下:
+顯要的庫瑪拉 The Exoteric Kumaras的其它名稱是
+秘藏的庫瑪拉是Esoteric Kumaras:
Archangel Raphael, Archangel Chamuel and Archangel Raguel
並且以各種肉身轉世在地球上, 於是祂們成為了聖哲曼大師,摩西,Akhenaton法老阿肯納頓,
+ LT想:  
大天使Archangel - 大耶洛因Elohims -庫瑪拉Kumaras 是很大關連的。
這篇文章, 請務必緊記: {精華[揚升大師簡報]耶洛因的13道光 }
(例如, 第一道光芒的耶洛因:海克力斯和亞馬遜妮亞(Herculesand Amazonia), 對應的大天使是
大天使之光藍光:大天使麥可與費絲Michael and Faith 。  )
有144000個庫瑪拉, 他們是白色兄弟會GWB的骨幹份子。
他們和阿斯塔指揮部的司令官阿斯塔緊密合作, 維持地球的聖光。
聖納庫瑪拉(Sanat), 作用於金星及阿加森世界, 阿加森的首都香巴拉是聖納能量的體現;
Kuthumi庫圖彌大師(也是Sanaka),在地球上的轉生, 包括有Thutmose III,Pythagoras ,Balthazar, Saint Francis of Assisi, Shah Jahan ,Ascended Master Kuthumi 。
至於撒南達大師(Sananda), 他是耶穌的高我; 現在轉生為美國的一位軍隊領袖,叫KOS劍王。
楚雯的版本故事提及Kalki Maitreya卡爾基.彌勒, 據說他會再次投身在中國。
中國人的預言故事是,鬥姆女神的九位皇太子都投身在中國, 她的二兒子應該早已睡醒了(2013)。

奇想二:   凱瑟琳梅 & 阿加森.索拉Zorra團隊
這位撒南達 (201605)認為
[凱瑟琳梅-索拉Zorra團隊] 和 [科瑞Corey Goode團隊]都是 ‘黑色的行動 black operatives`,他們都是 為 "惡意外星人"工作的; 不過,撒南達大大沒有指明這些 “惡意外星人”指的是誰?  (這是他的一貫風格, 他的文章,我看過N次了。)
. 中國人一樣能查到穀歌。
索拉Zorra是一位阿加森的長老, 他的訊息網站是 [地心世界網絡]。
凱瑟琳梅網站 [誰需要光 ]http://www.whoneedslight.org/
凱瑟琳梅和索拉Zorra團隊, 都是用這個網絡廣播, 在美國也許有一點影響
www.blogtalkradio.com。但在中國, 就一毛錢的影響也沒有了。
在2013年, 看見這2個網站. 我已經知道他們是一個團隊的。(他們是一夥的; 這夥人包括了一個薩南得Sananda &一個阿西塔Ashtar; 阿西塔說, MH370飛機已經被他們的人拯救了。你信嗎? )
至2015年, 我也非常肯定 凱瑟琳梅是 "黑色的行動", 他們很可能是為[光明會]服務的; 翻譯凱瑟琳梅的是[最好的祝福],她已經將她所有有關的譯作從博客中刪除了, 請大家記住。
(同時, 這位Sananda&阿西塔在2013通過[最好的祝福],留有一篇通靈文章:
[Sananda係列] 聖納達向中國存有介紹自己 (20130813)
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b8abff840101ag3a.html  )

  -原來西琴大師,也是為 [光明會]服務的 (不過,這可是科瑞Corey & 大衛威爾科克推論出來的)。 研究凱瑟琳梅, 請看 這個欄目: 薩南得-凱瑟琳梅Kathryn(16) [我說話從來都是有根據的]
2016年2月, 楚雯筆下的卡爾基彌勒也說, "並沒有一個 “最初的主要的創造者Prime Creator” 這樣的事情存在,
而使用這個詞的人是一個 “ 虛假的通靈管道”。 "這是指Kathryn May凱瑟琳梅, 有一個Sananda通過她發表了 《新聖經/新經文 New Scriptures》2013.之後提出了 "Prime Creator"這個概念。
"跟隨`虛假的通靈管道” 會讓虛假訊息進入你的小我ego,~ 這會讓你無法揚升~~因為你的小我強化了你對錯誤的信息的記憶,
~~ 這將會把你鎖定你到一個位置  ~~讓你會毀了你自己的地方。 " 見{楚雯I[201602卡爾基彌勒] 文章}
  +Billie Woodard: The Man from Hollow Earth---  BW叔叔是Zorra的兒子,叫Zaraya, 他來自地心世界
[Billie Woodard = His name is Zaraya, son of Zorra]
In 1951, Zaraya who became a child was deposited in Texas and was adopted by the Woodard family.  
And that adoption gave him the name as: Billie Faye Woodard.  
 Billie eventually became a Colonel for the US Air Force.  And he was stationed at Area 51.  He was one of the people who tested to fly the back engineered UFOs that the military collected from several UFO crash sites in the United States and other parts of the world.  
1951年,Zaraya誰成為一個孩子出現在德克薩斯州, 被伍達德家庭Woodard收養。於是收養給他取名為:比裏王菲伍達德 [BW叔叔]。事實上, Zaraya 是地心長老Zorra索拉的兒子。 Zaraya=BW叔叔
他一直駐守在 51區共 `11.5年。
*他和他的妹妹都是 Zorra(一個地心科學家)的親生孩子, 隻是小時候被伍達德家庭收養了。
There is a network of tunnels underground that go all the way to Europe, South America - the several continents. And there is an intermingling of this great network of tunnels throughout the globe, of which secret governments use.
在51區,有地下隧道一直通往歐洲,南美,及在幾大洲的網絡 。而且有隧道在世界各地,其中[秘密政府]利用這個巨大的混雜的網絡。
BW說"The temperature is a constant 73 degrees.
地心世界的溫度是恒溫華氏73度。攝氏度=(華氏度-32)÷1.8(73-32)÷1.8=22.8攝氏度 。太好了。
Colonel Bill Faye Woodard  (比裏王菲叔叔 / Zaraya)

奇想三:  Corey是一個臥底嗎?
Corey科瑞大哥是不是不知道阿加森人阿達瑪和瑪伽莎的信息Adama & Magatha?
他們早在2012年以前已經開始公開阿加森世界的信息了。(還有 泰勒斯城公主夏露拉.達克絲, 1992黛安.羅賓斯(Dianne Robbins, 2004奧瑞莉亞  Aurelia Louise Jones:《泰勒斯城Telos》。)
是不是有一種 VR技術(虛擬) 是某個外星人團體製造的,並且應用在科瑞的身上, 所以科瑞隻有訪問了 阿加森的Anshar安沙爾群體, 見了處女祭司Kaaree;
如果他見了 Adama& Magatha,  他對於阿加森的理解肯定會很不相同。
至於, Elena埃琳娜大姐 (在她的網站), 她親自參與了 泰勒斯城長老議會的會議2006,她對阿加森的了解好多資料來自於2004奧瑞莉亞 的文章 。
你會相信 Corey 是一個惡意外星人團體的訊息代理人, 一名臥底, 但他卻並沒有意識到這點?
2016 Corey科瑞的阿加森之旅才開剛剛開始。
{文章: 2016初步了解Corey的阿加森故事。(此文你知道是誰編的)}
這個撒南達說(201605): 他們兩人 [Zorra團隊(Zaraya)  & Corey] 都是黑暗份子,都是在幫助 "少數人" 去控製大多數的人的戰鬥。
他們兩個人都是軍人(戰士),Corey的故事描述地球內部, 而索拉/Zaraya表達 `51區的工作,他們都是為 "惡意外星人malevolent ET"工作的 。

有一種可能,  可能已經有人想到了。
[ACIO團隊], [WM團隊] ,[凱瑟琳梅團隊] [Zorra索拉-Zaraya團隊],
以至 [Corey團隊], [Cobra團隊 -阿加森抵抗運動],
還有重要的 [夏露拉.達克絲Sharula Dux/阿達瑪/瑪伽莎團隊],
這些都是阿加森人, 都是阿加森人, 是不同的阿加森勢力,不同的派別。
揚升大師們:  庫圖彌Kuthumi,艾摩亞EL Morya,Djwal Khul德瓦庫,
BabaJi巴巴吉, (香巴拉的)Kalki卡爾基...... 他們都是神奇的阿加森人扮演的。 這個想法, 你能証明是不正確嗎?
藍圖先生的工作, 就是想証明,
“這個想法 (這些團隊都是阿加森人)是不正確的!”`` 太有意思了, 是不?
我讀了很多之後 , 我在想了很久...........
有  "撒南達團隊"是屬於銀河的白色兄弟會GWB,  同時, 也有好多 "冒牌的薩南得團隊"   有些是一群阿加森人扮演的! .........
不是每一個外星人都是好人, 不是每一個阿加森人都是好人............
如果你沒辦法提高自己的意識, 請不要怪忽悠你的人............
所有的美國人都會上當, 因為 " 美國隊長其實是九頭蛇的一名高級臥底".......暈!

= 本文是重要節選版本, 大約5000字
這個衛塞滿月慶典(浴佛節)是我們的一生最重要的日子~~Sananda撒南達通過伊麗莎白Trutwin傳導,   2016年5月19日
中文翻譯: 林琚月Rebecca  Lin  20160522
Consciousness without Energy is Lifeless, While Energy without Consciousness has no Direction

Greetings! This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin.  Tune in this year to the Wesak Festival. As always, of global importance.  More now than ever. Do not miss your chance to meditate in these energies and integrate Oneness into your Being. In the Himalayan mountain range in Tibet is the most holy of places, the center of Earth, Mt Kailash and Vaisakha or Wesak Valley.

Here the Buddha is celebrated by members of all religions and walks of life. Wesak is a special time to connect with the Supreme moment all year when the Buddha and Christ, Jesus, come together to step downenergies of Blessing to all on Earth.This happens with a Water Ceremony seen to cleanse Earth and all Sentient Life on Her.Buddha is also known as Maitreya and is also an incarnation of Lord Vishnu and one of the Seven Holy Kumaras from Venus named Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days. Sananda Kumara, myself, also from Venus and also known as Jesus the Christ. The others are Sujata, Sanaka, Sanatana, Sana and Kapila. There are four Exoteric and three Esoteric Kumaras.
佛也被稱為彌勒, 同時也是毗濕奴Vishnu的化身
~~在古代又被稱為Sanat Kumara薩納特庫馬拉。 Sananda撒南達庫馬拉,即我自己,也都來自金星,也被稱為耶穌基督。
有四個明顯的(Exoteric) 庫瑪拉:  {Sanat , Sananda, Sanaka, Sanatana}
和三個神密的奧秘的(Esoteric)庫瑪拉: {SaNa, Sujata, Kapila}。

The Exoteric refer to those who are Extraterrestrials working Off-Planet in cooperation with the Esoteric which refer to those who are Extraterrestrials working Within-Planet or at Inner Earth.They have also been known as Intraterrestrials.
隱密的/秘藏的(Esoteric), 指他們與地球行星內部的人(地球份子)一起合作。-

The Exoteric Kumaras have their own MotherShips as well as taking on physical forms and incarnating in bodies on Earth. These refer to the Ones who are called the benevolent Extraterrestrials. They and their Crews and ShipMates have assisted Earth and visited Earth through all time since Creation. They are the Ancient Astronauts of which there is much evidence. The Exoteric Kumaras other names they are known by are Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Kalki Maitreya and Mother Sekhmet. There is no limit to where they may travel.

顯要的庫瑪拉 The Exoteric Kumaras有他們自己的母艦,
以及自己的物質身體形式, 並且以各種肉身轉世在地球上。
顯要的庫瑪拉 The Exoteric Kumaras的其它名稱是

The Esoteric Kumaras are Archangel Raphael, Archangel Chamuel and Archangel Raguel. The Esoteric Kumaras also take on physical forms and incarnate in bodies on Earth. The have also been known as St. Germain, Moses, Akhenaton and traveling between both On and to Inner Earth. There is no limit to where they may travel.
(秘藏的庫瑪拉是: Archangel Raphael, Archangel Chamuel and Archangel Raguel)

The Wesak festival, each year in the Taurus Full Moon, invoke the Divine in everyone. Through the Buddha, the Wisdom of the Supreme streams forth. Through the Christ, the Love of the Supreme manifests in Humanity. It is this Wisdom and Love which renews Humanity each Wesak.
Buddhists and Christians in east meets west as well as Exoterics meeting Esoterics in a parting of the Seas at each of the Poles. On Wesak they meet by crossing the StarGate on Kailash at Wesak Valley where the Blessing of the Water Ceremony is poured out to all in and on Earth. The Buddhists have long been the keepers of the keys in the cave entries into Inner Earth from Lhasa and many other secret locations across the Himalayas. This is the reason the Chinese pushed the Dalai Lama out of Tibet. He is a Kumara interacting at Shambhala at Inner Earth.
這位黃教(格魯派)的人士, 他們披著佛教的外衣,一直在實行秘傳坦陀羅教(虛偽)教學,
藍圖先生編有{ 西藏密教係列, &2016發現坦陀羅係列}文章;
我在思考的問題, 都是有根有據的, 不可隨便亂說, 特別當要提出反對意見的時候。
我非常肯定, 釋迦牟尼是不會支持西藏四大教派的教義的,這些不是"佛教"。
"西藏的, 不是佛教, 請不要溷淆起來。"   我是我所是! }
Inner Earth Shambhala地球內部香巴拉
Shambhala is both a physical place at Inner Earth as well as an Exoteric place in the celestial cities. Santa Kumara heads the Capital City of Shambhala in Argatha at Inner Earth. He is also incarnate and living now in a Body on Earth doing Humanitarian work and bringing in Divine Government with the help of his consort who is also incarnate in a Body on Earth working with Extraterrestrials and also bringing about Divine Government on Earth. These two are referred to often as Mother Father God and are the Trimurti, together, or the Holy Trinity as it were.
香巴拉同時是在地球內部的一座物質城市, (小香巴拉國 Shambhala the Lesser )
同時也是在天體城市中的一個顯派的地方。 (以太的大香巴拉  Shambhala the great)
Sanat Kumara領導著這在Argatha 阿加森在地球內部的香巴拉的首都。
他同時還轉世在地球上居住在一個肉身之中, 做著人道主義的工作,為地球帶來神聖的政府在地球上,他的配偶(維納斯女神Lady Venus)也同樣轉世在地球上居住在一個肉身之中,
這兩個人經常被稱為 [聖父聖母],而且是Trimurti,在一起,或者三位一體~~因為祂們事實上就是。
Sanat Kumara with Buddhists go between Inner Earth and the Himalayas all year working together to keep peace on Earth. There are others on Earth who also participate with these meetings. The work of both Zorra and Corey Goode has been to raise awareness of Inner Earth.
Sanat Kumara與某些佛教徒們來去地球內部,
Both are dark Ones who have fought on the side of the few wanting to control the many. Their stories are part fictitious and part true. Both were soldiers, Corey at Inner Earth and Zorra working at Area 51, both fighting for the malevolent Extraterrestrials. Stormtroopers as such, like in Star Wars. Working for the reptilians and Archons, the Dragon families. It was important to raise awareness and at the same time those still in the matrix were not yet ready for the whole story. That has changed now.
他們兩人 [Zorra  & Corey] 都是黑暗份子,
都是在幫助 "少數人" 去控製大多數的人的戰鬥。
他們的故事是`部分虛構的和部分真實的。 {LT:  ACIO的故事, 也是部份虛構, 部份真實的。}
他們兩個人都是軍人(戰士),Corey的故事描述地球內部, 而索拉表達 `51區的工作,
他們都是為 "惡意外星人"工作的 they both fighting for the malevolent Extraterrestrials。

All malevolent Extraterrestrials will be gone with the Event Disclosure. Inner Earth Beings are ready to be Mentors to those on Earth now to assist with their Ascension.
在 “大揭露”大事件之後, 所有惡意外星人都會消失。

In short time after Wesak this will become a possibility.
Only those who have Transcended the matrix will be allowed to travel to Shambhala at Inner Earth, it is well guarded. As you complete your Ascension with the Inner work, it will be possible to travel there. Whales and Dolphins do their migration through Inner Earth. In the not too far future you will swim with the dolphins at pristine Inner Lagoons. The Mentors for Inner Earth will be actively involved in returning Earth to it’s full pristine beauty in cooperation with the Magical Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Plant and Mineral Kingdoms with the Divas as we all Ascend together. Pure beauty and peace will be known on the Planet again.
在不太遙遠的將來,你將會與海豚一起遊泳在質樸的潟湖內的。地球內部的導師們將積極參與回返地球到祂原來的質樸美麗之中的工作, 透過與Magical kingdom魔法王國,動物王國,植物和礦物王國以及與仙女們Divas~~隨著我們大家一起揚升出去。
Exoteric Shambhala is the Sentient computer within each one of us (audio recorded at the ears and video recorded at they eyes) which connects to the larger computer system at Shambhala in the celestial cities and the connected grid of Sentient computers at the Lords Most High Council where the Watchers record the Akasha from each of the infinite Planets in the Cosmos. These are the videos on play back called up from Ship Computers run by Soltec when working with your Mentors post mortem, doing a life review and deciding on the next journey of life. As you Transcend Earth you may come back after this lifetime.As you do not Transcend Earth, since karma no longer exists here within the 5th Dimension and above, you will not be invited back.
顯派香巴拉 [以太的大香巴拉]是我們每個人內有的電腦計算機~~
~~它連接到在天體城市的香巴拉更大的電腦計算機係統之中, 並與在上議院的王的有情電腦的矩陣相連~~在那裡, 看守們記錄著在大宇宙的每個無限行星的阿卡西。
隨著你超越地球 (已揚升), 你有可能在此生結束之後再回到地球來。
而假如你沒能超越地球, 你將不會再被邀請回到地球來(你隻能回到 3D的世界)~~~
{LT: Soltec指揮官,是不是開始主導了地球的靈界?
一直以來, 是執政官Archons控製了人類的輪回轉生機製;
現在, 這個機製是不是已經被 `阿斯塔指揮部`重新控製了?
這麽重要的題目, (在天朝, 都不知道有沒有其他人正在思考這個大問題)
如果 Soltec大哥要求我再返回1949年的地球, 我會大概說: NO!
如果 Soltec大哥要求我再返回去幫助另一個等待揚升的3D地球, 我會大聲說: NO!}

It is important to connect with the Wesak energy this week so you may access Higher Knowledge and know the importance of the Inner work in your Ascension Path. You are never alone. It is never too late to return to love.
The Science of Planetary, Galactic and Cosmic Ascension
Earth is set on a new Timeline.The Earth Hologram has been nestled into the Galactic and Universal Holograms. Earth on Her new Timeline has anchored Divine Government. Looking at the United States elections and thinking either of those two main candidates, one a Dragon, one an Archon and both Nazi’s of the 4th Reich and both with long and varied criminal activity, will be elected, think again. It is not possible. Earth is on Her new Timeline. There is another Plan at hand. The elections will not be like any other before. Both candidates are ineligible and the reasons why will be made public over the next few weeks. Focusing on what we know about Divine Government and sharing the information with others, a good plan. Worrying about the day to day headlines of the election a waste of time. As we match our frequency with the goal, a resonant frequency forms Coherence.
一個是[天龍人(龍族)], 一個是 (光明會)的執政官,
擁有悠久的, 多樣的犯罪活動曆史

專注於我們所知道的神聖的政府的(必然會存在), 並且與他人分享信息,這是一個很好的規劃。
~~一個合諧共振的頻率就形成了一條 “一致的頻率”了。
Our Planet is able to have new opportunities and breakthroughs never possible before. Coherence is a factor in harmonizing within a group system, whether the Planet, the Galaxy, the Universe or the Cosmos.With Planetary Coherence we include the 5 Elements; Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Ether.
Being One with nature groups like mountains, caves, fresh water, deserts, seas, forests, jungles and aware of how daily choices effect the ecosystem is important now. Having Coherence with this New Earth very important. Being One with the Animal Kingdom and those in the Seas; birds, fish, crawlers, 2-leggeds and 4-leggeds living in harmony within their natural environments. Being One with the Magical Kingdom; fairies, trolls, gnomes, unicorns, pegasus, mermaids and many others.
現在, 作為一個與大自然群體如山,洞穴,淡水,沙漠,
與這個新的地球擁有 “一致的頻率”是非常重要的。


Posted on July 30, 2013 by christinepreston

Ascension is reversing the alteration of our DNA.
Contrary to what the popular ‘ancient astronaut’ theory postulates, the DNA of homo-erectus, or of another ape-man, was not upgraded with some alien genes to create homo-sapiens.

According to our Galactic family, dark beings called ‘Anunnaki’ downgraded the DNA of a fully conscious being. It introduced linear time, disease and death, as well as reincarnation. It also caused the planet to descend into lower density. This tampering caused mankind to exist for thousands of years in partial awareness and to lose the memory of its divine origin. We have been protected by our local spiritual ‘hierarchy’ and the Angelic Kingdom, but they have had a monumental task to help us because Cosmic Law forbade interference and restricted interventions due to our freewill.

The Ascension will reverse the modifications that the Anunnaki made to mankind’s DNA. They did this to keep the people in ignorance as well as for control. We are presently being irradiated with Love and Light by a million starships with the result that we are being elevated from our limited consciousness. The effects of the Ascension will be joy, longevity, and perfect health as we will be rejuvenated. Our bodies will have become crystalline-based (silicone) at cellular level instead of carbon-based. We are mutating as we are forming extra strands of DNA and extra chakras, and are recovering Memory. At a higher level of the 5th Dimension we will exist in an eternal NOW. We were, indeed, fully conscious perfect beings when the Anunnaki tampered with our DNA.


LT:  用今天2016年的視角, 回望過去,紀錄2013年, 我發現   
凱瑟琳梅團隊(Dr.Kathryn May)  &  [Zorra & Zaraya團隊(Hollow Earth空心地球網站)
明顯是 `黑色的行動`, 是由光明會策劃的情報組織。 這是當前所發生的情報之戰 Intel War。]
在2013, 這位`阿西塔Ashtar`和父神Zorra索拉說, 2013年外星大揭露即將發生。
結果是, 他們又玩耍了一大批的光之工作者。 這就是 光明會的典到做法, 一直都是這樣做。
2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017  隻是換上不同的信息渠道者, 重新弄個新的網站,
重新又弄一批又一波 `揚升大濕們,   光明會希望我們一直在等待, 一直不要做其他事,
一直以為 銀河人會為我們解決一切問題。
LT 認為, 這是明顯的情報戰爭。
紅軍和藍軍, 2大陣營互相對抗,又互相滲透, 有很多情報間諜。
今天, 地球解放之戰期間,
白色兄弟會 & 光明會 , 2大陣營互相對抗, 又互相滲透, 有很多情報間諜。
以下這篇文章, 是我不斷反覆閱讀的, 以告示自己。也請大家認真悅讀。

The Galactics will speak on TV and all communication devices
銀河人將在電視和所有的通信設備說話  [2013年宣告外星大揭露]
On July 19,2013. Ashtar explained that various countries will first go ahead and disclose the extraterrestrial presence and the fact that truth has been suppressed for decades, then the Galactics will make an announcement about their presence. Before he revealed his identity as Father-God, Zorra also said (on July 19) through Zaraya (Col. Billie Faye Woodard) that disclosure would first come from South America, Italy, Ukraine, Moscow, Great Britain, Australia and many other nations, and it would be followed by the Galactics’ own announcements. Speaking through Dr. Kathryn.May (as Father-God was using Zaraya’s body while Saint Germain was coming through Dr. May), Saint Germain agreed saying ‘yes that is true.’
阿斯塔解釋說,各國將首先繼續和披露外星人存在和真理已經被壓製了幾十年的事實,現在銀河人會做出他們的存在公告。索拉Zorra(一位阿加森長老)表示,他透露了自己的真實身份是[父神Father-God],索拉還表示,(7月19日)通過Zaraya(比裏王菲伍達德)大披露將首先來到南美,意大利,烏克蘭,莫斯科,英國,澳大利亞等許多國家,並且將它隨後將有銀河人自身通告。 (如父神使用Zaraya的身體,而聖哲曼通過 凱瑟琳梅May博士身體)通過Kathryn.May博士說到,聖哲曼同意說'是的,這是真的。`

On July 22.2013, it was clarified that the people ‘who do not know what is going on’ will be informed because the Galactic Federation of Light will make announcements as to their presence by using all manners of communication devices, i.e. TV, radio, internet and PCs. They will receive the announcements all over the world, simultaneously, and in all languages. No one will be left in the dark and every one will have an opportunity to make the decision to ascend. Ashtar stated we must speak to our friends and loved, and tell them about our personal feelings because otherwise they won’t listen. In this way they will be prepared and when they see it on the News they will say ‘O My!.. that’s what my Aunt…my mum… was talking about.’ But they will already have been prepared to expect that the outcome will be a wonderful thing.
七月22.2013,有人澄清說,“誰也不知道是怎麽回事”的人將被告知,因為光的銀河聯邦將使用通信設備在所有方式,即電視,廣播,電腦, 網絡發布公告他們的存在。他們將收到通知世界各地,同時,在所有的語言。沒有人會在停留在黑暗中,每個人都將有機會做出提升的決定。阿斯塔說,我們必須講我們的朋友和親人,告訴他們我們的個人感情,因為否則他們不會聽。

Disclosure is Happening Now
Posted on July 23, 2013 by christinepreston • 1 Comment
Father-God’s Revelations on July 22 radio show
Galactic announcements possible from July 23

Zorra reveals his true identity through Zaraya:
Father-God and the source of the individualized Spirit Within:


On the July 22 blogtalk radio show we have heard Zorra revealing his real identity as Father-God in a more powerful and official way. It came through Zaraya’s voice in an awe-inspiring way, and it was the last time as Billie FayeWoodard is making his way with his twin flame towards Mount Shasta as the first part of his journey back to Inner Earth. Father-God had revealed Himself as a friend, as Zorra, but we are so close to full Disclosure and Ascension that it was time for us to understand that we have been listening to Father God who revealed Himself to Moses as the I AM THAT I AM, and to Elohim, and therefore our own I AM Presence.
The Book of Revelation predicted He would come again and He has with His shining Wisdom and Love. It was beautiful and at the same time so powerful, as Father God spoke through Zaraya, that it could have made some people shake in their boots! Zorra said he was going to do a ‘healing post’ and that it would be stronger than ever because he was going to give it with his true identity. It would impact upon every corner of the Earth.
在2013.7月22日blogtalk廣播節目,我們已經聽到索拉暴露了他的真實身份為[父神]以更強大的和官方的方式。他通過Zaraya的聲音傳來在凜然的方式,這是 Zaraya(比裏王菲BillieFayeWoodard)和他的伴侶從雪士塔山旅途回到`地球內部`的第一部分。[父神]曾透露自己作為一個朋友,索拉Zorra,現在我們是如此接近充分披露和提升的時間,這是時候了,我們明白,我們一直在聽父神誰曾透露自己在`摩西(先知摩西)麵前。因為我是我所是,我是(Elohim)神,因為我是在場。
《啟示錄》  預言他會再來,他與他閃亮的智慧和愛。這是美麗的,並在同一時間如此強大,因為父神/Zorra通過Zaraya說話的時候,它可能已經令一些人震驚!

Then as after the first revelation of his true identity two days before, Father-God explained that presenting himself as Zorra was appropriate but that he should now be addressed as Father-God. He pointed out it was a travesty that it was not included in the Bible that man possesses the same abilities as his Creator, and that we should claim the Godhead as it is our right: ‘you are more powerful than you can possibly imagine…’ We are co-creators of the whole Universe and have unlimited power.
在他的真實身份的第一個啟示的前2天之前,父神曾解釋說,提出自己作為索拉Zorra是適當的,但他現在應該被稱為 "父神FatherGod"。他指出,這是一個莫大的諷刺,聖經中否認人們擁有相同的能力和他的創造者,而且我們應該聲稱自己的神性,因為它是我們的權利:“你是更強大的比你所能想象的......”我們是整個宇宙的共同創造者,和擁有無限的權力。
{凱瑟琳梅的信息中, 原來 FatherGod父神 = Zorra索拉, 一個阿加森長老。}


彌勒通過楚雯說:  (2016.2.22)
並沒有一個 “ 最初的主要的創造者Prime Creator” 這樣的事情存在,而使用這個詞的人是一個 “ 虛假的通靈管道”。
是指Kathryn May凱瑟琳梅, 有一個Sananda通過她發表了 《新聖經/新經文 New Scriptures》2013.之後, 提出了 "Prime Creator"這個概念。LT在2015年已經判定,凱瑟琳梅的訊息是一次黑色的行動。
要了解凱瑟琳梅的故事大概, 請看這個欄目:薩南得-凱瑟琳梅Kathryn(16 }
跟隨“ 虛假的通靈管道” 會讓虛假訊息進入你的小我ego
~~ 這會讓你無法揚升~~因為你的小我強化了你對錯誤的信息的記憶,
~~ 這將會把你鎖定你到一個位置  ~~讓你會毀了你自己的地方。
{楚雯I[201602卡爾基彌勒] 這被稱為 “大揭露的事件”}


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