
發現地球真相, 藍圖先生研究銀河大曆史。

[E.Trutwin楚雯201406: 我們銀河的曆史和大揭露

(2017-07-19 20:54:29) 下一個

ACIO,現時的阿斯塔. 精選文章:
1. ACIO[2014簡報-新譯] 阿斯塔之路.阿斯塔自傳   (阿斯塔之路網, 阿斯塔的自傳)
2. *[ACIO楚雯] 阿斯塔指揮部的一份簡要  (附上.阿斯塔與銀河聯邦一書中,阿斯塔的介紹)
    * 庫伯與楚雯: 近期的美國負麵外星人的一份簡史
3. ACIO[2011楚雯]   阿斯塔.銀河大揭露;
[2014E.Trutwin楚雯] 完全銀河大揭露 ---從頭細說
 [E.Trutwin楚雯201406: 我們銀河的曆史和大揭露

楚雯201406上: 我們銀河的曆史和大揭露

2014,  楚雯寫作的非常精彩的故事。
這篇文字, 放在楚雯網站的主要位置  (201407)。http://elizabethtrutwin.org/   
上:  探討耶和華, 路西法 墮落, 形成內巴頓物質的宇宙
下:  探討地球大實驗的結束, 揚升的意義。

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Our Galactic History and the Path To Disclosure by Elizabeth Trutwin
By admin in Uncategorized on June 21, 2014.
 妙觀察博客  (2014-07-10 16:33:11)

作者:    E.Trutwin 楚雯   2014.6.21
機器翻譯, 藍圖先生   校改    2014.07.14
"I would like to speak to that statement : The Highest Forces of Light are working together with the Galactic Federation and the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds with others to assist Earth in becoming a Planet of Peace. These High Beings will help us gather all we need to get the job done. We must as members of a Galactic Civilization cure the issues we created. No one is going to do this for us. We are required to take the action steps to get it done.
Disclosure is inevitable in the process. We cannot have Peace without Disclosure." ~Elizabeth Trutwin, Galactic Roundtable
我想說話的語句:最高力量正與銀河聯邦和世界與星際聯盟,以協助地球成為和平的星球,這些高級生命將幫助我們收集我們所需要的。要完成這項工作,我們必須作為一個銀河文明的成員去治好自己,我們創建的問題, 我們自己解決,沒有人會對我們去做,我們必須采取的行動步驟來完成它。

1。澤塔Zeta  Reticulans   (其中一群是灰人)
這是很難知道該相信什麽。來自德國,俄羅斯和 美國的領導人都用了三個不同的群體外星人的會議。
兩組比較,澤塔Reticulans和天龍座阿爾法既利用了人類為自己的目的,是想傷害人的過程中。我們 的政府(美國)同意這一點,並提出與這兩個群體的聯盟,以換取外星科技。
第三類(銀河聯邦)是地球的創造者/建築者,以及人類和它們是地球的守護者,並致力於幫助人類克服灰人 與天龍星人,他們被破壞的地球母親和她的居民在地球內部和表麵上的破壞地球。
銀河聯邦是一個秘密警察治安員與前哨遍布銀河係。他們在人員上月球和火星到地球與太 空之間的相互通信。他們是我們的祖先,並在過去的生活在地球上。海軍上將撒南達和隊長阿斯塔命令在新耶路撒冷號飛船上。他們的旗艦新耶路撒冷號飛船為5000公裏的直徑 和12層深。你想象那是美麗和完美的地球上的一切都在那裏在完美的狀態,他們也創造新的植物,新種品種,以及各種新的生命形式來和填充地球一次。
一些外星人生活在地球上現在它們看起來就像我們。他們看人類的每一個,即使他們離開地球回到自己的家對他們的母艦新耶路撒冷號飛船上,其中1200萬男性和女性成 為地球守護者的方式。他們的海軍上將是   撒南達庫馬拉和他的七次轉生在地球上的, 其中一次是耶穌。此外,  隊長阿斯塔。他們在一起是負責這個內巴頓宇宙Nebadon的。他 們是在主LINCOR的命令誰說了第七個超級宇宙之中。我們在地球不知道名字,因為我們的銀河係的曆史已經湮沒。我們銀河係的總理是 Lord Salvinton薩爾文頓勳爵,他任職於銀 河係中心監督/總理的活動。銀河係中心是26度Sagitarius我們的星圖,有一個黑洞存在。該Scorpi黑洞。當人類第一次來到地球,他們通過 Scorpi黑洞不遠萬裏來到這裏的大飛船從光物質宇宙到暗物質內巴頓Nebadon的宇宙。誰第一個來到這裏的144,000人分別在飛船一起旅行。
現在我 們把它們稱為古代的神。   我們在我們的古代典籍中提到的每一種文化的每一個主要的宗教。他們被稱為在吠陀,聖經,十二宮,翡翠石板,以諾書,五經,在 PistisSophia
比提斯索菲亞書,奧義書,語料庫Hermeticum和Masnavi, 以上隻是僅舉幾例。
上古之神,天使和天使降臨到地球上的天空紡輪和翅坐騎。這是誰看 起來完全像我們一樣的外星人。他們到這裏的外星人對抗灰人與天龍星人。他們來這裏是為了保護人類免從自我毀滅地球。
          這個(內巴頓)宇宙的故事開始於反物質宇宙。反物質的宇宙就像是底片在這個意義上,一切都是相同的,因為它是在這個問題上的宇宙中,除了它是在第12維。這是做出來 的光。在光物質宇宙萬物是由光的,而不是身體。在光物質在靈魂的存在,宇宙光的珠光球,它是無形的境界和靈魂乘坐浮沿作為意識收集到的光體。當他們在地球 化身,他們稱自己為光之工作者。他們正在努力恢複光在地球上。他們正在努力提高人類的意識回到啟示。他們的工作到Ascend提升人類和地球與他們。 450億年前Mother &Father父母神一起來到愛,光,和平和歡樂的宇宙聯盟。他們決定進入一個神聖聯盟與創作分享他們的愛情。當他們走到了一起,在 這個高潮的聚會,他們創造了數萬億和光相同MotherFather父母神的微小火花萬億單子。我們在那一刻所有的創建。意識中所含的光球也被稱為等離子體能 量,這些火花在意識的幅度增長。隨著意識的這些數萬億和萬億流入旁邊MotherFather父母神的時間和永世永世他們幫助創造了七個超級宇宙。
這些火花的每一個是雙生火焰精華 ,他們是完整的整體。每一個,在光領域為雙床光芒,神聖的女性和男性的神聖能量走遍合並為一張小光號。當我們最終陷入了件事那 麽我們體現在物質與形式的團體,男性和女性。創建在同一時刻這些男性和女性雙胞胎(雙生火焰)。這些火花的靈魂是完整的告訴對方,他們成長的 幅度和智慧,一起流入對方MotherFather父母神一體。由於這是發生了星星,太陽和行星正在形成七大超級宇宙SuperUniverses。一些光的火花經曆 了更多的智慧,這是從MotherFather父母神在一個思想傳播從一個意識轉移到另一個。這些火花的幾個漸漸長大,你可能會說的是新領導者。這三個或四個,我 們可以稱之為母親/父親上帝的女兒和兒子。
第一個出生的兒子和女兒是耶和華YHVH(雅威)與Lilith莉莉絲。他的老名字是耶和華,他的雙火焰是莉莉絲,他們有一個名為路西 法一個兒子。在今天的一些聖經版本這些的都被描繪成上帝,這就是這個故事他們一直隱瞞真相很長一段時間的miscreation (錯誤創造版本故事---例如聖經故事)。他們不希望你記住你也是一 個創造者的神,他們不能讓你的控製。你是一個主權存在。

    母親和父親神是上帝化身為生活在地球上現在人類的身體。他們回來在循環到Ascend提升地球,並協助銀河聯邦在任何需要的方式結束。他們來這裏是為了讓地球恢復和 平的星球,讓銀河聯邦的外星船可以降落在地球上。他們將與他們帶來自由能的重力推進和治療設備,僅舉幾例。這些東西將免費提供給所有在地球上。他們將在這 裏的土地,他們將在這裏做出自己的家園。他們是我們的家人,我們的銀河係列家庭。當我們化身,當我們離開我們的身體在死亡,我們是從何而來,回到我們在銀河聯 邦的船員 (其他星體)地方。這是適用於任何光的工作者們。

接下來發生了什麽叫做 – 墮落Fall。 它描述了光的一些火花如何保持在12維,他們也不會下跌/墮落。這些問鼎被稱為Elohi艾洛希天使  (不墮落者)。在著作中,他們被稱為神,而長期被認 為是黑暗的。這是一種錯誤的教學。該Elohi艾洛希天使是不會下跌。在一些著作據說是沒有這樣的東西作為墮落的天使,那就是假的。它僅僅指的是立體層次所在的 天使居住。這意味著他們陷入更加密集形成機構5D,然後存在的第三個維度。第三個維度是非常低。光的火花永遠不會在他們最瘋狂的夢想本來以為他們 可能是不幸降入第三個維度。下麵的第三個維度的生活變為結晶的礦物或複合形式也被稱為非生命的存有beingness。真正的事實已經被隱藏起來,所以 (解除)真理禁運將比你知道一個更大的故事。
(LT:  不墮落的天使,高等生命, 稱為艾洛希。之於, 墮落的,稱為墮落耶洛因Fallen Elohim。)

  大中樞太陽誰是  父阿爾康Alcyone這完全滲透到整個宇宙,並支持所有其他太陽的光。他擁有與母親賽克麥特Mother Sekhmet他的雙胞胎火焰為 MotherFather父母神的位置。其他名稱,他們被稱為是毗濕奴 Vishnu和拉克希米Lakshmi。誰從來沒有失寵了,從來沒有 (墮落)跌破12D天使彌補Elohi艾洛希天使,其中包 括大天使和天使的其他軍團。

真正誰(墮落的)下跌的天使是路西法,耶和華Jehovah和光組成的  ‘13個家庭’試圖控製地球的火花。
耶和華的地球上最近期的化身是阿道夫·希特勒。路西法的 地球上最新的化身是羅姆尼Mitt Romney. (米特·羅姆尼(Mitt Romney):美國商人、政客,2012年美國總統大選共和黨候選人之一)。。你會驚訝地知道切尼,希拉裏和斯大林的心靈史。所有的玩家在黑暗勢力的靈魂同核心小組誰最初開始的墮落天使新地球的化身。他們 化身為皇室(權力中心)的目的,這樣他們就擁有所有他們需要控製地球。這種模式不能結束沒有激烈的行動。現在是時候結束的業力和逮捕的星際戰爭罪犯,  所以地球可以開始一 個新的周期,我們將調至 (新時代) 薩蒂亞尤加Satya Yuga.(時代)。

我們知道我們正在進入大實驗,它僅僅是這樣的:在我們的掌握在12個維度,我們想知道,如果我們能記住我們是誰,如果我們陷在第三維度,同意所有的麵紗將在那裏遺忘發生。我們回想起那麽這將是很容易的。我們在關於宇宙的家鄉,有23的Sun太陽係統產品的  ‘極光Aurora Sun係統’,每個周日有12和14之間的行星軌道運行它 們。有Nibiru尼比魯其存在的輕物質宇宙降入Nebadon內巴頓之前曾是第23個太陽係統和  極光Aurora Sun是第一個周日之前把所有的墮落天使下來的。
耶和華為 MotherFather父母神的第一個出生的兒子發動戰爭 (叛變)對極光Aurora Sun的23 Sun係統。他和他的兒子路西法已經聚集許多誰就會成為墮落的天使(墮落耶洛因) 而發起戰爭。就在這個時刻億萬年前,當雙生火焰分離和路西法的雙生火焰Karula和耶和 華雙火焰莉莉絲Lilith被他們的雙火焰放下,這是兩性之間的戰爭的開始。  
此時莉莉絲和她的兒子路西法開始有很多孩子在一起。這是一個令人深惡痛絕,令人憎惡的卑劣的行為,他們創造了各種 形式的惡魔。他們的後代今天在地球上。At this point Lilith and her son Lucifer began to have many children together. This was an abomination and they created all forms of demons. Their descendants are on Earth today.
(LT:  這是在顯示, 母親莉莉絲和兒子路西法在亂倫。他們的後代,統治了地球。那些是半人半神的生命。)

The Event marks the end of the Grand Experiment for one and for all. We end time. We become a Planet of Peace headed by the Prince of Peace. We go back to Zero Point. We install Universal Law and Divine Government on Earth. We become the 33rd Member of the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds. We live within NESARA Law. Ships land. Extraterrestrials live among us without veils in place.
       “事件-地球事件The Event”將標誌著地球大實驗結束 (即將到來)。我們會結束時間。我們會成為和平的星球由和平之君為首。我們會回到零點。我們地球上的恢復普遍律法和神聖的政府。我們成為世界的星際聯邦的第33個成員。我們生活在NESARA法內。飛船降落。外星人生活在我們中間, 除去麵紗。
當我們第一次掉進了第三維,我們成年人和我們的身體有一個平均3000年壽命。’死亡’不是始 祖亞當車身Adam Kadmon body設計的原有的部分。在這個人形模型生命的原始 DNA, 計劃是永恒的。我們是不朽的神仙。當耶和華開始交戰,那是因為他提出了在他心中的一個疑問。他提出,也許他的父親並沒有創造他作為一個平等的,也許他並沒 有以他的形象(父親)來創造耶和華,  他有了懷疑。他的第一步是要告訴他的雙胞胎火焰,莉莉絲他並不需要她做陪伴。他從他的另一半分開自己。他忘記了MotherFather 父母神已決定走在一起,聯盟是為了呼吸愛到生命的一切。所有這一切都從一開始就設在愛。這不是剛剛誕生的光,而且還注入了愛在母親和父親的神。這是怎樣的  “自我心態”成了我們每個人編程。我們通過過濾器運行我們的頭腦,如果我不夠好,我必須總是(要做)正確的和沒有人會愛我。溶解 “自我”心靈和這些程序是必要的揚升程序。沒 有捷徑可走。每一個靈魂必須得到這個工作為前提,以揚升升天。
      行星Maldek矛迪克的用於火星和木星之間存在現在拚成的小行星帶,  現在包括了像穀神星和灶神星Ceres and Vesta小的行星。不僅是Maldek的摧毀,但風刮麵過火星。它也投了水從 火星表麵到地球的海洋。這發生在一年的過程中與地球的水再增加66%到現在表麵的75%被水覆蓋。黑暗陰謀集團運行美國宇航局NASA知道這一點,他們不斷隱瞞的故 事,在那裏,他們的月球車是尋找水在火星表麵上。這已經持續了30年,這個故事是在紐約時報的檔案,要回他們一直奔波在尋找火星上的水故事,80年代初的索 引。
曾經關於Maldek的有兩個城市被稱為Valdure和瓦拉Vara。他們擁有核武器互相指著對方,  就像華盛頓和莫斯科早在1980年代。曆史重複著。
Valdure和瓦拉的兩個城市有自己的核導彈坐在自己的筒倉,並有地震和震顫的星球,Maldek的。還有的是發生在城市的一個(一次) 地震活動。一個在孤島 之一的核導彈開始來回晃動筒倉內。它被揭去它的中心在筒倉探測報警。在遙遠的城市的電腦得到觸發。對立的城市地震活動誤解為核打擊,使他們在核打擊推出了各 自的導彈。其中有地震活動城市看到了導彈前來的道路,於是發動核還(攻)擊。3天後,   行星Maldek成了超新星。多次核爆炸了地麵的基礎設施。

耶和華的星艦被稱為144,000的船舶。這些是庫瑪拉 Kumaras來自金星。究其原因,耶和華毀滅極光太陽係統是因為他需要一個跑道進入Nebadon內巴頓的宇宙。他是 在輕物質宇宙和他有他想控製物質的想法(形成內巴頓,重物質宇宙)。他從麵上炸了一個洞在空間/時間/連續區間,這實際上造成了物質宇宙的誕生。他覺得如果他能控製物質,他可能會成為跟他的父親一樣偉大。這是偉大的實驗在地球上現在是結束的時候了。    原來耶和華和路西法  共同題聯 “行星王子” 的時候耶和華下墮的144,000船員 (人)。術語
“次神(低級的神)Lesser God”來自耶和 華的感覺不如他的父親。這是不正確的。耶和華和路西法說服許多墮落的天使加入到他們的黑暗勢力-----(注: 即墮落耶洛因們) 。這些靈魂繼續體現,並留在地球輪迴, 與黑暗領主為伴。   後來, 耶和華和路西法都被MotherFather父母神趕 走了,並被擠到了宇宙的另一個區間。耶和華去獵戶座在那裏,他繼續他的戰爭。路西法去Maldek, 後來由核浩劫摧毀。
      當時,  撒南達庫馬拉是在運送時 (當時有144000人),耶和華征用它(Nibiru)。這是一個意外的劫持。這是一個非常痛苦的經曆,有些人非常害怕自己的意識被撕開遠離其容器。撒南達發誓在那一刻, 他不會休息,直到這一暴行得到糾正。他化身在地球上七次,現在是糾正這大墮落的時候了。  現在 撒南達與天使長米迦勒  共同持有 “行星王子”的稱號。因為144,000 船員被疏散的班車(飛船) 的生死任務的恐懼是在墮落的一個主要因素。此外,由於船舶被應聲落地,   進入重物質宇宙-內巴頓。這是一個非常不愉快的 經曆。有在那一刻沒有回頭路可走。這是  “地球事件”在發生時, 參與人(大家) 在沒有恐懼的情況下發生, 一項要求。否則, 它僅僅是行不通的。


背景資料, 整個大故事的敘述, 可先看
{楚雯2013: 地球大實驗紀要。}   (請百度一下,下載)


 楚雯201406下:  我們銀河的曆史和大揭露
Our Galactic History and the Path To Disclosure by Elizabeth Trutwin
By admin in Uncategorized on June 21, 2014.
 妙觀察博客  (2014-07-10 16:33:11)

作者:    E.Trutwin 楚雯         2014.6.21
機器翻譯, 藍圖先生   校改    2014.07.16
[揚升的世界和意義] -------- 太超乎想像, 作者提出驚人的觀點!

Ascension means being born back into the Laws of One. Universal Law. That begins in society as NESARA Law. This Law has the Divine Feminine as a basis. We will no longer have free will choice. Free Will is based on polarity, right and wrong, duality, karma, suffering, fear, reincarnation, light and dark. Free Will choice means we have the choice to choose dark. We will no longer have free will choice and we will no longer live in Illusion.
We will live in Harmony with all Life forms. We will exist in the Light. All who cannot sustain their vibration here will no longer be here. We will be free to Go Home. We will have the ability to travel past the StarGates. All we do will be governed by love. In the past they said we needed to be born again into a body. That was misqualified teachings.
The Higher Teaching is you must be born again of Water and the Holy Spirit.
Of Water means you have the ability to travel beyond the StarGates. Of the Holy Spirit means the Divine Feminine.
It means you are operating from Divine Law which is balanced once more in the masculine and feminine in Unity and Love together. Those are amazing teachings that have been lost, really, to humanity. They were taught many thousands of years ago. You had to go to the Mystery Schools to learn those things. As the Ships land children will again learn these things in school. They will learn about their chakras and the 144 centers of light in the body and how to activate and use those centers inside the body.  These things were written into an additional forty-five Books of the Bible and they were later cut out. We have been dumbed down and the veils stay in place and make Ascension infinitely harder than it is.

        揚升Acension是指回到一個 (宇宙的)普遍規律/法則。開始在社會實行NESARA法。此法案具有神聖的女性精神作為基礎。我們將不再有 [自由意誌的選擇]。自由意誌是基於極性 (二元性), 對與錯,對偶,因果報應,痛苦,恐懼,輪回,光明與黑暗。自由意誌的選擇意味著我們必須有可能選擇要選擇黑暗。我們將不再有自由意誌的選擇,我們將不再生活在幻 覺之中。我們將生活在和諧與所有生命形式。我們將存在於光。所有誰也無法維持其振動,  將不再出現這裏。我們將自由回家。我們將前往過去的 [星門]的能力。我們所做 的一切會被愛所規管。
在過去,有說在揚升後,我們需要重生回到人類身體內。這是misqualified 誤導的傳言。
 [高等的教學] 是我們將回到  “水和聖靈” 重生。
‘水’Water ---意味著你必須前往超越 [星際之門]的能力。- (成為-水)
聖靈Holy Spirit’-是指神聖的女性能量。
這意味著你是從神法而得到平衡的,一旦男性和女性能量在團結和愛一起運行。這些教導都是已經丟失了,真的,這是人類驚人的教誨。 他們被教導許多幾千年前。你不得不去  [神秘學校] 重新學習到這些東西。在飛船之中,孩子們又學到這些東西在學校裏。他們會了解他們的脈輪和光身體和如何激活和 使用體內這些中心的144光中心。
這些東西被寫進聖經之外的四十五本書之中的,但它們後來被完全切斷(刪除了)。我們一直在簡單化和 遺忘麵紗留在此地,使 揚升進程顯得無限難度,異常困難。
(LT注:  現在, 馬航370中的一些光的工作者, 正在學習神秘學校的課程,   他們學習揚升, 他們將要成為 ----水 Water。-----------這個觀點,新穎有創意。水, 可以自由進出星門, 到宇宙深空間旅遊。)

At the very same time Maldek exploded becoming the Asteroid belt, including some larger pieces which became smaller Planets, including Ceres and Vesta there was unrest on Earth. The Galactic Federation Secret Security Forces of Earth and Mars were in constant contact just like today. This massive explosion of magnitude proportions blew all the water off the surface of Mars. The Seas of Mars were thrown out into Space it took out our original Moon. Earth originally had two Moons, Phobos and Demos. They were thrown out of orbit with Earth and got stuck in the orbit of Mars. The Galactic Federation then put the hollow satellite artificial Moon called Luna into Earth’s orbit. The Earth was originally two-thirds water, but now it’s three-fourths water. The water from Mars was thrown out into Space and the Earth’s gravitational pull threw the water on to Earth’s surface. This is what was known as The Flood. It took one year for the water to fall to Earth. Commander Kla-la is the actual Designer and Engineer of the Giza Pyramids which were actually formed on the Planet Aldebaran and then placed on Earth through Ship technology. Khu-fu (THOTH) was the pharaoh at the time so his name went onto the pyramids. Under the pyramids, even in South America, all over China, all over Egypt are stabilizing generators. These are maintained by the Galactic Federation Ships. They are a part of the Earth Energy Grid.
在同樣的時間,Maldek矛迪克的爆炸成為小行星帶,其中包括一些較大件,  也有逐漸變小的行星,其中包括穀神星和灶神星  Ceres and Vesta, 對地球不平靜。當時, 地球和火星上, 銀河聯邦秘密安全部隊都在不斷的接觸就像今天一樣。這種大規模的幅度比例的爆炸,炸毀所有的火星表麵上的水。火星上的海洋被扔到太空形成了我們原來的月亮。地球原本有兩個衛星 (月亮),Phobos and Demos.。他們被拋出地球的軌道,和被困在火星的軌道。於是, 銀河聯邦然後把空心的衛星人造月亮叫做  ‘月神Lunar’進入地球軌道—(今天的月亮)。地球原本三分之二的水,但現在它的四分之 三是水。從火星上的水(海洋) 被拋出到太空和地球的引力投擲水到地球表麵。這就是被稱為洪水 (注: 幾十億年前的洪水, 形成今天的海洋)。
它花了一年的時間,  (火星的)水下降到地球。指揮官KLA-1a是 吉薩金字塔Giza Pyramids  ( 形成於畢宿五上),然後通過船隻(飛船)的技術放在地球上的實際設計者和工程師。    -Khu-fu(透特Thoth)是當時的法老王,所以他的名字放在金字塔。根據金字塔,甚至在南美洲, 中國各地,在埃及遍地其實都是穩定的發電機。這些都是由銀河聯邦船舶維護的。它們是地球能量網格的一部分。
(LT: 這個金字塔估計有 上萬多年曆史。透特(法老)的年代, 是13000年前, 還有 13萬年前? 以後慢慢考究吧。)
阿特蘭提斯的下沉 (~~約 10000年前吧)
On Earth the dark Cabal were doing experiments with the Great Crystal of Atlantis. They were warring with those in China at the time. In an attempt to subdue the people of China the dark Ones of Atlantis they focused the Great Crystal Energy by laser beam. The sent the laser beam into the center of Earth. Once one enters Inner Earth there are about 800 miles of magma and then it becomes conclave and that is where the Civilization of Agartha begins where there are Seas and Mountains, Land  and Cities. The Inner Earth Sun is called The Terra.
It utilizes the energy from magma and forms a reflection of the Great Central Sun, Alcyone. This reflection forms a cobalt blue ball of light which makes sunlight for Inner Earth. This light can be seen as the Aurora Borealis. When that laser beam came in it caused a huge reaction with the sun called The Terra, and shot a beam of light back out of the center of the Earth into our atmosphere. It caused Atlantis to go cataclysmic, and 24 hours later Atlantis sank. When the light beam was refracted it effected the Great Crystal and it broke into three pieces and it is still on the bottom of the Atlantic ocean between Bermuda and the Canary Islands. This broke the infrastructure of Earth’s Energy Grid. There was a lot of nuclear energy that shot out into Earth’s atmosphere. This was when Noah got into his amphibious StarShip and took as many Atlanteans as he could on his Ship to Agartha, Inner Earth. They spent time there until the Earth settled down after the nuclear explosion of The Terra, the sun at the center of the Earth. After that destruction there were many Atlanteans that were refugees. They came to Egypt, Maya in Mexico and India and they repopulated Earth. At that time they were visiting each other in their StarShips. Lemuria, the Land of Mu had experienced its own cataclysmic events around 15,000 years earlier. The two Civilizations overlapped for a time. Earth is terraforming these lands which sank. Some places land is rising and others land is sinking as Earth is healed
地球上的黑暗勢力正在做實驗,亞特蘭蒂斯的大水晶。他們交戰與那些在中國的人們。他們企圖征服中國人民,  他們是亞特蘭蒂斯的黑暗勢力,他們集中在大水晶能量激光束。他們發 送激光束進入地球的中心 。一旦一個進入地球內部大約有800英裏岩漿,然後將其變成 秘密營地,   而且那裏是Agartha阿加森的文明開始的地方, 有海洋和山脈,土地 和城市。
地心的太陽就是稱謂  “Terra  -緹拉“。
(LT注:  地球未來的紀元, 稱為 Terra Nova --緹拉 諾華----- 黃金紀元。)
Terra它是利用能量和岩漿形成的大中樞太陽,Alcyone/昴宿六的反映。這種反射光形成的鈷藍色球,這使得陽光在地球內部。這種光可以被看作 是北極光Aurora Borealis.。
當黑暗勢力的激光束進來就引起了與 地心太陽的巨大反應稱為Terra -緹拉,並打出一束光背出地心到大氣層中。它造成亞特蘭提斯災難性的破壞,並在24小時後亞特蘭蒂斯沉 沒了。
當這光束被折射它影響大水晶,它分裂成三塊,它今天仍然在百慕達及加那利群島之間的大西洋海底。這打破了地球的能源電網的基礎設施。有很多的射了出來的光束進入地 球大氣層核能。
這是當時, 諾亞鑽進他的兩棲飛船,並將盡可能多的亞特蘭蒂斯人拯救,帶進他的船上來去Agartha阿加森,內部地球。
(LT注:  據說當時,  ‘如是說姑娘’---- 我們今天敬愛的(一位台灣)光的工作者, 她有機會走上諾亞之船, 可是她放棄了........一段難忘往事..... 當她今天在做博客, 我們應會了解她的心情。)
他們逗遛很長時間,直到地球的中心太陽-緹拉- 在核爆後 , 地球逐漸安頓下來。這種破壞過後,許多亞特蘭蒂斯的人成為難民。他們來到埃及,瑪雅在墨西哥和印度,他們重新填充了地球。在那個時候,他們互相在自己的飛船來訪。 (相互旅行)
利莫裏亞, 她是穆MU的土地,  也經曆了自身的災難性事件, 大約在 15,000年前。兩個文明有重迭的時間。這片土地沉沒之後, 地球地形改造。一些地方的土地正在上升,其他土地會下沉,  為地球被治療。

On August 11, 2000 we passed through what is known as the Eye of An. Eye of AN, is the Star in the center Star of Orion’s Belt. These three Stars known as El, An, and Ra. We have to do the great reversal to go back Home. We actually are reversing the whole Grand Experiment, which has ended up not diversity within peace but diversity within war. In order to do the great reversal we have to bring it into existence by remembering WE ARE THE GALACTIC FEDERATION and ASKING for Divine help. That’s how we got here and that’s how we’ve got to go back. On October 10, 2000 President Clinton signed NESARA into Law and December 22, 2000 on the Winter Solstice, the Photon Belt completely surrounded our Planet. The whole Solar System got locked into the tractor beam and we have changed directions. We are in the process now of moving away from the outer periphery of the western spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. Earth is on a tractor beam of the Photon Belt and heading towards the Pleiades back to Alcyone, the Great Central Sun.  December 21, 2012 were in a completely different sector and adjacent to the Pleiades. It will be a few decades before Earth enters Alcyone and we will return to the Anti Matter Universe then.
2000年8月11日,我們通過了被稱為 [安之眼Eye of AN]。安之眼,是星空獵戶座的腰帶的中央星。這三顆星稱為厄爾 EL,安An,和鐳Ra。我們要做的是大逆轉回家。事實上, 我們正在扭轉整個大實驗,已在和平之中,而戰爭的多樣性正在結束了。為了做到這大逆轉,我們必須通過記住我們是 [銀河聯邦]和尋求 他們的幫助。  這就是 [銀聯] 來到這裏,這就是我們如何得回去/ 返回。在二OOO年十月十日, 克林頓總統簽署NESARA到法律和2000年12月22日冬至,光子帶完全包圍我們的星球 (地球)。整個太陽係被鎖入牽引光束,我們已經改變了方向。我們正在遠離銀河係的西部旋臂的外周的過程之中了,
地球上的光子帶的牽引光束和我們正走向昴宿六/ Alcyone,大中樞 太陽,   2012年12月21日,我們是在一個完全不同的區域和相鄰的昴宿星團。這將需要另外一個幾十年時間, 地球將進入昴宿六/Alcyone,我們將返回到反物質宇宙, 那大實驗之前狀態。
(LT:     數十年的時光, 地球將會大不同。[第一次接觸]的那一天, 希望我和愛人,孩子在 深圳北站廣場,  見証這奇跡的一天。)

Because MotherFather God created everything from love they are also able to destroy anything not resonate with love by using the violet flame of transmutation. Love is the Force in the Universe which protects all life. Now that Earth is too far away from its Divine Plan then all that does not resonate with love must be removed. Because the dark Cabal came from the future to attack a Planet not yet prepared to join the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds. Because they brought with them technology that would be used to control the many. This means the dark Cabal violated the Prime Directive. This qualified them as Intergalactic War Criminals and they must first be tried for their crimes in the International Criminal Court and afterward at the Solar Tribunal on Saturn.
因為MotherFather父母神是從愛創造了一切,他們也能夠用嬗變的紫色火焰來摧毀一切非愛的,與愛 沒有什麽共鳴的事物。愛, 是力量在宇宙中用以保護所有生命。現在,地球過遠地偏離 其神聖計劃,那麽所有不與愛產生共鳴的,必須清除。
因為黑暗勢力來自未來,  他們攻擊的星球(我們)尚未準備加入世界的星際聯邦。因為他們所帶來的技術,將用於控製/操縱 地球。這意 味著黑暗勢力侵犯了[最高指令]。這個資格它們作為星際戰爭罪犯,他們必須首先在國際刑事法院,  在土星的太陽能法庭上為他們的罪行受檢和懲戒。
(注: Prime Directive.最高指示(令)----  任何外星人不得幹預各行星人們的自由意誌, 除非發生了核危機, 以及生靈塗炭事件。  由於灰人和天龍星人脅持了美國政府, 發起核武, 所以銀聯現在有正當理由介入來了。  )

When MotherFather God’s first born son called Jehovah said: “I cannot believe that I am equal with MotherFather God….therefore I must be something that is not in alignment with ALL THAT IS. “ That split second of doubting ALL THAT IS, is enough to bring that frequency down where there was a question of the balance of the Violet Transmuting Flame of Light coming in.  This is why Mother Sekhmet comes at this time, and she stands before these ones they call the 13 families, the dark Cabal, the few wanting to control the many. Mother says:  “Go inside yourself and find that splinter of shadow.  Bring it forth! And let it come back to LOVE!”  They cannot do it. They will need to move on now. They continue with distractions to try to hold off The Event, but they will not be successful. It is only a matter of a few months time.
當MotherFather父母神的第一個出生的兒子稱為耶和華說:“我不能相信,我會平等於父母神....所以,我要的東西,將不會對準這 [所有這一切都是]。 “懷疑所有這一切的那一刹那,就足以使該頻率下墮, 那裏是紫羅蘭嬗變火焰帶來平衡, 這就是為什麽母親賽克麥特談到此時的平衡的問題,她表示:這些他們 所謂的13個家庭,黑暗陰謀集團,少數想要控製多數。母親說:“去你的內心,找到影子的碎片思想, 引出來!並讓它回來LOVE!“可是, 他們(黑暗陰謀集團)不能做到這一點。 他們現在繼續執意往前。他們繼續引起我們分化,試圖拖延的事件的發生,但他們不會成功。這是幾個月一個時間問題。(暗示, 2014.6月之後,未來的幾個月.............)

Karmic debts remain open until the last minute in duality. We all must do a self-evaluation and heal our own misqualified thoughts. These show up as filters in our little ego minds. It is necessary to dissolve the ego completely. At Zero Point there is no time and no karma. All karma must be burned off now. The dark Cabal have violated Cosmic Law where they have used technological and scientific information that has not been shared with the rest of the Planet to uplift it.  It has been used to enslave it.  Therefore the Galactic Federation is assisting on every level possible to free the slaves. No longer will the breakaway society be able to avoid the Truth.
The Truth Embargo will be lifted.
The Reptilian Annunaki hybrids that have placed themselves in the 13 families that seem to think that they own this Planet are generated from a Holographic Imaging Projector. There will come a moment when the Illusion will no longer continue and these solid projected holograms will be turned off by KOS from The New Jerusalem.  這裏指的是地球王子撒南達。
In one blink of an eye they will no longer be there. Their bodies have already been removed and stowed on Prison Ships waiting their trials. It is not MotherFather God’s  wish for these dark Cabal Souls to go in this way but they have passed their opportunities because they have not listened. They have not forgiven themselves their crimes. The do not have use of all 12 strands of DNA. They are unable to love themselves. Earth Mother needs her Ascension.  You need your Ascension, and they don’t wish for their Ascension. What is happening on Earth is effecting every Planet in Cosmic Creation.

業力債務保持開啟,直到在二元性實驗的最後一分鍾。我們都必須做一個自我評價和醫治我們自己不正當的想法。這些都說明了在我們的小自我心智 的過濾器。有必要完全溶解自我。在零點,沒有時間,沒有因果報應。所有的業障,到時必須燒掉。黑暗陰謀集團違反宇宙法則,他們已經使用了尚未共享與地球其他地區的技術和科學信息,它以已被用於奴役地球人們。因此,銀河聯邦正協助在各個層麵上可以釋放的奴隸。社會能夠開始認知真理。  
" 真相禁運將被解 除The Truth Embargo will be lifted. "。

爬蟲的阿努納奇人混種, 已經放在了自己在13個家庭之中。他們認為擁有這個星球, 從全息成像投影機所產生的地球影像 。 隨之而來的一個時刻,  當幻覺將不再繼續,  這些固體全息投影像將會由新耶路撒冷號上的劍王KOS關閉 (指撒南達)。  
在眼睛的一眨眼之中, 它們的身體(影像)將不再存在。他們的本體早已經被刪除,存放在監獄船舶, 正等待他們的審判。這不是 父母神的願望,這些黑暗勢力的靈魂以這種方式的結局,但他們都被給予自己的機會,隻是他們沒有聽從。他們沒有原諒自己的罪行,在沒有使用 所有的12股DNA的。因此, 他們無法愛他們自己。地球母親需要提升。你也需要你的揚升,但他們不希望自己的提升。什麽是發生在地球上的每一件事,  都影響宇宙的創造。

What is left to be done is WE THE PEOPLE need to ASK. You must ASK. Invite the Galactic Federation to give Divine Intervention. The vehicle for asking has been provided by the Galactic Federation in the Congressional Hearings on Disclosure. This is a project by Paradigm Research Group. This will be accomplished after mid-term elections on November 4, 2014. Participate in the elections to be sure the vote is out for Disclosure – friendly representatives. Finally, use the Violet Flame of Transmutation Decrees which neutralize all negativity while invoking a Direct Divine Intervention for Planet Earth.
還剩下什麽做的是,  WE THE PEOPLE(我們老百姓--美國白宮訴求網)要請求。你們必須請求。邀請銀河聯邦給予神聖的介入。銀河聯邦已要求披露國會聽證會。這是 [範式研究組]的一個項目Paradigm Research Group。
這在2014年11月4日中期選舉後,將完成參加選舉,以確保投票選出來的代表們, 都是讚成大揭露的 -他們將是友好的代表們(議員)。
最後,使用嬗變法的紫色火焰去中和所有負麵情緒,同時請求對地球的直接神聖幹預。 ©伊麗莎白Trutwin2014年.
© Elizabeth Trutwin 2014

Our Galactic History and the Path To Disclosure by Elizabeth Trutwin
By admin in Uncategorized on June 21, 2014.
The United States Government had meetings with three Civilizations of Extraterrestrials
1. Zeta Reticulans
2. Alpha Draconis
3. The Galactic Federation
The human form does not exist just on this Planet. It exists in many Star Systems and there are untold numbers of human forms, third dimensional Beings on other Stars and Planets. The Extraterrestrial issue can be very frustrating because there has been so much conflicting information and much of it negative. It is hard to know what to believe. Leaders from Germany, Russia and the United States all had meetings with three different groups of Extraterrestrials. Two groups, the Zeta Reticulans and the Alpha Draconis both were using humanity for their own purposes and meant to harm people in the process. Our governments agreed to this and made alliances with these two groups in exchange for Extraterrestrial Technology. The third group are the Builders and Creators of Earth as well as Humanity and they are Guardians of the Planet and worked to help Humanity overcome the Greys and the Dragons and the destruction they were wrecking on Mother Earth and her Inhabitants at Inner Earth and on Surface Earth. The Galactic Federation are a Secret Police Force of Peace Officers with outposts all over our Galaxy. They communicate with each other between their Officers on Moon and Mars to Earth and beyond. They are our ancestors and have lived on Earth in the past. Admiral Sananda and Captain Ashtar command The New Jerusalem. Their FlagShip The New Jerusalem is 5,000 miles in diameter and 12 tiers deep. Everything that you imagined that was beautiful and perfect on Earth is up there in that perfect state and they are also creating new plants, new kinds of species, and new kinds of life forms to come and populate the Earth again.
Some Extraterrestrials live on Earth now and they look exactly like us. They look human in every way even though they leave Earth to go back to their home on their MotherShip the New Jerusalem where 12 million men and women serve the Guardians of Planet Earth. Their Admiral is Sanada Kumara and one of his seven lifetimes on Earth was as Jesus. His Captain is Ashtar. Together they are in charge of this Universe Nebadon. They are under the Command of Lord Lincor who is in charge of the Seven Super Universes. We at Earth do not know that name because our Galactic history has been obliterated. The President of our Galaxy is Lord Salvington and he serves at Galactic Center overseeing the activities there. Galactic Center is 26 degrees Sagitarius on our Star Maps and there is a Black Hole there. The Scorpi Black Hole. When Humanity first came to Earth they traveled here in large StarShips from the light matter Universe of On through the Scorpi Black Hole to the dark matter Universe of Nebadon. The 144,000 who first came here were traveling on a Craft together. Nowadays we refer to them as the Gods of Antiquity. They are referred to in every major religion of every culture in their ancient texts. They are known in the Veda, the Bible, the Mazzaroth, the Emerald Tablets, the Book of Enoch, the Pentateuch, the Pistis Sophia, the Upanishads, the Corpus Hermeticum and the Masnavi just to name a few. The Gods of Antiquity, the Angels and the Archangels descended to Earth on spinning wheels in the Sky and on winged mounts. These ARE the Extraterrestrials who look exactly as we do. They are the Extraterrestrials here to counter the Greys and Dragons. They are here to keep Humanity from destroying itself and the Planet with them.
This cosmic story began in the anti-matter Universe. The anti-matter Universe is like a film negative in the sense where everything is the same as it is in the matter universe, except it’s in 12th dimension. It’s made out of light. Everything in the light matter Universe is made of light and is not physical. In the light matter Universe of On Souls exist as pearlescent balls of light, it is the formless realm and Souls travel by floating along as Consciousness collected into a Light Body. When they incarnate at Earth they call themselves Light Workers. They are working to restore the Light on Earth. They are working to raise Humanity’s Consciousness back to Enlightenment. They work to Ascend Humanity and Earth with them. 450 billion years ago MotherFather God came together in a Cosmic Union of love, light, peace and joy. They decided to come into a Divine Union to share their Love with Creation. As they came together in this orgasmic union they created trillions and trillions of tiny sparks of light identical to MotherFather God. We were all created in that moment. These sparks of Consciousness contained in balls of light also known as plasma energy grew in magnitude of consciousness. As these trillions and trillions of consciousnesses flowed alongside MotherFather God for eons and eons of time they helped create the seven Super Universes.
Each one of these sparks was a Twin-Flame Essence and they were complete and whole. Each One traveled in the light realms as Twin Rays, the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies merged as One Twin Ray. As we eventually descended into matter then we incarnated in  matter with form bodies as male and female. These male and female twins were created at the same moment in time and are exactly the same except one male and one female. These spark Souls were complete unto each other and they grew in magnitude and wisdom and flowed alongside each other and MotherFather God as One. As this was happening the Stars, Suns and Planets were being formed into the Seven SuperUniverses. Some of the sparks of light experienced more wisdom and this was transferred from MotherFather God in a thought transmission from one consciousness to another. A few of these sparks grew and became the leaders you might say. These three or four that we could call Mother/Father God’s Daughters and Sons. The first- born son and daughter was YHVH and LILITH. His old name was Jehovah, and his Twin Flame was Lilith, and they had a son named Lucifer. In today’s version of some Bibles these Ones have been portrayed as God and that is a miscreation of this story they have been hiding the truth a very long time. They did not want you to remember you are a Creator God and they cannot be in control of you. You are a sovereign Being.

Mother and Father God are incarnated into Human bodies living on Earth now. They have come back at the end of the cycle to Ascend Earth and assist the Galactic Federation in any way needed. They are here to make Earth a Planet of Peace so that the Extraterrestrial Ships of the Galactic Federation can land on Earth. They will bring with them free energy, gravitic propulsion and healing devices to name a few. These things will be free to all on Earth. They will land here and they will make their homes here. They are our family, our Galactic Family. When we incarnate and when we leave our bodies at death we actually come from and return to our place in the Crews of the Galactic Federation. This is true for any working for the light.
What happened next is called the Fall and it describes how some sparks of light remained in the 12th Dimension, they never fell. These Ones are known as the Elohi Angels. In writings they are referred to as Elohim and that term is considered dark. This is a wrong teaching. The Elohi Angels never fell. In some writings it is said that there is no such thing as fallen Angels and that is false. It simply refers to the Dimensional Level where the Angels reside. It means they descended into denser formed bodies on the 5th and then the 3rd Dimensions of existence. The 3rd Dimension is as low as you can go. The sparks of light never in their wildest dreams would have thought they could be unfortunate enough to descend into the 3rd Dimension. Below the 3rd Dimension life becomes crystallized mineral or compounded forms also called non-sentient beingness. The real truth has been hidden so the Truth Embargo is a much bigger story than you knew. The great Central Sun who is Lord Alcyone which completely permeates the entire Universe and supports the light of all the other Suns. He holds that position with Mother Sekhmet his Twin Flame as MotherFather God. The other names they are known as are Vishnu and Lakshmi. The angels who never fell from Grace, never fell below the 12th Dimension make up the Elohi Angels which include the Archangels and other legions of Angels. The Angels who fell are Lucifer, Jehovah and the sparks of light making up the 13 families trying to control Earth. The most recent incarnation of Jehovah on Earth is Adolph Hitler. The most recent incarnation of Lucifer on Earth is Mitt Romney. You would be surprised to know the Soul History of Cheney, Hillary and Stalin. All of the players in the dark cabal are new Earth incarnations of that same core group of Souls who originally began as the Fallen Angels. They have incarnated into royalty on purpose so they would have all they need to control Earth. This pattern cannot end without drastic actions. It is time now to end karma and arrest the intergalactic war criminals so Earth may begin a new cycle which we will call the Satya Yuga.
We knew we were entering the Grand Experiment and it is simply this : In our mastery on the 12th Dimension we wanted to know if we could remember who we are if we sunk down to the 3rd Dimension agreeing that all the veils would be in place there. We thought back then it would be very easy.  Where we came from in the Universe of On there were 23 Sun Systems in the Aurora Sun System and each Sun had between 12 and 14 Planets orbiting them. There Niburu which existed in the light matter Universe before descending into Nebadon was the 23rd Sun System and Aurora was the first Sun. Before bring all the Fallen Angels down Yahweh as MotherFather Gods first born son waged war against the 23 Sun Systems of Aurora. He and his son Lucifer had gathered many who would become the fallen Angels and they were making war. It was at this moment eons ago when Twin Flames separated and Lucifer’s Twin Flame Karula and Jehovah’s Twin Flame Lilith were put aside by their Twin Flames and this was the start of the war between the sexes.  At this point Lilith and her son Lucifer began to have many children together. This was an abomination and they created all forms of demons. Their descendants are on Earth today.
The Event marks the end of the Grand Experiment for one and for all. We end time. We become a Planet of Peace headed by the Prince of Peace. We go back to Zero Point. We install Universal Law and Divine Government on Earth. We become the 33rd Member of the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds. We live within NESARA Law. Ships land. Extraterrestrials live among us without veils in place.
When we first fell into the 3rd Dimension we came in as adults and our bodies had an average 3000 year lifespan. Death was not an original part of the design of the Adam Kadmon body. In the original DNA Program for this humanoid model Life is Eternal. We are Immortals. When Jehovah began warring it was because he raised a doubt in his mind. He raised the doubt that maybe his Father did not create him as an equal, maybe he did not create him in his image. His first step was to tell his Twin Flame, Lilith he did not need her to do warring. He separated himself from his other half. He forgot that MotherFather God had decided to come together in Union for the sake of breathing Love into All Life. All That Is from the beginning is based in Love. It was not just being born of light, but also infused with love from Mother and Father God.  And this is how the ego mind became programmed in each one of us. We run our minds through filters if I am not good enough, I must always be right and No one loves me. Dissolving ego mind and these programs is necessary for Ascension. There are no shortcuts. Each Soul must get this done as a prerequisite to Ascension.
The Planet Maldek used to exist between Mars and Jupiter and now makes up the Asteroid Belt including smaller Planets like Ceres and Vesta. Not only was Maldek destroyed but the blast blew the surface off Mars. It also cast the water from the Surface of Mars to the Seas of Earth. This occurred over the course of a year and the water of Earth increased from then 66% to now 75% of the surface covered by water. The dark cabal running NASA know this and they keep the story out there that their rover is looking for water on the surface of Mars. That has been going on 30 years and this story is in the index of the archives of the New York Times going back to the early 80s they have been running stories about looking for water on Mars. On Maldek there were two cities called Valdure and Vara. They had nuclear weapons pointed at each other like Washington and Moscow back in the 80s. History repeats.
The two cities of Valdure and Vara had their nuclear missiles sitting in their silos, and there were earthquakes and tremors on the Planet, Maldek. There was seismic activity that occurred in one of the cities. One of the nuclear missiles in one of the silos started swaying back and forth inside the silo. It was thrown off its center in the silo sounding alarms. Thee distant city’s computers got triggered. The opposing city misunderstood the seismic activity for a nuclear strike so they launched their missiles in a nuclear strike. The city which had seismic activity saw the missiles coming their way and launched a nuclear attack. The Planet Maldek went super nova three days later. The repeated nuclear explosions broke up the infrastructure of the Planet.
Jehovah’s Starship was called the Ship of the 144,000. These were the Kumaras from Venus. The reason that Jehovah destroyed the Aurora Sun System was because he needed a runway to get into the Universe of Nebadon. He was in the light matter Universe and he had the idea he wanted to control matter. He literally blasted a hole in the space/time/continuum, which actually caused the birth of the Matter Universe. He felt if he could control matter he could become as great as his Father. This was the basis of the Grand Experiment on Earth which is ending now. Originally Jehovah and Lucifer held the title together of Planetary Prince when Jehovah crash landed the Ship of 144,000. The term Lesser God comes from Jehovah feeling less than his Father. This was never true. Jehovah and Lucifer talked many fallen Angels into joining their dark forces. These Souls have continued to incarnate and stayed with the dark Lords. Jehovah and Lucifer were cast out and relegated to another Sector of the Universe by MotherFather God. Jehovah went to Orion where he continued his wars. Lucifer went to Maldek which was destroyed by nuclear holocaust.
Sananda Kumara was on the Ship when Jehovah commandeered it. This was an unplanned hijacking. It was a deeply traumatic experience and some were so terrified their Consciousness was ripped away from its vessel. Sananda swore at that moment he would not rest until this atrocity was corrected. He has incarnated on Earth seven times now to correct this fall from Grace.  Now Sananda with Archangel Michael together hold the title of Planetary Prince. Because the Ship of 144,000 were evacuated on shuttle craft as a life and death mission fear was a prime factor in the fall. Also, as the Ship was crashed landed into the matter Universe it forced all involved to instantly don matter bodies. It was an extremely unpleasant experience. There was no turning back at that moment. It is a requirement that The Event happen with no fear for anyone involved. It just wouldn’t work.
Ascension means being born back into the Laws of One. Universal Law. That begins in society as NESARA Law. This Law has the Divine Feminine as a basis. We will no longer have free will choice. Free Will is based on polarity, right and wrong, duality, karma, suffering, fear, reincarnation, light and dark. Free Will choice means we have the choice to choose dark. We will no longer have free will choice and we will no longer live in Illusion. We will live in Harmony with all Life forms. We will exist in the Light. All who cannot sustain their vibration here will no longer be here. We will be free to Go Home. We will have the ability to travel past the StarGates. All we do will be governed by love. In the past they said we needed to be born again into a body. That was misqualified teachings. The Higher Teaching is you must be born again of Water and the Holy Spirit. Of Water means you have the ability to travel beyond the StarGates. Of the Holy Spirit means the Divine Feminine. It means you are operating from Divine Law which is balanced once more in the masculine and feminine in Unity and Love together. Those are amazing teachings that have been lost, really, to humanity. They were taught many thousands of years ago. You had to go to the Mystery Schools to learn those things. As the Ships land children will again learn these things in school. They will learn about their chakras and the 144 centers of light in the body and how to activate and use those centers inside the body.  These things were written into an additional forty-five Books of the Bible and they were later cut out. We have been dumbed down and the veils stay in place and make Ascension infinitely harder than it is.
At the very same time Maldek exploded becoming the Asteroid belt, including some larger pieces which became smaller Planets, including Ceres and Vesta there was unrest on Earth. The Galactic Federation Secret Security Forces of Earth and Mars were in constant contact just like today. This massive explosion of magnitude proportions blew all the water off the surface of Mars. The Seas of Mars were thrown out into Space it took out our original Moon. Earth originally had two Moons, Phobos and Demos. They were thrown out of orbit with Earth and got stuck in the orbit of Mars. The Galactic Federation then put the hollow satellite artificial Moon called Luna into Earth’s orbit. The Earth was originally two-thirds water, but now it’s three-fourths water. The water from Mars was thrown out into Space and the Earth’s gravitational pull threw the water on to Earth’s surface. This is what was known as The Flood. It took one year for the water to fall to Earth. Commander Kla-la is the actual Designer and Engineer of the Giza Pyramids which were actually formed on the Planet Aldebaran and then placed on Earth through Ship technology. Khu-fu (THOTH) was the pharaoh at the time so his name went onto the pyramids. Under the pyramids, even in South America, all over China, all over Egypt are stabilizing generators. These are maintained by the Galactic Federation Ships. They are a part of the Earth Energy Grid.
On Earth the dark Cabal were doing experiments with the Great Crystal of Atlantis. They were warring with those in China at the time. In an attempt to subdue the people of China the dark Ones of Atlantis they focused the Great Crystal Energy by laser beam. The sent the laser beam into the center of Earth. Once one enters Inner Earth there are about 800 miles of magma and then it becomes conclave and that is where the Civilization of Agartha begins where there are Seas and Mountains, Land  and Cities. The Inner Earth Sun is called The Terra. It utilizes the energy from magma and forms a reflection of the Great Central Sun, Alcyone. This reflection forms a cobalt blue ball of light which makes sunlight for Inner Earth. This light can be seen as the Aurora Borealis. When that laser beam came in it caused a huge reaction with the sun called The Terra, and shot a beam of light back out of the center of the Earth into our atmosphere. It caused Atlantis to go cataclysmic, and 24 hours later Atlantis sank. When the light beam was refracted it effected the Great Crystal and it broke into three pieces and it is still on the bottom of the Atlantic ocean between Bermuda and the Canary Islands. This broke the infrastructure of Earth’s Energy Grid. There was a lot of nuclear energy that shot out into Earth’s atmosphere. This was when Noah got into his amphibious StarShip and took as many Atlanteans as he could on his Ship to Agartha, Inner Earth. They spent time there until the Earth settled down after the nuclear explosion of The Terra, the sun at the center of the Earth. After that destruction there were many Atlanteans that were refugees. They came to Egypt, Maya in Mexico and India and they repopulated Earth. At that time they were visiting each other in their StarShips. Lemuria, the Land of Mu had experienced its own cataclysmic events around 15,000 years earlier. The two Civilizations overlapped for a time. Earth is terraforming these lands which sank. Some places land is rising and others land is sinking as Earth is healed.
On August 11, 2000 we passed through what is known as the Eye of An. Eye of AN, is the Star in the center Star of Orion’s Belt. These three Stars known as El, An, and Ra. We have to do the great reversal to go back Home. We actually are reversing the whole Grand Experiment, which has ended up not diversity within peace but diversity within war. In order to do the great reversal we have to bring it into existence by remembering WE ARE THE GALACTIC FEDERATION and ASKING for Divine help. That’s how we got here and that’s how we’ve got to go back. On October 10, 2000 President Clinton signed NESARA into Law and December 22, 2000 on the Winter Solstice, the Photon Belt completely surrounded our Planet. The whole Solar System got locked into the tractor beam and we have changed directions. We are in the process now of moving away from the outer periphery of the western spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. Earth is on a tractor beam of the Photon Belt and heading towards the Pleiades back to Alcyone, the Great Central Sun.  December 21, 2012 were in a completely different sector and adjacent to the Pleiades. It will be a few decades before Earth enters Alcyone and we will return to the Anti Matter Universe then.
Because MotherFather God created everything from love they are also able to destroy anything not resonate with love by using the violet flame of transmutation. Love is the Force in the Universe which protects all life. Now that Earth is too far away from its Divine Plan then all that does not resonate with love must be removed. Because the dark Cabal came from the future to attack a Planet not yet prepared to join the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds. Because they brought with them technology that would be used to control the many. This means the dark Cabal violated the Prime Directive. This qualified them as Intergalactic War Criminals and they must first be tried for their crimes in the International Criminal Court and afterward at the Solar Tribunal on Saturn.
When MotherFather God’s first born son called Jehovah said: “I cannot believe that I am equal with MotherFather God….therefore I must be something that is not in alignment with ALL THAT IS. “ That split second of doubting ALL THAT IS, is enough to bring that frequency down where there was a question of the balance of the Violet Transmuting Flame of Light coming in.  This is why Mother Sekhmet comes at this time, and she stands before these ones they call the 13 families, the dark Cabal, the few wanting to control the many. Mother says:  “Go inside yourself and find that splinter of shadow.  Bring it forth! And let it come back to LOVE!”  They cannot do it. They will need to move on now. They continue with distractions to try to hold off The Event, but they will not be successful. It is only a matter of a few months time.
Karmic debts remain open until the last minute in duality. We all must do a self-evaluation and heal our own misqualified thoughts. These show up as filters in our little ego minds. It is necessary to dissolve the ego completely. At Zero Point there is no time and no karma. All karma must be burned off now. The dark Cabal have violated Cosmic Law where they have used technological and scientific information that has not been shared with the rest of the Planet to uplift it.  It has been used to enslave it.  Therefore the Galactic Federation is assisting on every level possible to free the slaves. No longer will the breakaway society be able to avoid the Truth. The Truth Embargo will be lifted. The Reptilian Annunaki hybrids that have placed themselves in the 13 families that seem to think that they own this Planet are generated from a Holographic Imaging Projector. There will come a moment when the Illusion will no longer continue and these solid projected holograms will be turned off by KOS from The New Jerusalem. In one blink of an eye they will no longer be there. Their bodies have already been removed and stowed on Prison Ships waiting their trials. It is not MotherFather God’s  wish for these dark Cabal Souls to go in this way but they have passed their opportunities because they have not listened. They have not forgiven themselves their crimes. The do not have use of all 12 strands of DNA. They are unable to love themselves. Earth Mother needs her Ascension.  You need your Ascension, and they don’t wish for their Ascension. What is happening on Earth is effecting every Planet in Cosmic Creation.
What is left to be done is WE THE PEOPLE need to ASK. You must ASK. Invite the Galactic Federation to give Divine Intervention. The vehicle for asking has been provided by the Galactic Federation in the Congressional Hearings on Disclosure. This is a project by Paradigm Research Group. This will be accomplished after mid-term elections on November 4, 2014. Participate in the elections to be sure the vote is out for Disclosure – friendly representatives. Finally, use the Violet Flame of Transmutation Decrees which neutralize all negativity while invoking a Direct Divine Intervention for Planet Earth. © Elizabeth Trutwin 2014,

http://ElizabethTrutwin.org        An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at eltrutwin@gmail.com It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session on video Skype or telephone and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda For more information please visit http://CosmicAscension.org


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