
發現地球真相, 藍圖先生研究銀河大曆史。

ACIO[2011楚雯] 阿斯塔.銀河大揭露

(2017-07-18 19:45:06) 下一個

ACIO,現時的阿斯塔. 精選文章:
1. ACIO[2014簡報-新譯] 阿斯塔之路.阿斯塔自傳   (阿斯塔之路網, 阿斯塔的自傳)
2. *[ACIO楚雯] 阿斯塔指揮部的一份簡要  (附上.阿斯塔與銀河聯邦一書中,阿斯塔的介紹)
    * 庫伯與楚雯: 近期的美國負麵外星人的一份簡史
3. ACIO[2011楚雯]   阿斯塔.銀河大揭露;
[2014E.Trutwin楚雯] 完全銀河大揭露 ---從頭細說
 [E.Trutwin楚雯201406: 我們銀河的曆史和大揭露
藍圖先生  匯編


ACIO[2011楚雯]   阿斯塔.銀河大揭露
原文網址 http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/lord-ashtar-and-full-galactic-disclosure#at_pco=smlwn-1.0&at_si=54a0a24b77ea0c3b&at_ab=per-2&at_pos=0&at_tot=1#ixzz3NFqtiG37
傳    導   Elizabeth Trutwin    · 
Posted by beth on August 22, 2011  at 6:18pm
翻    譯   shan-athana      (2014-12-29    14:00) http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bfe09e210102v88t.html
校對    藍圖先生  2014.12.29 --LT建議, 將阿什塔改為 '阿斯塔', 他是新耶路撒冷號的艦長先生。

Lord Ashtar and Full Galactic Disclosure    阿斯塔.銀河大揭露

We see evidence in ancient texts as well as architecture and art that we have had Intergalactic help to shape our history, culture, civilization and technology. Lord Ashtar plays a significant role in Earth’s Ascension today. Although there have been many resources used to hide the evidence from our society, much is becoming apparent today.
Plato described Atlantis as a city which had existed 9,000 years before his time. According to ancient Greek texts this city was established by an Extraterrestrial called Poseidon. Poseidon was a Pleiadian whose Father was Cronos and Mother was Rhea.
在 希臘外星神話中,摩羯星群有時被稱作阿瑪爾忒婭Amalthea(譯注:靠木星最近的衛星,羊神星),給嬰兒時的宙斯哺乳的山羊,那時他的父親準備把他吞沒,而母親救了 他。羊角壞掉了,成為創造的工具。我們在印度外星神話《海螺殼》中找到了同一個版本。在這個文明中,海螺殼象羊角一樣被用作發聲的工具。在印度,這與創造 之音“OM”有關。
In Greek Extraterrestrial Mythology the constellation Capricornus is sometimes identified as Amalthea, the goat that suckled the infant Zeus after his mother Rhea saved him from being devoured by his father Cronos. The goat’s horn was broken off and became a tool of Creation. We find this same theme in the conch shell of the Hindu Extraterrestrials Mythology. In this culture the conch shell is used similar to the goat horn by blowing it to form a sound. In India this is associated with the sound of Creation, the OM.
In Judea-Christian traditions we see Joshua bringing down the walls of Jericho by blowing a ram’s horn. In the Bible, John 1:1 it says: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God” This word of Creation is OM. This is a program of sound and light which brings the etheric DNA program coding into the material world.
Cronos means ‘to cut’ and original meaning "to cut" in a cosmogonic sense is still preserved in some verses of the Hindu text the Rigveda pertaining to Indra’s heroic "cutting", like that of Cronos resulting in creation. This was the splicing of DNA between the Starseeds and the Humans. We find these references in the ancient Greek and Hindu texts.
The constellation Capricornus is associated with the Babylonian Exraterrestrial Enki who brought Creation out of the Sea to Humankind and is noted in the Sumerian texts as creating new species of man on Earth.
The astrological constellation ‘goat-horn’ is Capricornus. Under its modern boundaries on Star Navigation Maps it is bordered by Aquila, Sagittarius, Microscopium, Pisces Austrinus and Aquarius. The constellation is located in an area of sky called the Sea or Water, consisting of many water-related constellations such as Aquarius, Pisces and Eridanus.
In the Bible where it says the Firmament separates the Waters from the Waters it is referring to the StarGate at Galactic Center at 26 degrees Sagittarius and the Waters of the Sea at Capricornus. The Matter Earth was born out of the Black H*** at Galactic Center from the Anti- Matter Universe located on the other side of Galactic Center.
在中國天文學中,摩羯座落於北部墨龜方位。印度外星人神毗濕奴化身為神龜。庫爾瑪神龜Kurma也出現在印度Satya Yuga薩提亞 年代黃金時代。它是毗濕奴大神的第二次化身。這個神話故事告訴我們當提婆devas(Suras善意的修羅)和阿修羅asuras{天使或銀河人}攪動大海或銀河大海{銀河係大海}獲取永恒的甘露時,被當作攪拌棒曼達拉山Mandara開始沉沒,毗濕奴神化為神龜承擔起山體的重量。
In Chinese astronomy, the constellation Capricornus is located in The Black Tortoise of the North. The Hindu Extraterrestrial Vishnu incarnated as a tortoise. Kurma, the tortoise, appeared in the Satya Yuga. The turtle Incarnation is the second incarnation of Vishnu. The Mythology of this story tells us when the devas and asuras [Angels or Galactics] were churning the ocean in order to get the nectar of immortality or churning the Sea of Milk, [the Sea in the Milky Way Galaxy] the mount Mandara they were using as the churning staff started to sink and Lord Vishnu took the form of a turtle to bear the weight of the mountain.
用現代眼光看這一段曆史可以發現,當外星人攪拌大海時,他們實際上是從天空的大海中、從銀河中央抽取星際種子的DNA,把攜帶著神聖藍圖的密碼的曼達拉{曼陀羅}或當今“山”加以應用,“山”是現代被理解用作流出軟件程序或山文件係統的方式。換句話說,外星DNA被切入到人類DNA中形成新的神聖藍圖—即 是指的亞當卡蒙模板Adam Kadmon。我們是銀河人類血統的地球後代。毗濕奴神管控著這一新的創造。在希臘、印度和中國占星文學中我們可以看到類似的說明。在失去永恒王國 後的第一次地球創造期間,那時的地球人請求毗濕奴的幫助。毗濕奴建議他們需要喝下永恒的甘露恢複失去的輝煌。不管怎樣,他們需要極盡努力獲得這一甘露,因 為它藏於銀河之海中。他們需要天空之海中銀河種子的喂養,也包括在銀河係中心的位置。
If we look at this story with modern eyes we see that when the Extraterrestrials were churning the Sea they were accessing the DNA from the Starseeds from the Sea part of the Sky, from Galactic Center and they used a Mandara or Mandala which is a coded Divine Blueprint and and Mount which is known today as a way to stream software programs or mount file systems. In other words, the DNA from the Extraterrestrials was being cut into the DNA of the Humans to form a new Divine Blueprint which has been referred to as the Adam Kadmon. We are all descendants of the Galactic-Human hybrid on Earth. Lord Vishnu was there at this new Creation. We witness the similar story being told in Greek, Hindu and Chinese Astrology literature. During the First Earth Creation after losing their immortality and kingdom, those of Earth approached Lord Vishnu for help. Vishnu suggested that they needed to drink the nectar of immortality to regain their lost glory. However, they needed to strive hard to acquire the nectar since it was hidden in the ocean of milk. They would need to breed with the Starseeds from the Sea area of the Sky, including Galactic Center in the Milky Way Galaxy.

 《薄伽梵往世書》解釋了在地球曆史上,這一次的全揭露以以下方式呈現:In the Bhagavata Purana it explains this time in Earth History of Full Galactic Disclosure this way:
迦梨時代(卡利尤加Kali Yuga)將結束,卡爾基.阿凡達拉Kalki-avatara時代將來臨,他將擊潰了邪惡,帶來了良善,開創了新的黃金時代--薩提亞尤加時代Satya Yuga。
“the Kali-yuga will end with the apparition of Kalki-avatara, who will defeat the wicked, liberate the virtuous, and initiate a new Satya Yuga.
At that time, the Supreme Personality of Godhead will appear on the earth. Acting with the power of pure spiritual goodness, He will rescue eternal religion. Lord Vis*n*u — the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the spiritual+ master of all moving and nonmoving living beings, and the Supreme Soul of all — takes birth to protect the principles of religion and to relieve His saintly devotees from the reactions of material work. (Bhagavata Purana, 12.2.16-17)”
毗濕奴神與正義團隊,在這裏和阿斯塔一起,貫通曆史,指導著人類和地麵上的外星人類種族。艾洛希ElohI天使—永不墮落的天使,從黑暗分子和墮落天使那裏指導著地球上的人類。阿斯塔確實撰寫了一部《往世書》。《往世書》被視作和《羅摩傳》、《摩訶婆羅多史詩》一樣, 是印度重要的吠陀本集。《阿格尼往世書Agni Purana》歸功於阿斯塔。他同樣也被看作是阿斯塔維迪亞Ashtar Vidya。在這個文獻中,阿斯塔解釋著如何作為地球上的菩薩生活在世上,他的 建議涉及所有生存的層麵包括教育、文化、醫藥、兵器和星際旅行。我們把阿斯塔視作地球瑪雅文明中帕爾卡沃坦的化身,他寫了書麵記錄的瑪雅神話《波波武 經Popol Vuh》。Tahtzibichen Labyrinth考古遺址被認為是進入神秘的地下世界西瓦爾巴{譯注亦可解釋為地獄}的通道。當然,它在《波波武經》公布後被模仿,並在這個地區建造出來。
Vishnu with the Goodly Company, has been here with Ashtar through time Guiding the races and species of Extraterrestrial Humanity on Earth. The Elohi Angels, the Angels who never fell, have been Guiding and Guarding those on Earth from the dark Ones, the Fallen Angels. Indeed Ashtar wrote one of the Puranas. The Puranas are considered with the Ramayana and Mahabarata Epics to be the most important Hindu Vedas. The Agni Purana is attributed to Lord Ashtar. It was also known as the Ashtar Vidya. Ashtar explains in this literature how to live the life of a Bodhisattva on Earth and it has advice on all areas of living including education, culture, medicine, weaponry, and star travel. We see Ashtar’s One Earth Incarnation as Pacal Votan in the Mayan culture he wrote the Written Record of Mayan Mythology called the Popol Vuh. Tahtzibichen Labyrinth archeological site is thought to be an entry into the mystic underworld, Xibalba [z-bal-be]. Truly it is modeled after the descriptions in the Popol Vuh and was built after this era.
原始的西瓦爾巴的死亡之神們存在於一個非地球國度。《波波武經》的這一部分敘述的是獵戶大戰。很多生活於當世的人由於介入了獵戶大戰而達成自我諒解的協議。在獵戶大戰後,地球被勝利者所殖民,   這是在《Chilam Balam--Jaguar豹祭司書》中的描述,它說:通往由天上墮落的諸星之路和13和9位神來到地球。13和9指的是諸神或銀河聯邦的外星人,當瑪雅日曆進入到意識的合一波時重返地球,計算自然的時間13和9而不是13和20。     
The original Xibalba Lords of the Dead existed in a realm not on Earth. This part of the Popol Vuh is recounting the Orion War. Many living now are coming to terms with their involvement in the Orion War and forgiving themselves for the role they played. Earth was colonized after the Orion War from those who survived In the Chilam Balam Book of Jaguar Priests it reads: “A Road to the Stars Descended From the Sky and the 13 and 9 Gods Came To Earth.” The 13 and 9 Gods refer to the Gods or Extraterrestrials of the Galactic Federation who will return to Earth when the Mayan Calendar enters the Unity Wave of Consciousness and counts natural time as 13 and 9 instead of 13 and 20. We entered the Unity Wave on March 9, 2011.
This is a direct reference to the same Extraterrestrials who arrived from Outer Space to colonize Earth. The Mythical Twins from the Popol Vuh are Enki and Enlil, the Mesopotamian Extraterrestrial Gods we see mentioned in the Sumerian Texts originally from Niburu. The Orion War resulted in the annihilation of the Planet Maldek by nuclear destruction. This became the Firmament in Heaven, the Asteroid Belt. At that time Niburu was nearly destroyed and thrown off into the Pleiades Star System. The survivors of this war sent colonies to Lyra and Vega as well as Orion, Sirius A, Sirius B and Earth. Earth fell in the Dimensions. This is when we could no longer sustain life in an etheric form and we put on human suits to exist the the physical realm. The Popol Vuh outlines Earths First, Second and Third Creations as well as the Orion War plunging Earth into the Lower Dimensions. The Xibalba Lords were the Fallen Angels which tortured the slave races of Earth and created the destruction of Earth by nuclear holocaust.

Ashtar brought forth messages in a book called In Days To Come. In this book he outlines how we must heal the Astral Realm surrounding Earth before the Physical Realm healings can take place. I worked with Ashtar and the Galactic Federation on healing these Astral Realms and here is my accounting of one such operation which took place in the Astral on June 25, 2009:
My Dear Friends,Interdimensionally and multidimensionally, our radiant Planet IS NOW ASCENDED. I no longer experience seeing her as I did before this very comprehensive Blue Op.
  就在5分鍾前,不可能用老的方式來解釋這一現象。今晚我看到很多朋友為這一藍圖聚在一起,聖哲曼、麥克大天使、娜達女士、劍王、賽科麥特母親、湯姆環尾貓Paschat、維瓦繆斯Vywamus(蓋婭的雙生就是維瓦繆斯)、貝芙/馬克(楚雯beth和庫伯 mark huber)、塔拉/羅摩、鯨、海馬、梅爾人。我看到所有閱讀信息的朋友們都前來支持這一揚升過程。
It is not possible to describe it in the old way (that was so 5 minutes ago). I see tonight many friends gathered for the Blue Op. St Germain, Lord Michael, Lady Nada, King of Swords, Mother Sekhmet, Tom the Ring Tail Cat Paschat, Vywamus, Beth/Mark, Tara/Rama, Lord Sananda, Ashtar, Arcturus, Metatron, Neptune, Zarathustra, Sea Beings, Sea Lions, Sharks, Sea Turtles, Dolphins, Whales, Sea Horses, Mer people. I see all my friends reading this have collectively joined to be a support and lend their hearts for this Ascension Process.

We begin tonight at various sites on Earth where she has been raped of her raw minerals due to over-mining. As the Cabal falls, they will no longer strip Earth of her vital Life Force, diamonds, gold, platinum, copper, iron, coal, minerals and trace minerals.
We go to a place in Siberia where there are a dozen coal mines in one town. Only, it is not only coal being mined. Siberia is populated by falsely accused prisoners. They are tortured and mine Mother Earth of precious minerals. There is no connection to the outside World. No one in the past 100 years has witnessed the vast destruction here.
This takes us to Africa. To wars, killing and raping of woman and children. The purpose is refugees flee from areas heavily populated with precious minerals. Genocide leaves no one to witness the rape of Mother Earth's gold, diamonds, platinum, and minerals for computer production and uranium for weapons.
All of this is over.,As we visited each site, Ashtar and his Wings dissolved all equipment and structures associated with these places. With the arrests around the corner, due to accountability, these places will literally no longer exist. The destruction to the people and the Planet will no longer exist. All resources will be fairly distributed to all peoples over the Earth. This will happen with new harmless technologies.
I see a giant network of dark satellites connected to a computer system that is involved with making weather including destructive storms. This entire system has been dissolved by Ashtar tonight.


[重要的  19.5º]
I see we work on opening Mother Earth's portal to other Stars. Much traffic from Star Craft enter and exit from a portal running from the Amazon Jungle to Hawaii at 19.5N Latitude.
Lady Nada enters the Amazon Portal interdimensionally to restore another Solar Disc and anchor it into this area. This means Mother Earth can now govern herself with no one group or government interfering.
我們和查拉圖斯特拉Zarathustra、海王星、海中存有、天使及銀河人們一起進入到飛船中,鯨族躍入海中。阿斯塔消解了所有海中的建築、戰爭武器、聲納、紅外線、水中生命抓 捕探測裝置、漁輪、巡遊船、潛艇、帶有醫療汙染和垃圾的駁船,它們不被允許進入這一區域。對這些家族貪婪的控製,這些實體完全被摧毀。
We now go together with Zarathustra and Neptune, with Sea Beings, Angels and Galactics in Ships, and with the Cetacean Nation into the Sea. Ashtar dissolves all structures built and installed under the sea.War weaponry, sonar, infrared, explorations, mass harvest of sea life, fishing vessels, cruise ships, submarines, barges with medical waste, barges with trash will no longer be allowed. With the controlling families and greed crumbling, these entities are dissolved.
I see Metatron lighting the Earth's Platinum Grid from the lowest depth of the Sea to the Highest Mountain Peak.
我看到阿爾康父、太陽神和灶神星(赫利俄斯和維斯塔),   偉大的中央大日綻放光波進入到地心地球的中央太陽。這些光被太陽光盤門戶在地球上一些特殊點位反射放大著。
I see Alcyone, Helios and Vesta. The Great Central Sun shines light waves into the Inner Earth Sun. These are reflected and magnified by the Solar Disc portals at specific points on the Earth.
This anchors the opening of Mother Earth's heart flame in the Inner core of the Earth.
伴隨著它的點燃,她完全得到了錨定,積極連接到行星、太陽、銀河、宇宙、大宇宙矩陣格柵,自始至終,連接著神性。這是地球降落到物質世界的第一次嚐試。我不斷地感恩著萬物,充滿了喜悅與愛。  貝芙(楚雯beth)
With Mother Earth's Heart Flame lighted, she now is fully anchored, energetically, to the planetary, solar, galactic, universal, cosmic matrix grid all the way back to the God Head. This is the first time since the descent into matter that this has been so.I give thanks for this momentous moment in the Now.Much joy and love,Beth
這 是地球二元業力學校的畢業典禮。地球揚升進入到永恒的和平當中。我們作為銀河社會懶得了全然的能力。此刻,我們地球上的每個人都在麵對自我製造的嘈雜時刻,我們得到邀請檢視自己處在哪個位置和自我的目標。那些並不讚同合一、開放、責任、真理和和平的人,將不久會發現他們走上了一條不歸之路。
This is the end time on Earth for the duality school of karma. Earth is ascending into a Realm where we return to an enduring peace. We return to our full capabilities as a Galactic society. At this time all on this planet are facing ourselves and the choices we have made and being invited to examine our positions and goals. Anyone who does not honor a path of unity, openness, accountability, truth and Peace will soon--very soon-- find that they have chosen a dead-end path.
That moment is fast approaching and the gap between the two different directions is widening in every second. A separation of the paths is upon us now. We call this the separation of Worlds. No longer will deceit, greed, and domination of others prevail.
We will all see the evidences of this in the coming days. 911 revelations that will compel war crimes trials are already rising to the top of the list which involves most players in the past administration, and quite a large number that are remaining in the current administration. Indictments will shortly be released on most of these and others will follow.
 這些人將證明自己犯罪,在某一時刻揭發他們的日程。將近有400位國會代表如此腐敗,他們已在物質全息圖中被替換掉。伴隨著對他們的指控,劍王將釋放掉這些全息影像圖。那些3D層麵精神上還沒有為清晰揚升,沒有準備好的人們將被送到顯現出他們現在看到的一切照舊的 ‘鏡像舊地球’中,不會來到新地球。那將是另一個次元中的平行地球。
These ones are convicting themselves and revealing their agendas in every moment now. Approximately 400 members of Congress are so corrupt that they have already been replaced with solid holograms. When their indictments are revealed, the holograms will be de- powered by the King of Swords. Ones not ready or spiritually prepared to do the ascension clearing that are in 3-D levels will be sent to what appears to be a continuation of things as they now exist on another mirror image of old earth and will not be coming to New Earth. This will be an Earth parallel in another Dimension.
At the time of Arrests and Announcements and the enactment of NESARA Law, millions of StarShips from the Galactic Federation will decloak over all major cities over all the major Cities of the Planet, so that no one can say: I don't believe they are here,or they don’t exist. The spontaneous reaction to massive decloaking will deeply affect consciousness in a single simultaneous event, everywhere, and absolutely will expose the coverup of galactic presence.

Lord Ashtar summed it up this way:
這個國家將如神跡般得到救助! 我並沒有說這是和平的解救,而是通過數百萬堅信的大師、神之基督的人們的堅定永恒的忠誠,這片土地將從那些厭惡者擾亂的環境中得到淨化。這將成為一個中心,從 這裏將引發出興奮和喜悅的強大能量,並執行一切萬能有神的意誌。即將到來的王者 (劍之王)將統治重生的世界,不受那些企圖毀滅他信念之人的困擾阻礙。
“THIS THY COUNTRY SHALL BE SAVED AS BY A MIRACLE! I say not it will be a peaceful deliverance but through the unfaltering loyalty of millions who place their faith in thy Master, the Christ of God, this land will be cleansed from the abominations now infesting it. It shall be the center from which shall issue those injunctions and powerful energies which shall lead the world into an intense, burning desire to know and to do the Will of the Lord God of All Creation, as revealed by their coming King, who shall reign over this regenerated world without hindrance from those who now harass and seek to destroy His faithful servants.”
As we have our Announcement and Landings, everyone will have full access to their Cosmic Soul records as well as those of all earth embodiments. When we dropped to the 12th Dimension in this Matter Universe, we had to create a matter vehicle. All met in the Lyran-Vegan system and the Adam Kadmon template we all now inhabit is the result of our joint agreement in Lyra.
Only the negative Anunnaki from Niburu, refused to abide by the Lyran compact, and some are still here in their original format. We call them the Illuminati/Family of 13. They are Mother Sekhmet's children who must now either open to Love or leave, permanently.
The positive Anunnaki are what we call Intergalactic temporal Time Cops, come back here to remove the Negative ones who are Intergalactic Criminals, operating against all Universal and Spiritual Laws. The end of time for the Intergalactic War Criminals is upon us. Be at Peace.

貝芙(楚雯Beth )



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