
發現地球真相, 藍圖先生研究銀河大曆史。

[2014ACIO新譯] 阿斯塔之路. 阿斯塔自傳

(2017-07-13 18:47:16) 下一個

ACIO,現時的阿斯塔.    精選文章:
1. ACIO[2014新譯] 阿斯塔之路.阿斯塔自傳   (阿斯塔之路網, 阿斯塔的自傳)
2. *[ACIO楚雯] 阿斯塔指揮部的一份簡要  (附上.阿斯塔與銀河聯邦一書中,阿斯塔的介紹)
    * 庫伯與楚雯: 近期的美國負麵外星人的一份簡史
3. ACIO[2011楚雯]   阿斯塔.銀河大揭露
4. [2014E.Trutwin楚雯] 完全銀河大揭露 ---從頭細說
5. 楚雯201406: 我們銀河的曆史和大揭露
藍圖先生  匯編

1.    阿斯塔指揮部的阿斯塔,  跟稱為 ‘阿西塔.謝蘭’ 的, 大致是 2個不同的人。
  在參閱比利邁爾, 和艾伏本達的訊息後,    ‘阿西塔.謝蘭’是一個忽悠我們的外星信息,   他們建立 一種 UFO的邪教組織,  故意去混淆我們對於銀河真相的認知。
他讓很多人懷疑銀河聯邦, 或對銀河聯邦失去信心。

2.  Amelius Line阿米流斯之血統 (路線), 是指神聖的阿當卡蒙模板的血統。詳情, 可參閱NC係列織拉娜的訊息, 以及 凱西之阿特蘭提斯的解讀紀錄。
據織拉娜說,  與阿米流斯之血統(路線)  對立的, 是 路西法之血統(路線)- Lucifer Line.   因此, 我們理解為, 從一開始,  撒南達與路西法, 就是 2條不同的路線。  據楚雯, 及阿曆姍的信息,  人類的曆史, 就是艾洛希 ElohI與墮落耶洛因 Fallen Elohim的 2大陣營的鬥爭。

3.    人生見苦。
佛陀說, 人生之苦, 是因為我們有貪欲, 有執著,  留戀物質, 無法自拔。
蘇格拉底說, 人生之苦, 是因為我們無知。
耶穌:   消除痛苦, 唯有 愛。
彌勒:   消除痛苦, 唯有真知。
墮落耶洛因們,  佈下了路西法矩陣 Lucifer Matrix, 他們採取的技倆, 就是
01.    讓人們追求貪欲,  留戀物質, 互相攀比, 難以自拔。
02.    讓人們處於無知之中。
墮落耶洛因們,   不希望人類可以揚升; 他們希望永遠地統治我們, 讓我們
下文中,  Cobra眼鏡蛇先生2012. 10月2日信息《銀河聯邦》, 值得我們認真閱讀。  我們要小心, 不致落入墮落耶洛因們的把戲之中。

4.            阿斯塔指揮部在地球上的組織是 ACIO.
ACIO有2邊,  一邊是迷宮小組, 及 WM資料; 另一邊訊息者有: 塔拉,羅摩,庫伯, 楚雯, 蘇珊利蘭 。羅摩 Rama Ajuna是地球上, 唯一的一人, 可以直接接觸到F3勢力,  阿斯塔指揮部之上的各銀河人類。
2008年 前,  ACIO的一個網站是 樹網站 Tree Site, (網址,我尚未找到)。
2009年,  母神Mother Sekhmet 和阿斯塔, 向蘇珊利蘭Susan Leland傳話, 讓她將信息放在  “阿斯塔之路之網站”上。http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/   塔拉,羅摩 的 A&A報告, 也可在此找到。 2011年, Shan-athana是最早期的中國人去翻譯此網站的; 並且她及友人也翻譯了楚雯 2010的重要作品: 《阿斯塔和銀河聯邦》。
2012年,  楚雯作為ACIO中最重要的訊息者,  她的訊息開始發揮作用。
在中文世界, 2013年,  有2個人,   一位是 RL,  一位是 LT, 他們傳播了楚雯訊息:   
 《楚雯: 地球大實驗紀要2013》。
2013.    ACIO 的重要網站是:   彩虹圓桌網.  這個網站已經更新主頁很多次了。http://2013rainbowroundtable.ning.com/  
楚雯的網頁是:    http://cosmicascension.org/   ;    http://galacticconnection.com/elizabeth-trutwins-arrived-new-earth-make-real/
(可作為參考用)。 原本的楚雯專頁, 已經取消了  elizabethtrutwin.org  。

5.     據ACIO所言,   NESARA法案已經 在 2008年在美國宣佈了。所以, 我們看見以下 2009年阿斯塔通過楚雯 的文章,  當時他興奮地宣稱大計劃, 很快便會實行。  之後,  我們理解的情況是,   F1,F2黑暗勢力依然非常強盛,  共濟會P2會所(共濟會最黑暗的所在) 之背後有一股外星力量, 非常強悍, 一直在阻撓大揭露的進行。
LT閱讀的 [2001年以來的外星訊息] 中,  CM係列, BM係列,  SSOA係列,  GA係列, GF係列, 以及2013凱瑟琳梅,  以至 瑪麗安(2013昴蓿星人) 等等訊息……  我不得不說, 一直以來依然有大量的, 不真實的外星訊息 , 一直在忽悠我們。
連卡梅倫.岱Cameron Day也說, 不想做一位光之工作者了: Cameron Day:我為什麽不再是一個光之工作者.
嘟嚕嘟Duludu說:  銀河聯邦現在都有真假呢,我們不能因為銀河聯邦出現了贗品,就說銀河聯邦這整個團隊都是假貨。   (百度一下)

6.      2014年, 經過了 七年之信息戰,  我們今天將會迎來 光之勝利嗎?
善與惡之七年大決戰, 是不是已經進入尾聲了?   
隻見習大大感染了中國, 普京感染了俄羅斯;  
而劍王, 即將揮起基督之劍嗎?
9-11重犯的審訊之日, 就是凱西預言實現之時。
下文中,  A&A 團隊 [塔拉與羅摩] 的文章  (20140926),
 帕特裏克·菲茨傑拉德Patrick Fitzgerald,  這是真正的白騎士。他是娜達夫人的助手; 娜達夫人是撒南達的雙生光靈魂。
 “19.5º先生",  又一個神秘人物。 大家如熟讀 WM造翼者資料的, 應該知道 ACIO的一個領導者是 "15先生"。   現在, 請大家再記住一個:  “19.5º先生"。

阿斯塔之路.  阿斯塔自傳

Really appreciate English source:Frances Pearre 2010.03.06
原題:【阿斯塔路. 謝蘭與來自金星神聖的庫瑪拉團隊】
Shan-athana    原譯本於2012.03.19
最好的祝福 Best Wishes   譯本於 2013.08.15~16 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_3298736684_13_1.html
藍圖先生 LT.   新校寫於:  2014.12.15

"I AM Ashtar of the Divine Kumaras of Venus.  I give you now my biography, as you call it, the relevant moments of my lifetimes in relation to the Ascension of the Earth.  I come originally from the Angelic realms, where I began to work with Sananda Kumara.  I was inspired to assist in his mission of Ascension, a mission that began eons ago, and I volunteered to come into this Universe because I was part of this mission, to experience and develop and ultimately ascend those in the Adam Kadmon template and especially those on planet Earth.
I have undergone the most arduous of human experiences to the point of becoming lost in humanness as it was dragged down into lower vibrations for eons.  Just as my beloved mentor Sananda Kumara volunteered to experience this human form on earth and to undergo the crucifixion and resurrection to show the potential of this Adam Kadmon template, I experienced several Earth human embodiments.  These are not well known, and I will speak of them now because the moment for Earth humans to ascend has now arrived, and to ascend enmasse with the planet.
"I was with Amelius, as Sananda is known, in his very first Earth human embodiment - I was with him as Apollonius, one later known as Apollonius, that is.  It is necessary to experience many lifetimes as an Earth human over the ages of Earth in order to understand and develop this human form on this planet, to have an understanding of all the degradations and limitations it became subjected to, while at the same time, being fully conscious of Source and of the great Love that we all are.  So I can speak, as Sananda can, from long experience in Earth's human embodiments.
我 和作為Amelius 阿米流斯的撒南達 在一起,(Shan譯注:Amelius是第一個顯化為人類形體的靈魂, Amelius維持了他作為獅人種族(Felines)後代的DNA與純正血統---高大、金發、碧眼的白色人種。 LT: 請參閱 NC係列織拉娜的訊息。)
在他的第一次人類化身之時 ——我的名字叫阿波羅尼優斯Apollonius,,一個後來為人所知的人。通過很長的地球時間去體驗多世的地球人的人生,那是必要的,以了解和發展這顆行星上人類的形態,包括去了解所有的惡化的過程及其所造成的多種局限,與此同時,讓世人明白,我們都是來自源頭的擁有大愛的全意識的存有。所以,在經曆了長期的地球人類化身的體驗之後,我會如是說,一如撒南達。
There were many lifetimes, all with an incarnation of Sananda, and one of these was in Maya land as a prince of the Mayans.  I brought through the calendar of the Mayans, because it was important for humanity to know the timing of their Ascension and their evolution out of darkness.  It was important to know that there was a plan because practically everyone had become lost.
Quetzalcoatl was Sanat Kumara and he did come as a fiery dragon from the skies.  Teotihuacan was a base for Sananda and I was there.  The Mayans were a test case for Ascension.  Many of us incarnated there.  We were on a mission.  We were able to ascend a large majority of the population at that time in that culture.  We were able to develop them and ascend them and we knew, we knew then that it was entirely possible.  So we laid down the calendar because it laid out the plan and the timing - the divine timing.
羽蛇神Quetzalcoatl  (古代墨西哥阿茲特克人與托爾特克人崇奉的重要神祇)是聖納·庫瑪拉的化身(譯注:聖納庫瑪拉是撒南達·庫瑪拉的父親),它是以火龍的形象化現於空中。特奧蒂瓦坎 Teotihuacan是撒南達和我在那裏的基地。馬雅人的揚升是一個嚐試的先例。我們中的許多人都化身到那裏。我們支持著同一個使命。我們能夠揚升當時的馬雅文化的全部居民中的絕大多數。我們知道,我們能夠使他們完成進化和揚升,我們當時就知道那是完全可能的。所以,我們設定了馬雅曆法,因為它安排了計劃和時間——神聖的時間。
"One of my embodiments was in the time of Sananda asYeshua.  This was the immediate forerunner for the attempted ascension of the planet.  Actually, we planned to ascend the culture of the time and so we sent many, many into human embodiments with Sananda as Yeshua, and we all endeavored to demonstrate mastery of the human form on Earth, coming from the cultures on Earth.  It was indeed arduous and challenging, to say the least.
I became known at that time as Apollonius of Tyanna, and there were certain records made, the most dramatic being my bilocation out of the Roman Senate, and others of great mastery from the Kumara lineage accomplished many other so-called miracles as a demonstration of the divine potential in all humans.  That was our mission and we did accomplish a great deal. However, the powers against us prevented the full ascension of the culture and we knew there was much more work to be done.
However, Sananda left his indelible impression with his submission to crucifixion and the spread of his message, although heavily distorted, circled the globe in time, so that he would be known and recognized when he came in this time of culmination of the full ascension of planet Earth and all its members who are able to reach at least the 5th dimension of divine Love and Unity.
無論如何, 撒南達留下了不可磨滅的印象,人們因為他的被釘死在十字架上而臣服,並將他的信息廣為流傳,雖然在很大程度上失真了,但最終傳遍了全球,因此當他這次前來使行星地球進入全麵提升的高潮,並使其成員們進入至少是充滿了神聖之愛與合一的5維度之時,他將被再度知曉和敬仰。
"In this present now we are in the final seconds of this long-awaited Earth Ascension and mass Ascension of the humans of planet Earth.  We have assembled all star beings from the stars, from many galaxies, nations and cultures, many dimensions and understandings, to participate and witness this momentous Ascension of Earth.  We put out the call.  We Kumaras put out the call and many answered.  We are so gratified that so many answered.  It is now the most exciting moment in the entire Universe there has ever been in all of time and place, because we are working through the last moments of this, and the entire Universe is lifted along with the Earth and her inhabitants.  All of these volunteers representing their home worlds enabled this energy to be affecting their own systems and worlds, universes and galaxies.  We all ascend together ultimately, because that is the feedback of the energy we give, we have given over eons of time and space.
 "So I am now here, and known officially in your government and official circles since the time your scientists began their atomic and nuclear experiments here, because we were called to intervene.  The universe demanded intervention.  It was a playback of Atlantean technology which only led to destruction, and actually further back, it was a replay that we had learned over eons that could not be allowed or all would perish into oblivion.  For the sake of the many, we had to intervene and make known our message, so that there would be a conscious choice on the part of Earth's human governments as to the direction in which they were moving.  And you know the results of that.
We made official diplomatic connection with Earth's governments, many of them, the most relevant the United States.  We met officially with Eisenhower and explained in great clarity and detail that we were willing to assist them, but only if they discarded all research and intentions to pursue their nuclear technology.  They with their limited minds could not comprehend what we were saying.  They only knew, or thought they knew, that they needed this as protection.  Some of them thought that, but the real powers behind it all understood.  They simply wanted control.  They wanted an outpost, a base from which they could control the Solar System and beyond, because that was their drive in their 3D embodiments.


"So we have been working steadily since that time, infiltrating more and more volunteers from our fleets to create the environment and the consciousness that would call for the upliftment of humans and the upliftment of the Earth.  And we have moved into the time where we are in the final seconds playing out in Earth time.   I have given many messages announcing the step by step revelation of this plan and the vision of the present future of planet Earth, the Solar System, the Galaxy and the Universe we all live in.  And I am overjoyed to be participating in this roundtable of co-creative partnership establishing this Ascension Center to bring all Earth humans, who are willing, with us as Earth rises to her divine position as an Ascended Planet.
It is the culmination of our plan and we see it already done.  And we acknowledge now that it is done and we acknowledge our participation in it.

"And so I, Ashtar, Commander of the Galactic Federation Fleet under Admiral Sananda Kumara, welcome you to The Ascension and The Golden Age.  And so it is.  Salute."
因此,我,阿斯塔,由艦隊司令 撒南達·庫瑪拉 所領導下的銀河聯邦艦隊的指揮官,歡迎你們來到揚升的黃金時代。僅此。致敬!
Dictated through Frances Pearre, March 6, 2010. Copyright Ashtar On The Road Publications.  All rights reserved.
由  Frances Pearre 口述於2010年3月6日。“Ashtar On The Road 阿斯塔之路” 版權所有。保留所有正當的權利。
僅供參考,來自原譯者 shan-athana 的譯注:
[ 阿當卡德蒙模板 Adam Kadmon template ] :包含在大天使風格編碼裏的天使振動編碼(密碼)日益與我們自己的遺傳基因/意識體結合在一塊,如同我們在做升天的準備一樣,這樣這些振動模式的聲音,就會結合在一起,進入創造物身體內的能量矩陣裏麵去。當我們擁有了非常自我化屬性的神性名稱頻率模式進入到足夠高的共振時候,於是持有這些特質的天使生命這樣的道路就開啟了,就可以投射天使的圖像進入你全部的身體/思想/靈魂模板內去,因此把你最終的越過上麵的道路,帶進到神性傳承裏來:這就是亞當卡德蒙模板的完整解釋.
[阿米流斯Amelius  ]:是第一個顯化為人類形體的靈魂, Amelius維持了他作為獅人種族(Felines)後代的DNA與純正血統——高大、金發、碧眼的白色人種。


 [Cobra眼鏡蛇]  2012. 10月2日信息《銀河聯邦》

參閱:    [2013簡報] 有關銀河聯邦與阿斯塔訊息    
正如我說過的,銀河聯盟(Galactic Confederation)是一個由這個星係中的正麵文明組成的自由聯盟,例如昂宿星人,天狼星人,大角星人...它的領導者是存在於開悟的意識層次中的揚升大師和存有。在這顆星球上,銀河聯盟作為許多名字被人們知曉:銀河聯邦(Galactic Federation),光之銀河聯邦(Galactic Federation of Light),銀河行星聯盟(Galactic Confederation of Planets),銀河行星聯邦(Galactic Federation of Planets),行星統一聯邦(United Federation of Planets)...所有這些名字都指的是同一個正麵團體。
在 這顆星球上有很多人聲稱他們與這個正麵團體有聯係。同樣,大多數例子中,這並不是真的。一些人與這個正麵團體有著真正的聯係,但來自銀河聯盟的大多數通靈 信息都被執政官和他們在心智,星光和以太層中的技術給攔截了。接著執政官把一些第一眼看上去像是充滿愛與光,但實際上隻是些廢話的垃圾信息嵌入進去。他們 也在其中混雜了許多虛假信息,而這在銀河聯盟的光之工作者間製造了大量的混亂。大多數通靈管道都是真心致力於光的,他們隻是沒有能力穿透那個由執政官製造 的帷幕。極少數通靈管道是美國國家安全局的代理人。
在90年 代中期和末期,大量真正的銀河聯盟接觸者都在地下軍事基地中遭受到了極端而殘酷的心智編程。他們的心智被分裂了,而關於銀河聯盟的虛假信息則被植入到了他 們的人格的表麵。那時,這項行動是由控製著地球隔離區的執政官的領導者精心安排的,因為他們害怕銀河聯盟將會來到這裏並解放這顆行星。毫無疑問,銀河聯盟 將會到來並解放這顆行星,陰謀集團所有的威脅和暴行都是徒勞的。
阿斯塔是一個光之存有,並不是一些人聲稱的那樣,他並不屬於一個虛構的Bafath巴伏人 負麵團體。聖哲曼也是一個光之存有。而Kuthumi大師以及其他的揚升大師們也是如此。他們的進化已經超越了二元性,並且他們散發著無條件的愛。不幸的是,那些許多聲稱是他們的弟子的人們並不具備這種高度。
(LT注: 阿斯塔和雅典娜是雙生火焰。 Ashtar & Athena;  Astara是一個神話學名字.)


 槐叔注:這幾年來各類通靈訊息的不斷滲透引入,導致很多人迷 失在訊息的語句中,重複喋喋不休,每天以訊息喂養自己,而偏離了靈性道路,這也算是一個考驗與嚐試,讓各位能夠親自去辨別訊息正偽,一切都是為我們安排最 好的體驗與考驗,一步步推進個人耐力、信心、意誌與提升意識領域,本人以前也是個訊息迷,後來一步步覺悟並且覺察自己的言行想法意識,其實一切很簡單,我 們不是為了靈修而靈修,也不是為了逃避現實紛擾而以靈修方式麵對,
該生活還是得生活,該麵對依然麵對,隻要你心中有不朽的信念,鐵杵也能磨成針!謹此送給 逃避現實的家人們,你們是最棒的,隻是還差一步而已!

飛船大顯現, 即將發生!
~Decloakings Are Seconds Away-Be In Joy!

28 October 2009 - 1:49am |  cosmicascension...
Beth Trutwin
~Lord Ashtar

 通靈者:Beth Trutwin (楚雯) 2009




 對新聞媒體來說星際行動不算驚奇的事件了,因為KOS (劍王)早就公告了全世界的媒體:那些被劃分為不適應新的媒體方向的,他們將會離開這個領域。













答案是,我們在 2008年10月1日開始已經公告在NESARA法則裏了。那裏麵大量的教導可以幫助新聞媒體去了解其中的真實涵義,不過還會有直接來自星際間的信息,用各種語言遍及全球的發送到任何能接收到電視、電台以及報紙信息的地方。人們將會感覺到需要呆在家裏休息並吸收這些信息,沒有必要出外或是在外做事的可能。這不會是一開始就會有的,大量的信息正陸續來臨。




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A&A 團隊    (20140926)
by Deep Knight »   Fri Sep 26, 2014 2:14 pm
2014, August 5 - Tara's Birthday Present 塔拉的生日禮物
from the White Knights, shared with All of Us!
這個塔拉的生日,我的親愛的, 我以最大的感激之情,大故事有最好的更新! NESARA 現在!
稍晚,羅摩接到一個電話來自Larry,Curly and Mo,他們都表示 “有一個罪犯的地區, 是怎麽的回事。”  (注:  發生在 2014年8月以來)

“特別檢察官” 是 帕特裏克·菲茨傑拉德Patrick Fitzgerald(他不能被解雇, 他是娜達夫人的助手),
並從紐約,憲法學教授,埃裏克.施奈德曼(他剛接手克裏斯·克裏斯蒂案件, 誰參與9-11,因此將要支付代價)。 。 現在,超過50萬張傳票準備放出了,那走一路的人, Dick Cheney, G. W., Karl Rove, Hillary, Colin Powell, Rummie, Gonzales, Adolf Ashcroft, Tom Ridge, Rudy Giuliani, Bloomberg  (切尼, 希拉莉, 彭博..) 。
這些人, 誰有參與9-11。 。 。將超過有 50萬張傳票給他們。
Larry, Curly and Mo這樣說: "19.5ºs先生" 和他的3位女性可以是9.11的證人,可以“談及幕後的一切”。
Larry, Curly and Mo 向羅摩,“順便再說一句:  這些女性都不是地球的人類!“
當我們接近8-8 - 獅子之門Lion’s Gate,再一個母親的日子,那名一直在打自己的牌,維持種族滅絕罪和謀殺的權力,他們缺乏意願回到愛。
即將來臨的勞動節,Larry, Curly and Mo說,可能隻是一個“愛的勞動”節,將送給這些的,母親(賽克邁特)頑固的孩子們,讓他回到黑暗裂穀去,那裏母親會再用能量來創造光明的新宇宙,愛情和永恒的和平。

在A&A 團隊。 。 。 T&R... Inshallah

LT:    帕特裏克·菲茨傑拉德Patrick Fitzgerald,  這是真正的白騎士。
 “19.5º先生",  又一個神秘人物。 大家熟讀 WM造翼者資料的人, 應該知道 ACIO的一個領導者是 "15先生"。現在, 請大家再記住一個:  “19.5º先生  "[即是奧巴馬]"。

Greetings, all you Commanders, Eagles & Angels:

This Birthday, I felt my Beloved and myself received with the greatest gratitude, the very best update ever on the Big Story! NESARA NOW!

Yet, before that, the KOS said, “Happy Birthday, my dearest Green Tara. The Mahdi is here and the job is getting done!”

A bit later, Rama received a call fromLarry, Curly and Mo. They all said “There's a shake-up going on in the District of Criminals.”

Mr. “Special Prosecutor” Patrick Fitzgerald (who cannot be fired) and, from New York, Constitutional Law Professor, Eric Schneiderman (who just took over the Chris Christie case who will be found to have done 9-11 and thus will pay the price) . . . these two have in hand now, over ½ million subpoenas ready to hand out, that go all the way up to Dick Cheney, G. W., Karl Rove, Hillary, Colin Powell, Rummie, Gonzales, Adolf Ashcroft, Tom Ridge, Rudy Giuliani, Bloomberg . . . all who did 9-11 . . . over ½ million subpoenas.

Larry, Curly and Mo put it this way: Mr 19.5ºs and his 3 female witnesses to 9-11, have been “talking behind the scenes”, and Larry, Curly and Mo said also to Rama, “By the way, Lord Rama, these women are not from Earth!”

As we approach 8-8 – Lion’s Gate, another one of Mother's days, the Powers That Were have been playing their cards to the hilt with all of this genocide and murder, a certain evidence of their lack of willingness to return to Love.

This coming Labor Day, Larry, Curly and Mo said, may just be a “Labor of Love” that will send these ones, Mother's recalcitrant children, back to the Dark Rift, where Mother will use the energy to create new universes of Light, Love and Universal Eternal Peace.


In Service to The One,
The A & A Team . . . T & R…Inshallah


Introduction to Lord Ashtar and the Guardian Angels of the Flying Forces of the Great White Brotherhood
by Elizabeth Trutwin
20/09/2014 / paulinebattell    
Introduction to Lord Ashtar and the Guardian Angels of the Flying Forces of the Great White Brotherhood by Elizabeth Trutwin

Who Is Lord Ashtar?

Lord Ashtar is an Elohi Angel 艾洛希天使originally from the Planet Ashtar. He has had extensive experiences at Venus, Pleiades and Niburu as well. Lord Ashtar with Admiral Sananda Jesus are in charge of the Universe Nebadon. Our Universe is one in a seven Universe System. Admiral Lincor is in the head of Star Fleet through the Intergalactic Confederation of 7 Super Universes. Lord Ashtar is the Captain on the FlagShip The New Jerusalem which is one in the Fleet of Ships in the Galactic Federation. The Admiral Sananda Jesus was incarnate on Earth as Jesus the Christ. Lord Sananda has had seven Earth incarnations and has also been known as Zoroaster, Tutankhamen and Jesus. Lord Ashtar has had one Earth incarnation as Pacal Votan. He is revered as the chief engineer who guided the Mayan mission of inscripting stone monuments with precise astronomical and astrological information during his reign in the 10th Baktun in Palenque.

Ashtar and The Mayans

Lord Ashtar incarnated once on Earth, though he has incarnated on other Planets. He was the Avatar Pacal Votan 10

of the Mayan culture. The ancient Mayan priests claimed that the spirit of Pacal Votan came from the stars and that was why he brought the wisdom of the stars with him. They also said that after arriving in our Mother Earth, he decided to work with the human beings forever teaching them all the current well-known sciences plus other unknown sciences that are even unknown to us these days. Pacal Votan used to say that every initiate should be aware of knowing the 13 dimensions of the physical realm because the explanations to all the existing mysteries in the world, either physically or non-physically, could be found there. In the Mayan lands, Pacal Votan used to teach the secrets of the K’ulthanlilni, better known today as Kundalini; in this way the priestly class knew and practiced the 7 powers in such the same way they were known in India. Pacal Votan also taught his Mayan people the handling of the 7 powers held in the human body and using the Mayan word “Chacla” he used to point out the parts of the initiates’ bodies where that great power, coming from the cosmic power, would flow out. In India they use a similar word, chakra.

The Avatar Pacal Votan was a great astrologer and astronomer to the Mayan people of the Yucatan Peninsula and ancient America. He resided in the holy city of Palenque, which was built in the center of a triangular grid between the 3 points of Chichen-Itza, Tres Zapotes and Kaminaljuyu.

Palenque and Pacal Votan’s Temple of the Inscriptions is often compared to the Egyptian Pyramids of Giza for several intriguing reasons. One is that both ancient sites are situated in the center of the geological landmass of 11

their perspective hemisphere, resulting in a perfect balance of male and female energy.

Pacal Votan had a Mission of bringing culture and teaching practices for enlightenment. He was a time traveling shape shifter who was adept in healing and taught the quantum physics of traveling through worm holes as string theorists teach today.

Ashtar in Ancient India  as one of the Hindu Gods

Hindu religious literature is known as the Vedas. The Vedas are a large body of literature including the two Indian Epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata as well as the Puranas. Lord Ashtar came to Earth during the ancient Hindu period and taught the Sage Vasishta the Galactic Wisdom Teachings. This is known as the Ashtar Vidya or Ashtar Knowledge. This oral tradition was taught to the Rishis in ancient times and eventually was transcribed to become the Agni Purāna. This was the Starfleet Academy teachings from Ashtar. Besides theology the voluminous epics also provide information about ancient Indian society, philosophy, culture, religion and ways of life. The Vedas teach one how to enter the Path to Enlightenment.

The eighteen Puranas deal with stories that are old and do not appear in the epics Puratana is Sanskrit for “ancient”, the derivative noun purana means ancient history. The epics themselves are set in different epochs or aeons of time. The Ramayana, written by the poet Valmiki, 12

describes the life and times of Lord Rama (the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu) and occurs in the treta yuga, while the Mahabharatha that describes the life and times of Rama Arjuna and Lord Krishna (the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu), occurs in the Dwapara yuga. The Agni Purāna has a number of verses dealing with ritual worship, cosmology and astrology, history, warfare, sections on grammar and meter, law, medicine, and martial arts, mudras, iconography symbols and a description of the universe. Ashtar came then to guide the culture of India to a Higher Teaching and toward Enlightened living culturing world peace. In the Agni Purāna it describes Buddha and Kalki as avataras of Lord Vishnu.

Agni is considered a messenger from and to the other Gods. He is ever-young, because the fire is re-lit every day, and he is also immortal. With Varuna and Indra he is one of the supreme gods in the Rig Veda. The light Agni emits is the light of knowledge, therefore, it is also known as the illuminator of knowledge who lights up the path leading to Truth. Agni reveals the true nature of one’s own Self because it is the innermost light that shines ever so brightly in all things living and nonliving as their inner consciousness or Atman. Agni is the eldest son of Brahma. In Vishnu Purāna Agni (Abhimani) the fire god is said to have sprung from the mouth of the Cosmic Man. As the eldest son of Brahma, Abhimani represents the Cosmic Logos, the first force produced in the Universe at its Evolution, the fire of cosmic creative desire. The Fire God Agni is fabled to melt his enemies with fire springing from his hand. We see this in Ashtar today who emits the violet flame which is a force of love from the center of the palms of his hand to fight the dark Ones who forgot how to love. 13

Preparing for the  New Golden Age on Earth

Ashtar brought a series of messages through an American in 1955 in the form of automatic writings. Automatic writing or psychography is writing which the writer states to be produced from a spiritual source without conscious awareness. The writer of a 15 chapter book wrote messages from Ashtar with instructions and suggestions on preparing for the Golden Age of Peace on Earth. In this book Ashtar describes how he and the Galactic Federation Members plan on returning to Earth in ‘The Days To Come’ to renew and rejuvenate a New Earth. He goes into great detail about steps we can take to prepare for this change. He repeatedly says in this work that The Galactic Federation has come back to fulfill a promise made by his Commanding Officer, Sananda Jesus to return to Earth and restore heaven on earth. He tells us this means he and many others will be landing their Ships on Earth and coming to live with us in our societies. He lets us know that pursuing peace and an end of nuclear destruction will aid in bringing this time of reunion closer.

Ashtar’s Role Today

Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda Jesus are the sole deciders in Earth Ascension and when it is appropriate to decloak the StarShips in the fleets in Earth’s orbit. When this happens Ashtar is in charge of creating a Force Field on Earth through the Earth Grid connected through the pyramids, ziggurats and portals of Earth which will bringus to Zero Point. Within this energy much more advanced technology is possible. To illustrate the Earth Grid we have the example of Mt. Hermon. Mt. Hermon is where the Transfiguration of Jesus took place. Mt. Hermon is located in the Golan Heights area and was gained by Israel in the land grab of the 6 days war in 1967. Mt. Hermon is a StarGate. Jesus took his Disciples Peter, James and John with him to the mountain tip. The three then fell asleep. A StarShip appears and Jesus meets with his Galactic travelers Elijah and Moses. They come out of the Ship onto the mountain and Jesus appears in his Glowie or Etheric Body to his Disciples. Mt. Hermon is located on the 33rd Latitude Line of Earth. If you follow the 33rd parallel around to the other side of Earth you also find on the 33rd parallel Roswell, New Mexico, united States. This is the site of the famous UFO crash which resulted in the recovery of live Extraterrestrials. The Earth Grid is an electromagnetic and crystalline pathway for Etheric Ships.

Lord Ashtar’s Mission is to help us wake up to the potential of New Earth by guiding us to ending all nuclear proliferation and preparing for World Peace. The Galactics refuse to share any new technology with us until we are living in Peace. If any new technology were introduced today it would be stolen by the Fallen Angels and used for new weaponry. Ashtar and the Galactic Federation return now to return Heaven on Earth as has been promised by the King of Kings.




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