
發現地球真相, 藍圖先生研究銀河大曆史。

[E.Trutwin楚雯] 撒南達是耶穌,是劍王KOS

(2017-07-12 18:39:07) 下一個

[E.Trutwin楚雯] 撒南達的身份曆史與劍王KOS,2013年
[塔拉與羅摩]A&A報告: 劍王的身份 (20130326)
[E.Trutwin楚雯] 撒南達是耶穌, 是劍王KOS
藍圖先生     收藏悅讀

埃德加·凱西和 珍妮. 狄克遜 Jeane Dixon  的預言分別也說, 耶穌基督是會重臨的, 他再臨的時間是 1998/1999.在中國, 很少有人真能看懂這2個人的預言。
ACIO的神話, 卻是在告訴我們, 誰是當前再次來臨的耶穌基督。


阿斯塔指揮部旗下的ACIO組織, 楚雯的係列文章,    Nesara和彩虹橋網站,             
Pistis Sophia 比提斯蘇菲亞書 ( 1773年發現);  以及迷宮小組,  造翼者第五篇訪談的發佈(2014),  這其實又是一股龐大的力量在運作。

而CM係列[基督邁克christMichael]:   地球之書UB, 鳳凰期刊PJ, 無限希望網AH,  海奧華預言,  與神對話係列, 甚至 函括 伊曼紐爾塔木德TJ (1963年發現),  及 比利叔叔BM的昴蓿星人筆記,  以至反映到凱瑟琳梅 (2013)的作品…… 這些不是分散的個人在創作, 這是一股龐大力量的美妙運作 。這是出色的昴宿星人的創作。

在CM 係列的作品, 和 ACIO 係列的作品,  賽克邁特母親Mother Sekhmet 和撒南達 Sananda的名字都滲入其中。
我們可將之視為,   2個不同的出版機構, 發佈了同一題材的小說, 這個題材的名字,  就叫 "大英雄撒南達和地球解放    Hero Sananda &  Liberation of Earth"。
CM 和 ACIO , 我都喜歡。不過, 我相信, 市場上最好的 科普知識, 還沒出來, 至少 2014年還沒出。在這些神話故事的背後, 一直隱藏著重大的真相。等待, 一群中國人, 去發現。

CM係列的伊蘇. 薩南得說, 他自己和特斯拉都是來自於昴宿的海奧華星。
Q:你好,請問尼古拉特斯拉Nikola Tesla是來自昴宿星的嗎?
LT:   特斯拉, 撒南達, 都是來自於金星。
2014年藍圖先生編成了 :  《楚雯:地球大實驗紀要2013》. (請百度一下,下載)

 [E.Trutwin]  引自Mother Sekhmet 201211[ 關於Kalki Maitreya彌勒佛]
Sekhmet  (November 25, 2012):    

我們也已經開始了第七次的入會儀式 --- 也就是-撒南達Sananda Kumara 與KOS(劍王)靈魂的合一!!!
昨天 (2012.11.24)還發生一件很重要的事件 。 我,  獅子母/賽克邁特母親Mother Sekhmet, 以肉身在物質世界, 將第七次轉世的耶穌的人--撒南達庫瑪拉先生Sananda Kumara與KOS(劍王), 以人身方式的 ‘合一’的第七次儀式在地球物質麵完成了!
KOS(劍王)是一個秘密組織*頭目的代號. 他一直與歐巴馬總統以及總統家屬一起工作來維持 ‘計劃’與 ‘使命’的安全進行. 他是海豹特種部隊的人, 曾參與越戰, 並曾拒絕他的司令要求他殺婦孺與小孩的命令, 反而將武器指向他的司令.

Sananda Kumara撒南達與KOS(劍王)的 ‘靈魂合一’‘將可以讓’所有’事件’的發展陸續到位!!! --- 這包括了 ‘外星大揭露’的宣布!!! -------
這事件也將引進下一個重要事件 --- 也就是阿爾康父Father Alcyone (第十次的轉世為Kalki Maitreya卡爾基彌勒’ , (他將會)再轉世. 
在撒南達Sananda Kumara轉世在地球作耶穌之時候, 他的光明工作後來由Maitreya彌勒所承續。 現在他們一起回來完成他們2000年前就開始的工作!!!
(LT: 這段文字, 似乎在說, 撒南達化身為 KOS劍王 (2012.11.24) ;這樣, 卡爾基彌勒,也將會以人身的身份出現的。這是一起重要的事件。)

LT注:  *一個秘密組織: 是指ACIO。它是美國政府NSA 國家安全局旗下的一個部門, 主要研究外星科技。對於美國陰謀集團,布什,洛克菲勒家族而言, ACIO 是他們自己的人, 受美國光明會(F2勢力)控製的。所以, 在 911事件發生的當天, 坐在喬治布什身邊的人,就是這位 KOS劍王先生。
可是,根據ACIO的庫伯2008, 塔拉,摩羅2013的訊息, 二OO8年所有美國關鍵的陰謀集團份子已經被逮捕了, 很多壞人(包括布什)已被克隆了。剩下來要做的是要搜集証據, 並催促所有陰謀集團份子的投降。 庫伯說, ACIO 其實同時是阿斯塔指揮部在美國政府設置的機構, 現在的總負責人是劍王。因此, 劍王是一個雙麵的人, 一方麵他為布什服務, 另一方麵, 他屬於阿斯塔指揮部的。
此外,WM-造翼者資料,是從ACIO 裏帶出來的。可以推測是, 造翼者的作者 James Mahu在1998年以後刻意將一些資料透露給大眾的。即使是2014年發表的 WM第五篇訪談, 其訪談的內容其實在1998年進行的。在第五篇訪談中,一位名叫Sarah(莎拉)的記者采訪了 Neruda(聶魯達博士),也巧妙地引出了ACIO的細節。
庫伯2008說, 由1998-2008, ACIO 發生了很多變化, 造翼者所發佈的資料已經跟真實有很多出入了。
ACIO-WM,  這是一個重大的課題呀。解開這個課題的, 要看中國人。

1.   他來自於金星。名字叫 Sananda Kumara撒南達.庫瑪拉。
2.    2000年前, 他化身為耶穌。 聖哲曼化身為父親約瑟。
     當耶穌(約33歲)又回到耶路撒冷時, 撒南達先生才正式完整地化身為耶穌,
(12/12化身完整版), 出演了耶穌被釘十字架前的 4年生活。
3.  他和阿斯塔先生現在 新耶路撒冷號飛船上。
4.  他於2012年11月正式化身為 KOS劍王, 劍王是撒南達化身的完整版本,
(12/12 完整版)。 也就是說, 現在耶穌已經重臨了;  劍王,就是基督的再臨。
5.   NESARA 計劃, 是由阿斯塔指揮部主導的。
計劃的詳情, 撒南達完全能了解。
事實上, 我們讀到坎迪斯筆下的伊蘇薩南得,對於 NESARA的詳情,一無所知。


Who Is the KOS?
by Elizabeth Trutwin

http://galacticroundtable.net/2013/08/who-is-king-of-swords-kos-by-elizabeth-trutwin/       2013.8  

[撒南達 的七次化身]
Sananda Kumara撒南達庫馬拉   
Sananda as Melchizedek   撒南達  是麥基洗德 。
Sananda as Shem, son of Noah.  撒南達是諾亞的兒子閃。              
Sananda as Zoroaster   撒南達是瑣羅亞斯德 。             
Sananda as King Tutankhamen.    撒南達 是圖坦卡蒙國王。         
圖坦卡蒙國王, 古埃及新王國時期第十八王朝的法老,法老阿肯那頓的兒子。死後因為宗教問題(因其父阿肯那頓反對阿蒙神,出現了一次失敗的宗教改革), 不被曆史紀錄, 圖坦國王自己在19歲時去世了。     
 Sananda as the Christ,  Jesus of Nazareth 撒南達是耶穌
Sananda as the King of Swords (KOS) 撒南達是劍王

Sananda as the Christ,  Jesus of Nazareth
撒南達  是拿撒勒人耶穌
簡譯:  藍圖先生  2014.7月

Jesus is believed to be the prophesied Messiah of the Jewish Faith. Christians believe he was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin called Mary. His Father was Joseph, an incarnation of St. Germain.
What most do not know is that during this lifetime two souls played the role of Jesus. One was not a full template of Sananda Kumara. He was 9/12th of the energy of the whole template. This is the One who challenged the authorities who were trying to control Earth, the Romans and others. This is the One who married Mary Magdelene and they had five children and moved to France. Because he was constantly inviting his detractors to challenges he was putting both of them in jeopardy. This was a similar situation to breaking the gag order now and having the dark Ones always trying to do away with the whistleblowers. Often they succeeded.
在猶太信仰中, 耶穌被認為是預言中的彌賽亞。基督徒相信他是聖靈,生母是處女叫馬利亞。他的父親是約瑟夫,聖哲曼的化身。
一個不是 '一個完整的模板的撒南達庫馬拉'。他隻是整個模板的 9/12th能量。這是正在挑戰試圖控製地球,羅馬政權當局的一個人。這是一個與抹大拉的瑪利亞結婚,並生有五個孩, 後來搬到法國的人 (在耶穌釘十字, 複活之後)。
因為他不斷地邀請他的批評者來挑戰,他讓他們都處於危險之中。就像一個類似的情況,有人試圖打破了禁言令,而黑暗勢力總是試圖清除這些告密者。通常情況下,他們成功了 -(告密者會被清除掉)。
There was also another One who was a full template 12/12 of Sanada Kumara incarnate on Earth. This is the One who had to leave and travel. He did this to stay out of the way of those who felt challenged by 9/12 presence. Sananda Kumara traveled all over the world during the years he was away teaching the Mysteries. He was called the White Prophet. He came back in the end and played out the end of the story. There was a brief period where a walk-in Soul came in for the few days when Jesus was beaten and hung on the cross. The reason for this was because this volunteer took on that karma. It was not in Sananda’s role to play that part.
也有另一個人是一個完整的模板12/12在地球上的撒南達庫馬拉的化身。這是一個人不得不離開和旅行。他這樣做是為了留出了9/12的那位 去麵對質疑的生存方式。
在早些年間, 撒南達跑遍世界,他去學習奧秘的知識。他被稱為 '白先知'。最後他回來 (約公元30年),並出演了耶穌故事的結局部份。但依然有一個短暫的時期,當耶穌被毆打,並掛在十字架上, 有一個 '接入靈魂'進來了那幾天,----原因是這個誌願者同意去承受,他本身的業力。撒南達不需要演出那部分(痛苦的)劇情了。  

When King Herod ordered the killing of all male children age 2 and under, they travelled on Land Speeders in underground tunnels and lived in Egypt. Eventually they went back. From the age of 12 to 30, Jesus studied the Vedas with Ascended Masters in the Indus valley and went back to the Middle East on a Land Speeder.
When Jeshu and Magdalene had their first child (a daughter named Sarah, a past life of Lady Diana), they went to Mt. Carmel inside the mountain was an access to the Agartha network and they went to Egypt and the Kings Chamber for teachings from the Ashtar Command.
當希律王下令殺害年齡2歲以下的男性兒童,他們用  [土地調速 Land Speeders(可能是指一種外星的快速車]在地下坑道中前往並住在埃及。
最後, 他坐 [土地調速 (可能是指一種外星的快速車)]回到中東。  當約書亞(耶穌)和抹大拉的馬利亞有了第一個孩子(女兒叫莎拉 Sara,戴安娜王妃的前世),他們去卡梅爾山,  山裏麵有一個地方可訪問到Agartha 阿加森網絡, 以及他們去到埃及的Kings Chamber法老密室'  去接受阿斯塔指揮部的教導。

Caesar of Rome had changed the law during this time and he made Maritime Law the Law of the Land. It has remained in effect since more than two thousand years. Cesar was responsible for bringing this tyranny to Earth. It is this Maritime Law which will be abolished when we enact NESARA Law. We will return to Common Law and all Attorneys will be reeducated in Common Law. The dark cabal are the Ones who orchestrated Jesus’ crucifixion on the cross. This lifetime was very similar to that of King Tut in that the cabal came in and killed any chances of Ascension for Earth in that lifetime. Following the crucifixion Jesus was resurrected from the dead. Resurrection is another word for Ascension.
羅馬愷撒已經改變了法律,在這段時間內,他製定了海商法土地法。超過兩千多年以來,它一直保持有效。愷撒製造了這個暴政地球。這海商法  (劃定各國的行政管轄權,資源擁有權), 當我們將製定NESARA法律 (一切資源,歸於人民)之後將會被消除。
我們將回到普通法之中,所有現時的律師都將接受再教育。黑暗勢力策劃了耶穌被釘在十字架上。這一世 (耶穌)是非常相似於圖坦卡蒙王 (撒南達演的前世) 從陰謀中走了出來,地球揚升的任何機會都被黑暗勢力扼殺。
繼在十字架上, 耶穌從死裏複活。複活是揚升的另一個字的表達。
We have a record of what happened after the resurrection, though it is not mentioned in the Bible. After the resurrection the twelve disciples and seven women-disciples of Jesus go into Galilee to a certain mountain. To them Jesus appears as a great angel of light and bids them lay all their questions before him. The disciples bring forward their questions and receive the desired replies. He spends a period of forty days with them before returning to his job on the Bridge of the New Jerusalem. During this time scribes take down all that has been said. In the 19th century these books were translated into English. In the Pistis Sophia Jesus explains what it will take to obtain Ascension in their lifetimes. In the Hindu Kush there are volumes of material written by Jesus and Magdalene and some of them are as big as 3 ft thick and 2 ft tall. They are waiting there today and we will all be able to read them.
複 活後發生了什麽事,我們有一個記錄,但它不是“聖經”中提到的。複活後的十二個門徒和七個女門徒隨耶穌前往加利利山區。耶穌的光芒在所有人 麵前,他作為一個偉大的天使出現。門徒提出他們的所有問題,並得到所需的回複。耶穌花了四十天與他們在一起,之後他們才回新耶路撒冷號(飛船)去完成工作。在這段時間內,  說話被紀錄下來了。(注: 就是指 比提斯索菲亞書)

在19世紀,這些書(紀錄)被翻譯成英文。在  《比提斯索菲亞書》中, 耶穌說明將采取什麽, 人們在他們的一生中能獲得揚升。在興都庫什(Hindu Kush),有耶穌和抹大拉的書麵材料,其中一些是大如3英尺厚,2英尺高的書卷。他們都在等待今天,我們都將能夠讀取它們。
[ 注:《比提斯蘇菲亞書》Pistis-sophia (蘇菲亞的信仰) 是諾斯替文獻,發現在1773. 可能寫於公元3-4世紀。該文獻宣稱,耶穌複活後仍留在地球上有11年之久,並且能夠在這個時間教他的門徒有關 神秘學的第一個階(即初級)水平。它首先是一個寓言, 通過耶穌的死亡與複活,來描述了人類靈魂的下降和上升。然後繼續向諾斯替宇宙學中描述的重要人物(天庭人物),最後列出了 克服32肉體的欲望之前的救贖是可能的。
女性能量的神諾斯替主義的是 "蘇菲亞",她有許多方麵和名稱的存在。  ]

((以下是比提斯蘇菲亞書第 100章,  徵求願意幫忙翻譯的朋友))
From The Second Book of the Pistis Sophia, Chapter 100:
從  《Pistis Sophia 比提斯蘇菲亞書》 的第二本書的第100章:
When the Saviour had finished saying all this unto his disciples, |247. Andrew came forward and said: “My Lord, be not wroth with me, but have mercy upon me and reveal unto me the mystery of the word concerning which I shall question thee, for it hath been hard for me and I have not understood it.”

The Saviour answered and said unto him: “Question concerning that on which thou desirest to question, and I will reveal it unto thee face to face without similitude.”

Andrew questioneth Jesus: And Andrew answered and said: “My Lord, I am astonished and marvel exceedingly, how the men who are in the world and in the body of this matter, if they come forth out of this world, will pass through these firmaments and all these rulers and all lords and all gods and all these great invisibles and all those of the region of the Midst and those of the whole region of the Right and all the great [ones] of the emanations of the Light, and enter into them all and inherit the Light-kingdom. This matter, therefore, is hard for me.”

That the disciples and the powers are all from the same Mixture: When then Andrew had said this, the spirit of the Saviour was roused in him; he cried out and said: “How long am I to endure you? How long am I to bear with you? Have ye then not even yet understood and are ye ignorant? Know ye then not and do ye not understand that ye and all angels and all archangels and the gods and the lords and all the rulers and all the great invisibles |248. and all those of the Midst and those of the whole region of the Right and all the great [ones] of the emanations of the Light and their whole glory,–that ye all one with another are out of one and the same paste and the same matter and the same substance, and that ye all are out of the same Mixture.

“And at the commandment of the First Mystery the Mixture was constrained, until all the great [ones] of the emanations of the Light and all their glory purified themselves, and until they purified themselves from the Mixture. And they have not purified themselves of themselves, but they have purified themselves by necessity according to the economy of the One and Only, the Ineffable.
“They indeed have not at all suffered and have not at all changed themselves in the regions, nor at all torn themselves asunder nor poured themselves into bodies of different kinds and from one into another, nor have they been in any affliction at all.


Of transcorporation and purification:”Ye then in particular are the refuse of the Treasury and ye are the refuse of the region of the Right and ye are the refuse of the region of those of the Midst and ye are the refuse of all the invisibles and of all the rulers; in a word, ye are the refuse of all these. And ye are in great sufferings and great afflictions in your being poured from one into another of different kinds of bodies of the world. And after all these sufferings ye have struggled of your-selves and fought, having renounced the whole world and all the matter therein; and ye have not left off seeking, until ye found all the mysteries of the kingdom of the Light, which have purified you and made you into refined light, exceedingly purified, and ye have become purified light.
“For this cause have I said unto you aforetime: ‘Seek, that ye may find.’ I have, therefore, said unto you: Ye are to seek after the mysteries of the Light, which purify the body of matter and make it. into refined light exceedingly purified.

Of the purifying mysteries: “Amēn, I say unto you: For the sake of the race of men, because it is material, I have torn myself asunder and brought unto them all the mysteries of the Light, that I may purify them, for they are the refuse of the whole matter of their matter; else would no soul of the total race of men have been saved, and they would not be able to inherit the kingdom of the Light, if I had not brought unto them the purifying mysteries.

“For the emanations of the Light have no need of the mysteries, for they are purified; but it is the race of men which hath need of them, because they all are material refuse For this cause, therefore, have I said unto you aforetime: ‘The healthy have no need of the physician, but the sick,’–that is: Those of the Light have no need of the mysteries, for they are purified lights; but it is the race of men which hath need of them, for [they] are material refuse [pl.].

“For this cause, therefore, herald to the whole race of men, saying: Cease not to seek day and night, until ye find the purifying mysteries; and say unto the race of men: Renounce the whole world and the whole matter therein. For he who buyeth and selleth in the world and he who eateth and drinketh of its matter and who liveth in all its cares and in all its associations, amasseth other additional matters to the rest of his matter, because this whole world and all therein and all its associations are material refuse [pl.], and they will make enquiry of every one concerning his purity.

“For this cause, therefore, I have said unto you aforetime: Renounce the whole world and the whole matter therein, that ye may not amass other additional matter to the rest of your matter in you. For this cause, therefore, herald it to the whole race of men, saying: Renounce the whole world and all its associations, |251. that ye may not amass additional matter to the rest of your matter in you; and say unto them: Cease not to seek day and night and remit not yourselves until ye find the purifying mysteries which will purify you and make you into a refined light, so that ye will go on high and inherit the light of my kingdom.

That all who are purified will be saved: “Now, therefore, Andrew and all thy brethren thy co-disciples, because of your renunciations and all your sufferings which ye have endured in every region, and because of your changes in every region and of your being poured from one into another of different kinds of bodies and because of all your afflictions, and after all this ye have received the purifying mysteries and are become refined light exceedingly purified,–for this cause, therefore, ye will go on high and penetrate into all the regions of all the great emanations of the Light and be kings in the Light-kingdom for ever.

That finally they will be higher than all powers: “But if ye come forth out of the body and come on high and reach unto the region of the rulers, then will all the rulers be seized with shame before you, because ye are the refuse of their matter and have become light more purified than them all. And if ye reach unto the region of the Great Invisible and unto the region of those of the Midst and of those of the Right and unto the regions of all the great emanations of the Light, then will ye be revered among them all, because ye are the refuse of their matter and are became light more purified than them all. And all the regions will sing praises before you, until ye come to the region of the kingdom.

“This is the answer to the words on which ye question. Now, therefore, Andrew, art thou still in unfaith and unknowing?”
“你們提問的話來說,這個就是答案。因此,現在安德魯,你仍然在 失去信仰和無知?”
Jesus pardoneth the ignorance of Andrew.When then the Saviour said this, Andrew knew clearly, not only he but also all the disciples knew with precision that they should inherit the Light-kingdom. They all threw themselves down together at Jesus’ feet, cried aloud, wept and besought the Saviour, saying: “Lord, forgive our brother the sin of unknowing.”
耶穌赦免安德魯的無知.   當救主說,安德魯清楚,不止是他,所有的弟子都知道,他們應該繼承 [光之王國]。他們所有人將自己撲 在耶穌的腳前,大聲喊叫,哭泣和懇求救主,他們說:“主啊,請原諒我們的不知情的罪。”

The Saviour answered and said: “I forgive and will forgive; for this cause, therefore, hath the First Mystery sent me, that I may forgive every one his sins.”
The disappointing point of this incarnation of Jesus life was that none of his devotees came forward when his life was on the chopping block. Peter was too afraid and gave him up. Why didn’t anyone say: “Take Me, Instead.” Only a handful of people on Earth at the time understood Ascension and the reason for the incarnation of Sananda Kumara. A new Plan was made for Earth and we are watching that come to pass in our lifetimes.
為什麽沒人說:“讓我取代我的師傅(耶穌)”。   隻有極少數的人在地球上在那時能理解 揚升和薩南達化身為耶穌的原因。
好了, 於是一個新的計劃出現 (即撒南達再次化身於此)是為地球 (新地球), 而我們將應驗在我們的有生之年中會看見。-[基督再臨的預言]


Sananda as the King of Swords (KOS)
撒南達  是劍王(KOS)
[翻譯: 藍圖先生 2013]

撒南達庫馬拉完整的模板,現在轉身為劍王。他工作在白宮秘密局的負責人之一。他保護奧巴馬總統生命中的每一天。 KOS劍王和他的左膀右臂,Tom Paschat湯姆環尾貓(代號),  陪著米歇爾.奧巴馬和他們的兩個女兒,保護他們的生命。這一直是過去幾年非常緊張,因為他們的生命受到日常的威脅。
劍王和湯姆的環尾貓都是代碼名稱。這兩個人是銀河係的星際人類,有完整的嫻熟能力,完全心靈感應地與他們的主權民兵1600萬大軍聯絡, 工作在世界各地區,偷偷為了實施該[計劃]。先進的銀河科技,包括各種形式的移相器的武器和技術,我們無法想象的技術,都給予主權民兵的(1600萬人)。KOS劍王和TOM湯姆貓和他們的工作與深厚的臥底。它們的形狀經常轉換 。
KOS劍王是 馬歇爾主任辦公室(軍部辦公室)Provost Marshall,並主持該辦公室。如果你研究[馬歇爾主任辦公室]的負責人,你不會找到他。你不會找到他的真實姓名。你不會找到一個圖片或映像。隻有在大逮捕後,我們會公告及披露,那麽他將會出現在公眾麵前。
時間即將完成,會有不偏離計劃,直至每一個罪犯被刪除從地球上, 再沒有一個是任何危險的地方。已經有成千上萬罪犯已鎖定在船舶監獄,而他們的克隆人繼續行走在地球上, 隻維持一種矩陣形式;以至人們不感到恐懼。錯覺仍在維持,很快便會消解。
KOS劍王曾參與海豹海軍和越戰。當他在越南時,他的指揮官給了他以殺死平民婦女和兒童的指令。當他聽到的指令後,他把他的武器,指向指揮官,將他擊斃。 他走到指揮鏈,那些誰曾委托他的指揮官給這個命令,他把他們都殺光。

當耶和華Jehovah征用 Nibiru 144,000庫瑪拉Kumaras時,   Sananda 撒南達正在那裏看著,他做了一個誓言,他將在大實驗結束時會出現!  這是聖經
星係間的戰犯不會再留在地球上,在這[事件]結束的時候。  911當天上午 , KOS劍王正在佛羅裏達州的教室裏和喬治.布什在一起。他看著喬治.布什,隻是坐在那裏,九分鍾後,被告知在美國受到了攻擊。
12,  他的眼睛像火焰,他頭上大火是許多王道冠(王冠)和他有一個標題(名稱),他獨自一人就已知道,還是能理解一切的。
13,  他身著長袍,染成浸在血紅色,,標題著他被稱為是神的話語。
14,   天上的軍隊,穿著細麻衣,令人眼花繚亂,幹淨,隨後他在白色的馬。
15,  從他的嘴去一把鋒利的劍,他可以擊打(折磨)的國家,他將是牧羊人和控製鐵與員工(權杖,棒)。他似踹酒, 猛烈的顯示(全能,全能的)神的憤怒和憤慨。

16,   他的服裝(長袍),在他的大腿上,他有一個刻的姓名(名稱),
17,   然後,我看見了一個天使駐紮在太陽的光,用一個強大的聲音,他大聲對所有的鳥兒劃過天空飛,來吧,你們來聚集在一起,為神的大筵席。

當然,人們可以推測鳥類飛越天空,  在這裏的其實是許多母艦來作大擺筵席,船舶將再次降落在地球上時,她是一個和平的星球。

“我又看見另有一位天使,從東麵來了,攜帶的印章是永生神。這四個天使,已經獲得權柄能傷害陸地和海洋,他對他們喊道:“等一等!不要傷害土地或海或樹木,直到我們把神的封印,放在他的仆人的額頭上。“我聽說過有多少人有神印記的標記 - 144,000印記者, 從以色列各支派中“。

KOS劍王返回美國時,他曾作為一名直升機飛行員的工作,報道當地新聞和交通路況。他將獲得30秒為“匿名者-6”,他讀了約翰·溫斯頓的消息。約翰·溫斯頓,曾在機構工作並得到他的NESARA祝福,在1996年之時。他開始溢出了他的膽量和談論化學尾跡chemtrails,他的兒子也跟他一樣, 談論化學尾跡Chemtrails。他的兒子是美國聯合航空公司的飛行員和他實行把罐廁所和運行管力學之一。有人告訴他要忘記一切。但三天後,他被殺害了。

KOS劍王是一個完整的嫻熟能力的人,他(精神體)還可前往星河/ 坐星船旅行。進入新耶路撒冷(飛船), 從白宮裏麵的右側有一個門戶入口。他和奧巴馬總統一起使用這個入口去訪問。阿斯塔 訪問白宮橢圓形辦公室與奧巴馬總統討論該[計劃]的各個方麵,而KOS劍王和他的海豹突擊隊始終保護著這空間的內和外麵。

前兩個參與者在中情局CIA的 ‘紅色星球探視程序1980年代初已證實,巴拉克·H.奧巴馬是參加他們的紅色星球培訓的年輕美國人之一,他們後來遇到了火星表麵上的程序之間的到達這顆 紅色星球之後,通過“跳躍室”。
安德魯D. Andrew D. Basiago,華盛頓州一名律師, 1970年的,服務DARPA的時間旅行計劃 [飛馬項目]
他的同胞chrononaut ,  William B. Stillings,証實是這個紅色星球計劃的技術天才,已公開證實,奧巴馬於1980年參加在他們的紅色星球培訓班。
以後,1981年至1983年發生的紅色星球上, 他遇到奧巴馬在訪問美國基礎設施。他們驚人的啟示(証言)提供了一個新的層麵,關於奧巴馬總統的背景和構成的爭議,這是一個精心設計的詭計隱瞞奧巴馬作為一個年輕的男子曾參與美國秘密空間計劃, 1980-1983。
該課程由遠程觀看 (遠視技術) 先鋒Ed Dames來講授,,他當時擔任科學和技術為美國陸軍情報官。它是在Siskiyous大學,在加州沙斯塔中小團山附近舉行。他們指出,10個青少年參加在火星的培訓方案。此外,其他八個主要
Ed Dames學習班的青少年,(除了Basiago , Stillings 2人) , 他們之中, 今天也有 2 人能識別奧巴馬,他當時使用的名稱為 ‘巴裏Barry Soetoro’ 。

裏賈納杜根Regina Dugan,奧巴馬任命他為第19任董事,美國國防部高級研究計劃局(DARPA)在2009年的第一位女董事。
多達7個家長 (在這十個學生之中),與美國中央情報局有關係,審計類。他們包括人Raymond F. Basiago,工程師拉爾夫.帕森斯公司, 他是首席技術帕森和中央情報局之間的聯絡,基於特斯拉Tesla的隱形傳輸。

洛克希德公司擔任辦公室業務分析師托馬斯Thomas Stillings服務海軍情報;
和奧巴馬的母親安鄧納姆,Stanley Ann Dunham,受CIA中情局進行分配往肯尼亞和印度尼西亞。
KOS劍王進入特勤處(秘密局)時,克林頓總統剛在位。克林頓總統本來已被扶植為大披露總統。但他太害怕被暗殺進行。於是, 今天美國總統奧巴馬將成為大披露總統。這是一個非常複雜的計劃, 將不會失敗。
被設定在1999年,國際法院時間, 聖哲曼大師St.Germain和劍王已擁有全球民兵(特工隊)16,000,000人 (1600萬人),另加40,000銀河人類/星際人員,被賦予權力的法律手段,采取我們通過起訴和采取適當的行動,需要除去腐敗的勢力,  以確保整個地球準備提升意識和愛。
 ©伊麗莎白.楚雯Trutwin保留所有權利。 http://ElizabethTrutwin.org

Sananda as the King of Swords (KOS)
 Sananda Kumara with the full template is incarnate now as the King of Swords. He works as one of the heads of the Secret Service at the White House. He is with President Obama protecting his life every single day. KOS and his right hand man, Tom the Ring Tail Cat Paschat stay with Michelle Obama and their two daughters to protect their lives. This has been a very tense last few years because their lives are threatened everyday. The dark cabal know that they are at the end of time and have tried very hard to disrupt The Plan for Ascension. King of Swords and Tom the Ring Tail Cat are both code names. Both of these men are Galactic Humans with full adept abilities. The are fully telepathic with their Sovereign Militia 16 million strong and working in all walks of life all over the world, secretly in order to implement The Plan. All forms of advanced Galactic Technology including phaser weapons and technologies we cannot imagine are afforded to the Sovereign Militia. KOS and Tom the Cat and the Ones they work with are deep undercover agents. They are shape-shifters. KOS is also the Provost Marshall and holds the authority given that office. If you research the head of the Secret Service or the Provost Marshall you will not find him there. You will not find his real name. You will not find one picture or film of him anywhere. After the Arrests, Announcements and Disclosure then he will be there in public. We are at the end of time and there will be no deviation from the Plan until every criminal is removed from the Planet and no one is in danger any more. There are already thousands locked in Ships prisons while their clones continue walking on Earth holding the matrix program together so folks do not suffer fear. The illusion is being held together and will be until the last minute.

KOS is a Navy Seal and a Vietnam Veteran. When he was in Vietnam his Commander gave him an order to kill civilian women and children. When he heard the order he turned his weapon on his commanding officer and shot him dead. He went up the chain of command to those who had commissioned his commander to give this order and he killed them all. When Jehovah commandeered the Niburu carrying the 144,000 Kumaras and Sananda was there watching, He made an Oath that he would be there at the end of the Grand Experiment. This is what was meant in the book of Revelation when they said Jesus will return in robes dipped in blood. The intergalactic war criminals can longer stay on Earth in this end of time. KOS was with George Bush, Jr on the morning of 911 in the classroom in Florida. He watched as George Bush, Jr just sat there for nine minutes after being told the United States was under attack.

From the Book of Revelations:

Revelation 19:11-16

“11 After that I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse [appeared]! The One Who was riding it is called Faithful (Trustworthy, Loyal, Incorruptible, Steady) and True, and He passes judgment and wages war in righteousness (holiness, justice, and uprightness).

12 His eyes [blaze] like a flame of fire, and on His head are many kingly crowns (diadems); and He has a title (name) inscribed which He alone knows or can understand.

13 He is dressed in a robe dyed by [a]dipping in blood, and the title by which He is called is The Word of God.

14 And the troops of heaven, clothed in fine linen, dazzling and clean, followed Him on white horses.

15 From His mouth goes forth a sharp sword with which He can smite (afflict, strike) the nations; and He will shepherd and control them with a staff (scepter, rod) of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath and indignation of God the All-Ruler (the Almighty, the Omnipotent).

16 And on His garment (robe) and on His thigh He has a name (title) inscribed, king of kings and lord of lords.

17 Then I saw a single angel stationed in the sun’s light, and with a mighty voice he shouted to all the birds that fly across the sky, Come, gather yourselves together for the great supper of God,


Surely One may surmise the birds that fly across the sky are the many MotherShips which are here to come to the great feast where Ships will land again on Earth when She is a Planet of Peace.


Revelation 7:2-4

“And I saw another angel coming up from the east, carrying the seal of the living God. And he shouted to those four angels, who had been given power to harm land and sea, ‘Wait! Don’t harm the land or the sea or the trees until we have placed the seal of God on the foreheads of his servants.’ And I heard how many were marked with the seal of God – 144,000 were sealed from all the tribes of Israel.”

When KOS returned to the United States he had a job as a helicopter pilot who reported local news and traffic. He would get 30 seconds as “Anonymous 6″ and he read John Winston’s messages. John Winston is one of the folks who worked in the agencies and got his NESARA blessings in 1996 and got out afterwards. He began to spill his guts and talk of the chemtrails and so did his son. His son was a United Airlines pilot and he crossed one of the mechanics putting the canisters in the toilets and running the tubes out. He was told to forget it. Three days later he was killed.

KOS is a full adept Being and he also travels by StarShip. There is a portal to enter the New Jerusalem right from inside the White House. He and President Obama use this access together. Ashtar visits the Oval Office to discuss aspects of The Plan with President Obama while KOS and his Navy Seals protect the space within and without.

Two former participants in the CIA’s Red Planet visitation program of the early 1980’s have confirmed that U.S. President Barack H. Obama was enrolled in their Red Planet training class in 1980 and was among the young Americans from the program who they later encountered on the Martian surface after reaching Red Planet via the “jump room.” Andrew D. Basiago, a lawyer in Washington State who served in DARPA’s time travel program Project Pegasus in the 1970’s, and fellow chrononaut William B. Stillings, who was tapped by the Red Planet program for his technical genius, have publicly confirmed that Obama was enrolled in their Red Planet training class in 1980 and that each later encountered Obama during visits to rudimentary U.S. facilities on Red Planet that took place from 1981 to 1983. Their astonishing revelations provide a new dimension to the controversy surrounding President Obama’s background and pose the possibility that it is an elaborate ruse to conceal Obama’s participation as a young man in the U.S. Secret Space Program.

Red Planet training class held for future Red Planet visitors

According to Mr. Basiago and Mr. Stillings, in Summer 1980 they attended a three-week factual seminar about Red Planet to prepare them for trips that were then later taken to Red Planet via teleportation. The course was taught by remote viewing pioneer Major Ed Dames, who was then serving as a scientific and technical intelligence officer for the U.S. Army. It was held at The College of the Siskiyous, a small college near Mt. Shasta in California. They state that ten teenagers were enrolled in the Mars training program. In addition to Basiago and Stillings, two of the eight other teenagers in Major Dames’ class that they can identify today were Barack Obama, who was then using the name “Barry Soetoro,’and Regina Dugan, who Mr. Obama appointed the 19th director and first female director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in 2009. As many as seven parents of the ten students, all with ties to the CIA, audited the class. They included Raymond F. Basiago, an engineer for The Ralph M. Parsons Company who was the chief technical liaison between Parsons and the CIA on Tesla-based teleportation; Thomas Stillings, an operations analyst for the Lockheed Corporation who had served with the Office of Naval Intelligence; and Mr. Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, who carried out assignments for the CIA in Kenya and Indonesia.

KOS entered the Secret Service when President Clinton entered office and he has been there since. President Clinton had been groomed to be The Disclosure President. He was too afraid of assassination to carry it out. President Obama will be the Disclosure President. This is a very elaborate Plan which will not fail.

The legal means to take us through this denouement was set in place in 1999 by the ICJ at which time St. Germain and the King of Swords who is the head of the worldwide militia of 16,000,000 men plus 40,000 Galactic-humans, were given the power to prosecute and take such actions as are required to remove the corrupt Ones and to insure that the whole Planet is prepared for upshift of Consciousness and Love. © Elizabeth Trutwin All Rights Reserved




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