
發現地球真相, 藍圖先生研究銀河大曆史。

ACIO. 組織介紹

(2017-06-29 20:07:56) 下一個

ACIO. 組織
ACIO有2邊,  一邊是迷宮小組, 及 WM資料 [造翼者Wingmakers (2001)-   發行者: James Mahu詹姆斯.馬湖];
WM資料中, Neruda 聶魯達博士叛離於 Advance Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO),  而他的訊息就是來自於 ACIO.

另一邊是 `外星接觸情報組織 Alien Contact Information Organization。
訊息者有: 塔拉(Ava Tara),羅摩 (Ari Rama),庫伯Mark Huber, 楚雯E.Trutwin, 蘇珊利蘭Susan Leland 。
羅摩(原名Ari Rama Berkowitz = Rama Ajuna) 是地球上, 唯一的一人, 可以直接接觸到F3勢力,  阿斯塔指揮部之上的各銀河人類。
2003年 ,   `合一之鴿Dove of Oneness- 姍妮菰雯 ` 在網上發表 NESARA訊息 -- 訊息的幕後也是 ACIO。
2004年,   Jennifer Lee 珍妮花李在網上發佈 NESARA訊息, 她的訊息是來源於 ` A&A -  塔拉Ava Tara 和羅摩 Ari Rama。
2008年 前,  ACIO的一個網站是 樹網站 Tree Site, (網址,我尚未找到)。
2009年,  母神Mother Sekhmet 和阿斯塔, 向蘇珊利蘭Susan Leland傳話, 讓她將信息放在  “阿斯塔之路之網站”上。http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/   塔拉,羅摩 的 A&A報告, 也可在此找到。
2011年, Shan-athana是最早期的中國人去翻譯此網站的; 並且她及友人也翻譯了楚雯 2010的重要作品:
《阿斯塔和銀河聯邦》Ashtar & GalacticFederation。
2012年,  楚雯作為ACIO中最重要的訊息者,  她的訊息開始發揮作用。
在中文世界, 2013年,  有2個人,   一位是 林琚月RL,  一位是藍圖LT [Lanto], 他們傳播了楚雯訊息:   
 《楚雯: 地球大實驗紀要2013》--百度一下可下載。
2013.    ACIO 的重要網站是:   彩虹圓桌網.  這個網站已經更新主頁很多次了http://2013rainbowroundtable.ning.com/  
楚雯的網頁是:    http://cosmicascension.org/   ; http://galacticconnection.com/elizabeth-trutwins-arrived-new-earth-make-real/
(可作為參考用)。 原本的楚雯專頁, 已經取消了  elizabethtrutwin.org (2014)。
ACIO- 無論是WM造翼者資料的一邊, 還是 A&A,楚雯代表的另一邊,
最富啟發性的, 意味最深長的, 最值得品味的銀河故事。
就是 ACIO的, 以及 科裏古德大哥Corey Goode的。
前者通往 傳說中的`阿斯塔指揮部, 及庫瑪拉家族 Kumaras;
後者通往 `{一的法則1981, 及藍鳥人族 Blue Avians。


(Ari Rama Berkowitz = Rama Ajuna) & Ava Tara


伊莉沙白.楚雯 Elizabeth Trutwin , 她是一位靈魂代入者(walk-in),



ACIO[塔拉,羅摩, 庫伯,楚雯] 當今天下, 勢力三分 – F1, F2, F3

羅摩Rama, 塔拉Tara/(也譯為:度母), 是馬克庫伯Hark Huber 和 E.Trutwin楚雯的 心靈導師和朋友。
請記住, 塔拉與羅摩, 馬克庫伯和楚雯是一支團隊, ACIO 的成員。
[Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization],
他們服務於Ashtar Command阿斯塔指揮部。
[F1–F2- F3 / Factions 1-2-3  勢力1-2-3 ]
當今天下, 勢力三分。
Factions One, Two, and Three (F1/F2/F3)
See Also David Wilcock's ("5" Factions)
作者:   Mark Huber馬克庫伯
悅讀: 藍圖先生
F1 (勢力一, 大派別一)
F2 (勢力二, 大派別二)
F3 (勢力三, 大派別三)
涉及所有星係層次: {撒南達,聖哲曼,揚升大師,阿斯塔司令,還有內幕人我們稱之為KOS {劍王}。
劍王是地麵上的最高統帥。 這個ACIO 組織, 塔拉,羅摩,庫伯,楚雯也聽令於劍王。
而羅摩是F3的唯一窗口人物, 他直接接受劍王的指示。
Faction 3 is 38 levels above the President and involves KOS, ACIO [Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization], Labyrinth, Ashtar command, Ascended Masters, Mother Sekhmet and White Knights within the top levels of government and intelligence. (Oct 1, 2008, private.)
勢力3是指38級別, 在總統之上的,涉及劍王KOS,ACIO[高級聯絡情報組織],迷宮小組(Wingmakers造翼者),阿斯塔指揮部,揚升大師,母親賽克麥特和白騎士的政府和情報的高層內。 (2008年10月1日,私人的訊息。)

Factions One, Two, and Three (F1/F2/F3)
See Also David Wilcock's ("5" Factions    5大派別)
作者:   Mark Huber馬克庫伯   [純機器翻譯]
另一個參考你會遇到處理政治/經濟事務是 “三個派別/勢力” 或功率校準利益。 F1主要集中在歐洲的羅斯柴爾德家族{等}; F2主要集中在美國{洛克菲勒家族,老布什,克林頓,梅隆,大通等}和 F3涉及所有這些元素加星係層次{撒南達,聖哲曼,揚升大師,阿斯塔司令,由內幕人我們稱之為KOS {劍王}誰,與聖哲曼,被任命為國際法院{正義的國際衣原體在海牙}協調在地球上在1999年的4億人,世界各地的民兵,和美國的備考總統的頭部。 KOS是一個增強的星係人類, 與妻子在3D的工作,他可講23種語言。他和那些誰和他一起工作和銀河人都是在38的階層水平,美國的總統以上。

該級別涉及ACIO {外星人接觸情報組織} 。[迷宮小組] 是最裏麵的主任級研發,並直接與InterGalacticConfederation的積極成員星係世界{ IGC / GF 銀河聯邦}的工作,協調處理行星的提升,時間旅行和許多技術太重要而強大的地球銀河係接口,在這裏討論這個時候。

這四個采訪聶魯達博士{見Wingmakers.com網站索引在ACIO /迷宮組事宜,我強烈建議你考慮的重要背景信息} 。有些觀點,至今已通過與沒有接觸那些進行了采訪時間{ 1997年左右}高維源直接接觸升級。該材料在該網站上的平衡是混合內容,不得缺席操縱/自旋。 ( 2008年5月27日。 )

我們要明白,有兩種截然不同的故事在互聯網上遊行。 F1/F2 [即,派係1和2 ]的傳播從源頭三維線性資訊:這主要是真實的,所以不要責怪他們缺乏誠信。 F3 [即,派3 ]通過直接管道,包括這一個傳播3D> 5D信息。其中的一些信息,包括Decloakings 大降落(UFO),阿斯塔指揮信息等

請注意, F1/F2並不去那裏:他們沒有,除了在他們的遠程觀影團,其中僅談論“恐懼世界末日的故事增選渠道的來源。所以明白, F3為38水平以上主席,並包括KOS與他的1600萬銀河 – 星際人類/阿斯塔命令/揚升大師/ GF部隊和4萬人的全世界民兵。

這些河道已采取了以新耶路撒冷多次培訓和簡報與KOS 。它們都進行了通報,並給予一定的義務和責任,精神的聖哲曼和其他

層次結構......對於所發生的事情現在。 ( 2008年10月10日。 )

F3 ...羅摩和我都具有較高的維方麵誰是橋觀看旁觀者清(指揮官)的新耶路撒冷。這是海軍上將撒南達庫馬拉的旗艦。

我們代表 - 像許多其他人 - 銀河聯邦和阿斯塔指揮部。我們絕對致力於NESARA的公告及向船舶(UFO)著陸。 ( 2009年3月20日。 )

派3 ( F3),贏得了與F1和F2的(鬥爭),    現在必須處理涉及銀河人,紅色和綠色忍者,和外星人接觸情報辦公室的未來負責。 ( 2009年1月20日。 )

派3是38級別以上的總裁,涉及知識組織, ACIO [高級聯絡情報組織] ,迷宮小組,阿斯塔命令,揚升大師,母親賽克麥特和白騎士的政府和情報的高層內。 ( 2008年10月1日,私人的。 )

帶我們通過這個結局法律手段設置到位, 1999年,屆時聖哲曼和男人4,000,000.   40,000 +銀河 - 人類全球民兵/ 劍王,被賦予的權力,起訴和國際法院采取這樣的行動,都必須去除腐敗的人,並確保整個星球被用於升檔到5Dimension 5維準備,在留在這個周期很短的時間。 ( 2008年6月15日。 )

所有的拚音機構稱,和一些大多數人不知道,裏麵有白色騎士資產。隨著約40,000人完全清醒,並意識到銀河係,人類那些白色騎士將結合在軍事上的互補,以實現/支持所需的更改。 ( 2008年3月30日。 )

我們的信息來源,來自兩個備選廣播媒體 - 像空氣美國收音機;當地媒體人士,最重要的是,那些在38水平以上總統在劍王的ACIO /密封件/三角洲隊/埃及王 King of Egypt(當然代碼名稱) ;母親賽克麥特Sekhmet - 上周四晚上直接竄,與阿斯塔,撒南達,對飛船揚升大師和太陽能法庭議會OOB會議。

沒有人不犯錯,因為我們都有過濾器,我們都負責什麽以什麽形式來通過我們。 KOS有通過他派人和信息獲取信息給公眾一個加密的電話網絡。他是總部設在特區,並於1999年獲委任與聖哲曼由世界法庭為超過400萬世界各地的民兵的頭,是特勤局的高級成員。 ( 2008年3月1日。 )

這兩個, 4天,地球總部設在歐洲和會議達蘭薩拉,隨著土星,目前在直流太陽能法庭會議,產生了來自 -埃及王’和劍之王聯營聲明 - 所有的人一起工作,因為越南,在38層的總統以上。

這種說法是相當具體:所有字母表機構稱,和一些大多數人不知道,裏麵有白色騎士資產。隨著約40,000完全清醒,並意識到銀河係,人類那些白色騎士將結合在軍事上的互補,以實現/支持所需的更改。揚升大師現在是現在。 ( 2008年3月1日。 )

夫人納達Lady Nada和組為38水平以上的總統,我們不能滿足任何東西,從3D 38水平或100D 。我們將有沒有參照係。明白,我們尺寸返回到更高的水平,我們必須每一個整合之前,我們去到下一個。隻要看看3D ,然後5D 。 3D是線性的時間限製; 5D是多維的,時間在無時間之外。讓這種下沉英寸


現在,采取進反重力原理, ET-人類基因研究的舞台;克隆研究,精神控製的進步和所有這些等等,等等,他並沒有被清除就知道了。


如果你看到一些'常規'的研究是ACIO /迷宮小組的科學家從事 - 像時間旅行和反向工程墜毀星級的工藝和先進的電子/納米技術和人工智能(在提到WingMaker 材料) ,你會明白,幾乎所有的東西,他們與之打交道,甚至高於光明的薪酬等級。

我們現在是在第4 ,第5代,至少12種異國情調的工藝與驚人的速度,能力和很多很多,像束武器outmoding所有常規武器,甚至常規戰爭,的反重力生產的車型,而美國航空航天局繼續通過苦幹地球和月球 - 火星任務是為60年,超過了秘密軍事的氣氛設備的發展。

現在,添加到所有的那令人困惑的ET-人類努力層次......以上這些就是派3協議和培訓阿西塔命令這艘新耶路撒冷,並出席在土星,天琴座等理事會會議,與揚升這在精神層次和其他宇宙的主人。 ( 2009年5月20日。 )


 Factions One, Two, and Three (F1/F2/F3)

See Also David Wilcock's ("5" Factions)

Another reference you will encounter dealing with political/economic matters are the three factions or power alignment interests. F1 is primarily focused in Europe {Rothschilds, etc.}; F2 is primarily focused in the US {Rockefellers, Bush, Clinton, Mellon, Chase, etc.} and F3 involves elements of all these plus the galactic hierarchy {Sananda, St Germaine, Ascended masters, Ashtar command, and is coordinated on the earth by an insider whom we refer to as KOS {the King of Swords} who, with St Germaine, was appointed by the ICJ {Int'l Ct of Justice in the Hague} in 1999 as head of the 4 Million man, worldwide militia, and pro-forma president of the US. KOS is an enhanced galactic-human with a 3d job, wife and history who speaks 23 languages. He and those who work with him and the galactics are at 38 levels above the President of the US.

That level involves the ACIO {Alien Contact Intel Org}. Labyrinth Group is the innermost director level researching and working directly with the positive galactic members of the InterGalacticConfederation of Worlds {IGC/GF} and coordinating earth-galactic interfaces dealing with planetary ascension, time travel and many technologies too important and powerful to discuss here at this time.

The four interviews with Dr Neruda {see Wingmakers.com website index for important background information on ACIO/Labyrinth group matters which I highly recommend for your consideration}. Some perspectives have since been upgraded through direct contact with higher dimensional sources not contacted at the time {around 1997} those interviews were conducted. The balance of the material on that website is of mixed content and may not be absent of manipulation/spin. (May 27, 2008.)

We need to understand that there are two distinctly different stories parading across the internet. F1/F2 [i.e., Factions 1 and 2] are disseminating 3D linear info from their sources: It's mostly true, so don't fault them for lack of integrity. F3 [i.e., Faction 3] is disseminating 3D>5D information through direct conduits including this one. Some of that information includes Decloakings, Ashtar Command information, etc.

Notice that F1/F2 doesn't go there: They don't have those sources except co-opted channels in their Remote Viewing group, which only talk about 'fearful Armageddon' stories. So understand that F3 is 38 levels above the President and includes KOS & his 16 million Galactic-Human hybrids/Ashtar Command/Ascended Masters/GF forces and 4 million human worldwide militia.

These ones have been taken up to the New Jerusalem on many occasions for training and briefing with KOS. They all have been briefed and given certain duties and responsibilities by St Germain and others of the Spiritual

Heirarchy...for what is happening right now. (Oct. 10, 2008.)

F3...Rama and I both have higher-dimensional aspects who are Bridge Watch Standers (Commanders) on the New Jerusalem. That is Admiral Sananda Kumara's flagship.

We do represent--as do many others--the Galactic Federation and the Ashtar

Command. We are absolutely committed to the Announcement of NESARA and to the landing of the ships. (March 20, 2009.)

Faction 3 (F3) has won and F1 and F2 must now deal with the coming accountability which involves galactics, Red and Green Ninjas, and the Alien Contact Intelligence Office. (Jan. 20, 2009.)

Faction 3 is 38 levels above the President and involves KOS, ACIO [Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization], Labyrinth, Ashtar command, Ascended Masters, Mother Sekhmet and White Knights within the top levels of government and intelligence. (Oct 1, 2008, private.)

The legal means to take us through this denouement was set in place in 1999 by the ICJ at which time St Germaine and the King of Swords/head of the worldwide militia of 4,000,000 men + 40,000 Galactic-humans, were given the power to prosecute and take such actions as are required to remove the corrupt ones and to insure that the whole planet is prepared for upshift into the 5Dimension, in the short time left in this cycle. (June 15, 2008.)

All the alphabet agencies known, and a few most do not know, have white knight assets inside. Those white knights along with about 40,000 fully awake and aware galactic-humans will combine with complements in the military to bring about/support the needed changes. (March 30, 2008.)

The sources of our information, come from both alternative broadcast media--like Air America Radio; local media personalities and, most importantly, from those at 38 levels above the President in the ACIO/Seal/Delta Teams/King of Swords/King of Egypt (code names of course); Mother Sekhmet--direct channelling on Thursday evenings; OOB meetings with Ashtar, Sananda, Ascended Masters on the starships and Solar Tribunal Councils.

No one is infallible as we all have filters and we are all responsible for what comes through us in whatever form. KOS has an encrypted telephone network through which he sends people and messages to get information out to the public. He is based in D.C. and was appointed with St Germaine by the World Court in 1999 as head of the worldwide militia of over 4million, and is a high ranking member of the secret services. (March 1, 2008.)

The two, 4-day, earth-based meetings in Europe and Dharamasala, along with Solar Tribunal meetings on Saturn, and currently in D.C., produced a statement from both the King of Egypt and associates of the King of Swords--all of whom work together, since Vietnam, at the 38th level above the President.

That statement was quite specific: All the alphabet agencies known, and a few most do not know, have white-knight assets inside. Those white knights along with about 40,000 fully awake and aware galactic-humans will combine with complements in the military to bring about/support the needed changes. The ascended masters are now present. (March 1, 2008.)

With reference to Lady Mastra Nada and the group being 38 levels above the President, we cannot address anything 38 levels or 100D from 3D. We would have no frame of reference. Understand that as we return dimensionally to the higher levels we must integrate each one before we go on to the next. Just look at 3D and then 5D. 3D is linear time-bound; 5D is multi-dimensional and outside of time in No-Time. Let that sink in.

Similarly, unless you have been a West Wing fan...and believe in fictional Presidents, we can't even go 1 level above that without running into things classified beyond the President's purview. If you read the Reagan dialogue notes from his 'Visitor' briefings you quickly note that they had to remind him that he wasn't cleared for anything more than the fact that they had security issues and technologies he had to sign budgets for without knowing what they actually did.

Now take that into the arena of anti-gravity principles, ET-human-genetic research; cloning research, mind control advances and much, much more, all of which he was not cleared to know.

LB Johnson signed for construction of 22 deep underground ET facilities in the 4 Corners area and he was only told that they were part of his protection in case of nuclear or other disasters. It was a complete fabrication.

If you saw some of the 'routine' research that ACIO/Labyrinth sub-group scientists were engaged in--like time travel and reverse-engineering of crashed star-craft and sophisticated electronics/nano-technologies and Artificial Intelligence (alluded to in the WingMaker materials), you would understand that almost everything they were dealing with was even above the Illuminati's pay grade.

We are now in 4th-5th generation anti-gravity production models of at least 12 exotic types of craft with phenomenal speeds, abilities and much, much more, like beam weapons outmoding all conventional weapons and even conventional wars, while NASA continues to slog through the atmosphere of Earth and Moon-Mars missions that are 60 years beyond the secret military
equipment developments.

Quantum computers and quantum entanglement are considered theoretical by mainstream science, even at MIT and Cal Tech, where at least a few ones are involved in projects where these are everyday technologies used by NSA in the secret space programs involving re-supply of colonies on Mars and the Moon and re-supply of Secret Space Stations on a regular basis.

Now add to all that hierarchies of ET-Human endeavors that boggle the mind...and above them is Faction 3 agreements and training by the Ashtar command aboard the New Jerusalem and attendance at Council meetings on Saturn, Lyra, etc., with Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy of this and other universes. (May 20, 2009.)


[ 打印 ]