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[10年NESARA][GoodWin菇雯] 白騎士與 NESARA (200309)

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藍圖先生  匯編 2014.]
[NESARA全球繁榮計劃] 2014 迎接新地球
[2014.NESARA全球繁榮計劃]  一份簡介
[10年NESARA-GoodWin菇雯] 白騎士與 NESARA
[10年NESARA簡史] NESARA簡史  自公元2000以來
[10年NESARA] 向站在前線的 NESARA騎士們致敬
[10年NESARA] 向衝在前線的抵抗運動戰士們致敬
[NESARA在2013]瑞士NESARA - 2013.12.19 -…
[NESARA經典] 楚雯: NESARA  2012 報告

[10年NESARA][GoodWin菇雯] 白騎士與 NESARA  (200309)
White Knights & NESARA  白騎士與NESARA

Issues addressed by Dove  (Updated 03/09/2003)
作者:  合一之鴿”(Dove of Oneness), 後來“合一之鴿”已被確定是Shaini Candace Goodwin 姍尼.菇雯
翻譯:山裏的小溪  http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1919947954  (這是他的博客)
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_727014b201014smh.html    (2012.05.05)

The story of exposing the federal government's fraud begins in 1970's with banks foreclosing on family-run farms all over the United States.
The Farmers Union did some in-depth research and found evidence of blatant illegalities including that the banks were charging exorbitant and illegal amounts of interest!
The Farmers Union lawsuits began in 1970's and continued going up and down the states and federal courts finally reaching the U.S. Supreme Court.
Almost unanimously the U.S. Supreme Court Justices ruled in favor of the Farmers' Union.
Upon realizing that all citizens, in addition to farmers, had been defrauded, the damages process name was changed to Bank Claims.
Because of the enormously sweeping changes the rulings require, an extremely strict gag order was placed on everyone directly involved and the court case records are sealed until after the reformations are accomplished.
The Justices authorized the reformations be put into the form of a law named the National Economic Security And Reformation Act (NESARA) which was passed secretly in March 2000 by Congress.
法官們授權這些改革進入一種稱為國民經濟安全與改革法案的法律 (NESARA)    框架。這個法案在2000年由國會通過。
Members of Congress have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to "deny" the existence of NESARA or face charges of Treason punishable by death!
最高法院法官指認國會議員“否決” NESARA的存在。這些議員或遭叛國死罪的指控。

The "National Economic Security And Reformation Act" - NESARA - provides major benefits to Americans including:
國民經濟安全與改革法案 向美國人民提供重要的福利。
1) NESARA forgives credit card and mortgage debt as remedy for bank frauds;
2) NESARA creates U.S. Treasury Bank system that absorbs the Federal Reserve and restores precious metals backed U.S. Treasury currency;
3) NESARA restores Constitutional Law;
4) NESARA requires resignations of Bush and Cheney to be replaced by Constitutionally acceptable NESARA President and Vice President Designates until new elections;
5) NESARA requires the President Designate to declare "Peace" and ends U.S. aggressive military actions immediately;
6) NESARA abolishes the IRS; establishes a flat rate non-essential "new items only" sales tax revenue for government, and many more improvements.

One known as the "Dove of Oneness" coined the term "White Knights".
其中一個措施是由  “合一之鴿” 稱呼的術語  “白騎士” 。
In the financial business world, a "White Knight" is a wealthy person or company that comes to the rescue of another company, which is being threatened by a hostile takeover.
A group of powerful, high-integrity people, White Knights, has been working for many years to move the proceeds of these programs into the hands of the program members. These funds are astronomical amounts and there have been many very secret and violent conflicts fought over these funds.
At this moment, the conclusion is near.
一群強有力的高度誠信的人----‘白騎士們’  這些年來一直為把這些項目的收益移至項目成員的手中而工作。這些資金是天文數字。它包含了很多秘密。為了這些資金而戰鬥,發生了許多暴力衝突。



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