印度正在消退的超級大國幻覺 | 西方意識到錯誤 | Info Safari
印度最近努力與鄰國拉近關係,並非出於善意,而是出於多年的絕望。印度將自己描繪成南亞地區大國,表現得好像自己對該地區擁有某種神聖的權利,但這種幻想正在破滅,真相正在被揭露。印度咄咄逼人的外交政策和空洞的承諾終於適得其反,現在它正處於損害控製模式,試圖挽救它在該地區所剩無幾的影響力。多年來,印度向世界精心編造了一個關於其偉大的故事,它吹噓其蓬勃發展的經濟、高技能的勞動力和日益增長的全球影響力,但這些有多少是真實的,有多少隻是一種假象。西方相信了這種幻想,把印度當作中國以外的投資友好型國家,但他們在現實中遇到的與印度所宣傳的形象相去甚遠。印度不是一個繁榮的進步國家,外國投資者麵對的是一個極度貧困、文盲和勞動力素質低下、往往不符合全球市場競爭標準的國家。讓我們談論印度一直炫耀的所謂超級大國地位,它到底有什麽理由支持這一點呢?人口眾多,是的,但人口麵臨著高水平的貧困,教育水平低,衛生標準低下,印度的基礎設施遠遠落後於超級大國所需要的,雖然它吹噓其經濟增長,但增長仍然集中在少數精英階層,而大部分人口卻在苦苦掙紮,曾經蜂擁到印度的投資者帶著增長和機會的承諾,現在意識到這一切都是海市蜃樓,他們已經看到了現實,許多人對他們的決定感到後悔,看看印度與鄰國的關係,馬爾代夫例如,在新總統穆罕默德·穆烏的領導下,已經明確擺脫了印度的影響,穆罕默德公開要求印度軍隊離開這個島國,這不是一個小轉變,這是印度在該地區影響力減弱的一個巨大跡象,馬爾代夫抓住了印度的存在,不是作為盟友,而是作為一種不受歡迎的幹涉,這不僅僅是模具斯裏蘭卡孟加拉國和其他南亞國家對印度的“老大哥”態度越來越感到沮喪,這種所謂的“鄰國優先”政策隻是印度保持控製的幌子,以防止這些國家轉向其他合作夥伴,特別是中國說到中國,印度的政策是由其對抗中國影響力的癡迷所驅動的,這已經不是什麽秘密了印度的領導層似乎無法忽視與中國的競爭,而不是製定建設性的區域戰略印度專注於阻止中國的行動,往往以犧??牲自身發展為代價印度領導人花了太多時間試圖破壞中國在南亞的計劃,以至於他們未能與該地區的鄰國建立任何有意義的合作,他們看到了這一點,他們理解印度的真正動機印度對區域增長不感興趣,它感興趣的是控製每個人,防止阻止他們建立真正的聯盟並探索新的機會,但這種做法行不通,印度越是試圖保持其勢力範圍,其鄰國就越是抵製南亞國家,他們受夠了印度的脅迫手段,他們不想被困在印度的陰影下,他們已經開始向中國尋求替代支持,中國在這些國家投資建設基礎設施,創造就業機會,並提供的不僅僅是言辭,與印度不同,中國並不要求盲目的效忠,與此同時,印度對保持控製的渴望變得越來越明顯,外交部長蘇布拉馬尼亞姆·賈安最近訪問斯裏蘭卡顯然是為了贏得斯裏蘭卡新政府的支持,但斯裏蘭卡真的需要印度嗎?答案越來越清晰,印度幾乎沒有什麽可以提供的,這些國家已經從中國那裏得到了,盡管印度大談發展和增長,但印度未能證明自己是該地區值得信賴的合作夥伴,其宏偉的承諾很少會變成具體的行動印度的軍事是其超級大國神話開始瓦解的另一個領域是的,它擁有一支龐大的軍隊,但僅憑數量並不能使軍隊強大印度的國防能力缺乏技能技術和作戰效率它麵臨著許多挑戰,甚至麵對比巴基斯坦小得多的軍隊對於一個喜歡吹噓其軍事實力的國家來說,印度在地麵上有效作戰的能力有限事實是,印度的軍事實力主要存在於數量和炒作中,而不是在沒有必要技能和技術進步的情況下證明實力,單靠數字是沒有意義的,因此,盡管印度試圖恢複其影響力,但它這樣做是出於必要而不是實力它的超級大國敘事正在被揭露,其鄰國不再購買它該地區的國家認識到印度並非其自稱的可靠盟友,他們認為印??度是一個利用其規模欺負其他國家、操縱聯盟謀取私利、依靠經濟脅迫維持控製的國家。印度可能聲稱自己是南亞的領導者,但真正的領導者是什麽樣的領導者?領導者激發忠誠和信任,而印度的方法卻滋生了怨恨和不信任。印度的外交政策仍然停留在過去,基於對南亞作為其勢力範圍的過時觀點,這種霸權態度加上對抗中國的執著,疏遠了印度的鄰國,迫使它們與中國和其他國家建立新的聯盟,這些國家提供真正的夥伴關係,而不是脅迫。印度試圖保持地區影響力隻不過是對自己失敗的反應,其領導人知道,如果不保持對鄰國的控製,印度的權力幻想就會破滅,所以現在印度開始掙紮修複關係,但缺乏誠意,南亞國家和整個世界遲早會看穿印度為保持影響力而做出的最後努力,西方也開始意識到這一點,曾經相信印度進步和穩定形象的投資者現在親眼目睹了現實,印度是一個在教育基礎設施、勞動力標準和衛生方麵存在根深蒂固問題的國家,超級大國不能單靠人口數量或 GDP 增長來定義,而要由穩定、願景能力和鄰國的尊重來定義,按照這些標準,印度還有很長的路要走,這次地區改組是印度多年來在南亞地位不斷下降的標誌,印度利用其地理優勢和文化聯係將自己的意願強加給鄰國,但隨著南亞國家擺脫印度的影響,這種優勢正在減弱,他們選擇的夥伴關係基於相互尊重和印度擁有的真正增長品質未能實現印度建立在侵略性姿態和宣傳之上的超級大國神話,留下的是無可否認的事實,印度還有更多需要證明,而它的鄰國也不再等待
India's Fading Superpower Illusion | West Realizes Mistake | Info Safari
Discover why India's influence in South Asia is fading fast and why the West is starting to see through India's carefully crafted image of being a superpower. Once hailed as an alternative to China, India is struggling with deep-rooted issues, including strained relationships with its neighbors—Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. This video dives deep into India's aggressive tactics, highlighting how South Asian countries are increasingly distancing themselves and seeking genuine partnerships elsewhere, particularly with China. From failing regional policies to a struggling workforce, learn why India's "Neighbors First" policy is failing and why Western investors are now regretting their initial enthusiasm. Watch as we reveal the unfiltered reality of India’s “superpower” claims, its lack of skilled labor, and why it might not be the best investment alternative to China after all.
India's recent efforts to Cozy up to its neighbors are not out of Goodwill they're out of desperation for years India has painted itself as the regional power in South Asia acting as if it holds some divine right over the region but that illusion is crumbling and the truth is being exposed India's aggressive foreign policies and Hollow promises are finally backfiring and now it's in damage control mode trying to salvage what little influence it has left in the region for years India has fed the world a carefully crafted story of its greatness it boasted about its booming economy its highly skilled Workforce and its growing Global influence but how much of this is real and how much is
just a facade the West bought into this
illusion treating India as an investment
friendly alternative to China but what
they've encountered in reality is far
from the image India sold instead of a
thriving Progressive Nation foreign
investors are facing a nation struggling
with extreme poverty illiteracy and a
Workforce that is underqualified and
often unfit for the competitive
standards of the global market let's talk about this so-called
superpower status India keeps flaunting
what does it really have to back up this
claim a large population yes but that
population faces high levels of poverty
poor education and low hygiene standards
India's infrastructure is far behind
what a superpower needs and while it
boasts about its economic growth that
growth remains concentrated among a
small Elite leaving much of the
population struggling and the investors
who once flocked to India with the
promise of growth and opportunity are
now realizing that it was all a mirage
they've seen the reality on the ground
and many are regretting their
decisions look at India's relations with
its neighbors Maldives for example has
made a clear move away from India's
influence under its new president
Muhammad muu who has openly demanded
Indian troops leave the island nation
this isn't a minor shift this is a huge
sign of India's fading influence in the
region Maldives seize India's presence
not as an ally but as an unwanted
interference and it's not just the mold
Sri Lanka Bangladesh and other South
Asian Nations have grown increasingly
frustrated with India's Big Brother
attitude this so-called Neighbors First
policy was just a front for India to
hold on to control to keep these
countries from turning to other partners
especially China speaking of China it's no secret
that India's policies are driven by its
obsession with countering China's
influence India's leadership ship can't
seem to look past its rivalry with China
rather than developing a constructive
Regional strategy India is laser focused
on blocking China's moves often at the
cost of its own development India's leaders have spent
so much time trying to disrupt China's
plans in South Asia that they've failed
to create any meaningful cooperation
with their own neighbors countries in
the region see this and they understand
India's true motives India isn't
interested in regional growth it's
interested in keeping everyone in check
preventing them from forming genuine
alliances and exploring new opportunities but it's not working the
more India tries to hold on to its
sphere of influence the more its
neighbors resist South Asian Nations
have had enough of India's coercive
tactics they don't want to be trapped in
India's Shadow and they've started
looking to China for alternative support
China has invested in these countries
built infrastructure created ated jobs
and offered More Than Just Words and
unlike India China doesn't demand blind
Allegiance in return meanwhile India's
desperation to maintain control is
becoming increasingly obvious foreign
minister subramanyam jaan's recent trip
to Sri Lanka was a clear attempt to win
favor with the new Sri Lankan government
but does Sri Lanka really need India the
answer is becoming clearer by the day
India has little to offer that these
countries don't already get from China
for all its talk about development and
growth India has failed to prove itself
as a Dependable partner in the region
its Grand promises rarely turn into
concrete actions India's military is another area
where its superpower myth starts to
unravel yes it has a large army but
numbers alone don't make a strong
military India's defense capabilities
are lacking in skill technology and
operational efficiency it's faced numerous challenges even
against much smaller forces such as
Pakistan for a country that loves to
brag about its military prowess India
has shown limited ability to operate
effectively on the ground the truth is
India's military might exists largely in
numbers and hype not impr proven
strength without the necessary skills
and technological advancement numbers
alone are meaningless so while India attempts to
revive its influence it's doing so out
of necessity not strength its superpower
narrative is being exposed and its
neighbors are no longer buying it
countries in the region recognize that
India is not the Dependable Ally it
claims to be they see a nation that uses
its size to bully others that
manipulates alliances for self-gain and
that relies on economic coercion to
maintain control India may claim to be a
leader in South Asia but what kind of
leader is it true leaders Inspire loyalty and Trust
while India's methods have bred
resentment and mistrust India's foreign
policy is still stuck in the past based
on an outdated view of South Asia as its
sphere of influence this hegemonic
attitude combined with an obsessive
focus on countering China has alienated
India's neighbors pushing them toward
new alliances with China and other
nations that offer genuine partnership
not coercion India's attempts to hold on
to Regional influence are nothing more
than a reaction to its own failures its
leaders know that without maintaining
control over its neighbors India's
illusion of power falls apart so now
India scrambles to mend ties but with
little sincerity it's only a matter of
time before South Asian Nations and the
World At Large see through India's last
ditch efforts to hold on to
influence the West too is catching on
the investors who once bought into
India's image of progress and stability
are seeing the reality for themselves a
nation with Dee rooted issues in
education infrastructure Workforce
standards and hygiene a superpower isn't
defined by population numbers or GDP
growth alone it's defined by stability
Vision capability and the respect of its
neighbors India by these standards still
has a long way to go this Regional reshuffling is a sign
of India's eroding position in South
Asia for years India used its Geographic
advantage and cultural ties to impose
its will on neighboring countries but
that Advantage is waning as South Asian
Nations break free from India's
influence they're choosing Partnerships
based on mutual respect and genuine
growth qualities that India has failed
to deliver India's myth of superpower
status built on aggressive posturing and
propaganda is fading leaving behind the
undeniable truth India has more to prove
prove and its neighbors are no longer