We have an adversary who lives to magnify our insecurities; condemn our past failures and give evidence of all that we are not. When Goliath circumstances say that we are too weak or too slow…我們每個人的生命當中都會經曆一些要逆風飛翔的黑暗時光,它們時時刻刻不遺餘力的放大我們心裏的不安,控訴我們過去的失敗,以及把各種各樣的髒水都潑到我們身上。它們就像不可逾越的歌利亞巨人在嘲笑我們的軟弱和遲緩...
Instead of rushing forward into a battle of self-defense, God invites us to step back. Back into our Secret Place that He created in us – where the Holy Spirit is our Comforter and Jesus is our Advocate. The place where we are always loved. Always accepted in the Beloved. Always safe. 在那樣的時刻,與其任我們急不可耐的投入到自我反擊的戰鬥中,神反而會邀請我們退後一步。退到他將我們的筋骨聯接的暗處,那裏聖靈是我們的安慰者,而主耶穌是我們的辯護者。在那裏我們被愛包圍簇擁著,被無條件的接納著,我們是無比安全的。
From that internal fortress of rest and relationship, we listen for the sound of break through. We listen for the laughter. 隻有藏身在神在我們內心建起的供我們靈魂休憩的堡壘裏,我們才得以聽見勝利突圍的號角,聽到哀哭漸漸變為歡笑。
It is often at the moment when circumstances seem dire or our lack appears so great, that a smile begins on Jesus’ face. As it broadens, His eyes grow brighter and then you realize… “He’s going to laugh.” It is a sound like none other – that deep, sweet laughter of assurance…a sound that says, “I’m here. I’m bigger than this. And I’m with you.”也就在那些四麵楚歌缺乏巨大的時刻,耶穌的嘴角開始上揚。笑容在他臉上像漣漪一樣慢慢蕩漾開來,他炯炯有神的眼睛,讓你漸漸意識到,他要笑出聲來了。那是這個世界上獨一無二的笑音,深邃,甜美而撫慰人心。那個笑聲在說,孩子,我在這裏,我大過你正在經曆的一切,我此刻就在你的身邊陪伴著你。
The One who prepares tables in the presence of our enemies, does not fear what we do. Jesus only sees you in the fullness of the beautiful creation He envisioned before you were ever born. He knows the battles that surround your life and He has provided Himself to be with you… always…even to the end of the age. But often, He is with us quite differently than we imagined He would be. 那個在我們的敵人麵前為我們擺設筵席的人,不懼我們任何出格的舉動。他隻看到你未降生到這個世界以前就已經被他照著自己形象所造的全備的美好。他知道你所正在打的所有惡仗,並且把自己的生命化作你手中的武器來陪伴你,直到世界的末了。實際上,他與我們同在的方式與我們的想象時常有出入。
God is so wonderfully confident in who He is in us, that kindness and joy are His responses at the thought it’s too much or too big or too hard or it’s been too long. Joy strengthens. It neutralizes anxiety and care – and allows us to hear Him when we need to hear Him most. 神對住在我們裏麵的自己是充滿信心的,他的良善和喜樂是應對所有“我受夠了”“這超出我的能力了”“這太難了”或是“我實在等不下去了”的狀況的良方。喜樂是有威力的。它平息了焦躁和憂慮,使得我們可以在它們咆哮的時候依然可以聽見神的聲音,我們最應該聽見的聲音。
Laughter is not logical. Joy does not bubble up because all of our problems have obvious answers. Its source is not reasonable – but it is powerful.
And as the laughter rises, tears of gratitude usually follow….thankful for this place of safety and peace. 不合邏輯的是,在基督裏,笑不是人生風調雨順的特定產物。喜樂並不是在麵臨的問題有了明確的答案後才能湧起,恰恰相反,在基督裏喜樂可以是沒來由的。但它絕對是威力四射的。當一個人強大到足以笑對四麵楚歌後,隨之而來的,也往往是對賜予他無窮力量的那個靈魂的安息之地的由衷感激和熱淚縱橫。
I do not write this lightly. I have been kindly given this counsel when the loss was staggering and yet, it was essential that I stay in the fight. There was the freedom for tears. There always is. But it was this truth that saved me from despair. It allowed me to receive His comfort… and not be offended when the laughter came. 我並非刻意輕描淡寫人生的那些困境。我在這裏所給的建議,是我自己在生命被各種失喪步步進逼的時候所收到的建議,它們是我得以堅持戰鬥下去的關鍵。我們當然有在黑暗當中流淚的自由,神一直都給我們這樣的自由。但真正將我們從絕望的黑暗當中拯救出來的,是他帶著生命的話語,它們幫助我領受從神而來的安慰和鼓勵,並且不會把神在困境中對我們揚起的嘴角視作坐視不管和蓄意試探。
In that place where joy makes no sense, I’ve discovered that hurts are healed, strength returns, courage comes and the lens of limitation clears.Whether it’s taken months or minutes, if there’s a battle to be fought – then this is the place to fight it from. Though when ready to engage on God’s terms, the battleground that looked so intense, is often empty. The enemy has heard the sound that he fears most and knows that he has no weapon that is its equal. 而恰恰就是在最笑不起來的時候靠著神去笑對人生的過程當中,我慢慢看到傷痛被醫治,力量得恢複,勇氣回升以及所有的限製被掃除。 不論是花費數月或隻需幾分鍾的時間,隻要有征戰的地方,這個態度都應當是我們死守的據點。雖然當我們滿滿參與到上帝製定的作戰原則當中的時候,就會發現,看似狼煙四起的戰場,其實敵人已經丟盔棄甲,潰不成軍。因為他們已經聽到他們最害怕聽到的反擊的聲音,而他們深知自己不堪一擊。
1. 水煮沸後加入珍珠丸子 (有網友說試過冷水的時候加,立馬化了,化了,化了。。。難以想象這個奇觀但還是引以為戒吧哈哈),煮10分鍾再蓋蓋子悶15分鍾後,過一遍冷水,瀝幹後加入適量紅糖拌勻,珍珠就弄好了
2. 再煮一鍋水,放入茶包,煮幾分鍾再泡出茶色後,取出茶包
3. 煮好的紅茶以3:1的比例加入椰奶或牛奶和適量的糖,後來發現椰奶的味道還是偏濃重,把茶的清香都蓋過去了,看個人喜好吧,我還是更喜歡就是加全脂牛奶的,能喝出很濃的茶香唷。加少量咖啡伴侶能讓奶茶更濃鬱,確實有錦上添花之效,但喝多就不好了。
4. 把珍珠放到透明的杯子裏,倒入調好的奶茶,酌情熱飲或是加入冰塊,就慢慢享用吧