
我們的身體需要美食,靈魂也如此. 想要成為治愈係的文青廚娘:)

在光棍節遙望 Soul mate.....

(2017-11-11 11:30:34) 下一個

       在大家都在為娃去幼兒園是否被虐待操碎了心的時候…我的節日又來了吼吼 不能夠更同意這篇推文了,尊重自己的時區,加油!

~~~~~~~~~~西姐姐譯自"Know Yourself"雙十一推送~~~~~~~~~
   From WeChat public account "Know Yourself"

       今天在後台看到一個留言,說:“KY小姐姐,我遇到了一個人,我覺得ta就是我的soul mate。我不知道我要不要主動告白,你能給我一些指導麽?”So I saw a message from one of our subscribers today, who asked "Hey Ms KY, I recently met a guy whom I feel like could be my soul mate. I am not sure if I should take the initiative to confess my love...Could you give me some advice? "

        靈魂伴侶啊。想和這位小朋友說,倘若你尋找的是一個生活中的戀人,可能有人會給出你種種約會和追求的建議。但唯獨靈魂伴侶的相愛,是不需要策略的。Aha, the so-called "soul mate" again lol! Well, what I really want to tell this young lady is, if a life partner is all that you are looking for, there are lots of people who could offer tons of practical suggestions on dating and becoming a proficient suitor/pursuer. However, those strategies are the last things that are needed for a soul-mate relationship.(Comment: true love is fully established on the foundation of grace, so brilliant!!)

        兩個靈魂的相愛,可以通過任何一種路徑發生,所需要的隻是彼此看見對方的靈魂。你們偶然遇見,在對方的靈魂中看到了一些令自己目眩神迷的、或是自己早在相遇之前的多年就已經深深懂得的東西。你欣賞ta、尊重ta、想要長久地在生活中有這個人。這個靈魂的存在本身就能給你慰藉。The soul mate kind of love could spontaneously arise anyhow, as long as the two souls are fully exposed to each other. Out of blue, you fall into each other, and ecstasized by the innermost recesses of his soul, where there are something that you are keenly aware of and cherish since long ago.  You adore him, respect him, and wanna keep him around in your life. The fact that there is someone like him in the world melts your heart.

        找到靈魂伴侶,你需要做的唯一一件事,就是讓ta看見你,等ta看懂你。事實上,沒有什麽可以阻擋兩個會彼此相愛的靈魂。如果你們相遇了、看見了,沒有愛發生,那就意味著ta不是你以為的那個靈魂。The only thing that you need to do to find your soul mate, is to let him see you, and wait until he reads you right. In fact, nothing can stop the love of two soul mates. If you met and know each other well yet nothing happened, then he is probably not your soul mate.

        不過,這個世界上有無數種情感的形式,它們都會給人帶來不同類型的滿足感。靈魂伴侶隻是其中一種,它不是你能夠選擇的唯一一種。有時它甚至不是最適合日常生活的一種。Nevertheless, there are different kinds of love relationships in this world, all could bring certain levels of satisfaction.The soul mate relationship, is only one of them, so definitely not your only choice. Sometimes, it is not even a type of relationship that is for everyday life.

        遇見該遇見的人,做你想做的事,讓要發生的發生,時間會自然地把值得的人給你留下。Encounter whomever you are destined to, do whatever you are called to, and rejoice in all circumstances. Remember, the one who deserves you will eventually be highlighted and presented to you, by time (To me, by God :p).

        這算是這個雙十一,我們給單身KY小夥伴的一句贈言吧~ 周末愉快啦,大家:)
             To all the ladies and gentlemen in waiting, happy Chinese Singles Day!

I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases. (SONG OF SOLOMON 8:4)

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