心情動蕩的一周。看到某種令人絕望的暗黑循環像脫軌的列車在身邊無情上演, 令隧道盡頭的光也忽然變得無比暗淡。這些年問過很多很多為什麽,可是好像都沒有收到讓自己停止再問的答案。曾經以為快樂是在陽光下放聲的笑,後來才發現,其實,真正的強大,是雨季裏晴朗的心,是,你心中有那所有問題的答案,它成為你無論在任何境況下的滿足和盼望,成為你不被任何困難打倒的無窮無盡的力量。
God’s Answer to Our Why Questions is ‘Who.’
By Allison Bown
It’s that moment on your journey with God where nothing makes sense, but Jesus looks at you and smiles.It’s staring at the gap between the logical and the inexplicable and knowing you’re safer stepping into thin air than staying reasonably put. 我們每個人的生命中或許都經曆過這樣的時刻,就是似乎生命裏每一件事都在無可理喻的脫軌運行。但你可知道也正是在這樣的時刻,耶穌他在微笑著看著我們。在那些時刻,我們凝視著恒亙在我們理性的邏輯思維和無法解釋的人生際遇之間的那個鴻溝,卻深深的知道看似如履薄冰的勇敢冒險,其實遠勝過中規中矩的躊躇不前。
Why should we move forward? Where does the wisdom and the courage come from to do so? It comes when we understand that…God’s only answer to our “why” question is “who.” 我們何以可以勇敢的冒險向前?促使我們這樣做的智慧和勇氣從何而來?我們的智慧和勇氣來自,我們從心底明白,神給我們所有“為什麽”的答案,是他自己。
Matthew 4 says of Peter and Andrew: “Then He said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.’ They immediately left their nets and followed Him.” WHY would they do that? There’s no “how” or “where” in this! And being “fishers of men” isn’t exactly a logical answer to “what.”Those early disciples responded to who Jesus was, not the details of His plan. They responded to His true nature, though they had yet to begin to understand it. 馬太福音4章提到耶穌呼召兩個門徒彼得和安德烈的時候,描述說”耶穌對他們說:來跟從我,我要叫你們得人如得魚一樣。他們就立刻舍了網,跟從了他。“ 他們為什麽會那麽做呢?經文中完全沒有提到說讓他們如何以及在哪裏得人如得魚。而且,得人如得魚,並不是一個可以回答“為什麽”的邏輯上契合的答案。我們可以看到,早期教會的門徒們回應的是耶穌是誰這樣一個事實,而不是他具體的某一個計劃。他們回應的是耶穌的本性,雖然他們才剛剛開始有一些了解。
In the same way, our first question must always be “why.” Why are we doing this? The answer that never changes is: because of Who God has been to us and who He has always seen us to be in Christ. Why are we contemplating a risk, a ministry or new adventure? If it’s not for who God has been to us and our trust in His unchanging love towards us, the “how,” “what” and “where” won’t hold us when the unexpected comes. 相似的,我們在剛剛提到的情境中常常問的第一個問題,也是,“為什麽”。為什麽我們要這麽做?這個問題從未改變的答案是,因為神一直以來和我們的關係以及他看到我們在基督裏的樣子。為何我們要承擔一些風險,事工或是踏上一項新的旅程?若非因為神一直以來對我們信實的帶領以及我們對他永不更改的愛的無條件相信,當意想不到的困難來臨的時候,那些所謂的“怎麽做”,“”做什麽“。“在哪裏做”是無法讓我們堅持下去的。
Faith and trust are based in “who.” They are the natural outcomes of knowing in whom we have believed and confidence that He is able to keep us. Pressing situations are not necessarily adversity or attack, but often opportunities to place “who” above all else. 我們的信心和信靠來自於神。它們是知道我們所信的是怎樣一位神以及有信心這位神能持守我們的自然而然的結果。讓人感到受壓迫的環境並不總是逆境或是純粹的攻擊,反而常常是幫助我們把神放在高過一切的位置的契機。
The God who has been endlessly merciful, outrageously kind, fiercely loving… that’s who we’re responding to when we step forward into the unknown.4 From that place, we value what God values. We love what He loves. We honor what He honors. We follow Him because of who He is to us and who we are to Him. 那位有著無盡憐憫,無窮的恩慈以及無比熾熱的愛著我們的神,正是我們踏入未知時候所響應的那一位。當我們可以放手把自己放進神呼召我們進入的地方,我們就能看重神所看重的,愛他所愛的,尊榮他所尊榮的。我們跟從他是因為他是我們的神而我們是他的兒女。
And if the path becomes complex or the way unclear, and we wonder why we ever started this journey in the first place, we go back to the “who.” 這樣,當道路變得複雜或是模糊不清,而我們懷疑我們為什麽要開始這樣的旅程的時候,我們就回到神是怎樣一位神這個根本的問題。
Who does God want to be for me here that He couldn’t be at any other time?在當下這個特定的情境下,神想讓我獲得哪些方麵的成長?是我無法在其他的環境下獲得的?
Who am I becoming in Christ because of this experience? 因著這些成長,我身心在基督裏又有了什麽樣的蛻變?
From that place, no matter what challenges or losses occur – we will always gain knowing more of who Jesus really, really is. 當我們紮根在這個前提上,無論遇到怎樣的挑戰和失敗,我們都因而更多,更多認識耶穌,我們的救主真正的模樣。
可麗餅:中筋麵粉1杯(cup),玉米澱粉兩杯,牛奶兩杯,抹茶粉15g, 糖粉60g,細砂糖20g,黃油60g
乳酪夾層:重動物性淡奶油(heavy whipping cream)一盒 (473ml),酸奶一盒 (150g),奶油奶酪一盒 (227g),大草莓三隻
做法: 1.粉類過篩,和牛奶混勻,倒入加熱融化後的黃油,打入六個雞蛋,用打蛋器稍微打勻,呈現流水態的糊糊
2. 糊糊過一遍篩去掉大顆粒,放入冰箱冷藏一小時
3. 平底鍋刷一層油,倒入兩大勺麵糊,全程小火煎至表麵凝固後翻麵,繼續煎2到三分鍾。前麵兩個餅沒把握好厚度,最後隻煎了10層餅皮
4. 煎好的可麗餅冷卻後,扣上一個碗,把多餘的邊邊都裁剪掉
5. 動物性淡奶油用打蛋器打發,加入室溫軟化的奶油奶酪,酸奶和糖,打勻
6. 草莓洗淨切丁,和打發好的奶酪糊混勻即可
8. 最後一層可麗餅表麵用篩子篩一層抹茶粉,就完工啦 (蛋糕有點點矮,想做高一點的可以把材料加倍,當然,時間也會加倍~)