
我們的身體需要美食,靈魂也如此. 想要成為治愈係的文青廚娘:)


(2017-05-26 21:01:35) 下一個
      上周做的鹵肉,直接用來包了包子。其實對發麵一直不太自信因為有很多失敗的陰影 (也活該倒是,因為大多數時候都是因為我太喜歡亂來了嘿嘿),對於人生的很多決定,也常常覺得很容易被過去的經曆所牽製,那麽今天就來推一篇酷哥牧師的文章,與所有正走在一種叫做“過去”的夜路的朋友們,共勉!

Don’t Let Your Past Hold You Back From His Future

By Graham Cooke
God wants to clear ground in our lives to make room for His promises and future plans. He wants to heal our past so we can live in our future. But sometimes we can’t move into the future because pain is present in our lives. 就像一塊菜地需要定時除草鬆土給莊稼留有生長空間一樣,我們的生命也需要常常被“清理”好讓我們可以盛裝神的應許和他對我們的未來所規劃的美好藍圖。他希望我們從過去的失敗和痛苦當中完全被治愈,使得我們可以活在充滿希望的未來當中。可惜我們生命當中正在經曆的一些還帶著呼吸的傷痛,常常讓我們無法行走在未來當中。

Everyone of us, without exception, have experienced a level of pain, hurt, and disappointment in life. For some of us, it could go back to unfortunate childhood experiences. For others, it may be a more recent event. Regardless, these are wounds, small or large, that can affect us everyday. They cloud our future, making it impossible to embrace God as Father and live in our promises.我們每個人,無一例外的,都在我們的人生當中經曆過不同層次的痛楚,傷害,以及失望。對我們中的某些人而言,或許是童年的一些不幸留下的陰影,對另一些人而言,或許是新近經曆的磨難。不管怎麽說,我們生活中每天都會經曆大大小小的傷害而我們的生命深受它們的影響。它們使得我們的未來被掩藏在烏雲背後,讓我們無法像擁抱父親一樣來擁抱上帝和他對我們的應許。

The point being, they have to go; they have to be healed! 這裏我想強調的是,那些傷害,需要從我們的生命當中被剔除,而我們,需要徹底從那些傷害當中被治愈。

It is God’s intention that you become as He is, whole and complete. 神深願我們能滿有他的樣式,全備而無所缺乏。

We must learn to get healed as we go; we must become intimately acquainted with His healing process and intentionality in our lives. When you get a healed a few times, you realize that the whole point of getting ‘wounded,’ was to experience the pleasure of being healed.我們需要學會在人生的旅程當中,一邊趕路一邊痊愈,我們需要變得對他的療愈過程以及對他對我們生命的意向和指引輕車熟路。當你一次次經曆過他的醫治,你就會意識到也許受傷帶給我們的最大收獲,是體會到痊愈時的喜悅。

I want us to experience the fullness of who the Father is, because He absolutely adores us and we need to experience that.我希望我們每個人都能來經曆天父全備的豐盛,因為他毫無疑問看重珍視我們而我們需要親自去經曆這個事實。

If you are facing any current pain or “stuckness,” let Him touch you right where you are at. He is waiting to refresh and renew you. He is giving you joy, peace, and wholeness in exchange for pain, anxiety, and sadness.如果你的生命正在經曆某種傷痛或者觸礁,讓他此刻就來在那個傷痛和迷茫當中觸摸你的生命。他無時無刻不張開雙臂等著來更新你使你重新得力。他能把你的傷痛,焦慮和憂愁變為喜樂,平安和無所缺乏。

If interested in experiencing the Father’s healing in this way, meditate on this word from the Lord. Hear His desire to heal you and bring you into a brilliant future: 我的朋友,如果你想要在你的生命當中來經曆上帝這樣的醫治,開始來默想他的話語,來仔細聆聽他想要治愈你以及帶你出黑暗入光明的心聲:

Beloved, there is a spirit of refreshing that is going to follow you, so give yourself to it physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Come and return to the place of joy and laugher, and I will overcome your staleness. 我摯愛的孩子啊,你的四圍環繞著複興之靈,將你的整個身心完整的獻上,你的心懷意念,你的情緒起伏,以及你靈魂的歇腳之處。來吧,回到喜樂和歡笑當中,我要幫助你完全戰勝你的心灰意冷。

I give Myself to you. I favor you. Come, return to My favor, joy, laughter, and happiness. Come and bask in my goodness, kindness, and mercy. Everything about Me is for you! Everything that I am is for you. All that I have is for you. My heart is towards you.我把自己完全的向你敞開,我悅納你。來吧孩子,回到我的恩寵,喜樂,歡笑和快樂當中。來沐浴在我的良善,慈愛,憐憫當中,所有關乎我的都是為你而造!我的所有所是都是為你而存在!我所擁有的一切都是你的。你是我心之所向!

I am listening! Talk to Me. Tell Me your innermost heart. Tell Me your fears and your concerns. I am with you. I am for you. Nothing is too small that I could not be interested in you. Every facet of your life belongs to me because you belong to Me. You are My possession. So relax in My river. 我在側耳傾聽!請敞開心扉,對我述說你內心最隱秘的憂傷。告訴我你的害怕和擔憂。我與你同在,我為你而戰!沒有關於你的任何一件小事會讓我覺得索然無味,你生命的每一個律動都在我的看顧之下因為你是屬我的。你是我的產業。安心徜徉在我的生命之河裏吧我的孩子!

I have got plans to give you confidence to bring you into a place of such incredible trust and faith that you will live the life of an overcomer. I plan to totally change your internal state so that I live on the inside of you in strength, power, and majesty. 我已經為你製定好計劃,好把你帶入一個無比得勝的境地,在那裏,你有著無比的信心。我要讓你的內心脫胎換骨,以至於我可以常駐在你的心裏,滿有力量,權能和無上的威嚴。

I will change your internal state from fear to love, from anxiety to peace, from misery to laughter, from weariness to refreshing. You will find yourself thinking the way I think, seeing the way I see, believing the way I believe, becoming who I am. That is my intention that you would become even as I am, and the world will know you differently for you will be different. So, Beloved, rest and be at peace. 我要讓你對我的懼怕變為愛慕,你的擔憂變為平安,你的愁苦變為歡笑,你的疲乏變為精力充沛。你會發現你逐漸想我所想,看我所看,信我所信,直到滿有我的樣式。我甚至想要你完全變成我的樣子,你會讓世界眼前一亮因為你就是如此與眾不同!所以親愛的孩子,到我懷裏放心的安歇下來吧。

「你們得救在乎歸回安息,你們得力在乎平靜安穩。」(以賽亞書 30:15)  In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength. (Isaiah 30 : 15)

材料: 麵皮:中筋麵粉3cups,溫水1.5 cup,酵母(fast rising)7g,食用堿少許
       臘汁鹵肉餡:豬軟骨兩斤, 白蘿卜一小截,蔥若幹
      料酒2兩大勺 (約20ml),生抽4大勺 (40ml),老抽兩大勺(20ml),金蘭油膏1大勺(10ml)
做法: 臘汁鹵肉餡做法:
        1. 豬軟骨飛水去血,切成小塊後,用廚房紙擦幹,
        3. 加入切好的豬軟骨,翻炒至上色後,加入醬油,料酒及其他液體調料
        4. 將3中的豬軟骨轉移到高壓鍋內,加入約1500ml水,放入鹵包和其他幹料,加入蔥段和滾刀切好的白蘿卜,壓40分鍾左右,鹵肉就做好了
       6. 包入適量肉麋,拎起一點餅皮往圓心靠,再一個褶子一個褶子逆時針疊加直至收口


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nitayy 回複 悄悄話 回複 '西姐姐' 的評論 :真理! :)
西姐姐 回複 悄悄話 回複 'nitayy' 的評論 : 有愛的人陪,做什麽都是幸福的呀。一碗洋雞湯,祝Nita姐姐周末愉快!:)
nitayy 回複 悄悄話 看完了,餓啦. ;)