
我們的身體需要美食,靈魂也如此. 想要成為治愈係的文青廚娘:)


(2017-02-23 19:31:21) 下一個
Filled With Possibility!
For nothing will be impossible with God. Luke 1:37, NASB
在神沒有難成的事。 路加福音1:37
Jesus loves us so much that He will never keep us small. In Him, absolutely nothing is impossible: There are no limits! Luke 1:37 is part of the angel’s announcement to Mary that her old cousin, Elizabeth, who was well past her childbearing days, was six months pregnant with a boy who would become John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin. 主耶穌對我們的愛是如此深厚以至於他從來不會讓我們活在狹小當中。在他裏麵,毫無疑問沒有任何事情是不可能的,凡事都可以不受限製!路加福音1:37 是天使向瑪利亞傳達的關於她的堂姐伊麗莎白的預言的一部分,預言說,已經過了生育年齡的伊麗莎白,已經懷了六個月大的男孩,這個男孩將來要成為耶穌的堂兄。
If that wasn’t enough, Mary also had to come to terms with the declaration that she was about to conceive by the Holy Spirit and would give birth nine months later to the Son of God. That’s some news! God doesn’t have a problem with making possible what we think is impossible. He loves to shake us up, out of our small-minded thinking, and free us from doubts about this thing or that thing. He loves to blast through our assumption that, somehow, if it can’t be done in earthly terms, it can’t be done at all. Remember, He loves to reshape us. He speaks truth where we’ve believed lies.如果那個預言還不夠震撼,那麽瑪利亞自己即將受聖靈的孕並將在九個月後誕下神的兒子的事實,就真的是個前所未聞的新聞了!神可以輕而易舉的把對我們來說不可能的事情變為可能。他喜歡讓我們的生命受到震動,以至於我們可以擺脫我們狹小的眼界,從各種各樣的疑惑當中跳脫出來。他想要徹底改觀我們的觀念,那就是如果人或屬世的資源無法成就的事情,那就怎樣都無法成就。但是我們要記得,神喜歡重塑我們。在我們被謊言所欺騙的地方,他的真理一直在說話。
You think He can’t change you? He can. 
• You think you have gone too far down to be rescued? You haven’t.
• You think you’re too old now? You’re not. 
 • You think you have to wait until you’re older? You don’t.
• Nothing is impossible with Him.因為在神凡事都能。
It’s His love that changes everything. Here’s some news for you: Without Him, you’ll never be good enough. I’ll never be good enough. We are nothing without our God. He takes our little lives, laid down at His feet in the dirt, and He wrecks us with His love. When we see Him in all His beauty and let Him reshape us and fill us with His Holy Spirit, we no longer look at our failures and faults, because our eyes are drawn to see only Him. Unless He fills me, everything is impossible. When He fills me, nothing is impossible! 他的愛能改變一切!這對你我都會是一個絕好的消息:就是沒有神,你永遠都無法達到一個義(聖)人的標準,我也一樣。離了神我們什麽都不是。他在塵土中揀選我們,讓我們坐在他腳邊。他的愛讓我們得以重生。當我們看到神的美好並順服在他匠人的雙手中被打造以及被聖靈充滿的時候,我們就可以不再看自己的失敗和過犯,因為我們的眼光單單注目在神身上。除非身上帶著神的大能,凡事都可能是無法逾越的大山。而我們意識到自己身上帶著他死裏複活的大能,就一切皆有可能。
Heidi Baker (譯自海迪媽媽)
January 3 at 1:13pm · 
Reckless Devotion Day 3 of the New Year!
天父,此刻,就在我的intern就要結束而老板明確說我們group沒錢再留我的時候,在我有可能要麵臨失業無法申請opt extension的時候,在我的postdoc申請杳無音信的時候,我就來相信,在你凡事都能。我在世上的日子尚未度一日,就已經寫在你的冊上。我為你美好的計劃來歡呼,來感恩。請幫助我佇立在你的信心當中,I want your best father, I wont satisfy with less than what you have planned out for me!! Let all of me and every single piece of the environment that are surrounding me, the people/decisions that will involve or shape my future, all submit to your kingdom to bring me to my destiny in you! Father I trust in you and I love you! May my life greatly glorify your all-mighty name!
材料: 麵粉1/2 cup, 雞蛋三個,土豆半個
      2. 土豆絲,麵粉,雞蛋,椒鹽,香油混合均勻成粘稠的糊糊
      3. 小火起鍋,倒入少許油,用大勺子一勺一個圓餅,攤到兩麵金黃即可
調料:椒鹽少許,香油少許,醋少許,剁椒, 鹽, 紅幹辣椒末少許,
做法:1.土豆,青椒用人肉切絲器(刀功有待提高凡事皆有可能——小小土豆的華麗變身 )切成細絲,用鹽水浸泡十分鍾防止發黑
      2. 小火起鍋,倒入少許油,蒜末幹辣椒末爆香後倒入青椒翻炒一下
      3. 倒入土豆絲,翻炒均勻後一次加入調料和醋,想要再吃辣點的,可以加些剁椒;重口味的加些老幹媽嘿嘿
      4. 配上一碗白粥,人生夫複何憾?
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西姐姐 回複 悄悄話 謝謝你的祝福!感謝神,在還有六天要失業的時候找到工作了:)
追夢人1028 回複 悄悄話 神會大大祝福你!