An Encounter of Shaking Hands with Secretary Elaine L.Chao
八年前,我曾經先後給趙部長做過幾次翻譯工作:部長的職業生涯簡介;2010年,部長參加上海世博會在復旦大學,交通大學等處的演講稿;以及哈佛大學和哈佛商學院獲得趙錫成博士及其家族基金會捐款設立獎學金和修建趙朱木蘭中心的新聞稿等。當時所有工作都是通過在智庫傳統基金會任職的部長高級助理 Anna Hui(許心怡女士,目前任職於密蘇裏州勞工和勞資關係部主任)接洽。
It's quite a serendipitous connection!
Eight years ago, I had the opportunity to work as a translator for Secretary Chao on several occasions: a brief biography of the Secretary's professional career; speeches delivered by the Secretary at Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and other venues during the 2010 Shanghai World Expo; as well as press releases regarding the donations made by Dr. James S.C. Chao and his family foundation to Harvard University and Harvard Business School for establishing scholarships and constructing the Chao Zhu Mulan Center. At that time, all the work was coordinated through the Secretary's senior assistant at the Heritage Foundation think tank, Anna Hui (Ms. Xin Yi Hui), who is currently serving as the Director of the Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations.
When my husband and I stepped forward to shake hands with Secretary Chao, I briefly introduced myself and said in Chinese, "Secretary Chao, Happy New Year." The Secretary immediately responded, "Thank you very much, you have done your job well."
我也注意到,趙部長個子高挑,五官非常美麗,眉毛嘴唇線條柔美。她總是帶著微笑,露出整齊潔白的牙齒,一頭波浪濃密的頭髮在耳下肩上溫柔地停住。先生和我與趙部長的這張合影也就在2018年2月13日,在我們溫馨問候,握手之後永恆定格下來。下來之後,先生立刻對我說,「部長握手很有力,與其他女性與眾不同」。我故作神秘地向他眨下眼,「那就對了, 是趙部長呀」。心說,你在跟花木蘭,人中翹楚握手呢,所以說「巾幗不讓鬚眉 」呀!回頭一想,我和部長握手感覺,卻感到很溫暖,溫柔得就像握著一位大姐姐的手。不免暗自稱奇。
I also noticed that Secretary Chao is tall and has very beautiful facial features, with gently contoured eyebrows and lips. She always has a smile, revealing neat white teeth, and her thick, wavy hair softly settles below her ears and on her shoulders. This photo of my husband and me with Secretary Chao was taken on February 13, 2018, immortalized after our warm greetings and handshake. Afterwards, my husband immediately said to me, "The Secretary's handshake is very strong, different from other women." I playfully winked at him and said, "That's right; it's Secretary Chao." I thought to myself, you're shaking hands with a legendary figure, like Hua Mulan, a distinguished individual, hence the saying "women can be as capable as men." Upon reflection, the handshake with the Secretary felt very warm and gentle, like holding an older sister's hand, which intrigued me secretly.
On this day, the U.S. Department of Transportation, located at 1200 New Jersey Avenue in the capital city of Washington, was brightly lit and filled with a festive atmosphere. Over 400 guests from various states across the country were invited to attend a Lunar New Year reception hosted by U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao. New and old friends, as well as colleagues from all around, gathered together to celebrate.
As you enter the Department of Transportation building and look up, you can see large framed portraits of the President, Vice President, and Secretary Chao prominently displayed on the marble wall above the lobby. The three frames are evenly spaced by marble columns, perfectly aligned and symmetrical.
Through the security gate and a small corridor, there is the banquet hall. It immediately reminds me of the courtyard in ancient Chinese quadrangle dwellings, except that this more modern building is 8 or 9 stories high and has an A-shaped glass roof that naturally provides wind protection, sun shading, warmth preservation, and rain shelter.
長方形的宴會廳中間擺放著三張長桌,有精美的小吃、水果供來賓享用。兩盆盛開的紫色蘭花,婷婷玉立,秀雅脫俗,清香迷人。「蘭花」是趙部長最喜愛的花,此花與點綴在大紅幽藍金絲絨布上的中國「春」字,與大玻璃上掛著的美國‘情人節’ 顆顆紅「 心」相得益彰,更增添節日的喜慶。感「春心」蕩漾 ,知「愛意」濃濃。
In the center of the rectangular banquet hall, three long tables are set up, offering exquisite snacks and fruits for the guests to enjoy. Two pots of blooming purple orchids stand gracefully, their elegance and extraordinary beauty complemented by their enchanting fragrance. "Orchids" are Secretary Chao's favorite flowers. These flowers, along with the Chinese character for "spring" adorning the deep red and dark blue velvet cloth, and the red "hearts" hung on the large glass wall for America's 'Valentine's Day', perfectly complement each other, adding even more festive joy to the celebration. One feels the stirring of "spring hearts" and the deep "affection" in the air.
五點,趙部長準時來到會場,站在大廳的一端。她身穿一件紅色上裝,黑色西裝裙,腳下穿著一雙長筒黑靴,看上去神彩奕奕,端莊大方。她親切和藹,與到會的來賓一一握手,拍照合影 ,精力充沛,令人欽佩。大廳內洋溢著歡聲笑語,整場活動氣氛熱烈友好。
At five o'clock, Secretary Chao arrived punctually at the venue and stood at one end of the hall. She was wearing a red top, a black suit skirt, and a pair of long black boots, looking radiant, poised, and elegant. She was warm and amiable, shaking hands and taking photos with each of the guests, full of energy and admirable. The hall was filled with cheerful laughter, and the entire event was lively and friendly.
六點,趙部長走到大廳另一端的講台上,向到會來賓介紹現任美國商務部長Wilbur Ross,他是在美國和東南亞地區國家取得傑出成功的商業、企業家。同時,趙部長還特別介紹商務部得力幕僚,也是美國歷史上商務部第一位亞裔女性高級顧問Wendy Teramoto。
At six o'clock, Secretary Chao walked to the podium at the other end of the hall to introduce the current U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, to the attendees. Ross is a business and entrepreneurial figure who has achieved outstanding success in the United States and Southeast Asian countries. Additionally, Secretary Chao specifically introduced Wendy Teramoto, a competent aide from the Department of Commerce and the first Asian-American female senior advisor in the history of the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Both Secretaries gave brief speeches. Secretary Chao first acknowledged the significant role that Asian Americans currently play at all levels of the U.S. federal government. In her speech, she encouraged the younger generation of Asian Americans to actively seek internship opportunities at the Department of Transportation, to learn the operations of the department, enhance their work skills, broaden their horizons, and take up positions in government public service to serve society and the public.
趙部長還點名對負責策劃本次宴會,為招待會做出精心安排和準備的人士以及所有人員深表感謝,並向各位來賓致以節日的問候和祝福。她微笑著向來賓揮手親切示意,走下講台「謝謝你們的到來,新年快樂,期待不久與你們再會」。全場響起熱烈掌聲,掀起宴會高潮 。
Secretary Chao also expressed heartfelt gratitude to those responsible for planning this banquet, making meticulous arrangements and preparations for the reception, and to all the staff involved. She extended holiday greetings and blessings to all the guests. Smiling warmly, she waved to the guests in a friendly manner as she stepped down from the podium, saying, "Thank you for coming. Happy New Year, and I look forward to seeing you again soon." The room erupted into enthusiastic applause, marking the peak of the banquet.
2001年,趙部長榮任美國第24任勞工部長,任期八年,她是美國內閣第一位亞裔女性,第一位華裔內閣成員。 喬治 . 布什總統曾盛贊趙小蘭部長,「她是一位兢兢業業的工作者,一個全心全意的社會公僕,一個永葆熱情的人。她對任何挑戰都表現出 ‘諸事可行’ 的積極樂觀態度是有目共睹的。」
In 2001, Secretary Chao was honored to become the 24th Secretary of Labor of the United States, serving an eight-year term. She was the first Asian-American woman and the first Chinese-American cabinet member in U.S. history. President George W. Bush highly praised Secretary Elaine Chao, stating, "She is a diligent worker, a wholehearted public servant, and someone who maintains her passion at all times. Her positive and optimistic 'can-do' attitude in the face of any challenge is evident to all."
2017年,‘息政八年’ 之後,她又被特蘭普總統提名,參議院通過, 走馬上任,坐上了美國交通部部長寶座。 今天,我有幸目睹了趙小蘭部長的大氣風度,從容儀態。相信未來這位亞裔華裔,相信也是無數人心目中的女中豪傑,將在推動美國海、陸、空交通等建設方麵推陳出新,做出大手筆。
In 2017, after an "eight-year break from politics," she was nominated by the President Trump, confirmed by the Senate, and immediately took office, assuming the position of U.S. Secretary of Transportation. Today, I had the privilege of witnessing Secretary Elaine Chao's impressive demeanor and composed presence. I believe that in the future, this remarkable Asian American woman, who is also viewed as a heroine by countless people, will bring innovation and significant contributions to the development of the United States' maritime, land, and air transportation infrastructure.
新年招待會,傳承著濃濃的中國文化。暖暖的年味,沁人心懷,款款的賓主盛情,親切美好。 賓客相互祝福,傳遞友情,表達誠摯謝意。今日,有機會參觀美國交通部大樓,很榮幸見到趙小蘭部長,並與四麵八方趕來的來賓友好互動。前美國勞工部財務總長Samuel Mok莫天成也來到招待會與各位來賓親切交談。
The New Year reception is imbued with rich Chinese culture. The warm festive atmosphere touches the heart, and the gracious hospitality of the hosts and guests is delightful. Guests exchange blessings, convey friendship, and express sincere gratitude. Today, there was an opportunity to visit the U.S. Department of Transportation building, and it was an honor to meet Secretary Elaine Chao and interact friendly with guests coming from all directions. Former U.S. Department of Labor Chief Financial Officer Samuel Mok also attended the reception and engaged in cordial conversations with the guests.
This is a vibrant gathering, a wonderful Chinese New Year celebration, an unforgettable night in Washington, and a magical connection that lingers with the passage of time.
(2018年2月13 日寫於馬裏蘭州一稿;2018年3月6日二稿。)
(First draft written in Maryland on February 13, 2018; second draft on March 6, 2018.)