
I used to live in a room full of mirrors; all I could see was me. I take my spirit and I crash my mirrors, now the whole world i


(2016-08-23 15:28:25) 下一個

盡管是在中國南方城市長大,曾對花草院子的培育和管理一無所知,但來美國以後,我特別在乎我家院子的整潔。多年來,不管住的房子是大是小,我都要把前後的草坪和花園修剪的整整齊齊,幹幹淨淨。一直堅信,房子裏麵幹不幹淨不是最要緊,但房子外麵的相貌關係到主人的形象,特別是我們是Chinese, 住在美國本地人的地盤上,一定要顯示我們Chinese的道德修養和公共意識。We care, as you do! 再者,我也很喜歡在屋子外收拾院子。那種陽光曬在身上的軟軟的溫暖感覺加上青草和植物的清新味道總讓我癡迷不已。

然而,隨著時間的推移,逐漸發現有些動植物或多或少會給我們帶來意想不到的surprise. 很多不再是可愛可憐 but troublemakers, 僅能遠觀而不可近止。


1) Poison Ivy:

因為有一個玫瑰園,加上屋子四周的花圃, 大約3 acres 的草坪加外周的樹林,所以除草的任務任重而道遠。這兩年每年夏天我都非常suffering。特別是今年,已經兩次contacted poison ivy. 奇癢無比, 還不能抓,否則spread. 第一次仨個禮拜也沒有好,後來去看了醫生服了五天的predisone。隔了一個禮拜再次感染,又服了五天predisone, 停藥兩天後再次flare. 不得不重訪醫生,被醫囑禁止任何gardening. 從此認識 poison ivy和它的厲害。


2) Deers:

如果說以前對deers還有一種好奇和本能的關愛,那麽現在我對他們隻有敬而遠之。其一,他們會啃掉我種的基本上所有的花苗。玫瑰是它們的最愛, 如果我們沒有把玫瑰用籬笆圍起來,基本上葉子都被吃掉而沒有開花的機會。其他被吃掉的:5 hydrangeas, lilies, iris, black-eye susan, cornflowers, butterfly bushes, etc. 其二, deer ticks. Deers carry ticks that could transmit lyme disease. 很多人看見deers喜歡接近它們,我的建議:stay away!


3) Wasps and yellow jackets:

They sting if you provoke them. No fun! Don’t know how to get rid of them though.


4) Snakes:

Basically I was told garden snakes are good since they eat rats. However, snakes are my phobia. I cannot see a snake without screaming and getting frightened. Because of that, right before we moved in, my husband specifically hired a pest control company to inspect the whole house for snakes. 

To avoid them in house: make sure put away all the leftovers. Snakes come in because there is food, aka rats or mice, available in the house. If you could keep your house free of rats/mice, you will be free of snakes as well. Another reason for me to keep my yard clean and free of weeds. 


5) Black Bears/racoons:

There was a medium-sized black bear once observed by us walking along the tree line in our backyard. And our garbage can has been frequently assaulted by bears/racoons during night. A lock has been since put on. Bears are extremely sensitive to seafood. The neighbor told us that one day at dusk they saw a mama bear with two cubs searching for food at their trash can. Be aware! Never apporach them. Racoons are even more dangerous than bears!

We leave the driveway light on 24-7. When on morning shift, I usually get out of my house before 6am. Between out of the house and in my car, I always look toward the place where garbage can sits and check on bears/racoons. Sometimes I got spooked. Not romantic at all.


6)Turkeys/Rabbits/Frogs/Red fox/groundhog

They are in general harmless and our good neighbors, 盡管是井水不犯河水,老死不相往來。



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