
暖冬cool夏 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

My ER experience

(2019-02-26 17:35:01) 下一個

10:30 pm 02/24/2019

As my husband and I got off the car and I limped into the emergency room, my head and weight leaning against his shoulder, a wheel chair was immediately pushed over to invite me on. The painful expression and intermittent groans earned me an immediate attention after the insurance checkup. Soon I was in a room, stripped off the waist-upper, covered with a hospital blouse and a warm sheet before being put on tubes, medication and IV.  Nurses and caregivers hushed in and out. Then a nurse stood in front of a computer and started her routine questions.  In a weak voice, I answered and told the nurse the story of what I thought that brought me to ER. 

An hour earlier, as we were having dinner with two other families at my house, a pang of sharp pains suddenly wrenched me. I tried hard to conceal them, but the pain only grew stronger by minutes.  Apologetically I had to ask them to leave and go upstairs. Then came the outbreak of acute stabbing pains, throw-ups, and I knew I could not stay the rest of night at home like that.

The midnight hospital was empty and quiet, with occasional muffled babies’ crying from a closed room in a distance.  A young doctor named Brian came to see me. He listened to my story again, asked a couple of questions and then prescribed an ultra-sound.  But the continued vomiting, and the unstoppable pain after the two attempted pain-killers put me on an oxygen.   Apart from that, a CT scan was added on the exam list. 

As I wheeled to a CT room along the light-lit passage, a wind from the moving wheels breezed by. I tried to open my eyes to identify the area but then gave in to the refreshing breeze and to sounds from the grinding wheels over the smooth floor.  Life was on the move, and my hope of finding the cause of the pain was on the horizon.

Soon I was diagnosed with a 6mm kidney stone dropped to a certain area that caused the sharp pain. The doctor jokingly said that I tricked him, as the story I told him diverted his attention to the ovary. To add to his humor, he uttered some broken Chinese that sounded funny and made no sense. By the way, how could he tell that I am a Chinese?

When I got released, it was around 1:30 in the morning.  The street was deserted and void of cars, and the two pharmacies that we stopped by for a strong pain-killer and the other prescribed medication were closed.  Tired, weak and light-headed, I refused to try another one but  go home instead. Luckily, I had the rest of five hours sleep sound and painless.


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閱讀 ()評論 (33)
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '大漠長河' 的評論 : 大漠來了,暖姐一下覺得病好了:)謝謝你,這麽有心去查,感動的。我自己也查過,看到茶和咖啡好像都不利於結石,我也碰巧平時不太喝。謝謝你,我應該沒事了,石頭應該已經掉下來了。最近雨水很多,山綠了卻一直沒有機會爬。今春一定美,期盼大漠的好詩啊!問候大漠春好,2019安康!
大漠長河 回複 悄悄話 暖姐受苦了,望你早日康複。也查了一下,好像喝水最好是白水或檸檬水,盡量不喝茶,檸檬汁對結石有抑製作用,而茶裏的草酸反而會促進結石。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '亮亮媽媽' 的評論 : 亮亮媽媽好!是啊,痛起來疼痛難忍的,人在有選擇時一定是向痛苦投降的。現在還在等石頭下來,期望吧。謝謝你的問候。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '碧藍天' 的評論 : 謝謝藍mm的問候,一直沒有時間補你的小說,致歉了。周日好!
亮亮媽媽 回複 悄悄話 抱一下暖冬。腎結石會非常痛。去ER是對的。希望盡快康複。
碧藍天 回複 悄悄話 保重暖冬美眉!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '淡然' 的評論 : 謝謝淡然,現在隻想過個好周末了。你們都注意身體,平時多喝水!周末快樂!
淡然 回複 悄悄話 剛知道暖冬進了ER,幸好有驚無險,希望結石能盡早排出。多多休息,保重!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '彩煙遊士' 的評論 : 謝謝遊士,沒什麽大礙,但是折磨人啊。大家都記得平常多喝水,防患於未然。周末快樂!
彩煙遊士 回複 悄悄話 還好,虛驚一場,暖冬受了一點苦,但不礙大事。問好,周末快樂!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '夏圓' 的評論 : 師傅來了,徒兒不痛了,也不知是止痛藥在起作用還是結石沒有在動的原因。感慨啊,師傅,人生苦短的,要及時行樂,要健康地活著,這比什麽都重要。謝謝師傅的hug和關心。問候師傅周末好!
夏圓 回複 悄悄話 徒兒,師傅來晚了!抱抱,再抱抱!看你這麽痛,我也覺得痛了!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '鈴蘭聽風' 的評論 : 謝謝鈴蘭醫生妹妹的專業知識和安慰。我明天去看專科,現在就是服用止痛片和抗生素。相信一定會出來的,最好自動排出,如果不能,就采取點措施,不礙事,就是過程煩一些,痛苦一些。但是痛苦中我們也對某些東西體會更深了,不是嗎。再次感謝鈴蘭妹妹的熱心和關心。祝好!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '7grizzly' 的評論 : Thank you, my friend. The stone is still there, and the pain could erupt again any time. But I know now how to better control it. I don't know what caused the stones, it could be diet or sth else. Once the stone comes out, the doctor can examine it and give a plausible reasoning. What we need to remember is to drink enough water every day.
鈴蘭聽風 回複 悄悄話 對不起, 暖冬, 我這才剛剛看到你前幾天因腎結石入了急診室. Hug hug.

既然診斷十分明確, 剩下的就是選擇治療方案了. 不用太擔心, 如今有很多創傷性小的方法 (體外的, 微創的) 可以清除結石, 甚至藥物排石.

6 mm 的結石說小不小, 說大不大的, 希望可以自發排出或早日解決.
7grizzly 回複 悄悄話 The title was shocking and I'm glad that you are OK now. So the cause was diet-related or something else?
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'Once-always' 的評論 : Oncemm好!是啊,二進宮了。現在這個結石還沒有出來,6mm有點大,可能得折騰一陣。明天看專科。mm也要記得平時多喝水,防範於未然,身體好,不受苦痛,開心,其他什麽都可以是浮雲。再次謝謝Oncemm關心!祝好!
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 暖mm,你又去ER了,醫生不能拿走的嗎?這樣不掉下來真麻煩。快好好休息,肯定是這次回國累壞了,水土不服。希望你快快徹底恢複。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ziqiao123' 的評論 : 子喬好!最近不是這就是那兒的,真是煩心。還是那句話,健康第一,等到苦痛來臨時,體會是深了,但是已經被折磨到了。子喬也保重。謝謝子喬關心!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '獅子羔羊' 的評論 : 獅子好!結石還在,還沒有掉下來。你應該沒事了吧?痛起來真是難忍的。謝謝獅子關心!
ziqiao123 回複 悄悄話 啊!暖冬進了兩次ER?慰問一下,不疼了就好,希望早點把結石排掉。好好休息,不用回我的留言。
獅子羔羊 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 : 怎麽又進ER了呢?還有結石?醫生怎麽處理了呢?祝暖冬早日康複!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '夕陽影裏一歸舟' 'Grace','邊邊'和'Oncemm":一並謝謝老朋友的關心,今天早上還好好的,中午開始又疼痛難忍,下午五點又進了一次ER,現在已經出來沒事了。希望結石早一天掉下來。你們都一樣保重身體,病了才更加意識到健康的寶貴。謝謝老友們!
Once-always 回複 悄悄話 暖mm,我剛剛才看到你的博文更新,一看題目就暈了,怎麽進了ER,kidney stone 6mm很大的吧,怎麽會這樣?我不懂,剛剛Google了一下,排出來了就好了吧。你要趕緊好好休息,別急著回言。抱抱!
邊走邊看66 回複 悄悄話 哎呦,是最近的事啊,暖冬姐多多喝水啊。 我婆婆原來就犯過這個病,後來自己把一顆石頭尿出來了。 祝你早日恢複!
GraceX 回複 悄悄話 暖冬好,我沒有結石痛的經曆,隻能在這裏安慰一下你了,
夕陽影裏一歸舟 回複 悄悄話 慰問暖冬!結石很疼的,腎結石有掉下來排出的可能,多喝水,你平常喝水多嗎?不光平時,開始疼就使勁多喝,據說喝檸檬汁等酸性飲料可以防止結石。不過我不是醫生啊,一切以醫生說的為準。暖冬多多休息!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '獅子羔羊' 的評論 : 獅子好!那還真是巧了,獅子也受這種結石折磨一下,好在不是什麽大礙,出來就應該沒事了。謝謝你的留言,同祝願你身體安康!
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 '燕麥禾兒' 的評論 : 燕兒好!是的,結石雖然痛,但是痛過了就應該沒事了,所以不礙事的。朋友來家也就是簡單的家常便飯,都是邊上很熟悉的朋友,大家主要是聚聚聊聊天的。6mm的結石有70%的可能性會自動排走,現在不痛了,也不知道排走了沒有。謝謝燕兒關心!
獅子羔羊 回複 悄悄話 哇,我們真同病相憐,兩個星期前我也因為同樣的原因夜裏去了ER,那個痛哦……
燕麥禾兒 回複 悄悄話 上蒼保佑,不是卵巢啊!讀完第一段,還以為你撞車了!知道你周末要請客,還想問問做了什麽好菜,沒想到進了急診室。腎結石會自動排走嗎?
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 回複 'yy56' 的評論 : 謝謝聞香,是很痛,現在已經好多了。隻是不知道這石頭完全掉下來了沒有?謝謝聞香關心。
yy56 回複 悄悄話 腎結石的痛會很尖銳,加之惡心嘔吐,的確很嚇人。感謝上帝,很快就緩解了。好好休息吧。