Raindrops pattered against the rooftop. They dropped to the ground, bounced and splattered. The tree branches on the road sides were bending down heavily, now that the leaves were saturated with water. As a matter of fact, everything in the open air looked soaked after five days’ rain in a row. The parched land was finally relieved.
Last weekend saw my shopping spree as I was preparing for the trip to China. Around 10 am in the morning last Saturday, I was heading to an outlet, hoping that it is an early bird that gets the parking spot. When I entered the highway, the rain started pouring. The cars, stuck on the congested highway, were not moving. I changed my mind and crawled out of freeway in the next exit. Habitually, I went to the nearby Costco, to fill the gas first. The line was long, even in such a bad weather. I waited patiently inside the car with the radio on, watching the windshield wiping off the water from the blurring window. When it was my turn, I had to tiptoe onto the flooded ground, careful not to wet my Nike shoes. Then, I joined the crowd at Costco, looking here and there in search of right gifts.
I went back home for a simple lunch and a short nap before I resumed my morning attempt to an outlet. It was almost 4 pm. The sky was cleared a little bit; the parking lot was fully packed as in a typical weekend day. I circled around, waited for more than ten minutes before I finally got a parking space.
The shopping was continued on Sunday morning, when I drove to a mall to return a skin care product ordered online, and picked up an online order that was delivered to a store. It is a huge modern mall, largest in CA, full of high-end luxury stores. Ultra luxury brands such as Rolex, LV, Chloe and even Porsche Design shop can be found among them. Now, after the end of the holiday season comes the annual sales. The showy window displays were punctuated by eye-catching discount notices at the store entrances, wooing customers in for good deals. I passed by some stores, went in and out some others. Entrapped in this jungle-like maze, I felt a bit lost, lost in thought about the pleasure money can bring to people, and lost physically in direction. This is a world beyond me. Had it not been for the gifts, I would have enjoyed staying at home.
Getting out of the mall, I was greeted by the crisp air, warm sunlight and blue sky. Twenty minutes’ drive on the freeway led me to a familiar exit, ahead of which lie the rolling valleys. Tears suddenly swelled to my eyes when I saw the greenish color emerge from the sprawling barren tops. It is the recent rain that brought life back to the valley,a place we frequented every week for hiking in the past, a place that holds so dear to my heart.
我現在買東西大部分是在網上買,很少去mall 了,有時候去感覺一下人潮也不錯。
刪除 回複 '迪兒' 的評論 : 迪兒好!今天還下雨,據說明天更大,下吧下吧,今年春天有盼頭了。我其實自己不太逛mall,你看出去越多碰到的事情越多,這人撞了你的好車,居然這樣的態度,好在有目擊者,又是valet parking.這就值了。好在車沒事,也可能是車身很strong。
我好多年沒有節日購物,這次湊了幾回熱鬧,每次都是停不到車,經濟太好了,大家口袋裏都有錢。一次用了Valet Parking,取車的時候,工作人員剛把車交給我,前麵車的女的倒車不看,直接碰到我車上。我要求她的駕照和保險信息,她罵出F,還想強行開走。辛虧是在Valet,Parking,工作人員幫我要了她的信息。這才知道,有這麽可怕的司機。好在她是從禁止狀態啟動,我的車沒有什麽損傷。
Switch to Xeros, you won't have that kind of trouble. As our saying goes "光腳的不怕穿鞋的" :-)
I'm going back for the New Year, too, and plan to bring them almonds and pistachios, both local produce.