2018 (209)
2019 (405)
2025 (14)
Mr Zuckerberg said the recruitment team would be the first to be told whether they were affected by the cuts, and would find out on Wednesday.
He also outlined when other teams would be informed: "We expect to announce restructurings and lay-offs in our tech groups in late April 2023, and then our business groups in late May 2023," he wrote in the memo to staff on Tuesday.
"In a small number of cases, it may take through to the end of the year to complete these changes.
"Our timelines for international teams will also look different, and local leaders will follow up with more details."
Meta於14日把公司執行長紮克伯格 對員工的談話發布在Meta部落格,“這是你應該預期會發生的事,未來幾個月,組織領導人將宣布整頓方案,以聚焦組織扁平化、取消優先級別較低的計劃、並降低我們的招聘率”。
紮克伯格 還說,Meta計劃關閉5,000個尚未招到人的職缺。他也認為經濟將持續充滿不確定性,“新的經濟現實將延續數年時間”,Meta應做好準備。