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Forget about the Democrats

(2021-01-19 08:29:55) 下一個

Forget about the Democrats 


Let’s forget about the demarcates . Let’s forget about Benner Sanders , AOC.


Let’s forget about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris;


They are the lefts who always wanted to do the left things 


Let’s look at the republicans side and nonpartisan side.


Not to mention republican candidate 2008 John MacCain and Cindy MacCain ( Cindy MacCain endorsed Joe Biden) 


Not to mention republican candidate 2012, mitt Romney 


Not to mention republican PACs like Lincoln project, Republicans vote against Trump,  push43 for Biden , and PAC run by Trump’s former communication director Anthony Scramucci.


Not to mention former Ohio republicans governor John kasich, who also endorsed Joe Biden.


Among 9 justices 5 of them including 3 of them were nominated by Trump rejected the law sue case brought by Trump’s campaign and his supporters


Over 60 law sue cases were either withdrew or dismissed, by judges , many of them were nominated by Trump himself.


Georgia republican governor and republican secretary of state, on the record told Trump : your data is bad, Biden wow the state. 


Who is more nonpartisan than 10 former secretary of defense include ones worked in Trump’s administration , Dick Cheney and many worked in republican administration. They wrote an open letter to call all man and woman in uniform to loyal to constitution rather than a person even that is the sitting president.


Who is more nonpartisan than the 8 generals in Joint Chiefs of Staff, they wrote the similar letter to all man and woman in uniform. 


Who is more loyal to trump than Mike Pence, who is more conservative than the governor of ruby red state Indiana? 

Yes, there was not much pence could do in congress join session election result certification proceeding. But he could decide to do absolutely nothing, he could decide do a “No Show”, but he didn’t. 

Do you know the national Guards in DC were under the order of Vice president Pence. 


Many members brought their family members to the capital building, include Mike Pence, do we ask ourselves why ? 


Who is more conservative than Liz Cheney, the congress member from Wyoming.

She wrote the following : 


"The president of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing," Cheney continued. "None of this would have happened without the president. The president could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by a president of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution."


In congress second impeachment vote, there were 10 republicans voted for impeachment.  5 more than demarcates voted for Clinton impeachment. 


Who is more supportive to Trump administration than Mittch McConnell. Do you still remember his stand on Trump’s first impeachment? “Dead at its arrival” was what he said.

What he said to his fellow GOP senators : you vote based on your own conscience 


In up coming Senate impeachment hearing, there is no way to convict Trump without 17 republican senators vote for Yes. 


This is a nation of Law and Order, if you do not like the law, you can push for legislation to change it, but before it is changed, we do things following the law.

This union is a federation union, election is managed by the each individual states following their own laws and procedures.


Supreme count is the final authority on how to interpret constitution  


Let’s trust the elected leaders will do the righting for the nation and for this greatest  democracy in the world!


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