
北美愚醫 (熱門博主)
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開花的時刻: 參加一個在瑞典舉行的婚禮

(2016-10-26 12:05:30) 下一個



有幸參加一個婚禮,正是在瑞典的第二大城市,Volvo-的總部:哥德堡。婚禮在雄偉的,坐落在山上的 Oscar Fredriks 教堂裏舉行。應該說,這是一個不同一般的婚禮,光語言,就用3種:瑞典語,英文,中文。

證婚的牧師,是一位年約30的女性。長的一付圓圓的娃娃臉,加上一付斯文的眼鏡,笑容可掬。短發顯得很精神。要不是那披在她身上的白袍,很難想象她是以證婚牧師的身份主持婚禮。她那姿態,倒讓人連想起瑞典滿地的鮮花(不要其雞皮疙瘩。好意,沒有半點諷刺的意思)。證婚的儀式很傳統,當場讀了一段“愛的真諦”(聖經哥林多前書13章),和唱了一首Amazing Grace。

一陣悅耳,雄渾,但很祥和的管風琴聲,帶來了今天的第一首詩歌:Hymns 199:Den blomstertid nu kommer (大意:開花的時刻)。這是一首源由Israel Kolmodin 發表於1695的瑞典語歌曲(後來,又被多次改版)。據說是基督徒用來歌唱夏天-開花的季節。瑞典的學校放署假時也常常唱。那旋律,襯托著當時的氣氛,美的令我發呆,張開嘴,忘記了自己的存在。盡管不懂語言,聖詩的旋律都很容易跟隨,不久,我便鸚鵡學舌地跟著哼上了。眼眶充盈著………隻是竭力控製著,沒有流出來。回到家,打開這首曲子的YouTube ,那久違的聲音又在耳邊回蕩。在Wikipedia 裏,找到了詩歌的英文翻譯(見下麵),才知道是一首歌頌造物主的偉大,大自然的浩瀚,和夏天開花的美麗情景。音樂是世界語言,彼此是相通的。經過一雙傾聽的耳朵,一顆受感染的心,加上現代科技的輔助,就可以把原來陌生的曲子弄得耳熟能詳。

沒有費太多的筆墨來描述這個婚禮的其他細節(Respecting the privacy)。當然,自始至終都被鮮花,歡笑聲,和歌聲(不同語言的歌聲)所圍繞。本來就很漂亮的新娘,更是在一群鮮花綠葉的襯托中,顯得更加亮麗。


blomstertid nu kommer


1 The summer days of beauty / in blessedness are come. / The flowers are rejoicing / to feel the gleaming sun / in grace arisen brightly / o’er fields of golden grain / so warm and all restoring, / that nature lives again.

2. The fragrance of the meadows, / the planting in the vale, / the whispers of the forest / through branches green and hale— / these wonders all remind us / how great the stores of wealth / of Him whose hand has made us, / who gives us life and health.

3. Oh, hear the sparrows praise Him / who taught them how to sing— / should not our tongues awaken / and thank Creation’s King? / My soul, take up the anthem / with God’s rejoicing throng / and praise the one who gives you / the lovely summer song.

4. O Jesus, noble Savior, / our source of warmth and light! / Oh, shed Your rays of mercy, / our hearts with love ignite. / When You have set them burning / with holy love for You, / then sin and death are buried / and everything is new.

5. My lovely Rose of Sharon, / come beautify my soul, / and pour the dew of Zion, / the grace that makes us whole. / The Spirit’s light refreshes / uplifting as the dawn, / and robes my soul in beauty / as fair as Lebanon.

6. Bestow abundant harvest. / Oh, bless the planted seed, / that meadows grow abundant / with wholesome grain we need— / oh, let us taste the sweetness / of Your undying Word; / let blessedness and mercy / be shining on us, Lord!

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