Stop worrying,start living 2
(2015-04-07 12:22:37)
Rule 1: let's fill our minds with thoughts of peace,courage,health and hope, for"our life is what our thoughts make it."
Rule 2: let's never try to get even with our enemies,because if we do we will hurt our selves far more than we hurt them. Let's never waste a minute thinking about people we don't like.
rule 3: let's remember that the only way to find happiness is not to expect gratitude-but to give for the joy of giving.
Rule 4: count your blessings- not your troubles.
Rule 5: let's forget our own unhappiness-by trying to create a little happiness for others.
Rule 6: have faith and believe in God.
about sleeping:
1 if you cannot sleep,get up and work or read until you do feel sleepy.
2 remember that no one is ever killed bi lack of sleep. Worrying about insomnia causes far more damage.
3 try pray and relax your body.
4 exercise. Get yourself so physically tired you cannot stay awake.