他倆的意識中,好像生著成千上萬細微的根塊和小絲線,糾結成一個亂團,直至再也擠不下了,而整個植物快要死了。現在,悄悄地,微妙地,她解開了他倆意識之間的糾結,一條一條地,又耐心又著急地輕斬亂絲,使自己脫離出來。盡管博爾頓太太的到來是個很大的幫助,但是,這種愛的束縛比大多數束縛更不容易解開。 ”
(Clifford, however, inside himself, never quite forgave Connie for giving up her personal care of him to a strange hired woman. It killed, he said to himself, the real flower of the intimacy between him and her. But Connie didn't mind that. The fine flower of their intimacy was to her rather like an orchid, a bulb stuck parasitic on her tree of life, and producing, to her eyes, a rather shabby flower.
Now she had more time to herself she could softly play the piano, up in her room, and sing: 'Touch not the nettle, for the bonds of love are ill to loose.' She had not realized till lately how ill to loose they were, these bonds of love. But thank Heaven she had loosened them! She was so glad to be alone, not always to have to talk to him. When he was alone he tapped-tapped-tapped on a typewriter, to infinity. But when he was not 'working', and she was there, he talked, always talked; infinite small analysis of people and motives, and results, characters and personalities, till now she had had enough. For years she had loved it, until she had enough, and then suddenly it was too much. She was thankful to be alone.
It was as if thousands and thousands of little roots and threads of consciousness in him and her had grown together into a tangled mass, till they could crowd no more, and the plant was dying. Now quietly, subtly, she was unravelling the tangle of his consciousness and hers, breaking the threads gently, one by one, with patience and impatience to get clear. But the bonds of such love are more ill to loose even than most bonds; though Mrs Bolton's coming had been a great help.)
第八章後半節,康妮從守林人的小屋後采了一些水仙花,然後回到家中。克利福德問她去哪兒。她答:“一直穿到了林子裏!瞧,這些小小的水仙花不是很可愛嗎?想一想,它們是從泥土中出來的!”("Right across the wood! Look, aren't the little daffodils adorable? To think they should come out of the earth!")
克利福德說:“也是從空氣和陽光裏出來的。”("Just as much out of air and sunshine,”)
康妮立刻反駁道:“卻是在泥土中塑成的。”她有點驚訝自己能反駁得這麽快。("But modelled in the earth," she retorted, with a prompt contradiction, that surprised her a little.)
第二天下午,她又去了樹林,終於在小屋裏見到了守林人梅勒斯,兩人之間的第一次交談並不那麽愉快。她回到家中,發現丈夫正等著她泡下午茶。“她把保溫套套在茶壺上,然後站起身來為她的紫香堇找一個小玻璃杯。那些可憐的花,在莖上低垂著。”(She put the tea-cosy over the tea-pot, and rose to get a little glass for her violets. The poor flowers hung over, limp on their stalks.)
“它們會活過來的。”她說,把杯子裏的花端到他的麵前讓他聞。("They'll revive again!" she said, putting them before him in their glass for him to smell.)
接著,克利福德引用了莎士比亞《冬天的童話》中的一句話:“比朱諾的眼瞼還要甜美。”(Sweeter than the lids of Juno's eyes)
“我不覺得這句詩與這些真實的紫香堇有任何關聯。” 她說, “伊麗莎白時代的人頗為矯情。”("I don't see a bit of connection with the actual violets," she said. "The Elizabethans are rather upholstered.")
好天氣持續著,連坐在輪椅上的克利福德都打算去林子裏,康妮陪著他一起去。“在榛樹矮林裏,懸著淡金色的柔荑花絮,在陽光充足的地方,林地銀蓮花盛開,仿佛因生命的喜悅而驚呼,正如往日人們可以和它們一起驚呼一樣。 它們散發著淡淡的蘋果香。 康妮為克利福德采了一些。
他接住這些花,好奇地看著。 ”
(In the hazel copse catkins were hanging pale gold, and in sunny places the wood-anemones were wide open, as if exclaiming with the joy of life, just as good as in past days, when people could exclaim along with them. They had a faint scent of apple-blossom. Connie gathered a few for Clifford.
He took them and looked at them curiously.)
接著,克利福德引用了約翰·濟慈(John Keats)的《希臘古甕頌》 (Ode on a Grecian Urn) 的第一行詩句來形容銀蓮花:“汝似未被奸汙的嫻靜新娘 ”(Thou still unravished bride of quietness),並認為“這句詩用在花上比用在希臘花瓶上更適合。”(It seems to fit flowers so much better than Greek vases.")
“‘奸汙這個字真是太可怕了!”她說:“隻有人類才奸汙事物。’("Ravished is such a horrid word!" she said. "It's only people who ravish things.")
她生起他的氣來,他把一切都變成了空虛的字眼。 紫香堇是朱諾的眼瞼,風花是未被奸汙的新娘。 她多麽討厭這些空虛的字眼,總是介於她和生活之間:他們就是奸汙者,這些現成的單詞和短語,吮吸了一切有生命的東西的精華。
與克利福德的散步並不十分成功。 在他和康妮之間,存在著一種緊張關係,每個人都假裝沒有注意到,但是這種狀態確實擺在那兒。 突然間,她以女性的全部本能將他推開。 她想從他那裏擺脫出來,尤其是他的意識,他的空虛的字眼,他的自我迷戀,無盡的單調的自我迷戀,以及他本人的空虛的言語。 ”
("Oh, I don't know. . .snails and things," he said.
"Even snails only eat them, and bees don't ravish."
She was angry with him, turning everything into words. Violets were Juno's eyelids, and windflowers were on ravished brides. How she hated words, always coming between her and life: they did the ravishing, if anything did: ready-made words and phrases, sucking all the life-sap out of living things.)
The walk with Clifford was not quite a success. Between him and Connie there was a tension that each pretended not to notice, but there it was. Suddenly, with all the force of her female instinct, she was shoving him off. She wanted to be clear of him, and especially of his consciousness, his words, his obsession with himself, his endless treadmill obsession with himself, and his own words.)
(Old oak-trees stood around, grey, powerful trunks, rain-blackened, round and vital, throwing off reckless limbs. The ground was fairly free of undergrowth, the anemones sprinkled, there was a bush or two, elder, or guelder-rose, and a purplish tangle of bramble: the old russet of bracken almost vanished under green anemone ruffs. Perhaps this was one of the unravished places.
Unravished! The whole world was ravished.)
康妮憤怒地想:“某種東西是不能被奸汙的。你不能奸汙一罐沙丁魚。許多女子就像罐子裏的沙丁魚一樣,男人也如此。但是,這地球…!”(Some things can't be ravished. You can't ravish a tin of sardines. And so many women are like that; and men. But the earth. . .!)
(The rain was abating. It was hardly making darkness among the oaks any more. Connie wanted to go; yet she sat on. But she was getting cold; yet the overwhelming inertia of her inner resentment kept her there as if paralysed.
Ravished! How ravished one could be without ever being touched. Ravished by dead words become obscene, and dead ideas become obsessions.)