Mr. Fang told the meeting attendees Wednesday that China will in the future introduce new policies in a more cautious manner to avoid market volatility, and that more time would be given to let the markets digest new information, according to the people familiar with the matter. He said regulators will also consider the impact of their policies on publicly listed companies.
The regulator also said China’s Communist Party is eager to protect the interests of private companies and international investors, and the government is planning to introduce more policies to attract foreign investment, the people added.
So when the federation and four other state propaganda arms issued a sternly worded set of “opinions” on how to conduct literary and art criticism, investors took the admonishment as a “sell” signal for a group of listed companies that use algorithms to promote online content.
Unfortunately for investors, at the sharp end of the crackdown are trained ideologues, like those in the state literary and arts establishment whose “opinions” included the decidedly un-technocratic instruction to “promote truth, goodness and beauty, criticize fake, evil and ugliness.”
Beijing’s latest move is a response to long-held public grievances about educational inequality and the resulting pressure to keep up
DanWang: This NYMag piece is surprisingly sympathetic to the regulatory concerns of the tech crackdown, outlining the financial risks created by Ant, the sundry excesses by the big platforms, and the monetization of status anxiety in online tutoring:
Teachers, too, have been drawn into the industry. Many training schools hire public school teachers to work part-time for handsome salaries, and some teachers now put more effort into their after-school classes than their full-time jobs. Others go further, by not teaching important material during the school day, and instead implying that students should sign up for paid after-school classes if they want to learn it
"but a lack of progress in talks with the U.S. company mean the project will take time"
the world’s largest democracy is changing in fundamental ways, raising questions about whether it should even be called a democracy at all
just one hour before Scott Morrison the Australian PM announced this at a press conference
This line reads exactly like Chinese statements: The officials said the partnership ... was "not aimed at any one country."
法國的反映確實厲害,中國罵美國英國的話,法國都說出來了,從背信棄義,殺人不見血,到充當走狗【16】,這隻是說的,行動上,法國取消了美法240 夥伴關係慶祝會【17】,召回駐美駐奧大使【18,19】。因為澳大利亞是打手,莫裏森一直在為自己撕毀協約辯護,他越辯護,美英越不當一回事,法國越氣,叫停法英國防峰會【20】,封殺歐奧自貿協議【21,22】。
Earlier this year, Australia approached the UK about switching to a nuclear powered subs. The UK then approached the United States
Their view is that this was an Australian decision based on their changing strategic circumstances and a deteriorating environment.
“Hey France, your current diesel powered sub project is late and costs are running over, you wanna ditch that and start a NEW project?”法國前大使也這麽說
Some really bold leaks coming from State Department. In one France was not informed because “we knew they would go ballistic.” In another France was not informed “because we thought it was no big deal.” In a third the whole idea came from Australia
an excited Johnson was keen for something much deeper. “Boris really pushed it. There was a choice about how broad it would be — was it just a technical agreement on a specific subject or is this more broad? Boris was pushing that it had to be as ambitious as possible. This was a strategic move,”
AUKUS is not merely about submarines. It is much more significant. As the Australian prime minister Scott Morrison said, it is “a partnership where our technology, our scientists, our industry, our defence forces will work together to deliver a safer and more secure region that ultimately benefits all”
Max Bergmann):1. France is right to be pissed. It's like they were left at the alter and found out via text. 2. But AUKSUS makes more strategic sense for Australia. No good way to end it w/ France. 3. US is stuck in the 90s on EU,美國根本不顧歐洲,視為一群眼巴巴看著美國的二流角色
Meanwhile the US has pushed Europe hard on our priority, China. France, unlike Berlin, shares the concern and has been supportive and active
When Europe, ie France, pushes for the EU to reduce its dependence on a disengaged US ("strategic autonomy") and develop EU defense, we freak out, kill off any bold efforts. EU defense is stalled b/c of us
they like Europe's dependence,美國的目標也是要把歐盟打造成二流角色,增加對美國的依賴性
Has anyone made any sense of the Biden doctrine? Human rights at the core. We no longer enforce human rights globally. China is a mortal threat. We need to work with China. European allies critical. We do not care about what Europe wants.
1. "We wanted nuclear subs!"
2. "Manufacturing delays!"
3. The final justification, the impolitic one, is one that sounds hard-nosed and realpolitik-y, is "The US is a closer ally and they can offer more so we’ll choose them over you."
4. Indeed, from the French perspective, the Australian partnership was seen as a strategic lynchpin of a Pacific strategy aligned with the Western alliance, and away from a policy of balancing the US with China.
5. Ok I have found the true reason for the Australian decision. And tbh, I understand.
heavy political act which signals the gravity of the crisis between our countries
"There have been lies, contempt and a breach of trust ... An hour before, we knew nothing about these negotiations. You do not deal with an ally like France with such brutality and unpredictability
I do not understand the logic of this agreement [...] It illustrates Australia's willingness to be a surrogate for the United States and to abandon its sovereignty
"Mr. Macron had made the growing French relationship with Australia a cornerstone of a strategy to expand Europe’s role in meeting the challenge of China’s rise. Because an American company, Lockheed Martin, was a partner in the French submarine deal with Australia..."
...the contract was viewed in Paris as an example of how France and the U.S. could work together in Asia. That belief has now been shredded, replaced by bitterness, suspicion and a measure of incredulity that the Biden Administration would treat France this way."
Questions: So no one in DC thought of this? Or was willing to delay the announcement for a few days to break the news to France? Or figure a way to bind European countries into the strategy instead of cutting them out?
The temporary return of the ambassadors to Paris amounts to a severe diplomatic rebuke that is usually used against adversaries.超出了盟友所應當做的
“For any who still doubted it, the Biden administration is no different from the Trump administration on this point: The United States comes first, whether it’s in the strategic, economic, financial or health fields. ‘America First’ is the guiding line of the foreign policy of the White House.”
in its secretive preparation but also indicative of a fundamental strategic shift that calls into question the very nature of the Atlantic alliance
法國雖然沒有從英國撤大使,但公開說“跟你們沒完,你這心甘情願當美國走狗”([Britain] is hiding in the American bosom, This is a return to the American fold and a form of accepted vassalization),看來不是中國才這麽說。
下周在匹茲堡的美歐貿易技術委員會會議(Trade and Technology Council,TTC)能不能達成任何協議都成了問題
I am also hearing that AUKUS vindicates Germany on Nordstream
As Axios reported, President Xi Jinping's senior officials would only speak with Kerry by video call, sending a junior official to meet the former secretary of State in person
The US missed the political and strategic dimensions of this case in Paris.
The US, UK and Australia decided to publicly humiliate France and are now surprised France is not happy about it. Seems that simple to me
"It's very symbolic. There was a breakdown of trust."
, Minister of Foreign Affairs, on the case of the contract for submarines broken by Australia
從某個角度來看,法國和英國很相近,那就是覺得自己是個世界大國,大國就得有打過的架勢,實力,最直接說的,是“影響力”,就是說話有人聽,有人附和,最後自己的利益得到保護,利益越大,勢力影響也越來越大,兩者相互相成,所以曾經像個大國的,英法,也包括日本,對自己的形象,對自己的利益都有極強的保護本能。法國時常用武力幹預北非是法國這種帝國夢的反映,當法國意識到自己實力不足時,主張歐盟的獨立性,也是希望利用、借助歐盟整體來加強自己的實力,美國在法國背後捅一刀,是對整個法國民族的自尊心捅了一刀,(All of a sudden, French assumptions about its foreign policy — the West, working alliances, its place in the Pacific),把法國整個戰略宏圖的構思和基礎都推翻了,站在法國那一邊想想,如果這一刀是一個不停地向你保證合作共同價值的“盟友”所為,你會這麽想?僅僅幾句安慰就能解決嗎?
France was Europe’s leading voice for a China strategy less muscular than what the United States and some Asian powers have come to espouse,法國有不可饒恕之罪Supporters of French policy in the Pacific say that France was not blinded by its past, but simply trying to establish a coherent policy in a region
“The decline of France is a theme that emerges often, especially during electoral periods, and is popular among the right and far right,” Mr. Decis said. “It’s the idea that France used to be extremely powerful and influential, and that the France of today is insignificant and contemptible
很多人給拜登的迷魂湯灌暈了,以為美國真的是為了“價值”,They were kept secret even as the US administration encouraged France and the EU to develop their own efforts to counter China’s more belligerent posture in the region. That counts as straightforward mendacity.拜登也確實用“價值”把大家吃死了,你總不能跟中國站在一起吧?確實不能,那大家就隻好吃苦果子,老老實實當從屬、附庸

The handling of the Flag of United StatesFlag of AustraliaFlag of United Kingdom sub deal looks stunningly inept. Didn’t anyone consider handling the certain Flag of France reaction and the potential Flag of European Union implications? This runs very deep in Paris for reasons well beyond the sub deal in itself
AUKUS "was very closely held inside the administration, and spearheaded by the Asia team working under Kurt Campbell."
Frustrating Paris has apparently been seen as an acceptable prize, as France was unwilling to join the US re China
The US has not concluded that it can’t work with allies on China. That is just a wrong judgment. Bonnie Glaser / 葛來儀
There’s inconsistency on both sides in the #AUKUS row. Anglos complain France not reliable / committed in Indo-Pacific yet begrudge its offense at being sidelined in that very arena; French preach European strategic autonomy yet are appalled when Anglos take them at their word
Better to see AUKUS as the poorly handled realisation of new basic realities. UK and Aus both have strong impetus (Brexit & geography respectively) to move in lockstep with US on China policy; France & EU have grounds to seek a more nuanced form of alignment with US positions
Recognising those differences, and the inevitable pluralism of any post-hegemonic Western alliance (“Westishness” as I’ve called this in @NewStatesman), would be a good first step to managing them more constructively in future and thus moving on from the AUKUS row.
Final thought in passing... the term “strategic autonomy” is clearly becoming more hindrance than help to the actually sensible French goal of a Europe better able to manage its own security (and to be a sovereign partner rather than surly supplicant to US). Time to ditch it
If the US strongly desires to organize a network of alliances to counter China, it acted truly irresponsibly by antagonizing a longtime partner and by cutting itself off from at least part of the Europeans.傲慢
The EU is trying to bind France to the bloc’s nascent Indo-Pacific strategy. Per senior EU diplomat: “There will be no real change to the structure of the EU’s strategy. The bitterness of the French? At the end of the day, the French are pretty much behind the strategy.”
So now the argument is that France should not complain about submarines deal because global economic competition is a jungle but Australia can complain about its trade deal with the EU because we live in a rules based order?
The three amigos – an Aussie marketing huckster, an English buffoon and an American senior citizen. Fresh from being chased out of Afghanistan and humiliated by barbarian terrorists they’d set out to defeat 20 years earlier
by the time these nuclear submarines begin to arrive, the contest likely will have been decided.
Australia is speaking loudly and carrying a small stick. Or perhaps speaking loudly and hoping its mates are bringing the sticks
A re-invigorated, tri-continental, battle-tested alliance of capable, modern nations has just declared itself opposed to any Chinese pretensions to an easy hegemony.中國靠詐唬是不行了
Li posited that the US was seeking to isolate China from the Asia-Pacific, much as it had isolated Russia from Europe.
That Taiwan has remained a free democracy, independent from China, is a story of successful deterrence
AUKUS represents a judgment, a gamble even
Natasha Kassam is Director at the Lowy Institute.
在歐盟宣布亞太戰略前一天,這一決定也否定了歐盟的地位,馮德萊恩(Ursula von der Leyen)沒腦子不是第一次了
AUKUS also signals the end of President Emmanuel Macron's ambitions of constructing a strategic alliance with Australia and India, which he first hypothesized in 2018,
“The quicker we acknowledge something structural is changing in transatlantic relations, the better we can transform them in a way that serves the interests and security of both sides.”
Two stand out. The most important is the hawkish domestic US consensus on China
The second is America’s allergy to trade and investment deals
pushed to postpone a key EU-US trade meetin
signals to Europe that “it is not perceived as a global player with whom the United States will gain [from a deeper] co-operation, at least in the Indo-Pacific,”
Australian officials say it was not in their interest to alert Paris; keeping the French deal alive heaped pressure on Biden to agree a deal that would bring huge industrial rewards to the US大家各自有自己的小算盤
Johnson’s inner circle said they had thought through the consequences for the Macron relationship
“There was a bigger prize at stake,”
The slogan of democracy provides a fig leaf that allows them to continue speaking as if—and maybe even believing that—they’re acting in the universal interest
美國並不想與歐洲鬧矛盾,但美國有自己的打算,而且是自己的打算是天下唯一重要的,大家都要圍著美國轉,拜登的兩論,“盟友論”“民主價值論”,我在半年前就說那是懵人的,是為了把西方籠絡到自己反華陣營之中,當不涉及利益的時候,大家都覺得挺受用,等到拜登真的把大國爭霸(Great Power Compitition,國際關係裏的一種關係和策略,已經好幾年成為美國的國策,但拜登賣個關子,居然把大家哄住了,然而即使是美國國內也不再買拜登的賬了,大家都知道拜登實在哄騙傻白甜)
determination to weigh foreign and security policy decisions based on a clear-eyed and cold-hearted calculation of U.S. interests
“France will have gotten mad without getting even, never a good idea in politics or diplomacy.”美國人就這樣France’s ability and willingness, alone among European allies, to project force decisively beyond its borders還是沒用,美國覺得法國沒本事,反而礙事,幹脆踢掉,心狠手辣
Judge Biden by his actions, not his rhetoric
In some glimmer of face saving news, there were indications earlier this week that von der Leyen would make transatlantic relations a centre-point of her State of the Union speech. In the end, she didn't and it barely featured. Which turned out to be for the best
"This makes Europeans realize that maybe some of Trump's policies, beyond the scandals and the tweets, were not an aberration but signaled a deeper shift away from Europe," 美國智庫還是指望“中國威脅論”會讓法國、歐洲回心轉意
France, with its network of overseas territories, is the only European nation with real skin in the Indo-Pacific game.照樣被推落井
although Biden is keen for Europe’s support in the competition with China, the officials in charge of his Indo-Pacific strategy do not see this as a top priority
one senior U.S. official I spoke to pointed to a rush at the top levels of the National Security Council to deliver a big win for Biden after the embarrassment of Afghanistan. France was an afterthought as officials scrambled to get the deal done ahead of a meeting of Quad leaders on September 24
He has made clear that he has no intention of joining the United States in a coalition against China. Macron is an advocate of European strategic autonomy罪
The submarine deal, and France’s fierce reaction to it, puts Germany in the awkward position of having to choose between
“What is happening to the French is what happens when you are strategically irrelevant,” a German defense official told me. “It can happen to us.”
Laschet and Scholz have been outspoken about what they do not want: economic decoupling, a new Cold War, and being forced to choose between Washington and Beijing
The French ambassador to EU yesterday briefed his 26 fellow counterparts on Aukus and “underlined the strategic issue that the American approach poses to the EU as a whole”, a diplomatic source told Politico.
He also called on the EU to be “more present” in the Indo-Pacific.
Washington’s gesture, this commitment of American military and technological prowess, is hugely significant. But it is no guarantee the United States is prepared to enter into a new Cold War-style contest with China
The size of its economy alone makes it one of the mightiest adversaries the United States has faced in more than a century. So the United States would need a very good reason to take on a power as great as China.
Why should the United States commit itself to a contest with China when the stakes are less than existential?
If so, AUKUS may be stretched thin, seeking to cover many foreign policy and strategic objectives across three democracies weakened at home.
Current events reveal an isolated, mid-sized nation battling to maintain its international relevance,自顧不暇,蘇格蘭獨立是遲早的事,那時英國可能排在前十之外(現在第五),大家得質疑其常任理事國的資格。莊生這個帝國夢叫“全球大英”(Global Britain)
industry leaders across the economy have warned about chronic labor shortages — of truck drivers, yes, but also fruit pickers, meat processors, waiters and health care workers — disrupting supply chains and impeding businesses
A master shape-shifter, unburdened by any sense of accountability or honesty, he thrives in conditions of adversity
美媒:拜登聯合國大會首秀麵臨挑戰,如何向盟友證明自己不是特朗普 (
“We’re not seeking — say it again, we are not seeking — a new Cold War or a world divided into rigid blocs,” he said. Yet in describing what he called an “inflection point in history,” he talked about the need to choose whether new technologies would be used as “a force to empower people or deepen repression.” At one point he explicitly referred to the targeting of Uyghurs in the Xinjiang region of western China.
The president’s senior aides, at least publicly, have been dismissing the idea that China and the United States, with the world’s largest economies, were dividing...But in private, some officials concede
As an ironist myself I can’t hide some amusement at the way Biden has turned into the Trump caricature that once populated the nightmares of anti-Trumpers, including Biden, the first of those anti-Trumpers
A clash with liberal and internationalist hero Macron involving the first ambassadorial recall in more than two centuries of history? Trump or Biden?
A joint French-German approach to China combining engagement with firm criticism of China’s human rights record could be the foundation of a distinctly more conciliatory European stance on the world’s most pressing strategic issue
Biden’s foreign policy is a faithful continuation of Donald Trump’s and a repudiation of Barack Obama’s
But the growing concerns go well beyond any one episode. A senior European diplomat noted that, in dealings with Washington on everything from vaccines to travel restrictions, the Biden policies were “'America First’ in logic, whatever the rhetoric.” A Canadian politician said that if followed, Biden’s “Buy America” plans are actually more protectionist than Trump’s. Despite having criticized Trump’s tariffs repeatedly, Biden has kept nearly all of them. (In fact, many have been expanded since most exemptions to them have been allowed to expire.)
Biden and his team often criticized Trump for his assault on the rules-based international system. But how does one rebuild such a system while embracing naked protectionism, unilateral sanctions, limited consultations and America First policies on vaccines and even travel?
英國空姐:“It seems that these days you Americans just want a double standard that helps you no matter what others think.”
Washington’s Flawed New Foreign Policy Consensus
外交老手哈斯(Richard Haass)
But being likeable is not the same as being a good ally. On that count, Europeans are starting to see continuities between Biden and Trump
The most striking is that Biden does not much value their opinion, even if he seems to be listening.
It is not the first time Biden has blindsided Europe — and it can boomerang. In May, the president announced that he would ask for the suspension of global vaccine patents at the World Trade Organization. The move was bold and unexpected. But it was stillborn. It caught the Europeans by surprise and they killed it
The US and its European allies have yet to forge a convincing common front on China and look unlikely to do so.
As a result, the COP26 climate change summit that the UK is due to host in November risks becoming a train wreck. The British government is touting pledges from the private sector — a familiar augury of political failure
Biden talks a big game on global warming but is not walking the walk
John Kerry, Biden’s climate envoy, is travelling the world urging countries to do the things America will not do
Robert Kagan. His argument can be reduced to two main elements. First, the Republican party is defined not by ideology, but by its loyalty to Trump. Second, the amateurish “stop the steal” movement of the last election has now morphed into a well-advanced project
He must now understand that he will need devoted loyalists, of whom there will be plenty, to run the departments responsible for justice, homeland security, internal revenue, espionage and defence. He will surely put officers personally loyal to himself in charge of the armed forces
“As has so often been the case in other countries where fascist leaders arise, their would-be opponents are paralysed in confusion and amazement at this charismatic authoritarian.”
But neither the electoral system nor the Republican party will go back to what it was. The latter is now a radical party with a reactionary agenda.川普百年之後,小川普會接著出現
After an eight-month review of the United States’ trade policies toward China, the Biden administration has concluded that Donald Trump was right and Joe Biden was wrong. On the campaign trail, Biden relentlessly attacked Trump’s tariffs on Chinese goods, calling them “disastrous.” Now, he has adopted those same “disastrous” policies.
“Capitalism will destroy this country,” read one sign in the window of a Dollar General in Eliot, Maine, this spring. “If you don’t pay people enough to live their lives, why should they slave away for you?”
‘Everything Going the Wrong Way’