【11】“Israel thought they will ‘Israelise’ the Palestinians inside and they will domesticate the Palestinians in the West Bank under occupation and that they will separate Gaza forever”[見[10]]
The cruelty and brutality of Israel’s blockade and periodic bombing campaigns of Gaza (aka “mowing the grass”) are clear enough. That the international community has allowed and helped sustain this reality for 14 years is a moral and political failure of the highest order.
If there is a hell on earth, it is the lives of children in Gaza
The fighting has left thousands of Palestinians homeless, & forced over 50,000 people to seek shelter in @UNRWA schools, mosques, & other places with little access to water, food, hygiene - @antonioguterres
But if Israel fails, will this rhetoric comes back to hunt?
his legacy would be secure
he hubristic hope in Netanyahu’s circle was that, deprived of Arab and international support, they would lose the will to resist. Human rights activists could continue to support their cause but the wider world would move on, allowing Israel to impose its own terms on a weakened and dispersed Palestinian population
But the current crisis has brought a renewed sense of unity between Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel itself.
【17】“They [Israel] failed in all three facts, and now the Palestinians all over now have one goal — the end of Israeli apartheid — which is unprecedented since 1948”[見[10]]
Biden’s a throwback, increasingly out of sync with a vocal left that’s deeply disenchanted with the Jewish state, which is losing the hearts and minds of rank-and-file Democrats, especially in the House
President Joe Biden’s a throwback, increasingly out of sync with a vocal left that’s deeply disenchanted with the Jewish state, which is losing the hearts and minds of rank-and-file Democrats
The facts on the ground have made the pro-Israel position untenable for many Democrats who crusade for social justice
【22】Biden appears determined to not allow the conflict to knock him off message. On Tuesday, Biden visited a part of Michigan that is 90% Arab American near the district of Democratic Rep. RASHIDA TLAIB, the only the only Palestinan American in the House[見[21]]
“The Trump approach has been followed by another kind of make-believe… [The Biden admin] has acted as if it believes that by keeping its head down, the tectonic plates storing up explosive tension in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza will somehow slow or stop grinding away.”
“The Biden administration has mustered little more than strangely blind and morally numb statements—chestnuts retrieved from the ineffective American diplomatic vocabulary of the past.”
Israeli attacks have damaged at least 18 hospitals and clinics and destroyed one health facility, the World Health Organization said. Nearly half of all essential drugs in the territory have run out.
The nine-day battle between Hamas militants and the Israeli military has damaged 17 hospitals and clinics in Gaza, wrecked its only coronavirus test laboratory, sent fetid wastewater into its streets and broke water pipes serving at least 800,000 people, setting off a humanitarian crisis that is touching nearly every civilian in the crowded enclave of about two million people
【28】 “The fact is that Hamas successfully intimidated almost the entire country — we were sitting in the middle of the night in Tel Aviv in shelters”[見[10]]
Israel is not aiming for "proportionality" or trying its best to minimize civilian casualties. The goal is to inflict overwhelming pain on the Palestinians so that they learn their lesson. This isn't new. That's always been at the heart of Israel's deterrence strategy in Gaza 1/x
"We have not been silent and neither have you," "With regard to further Security Council action, we must assess if any given action or statement will advance prospects for ending the violence," she said. "We do not judge that a public pronouncement right now will help de-escalate."
The status quo is untenable. The current escalation has exposed the absurdity of false presumptions of the past, that you can jump over the #Palestinian issue, that you can marginalize the Palestinian issue and still have peace. Interview with CNN Connect the World https://t.co/emzcqKI5ic
There has been a significant change in the Western coverage - a lot less on Hamas rockets and self-defence, a lot more on Israel’s Arab citizens and discrimination
If you say:
“Using torture is fine, because we’re fighting terrorists.”“Killing civilians is acceptable, because we’re fighting terrorists.”“Bombing schools, hospitals & press is OK, because we’re fighting terrorists.”
"UN human rights experts decry "a depressingly familiar pattern" -- "Israel's far greater firepower inflicting far higher death tolls and injuries and a much larger scale of property destruction."
Mohammad al-Hadidi cradles his only surviving child after Israeli air strikes killed his wife & four sons.
"They were sitting here talking and playing with their Eid toys and from here they took them to the hospital, then to their graves, torn to pieces”pic.twitter.com/DUwypA4Vbj
5 days after the US Secretary of State told the UN that “human rights and dignity must stay at the core of the international order.” https://t.co/uMAo86exup
With the Biden team largely remaining quiet, measures introduced in Congress call for a ceasefire and blocking an arms sale to Israel
As the Biden administration muddles through efforts to end the fighting in Israel and Gaza, progressives in Congress appear to be stepping in to fill the leadership vacuum.
#BREAKING Eight new dead in Gaza as toll from Israeli strikes rises to 227
If an American president cannot leverage the US’s extraordinary political clout to advance core American values, what hope is there for succeeding anywhere else?
No one expected President Joe Biden to make the Israeli-Palestinian conflict a priority of his administration所以預料不到也可以理解
resistance to condemn even the clearest violation of international law and human rights by Israel
Biden’s image, his agenda to lead on human rights and international law, and his support from key Democratic constituents at home have been badly damaged.
The net result is that Biden has badly damaged his credibility
The United States is not a bystander in Israeli-Palestinian conflict;
The first is shielding Israel at the United Nations,
Second, a principal reason that Israel maintains military superiority, not only in relation to occupied Palestinian residents of occupied land, but in relation to any other regional power, is that it has been U.S. policy to uniquely provide Israel with qualitative military edge to maintain its supremacy.
A third reason for the imbalance of power is that the United States has used its clout and resources with Arab countries to make deals with Israel, without serious concessions on Palestine, from the Camp David Accords to the Abraham Accords
At home, Biden has also badly misread his own Democratic constituency
Biden’s bungling of this crisis will impact the way he is seen, at home and abroad.
US "doing everything we can to bring an end to the conflict" between #Israel and #Hamas, says
. "We've now held more than 80 engagements" with leaders in the region
In a phone call on Monday, Mr. Biden warned Mr. Netanyahu that he could fend off criticism of the Gaza strikes for only so long, according to two people familiar with the call.
There's a howler at the end suggesting that Biden's support for Israel in Gaza might buy him some political capital with Netanyahu that will prove useful during the Iran talks. If you believe that's going to happen, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you
Biden was "firm" on the call and sent a clear message that he's "done kidding around and Israel needs to finish it," a source briefed on the call tells Axios. It was their fourth call since the beginning of the crisis.
If you're going to "place democracy and human rights at the center of our foreign policy" (as you told the UN Human Rights Council), you'll need to rethink your entire approach to the Middle East.
JUST IN: Pres. Joe Biden addresses cease-fire between Israel and Hamas: "In my conversation with President Netanyahu, I commended him for the decision to bring the current hostilities to a close within less than 11 days." https://t.co/UVTBFjmTlGpic.twitter.com/CAVkfCUK6l
Mr. Biden’s tactic was to avoid public condemnation of Israel’s bombing of Gaza — or even a public call for a cease-fire — in order to build up capital with Mr. Netanyahu and then exert pressure in private when the time came
Mr. Biden and other American officials reiterated to the Israelis that they had achieved some significant military objectives against Hamas
Richard N. Haass cautioned against exaggerating how much credit Mr. Biden deserved for setting the stage for a truce.
“About 90 percent of the reason for the cease-fire is that both Hamas and the government of Israel determined that prolonging the conflict didn’t serve their interests,”
a public demand for a cease-fire could have backfired. Had Mr. Biden called for a cease-fire, Mr. Ross said, “Bibi’s political need to stand up to him would have been much greater.”
為了公關,美國政府給黨媒發布事件發展和政府對事件處理的整個過程【72,73】,也就是官宣了,我的解讀大致如此。第一拜登當局一開始就意識到自己沒什麽影響力,據報道,內塔尼亞胡在公開和內部的態度一直很清晰,以色列達到目的就罷手,所以美國的影響、壓力並不能讓以色列停手,內塔尼亞胡也是有壓力的,他告訴拜登“幾千枚火箭打過來,我怎麽辦?你怎麽辦?”所以說了也白搭,要是在公開場合直接譴責以色列,內塔尼亞胡隻能頂著,因為這是麵子,哪個國家都不能丟臉。白宮自己透露出來說,拜登一直輕聲細氣跟內塔尼亞胡“交流”(build up capital with Mr. Netanyahu),不敢說一句得罪的話,隻是反複問“你想要的結局是什麽”,在公開廠也是一直隻說一句“以色列有自衛的權力”,停火一字不提,你沒法不得出美國拿以色列沒辦法,是在哀求的感覺。為了平息民憤,政府不斷私下放風說“正在盡力,用一切辦法促進停火”,美國各層官員給以色列和附近的國家打了近百次電話,大家隻能猜測,是做戲,還是手忙腳亂,還是到處求人,最後停火絕大多數也是基於以色列和哈馬斯對局勢的判斷,都覺得自己的目的達到了才停的,美國起了多大作用,誰也說不清,最後拜登通過“內幕透露出來的”“以色列必須停火”,估計也是在得知以色列將會停火之後才說的,也算是給自己掙回點顏麵。
In 2014 the Israel-Hamas war lasted fifty days. 2,251 Palestinians died. This was a 10x better result for US diplomacy. Biden’s image will be enhanced globally, his reputation for getting things done will be burnished. After all he’s doing for progressives how can they stay mad? https://t.co/XVTczPdVfD
It was deeply dissatisfying to have US take such a restrained public stance & harmful to US international standing. My intial instinct was to advocate for more public criticism. But af the end, that approach seemed to work well and at a minimum did not make things worse.
“Diplomacy is back! The ‘arm around Israel’ technique worked,” former US negotiator for the Israel-Palestinian conflict Martin Indyk tweeted following the cease-fire announcement.“An arm-twisting approach would have yielded defiance. All these doubters never had the dubious pleasure of dealing with Bibi,”
Biden put it simply in a statement on Thursday announcing the cease-fire: “I believe the Palestinians and Israelis equally deserve to live safely and securely and to enjoy equal measures of freedom, prosperity and democracy.” He characterized his approach as “quiet and relentless diplomacy.”
but President Biden has shown little interest in getting deeply involved. Wednesday’s decision to send in the U.S. envoy, Hady Amr, reflects the urgency of a difficult situation more than any burning desire by the administration to play peacekeeper.
Israeli-Palestinian issue just sucked up so much air in previous Democratic administrations that he’s really hesitant to allow that to happen again.
Isn’t there some fear among diplomats that anything short of unconditional support for Israel would upend U.S. interests in the region, given that Israel is such a major ally?
Israel’s military says its airstrikes killed dozens of senior Hamas operatives and destroyed critical military infrastructure
“Israelis often refer to this callously as ‘mowing the lawn,’ periodic maintenance it has to do by bombing one of the world’s most densely populated spots, which it also holds under a blockade,” Mr. Munayyer said. “There is no morality in a war whose repetition is preplanned.”
Netanyahu to argue that Israel has no partner for peace, easing pressure to restart peace negotiations
“This is a crime,” said Mostafa al-Yazji, 40, a businessman who lost several relatives in the strike. “These were innocent people who had nothing to do with anything.”
Hundreds of people died for basically no reason and then the war stopped because Israeli officials told Netanyahu they didn't want it anymore. Biden didn't really do anything. That's why his image is taking a hit. https://t.co/CWgNdIocKb
【86】“We are reclaiming our voice and narrative,” says Mariam Barghouti, an activist in the West Bank. “Before you speak about any diplomatic solution [to the conflict], address the apartheid, address the military violence, address the settler violence, address the Gaza siege . . . Before those are addressed, you are just talking.”[見[10]]
“ ‘Objectivity’ feels fickle when the basic terms we use to report news implicitly stake a claim,” she wrote. “Using ‘israel’ but never ‘palestine,’ or ‘war’ but not ‘siege and occupation’ are political choices — yet media make those exact choices all the time without being flagged as biased.”
Biden interrupted Netanyahu’s champagne lunch to tell him he was taking a lot of flack from some young Dems, American taxpayers, even Geraldo Rivera on FoxNews, but he’d fend them off for as long as he could w/words like “right to defend,” and “quiet diplomacy.”
Israel is not aiming for "proportionality" or trying its best to minimize civilian casualties. The goal is to inflict overwhelming pain on the Palestinians so that they learn their lesson. This isn't new. That's always been at the heart of Israel's deterrence strategy in Gaza 1/x
The status quo is untenable. The current escalation has exposed the absurdity of false presumptions of the past, that you can jump over the #Palestinian issue, that you can marginalize the Palestinian issue and still have peace. Interview with CNN Connect the World https://t.co/emzcqKI5ic
Mohammad al-Hadidi cradles his only surviving child after Israeli air strikes killed his wife & four sons.
"They were sitting here talking and playing with their Eid toys and from here they took them to the hospital, then to their graves, torn to pieces”pic.twitter.com/DUwypA4Vbj
5 days after the US Secretary of State told the UN that “human rights and dignity must stay at the core of the international order.” https://t.co/uMAo86exup
If you're going to "place democracy and human rights at the center of our foreign policy" (as you told the UN Human Rights Council), you'll need to rethink your entire approach to the Middle East.
JUST IN: Pres. Joe Biden addresses cease-fire between Israel and Hamas: "In my conversation with President Netanyahu, I commended him for the decision to bring the current hostilities to a close within less than 11 days." https://t.co/UVTBFjmTlGpic.twitter.com/CAVkfCUK6l
為了公關,美國政府給黨媒發布事件發展和政府對事件處理的整個過程【72,73】,也就是官宣了,我的解讀大致如此。第一拜登當局一開始就意識到自己沒什麽影響力,據報道,內塔尼亞胡在公開和內部的態度一直很清晰,以色列達到目的就罷手,所以美國的影響、壓力並不能讓以色列停手,內塔尼亞胡也是有壓力的,他告訴拜登“幾千枚火箭打過來,我怎麽辦?你怎麽辦?”所以說了也白搭,要是在公開場合直接譴責以色列,內塔尼亞胡隻能頂著,因為這是麵子,哪個國家都不能丟臉。白宮自己透露出來說,拜登一直輕聲細氣跟內塔尼亞胡“交流”(build up capital with Mr. Netanyahu),不敢說一句得罪的話,隻是反複問“你想要的結局是什麽,後果想好了嗎?”,在公開場合也是一直隻說一句“以色列有自衛的權力”,停火一字不提,你沒法不得出美國拿以色列沒辦法,是在哀求的感覺。為了平息民憤,政府不斷私下放風說“正在盡力,用一切辦法促進停火”,拜登說美國各層官員給以色列和附近的國家打了近百次電話,明顯是替自己開脫,大家隻能猜測那些電話是做戲,還是手忙腳亂,還是到處求人,最後停火絕大多數也是基於以色列和哈馬斯對局勢的判斷,都覺得自己的目的達到了才停的,美國起了多大作用,誰也說不清,最後拜登通過“內幕透露出來的”“以色列必須停火”,估計也是在得知以色列將會停火之後才說的,也算是給自己掙回點顏麵。
In 2014 the Israel-Hamas war lasted fifty days. 2,251 Palestinians died. This was a 10x better result for US diplomacy. Biden’s image will be enhanced globally, his reputation for getting things done will be burnished. After all he’s doing for progressives how can they stay mad? https://t.co/XVTczPdVfD
Hundreds of people died for basically no reason and then the war stopped because Israeli officials told Netanyahu they didn't want it anymore. Biden didn't really do anything. That's why his image is taking a hit. https://t.co/CWgNdIocKb
【11】“Israel thought they will ‘Israelise’ the Palestinians inside and they will domesticate the Palestinians in the West Bank under occupation and that they will separate Gaza forever”[見[10]]
【17】“They [Israel] failed in all three facts, and now the Palestinians all over now have one goal — the end of Israeli apartheid — which is unprecedented since 1948”[見[10]]
【22】Biden appears determined to not allow the conflict to knock him off message. On Tuesday, Biden visited a part of Michigan that is 90% Arab American near the district of Democratic Rep. RASHIDA TLAIB, the only the only Palestinan American in the House[見[21]]
【28】 “The fact is that Hamas successfully intimidated almost the entire country — we were sitting in the middle of the night in Tel Aviv in shelters”[見[10]]
【89】“We are reclaiming our voice and narrative,” says Mariam Barghouti, an activist in the West Bank. “Before you speak about any diplomatic solution [to the conflict], address the apartheid, address the military violence, address the settler violence, address the Gaza siege . . . Before those are addressed, you are just talking.”[見[10]]
The cruelty and brutality of Israel’s blockade and periodic bombing campaigns of Gaza (aka “mowing the grass”) are clear enough. That the international community has allowed and helped sustain this reality for 14 years is a moral and political failure of the highest order.
If there is a hell on earth, it is the lives of children in Gaza
The fighting has left thousands of Palestinians homeless, & forced over 50,000 people to seek shelter in @UNRWA schools, mosques, & other places with little access to water, food, hygiene - @antonioguterres
Mr. Biden’s tactic was to avoid public condemnation of Israel’s bombing of Gaza — or even a public call for a cease-fire — in order to build up capital with Mr. Netanyahu and then exert pressure in private when the time came
Mr. Biden and other American officials reiterated to the Israelis that they had achieved some significant military objectives against Hamas
Richard N. Haass cautioned against exaggerating how much credit Mr. Biden deserved for setting the stage for a truce.
“About 90 percent of the reason for the cease-fire is that both Hamas and the government of Israel determined that prolonging the conflict didn’t serve their interests,”
a public demand for a cease-fire could have backfired. Had Mr. Biden called for a cease-fire, Mr. Ross said, “Bibi’s political need to stand up to him would have been much greater.”