A Senior Intelligence Source tells me there is agreement among most of the 17 Intelligence agencies that COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan lab. The source stressed that the release is believed to be a MISTAKE, and was not intentional.
Sources say not all 17 intelligence agencies agree that the lab was the source of the virus because there is not yet a definitive “smoking gun”. But confidence is high among 70-75% of the agencies.
Don’t just say there’s enormous evidence, Pompeo should present them to the world. Republican government is putting on a show. By demanding to investigate Wuhan lab, they are trying to create continuous controversy and focus, to fool the American public. pic.twitter.com/YJcKaLqsg9
Senior American officials, including those who have looked at intelligence and who favor the lab theory, have said in private that evidence pointing to a lab accident is mainly circumstantial and based on public material
這場戲,就像總統和外長為了各自的目的一起唱,美國政府內助陣的人很多(如國安委副主任博明(坡丁哥,Deputy National Security Advisor Matthew Pottinger),諾瓦瑈(納瓦羅,Peter Navarro)),俗話說,說的越多,信的人越多,不需要真假之分,隻是有時不知道總統他老人家想得是什麽:
Concast (@NBCNews) and Fake News @CNN are going out of their way to say GREAT things about China. They are Chinese puppets who want to do business there. They use USA airwaves to help China. The Enemy of the People!
The sharper rhetoric coincides with administration critics saying the government’s response to the virus was slow and inadequate(讀讀我的分析:追蹤美國N95口罩乏匱的根源)
Shi Zhengli, head of coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was also worried SARS-CoV-2 might have come from her lab—so she sequenced its genome, compared it to viruses they were studying, and was relieved to find no match. Her international peers vouch for her. https://t.co/7kftxpeslH