冠疫蔓延到全世界之後,冷靜思考就知道此時全球化、合作其實是最好的對策(對此美國很多人士也這麽呼籲,參見:閱讀指南:冠疫之後的中美關係),最近的一個觀點是《大西洋月刊》的川黑David Frum的【11】,以及【18】,但是很多美國人,包括對中國政府不再寄望的(美國)華裔,覺得中國政府沒有任何值得信賴的,結果大家得到的結論反而是全球化正是造成自己處於困境的主要原因,因為全球化最顯著的結果是形成對中國的依賴。自己能幹也好,不能幹也好,都不是問題,問題是一直依賴中國。
美國這種“寧願自己吃大虧,不願中國占小便宜”,受害的首先是美國人民【2】。《彼得森國際經濟研究所Peterson Institute for International Economics》Chad Bown對美中貿易和關稅一直跟蹤,按他的分析,今天美國物資短缺,主要因素之一是關稅。下麵列舉一下他的看法【3,4,7,,8,9】。
In 2018, health experts warned Trump. Putting tariffs on medical products would hurt US preparedness for pandemics. He did it anyway
“These products are essential to protecting healthcare providers and their patients"
“products on the proposed list are used widely throughout healthcare settings and are a critical component of our nation's response to public health emergencies”
~ Matt Rowan, August 2018 2/
“Finding alternative sources of supply for these products to minimize the cost impact of the duties is not a viable option in the near or medium term."
The FDA process ensures things work and are safe.
“This process can take more than two years.”
~ Lara Simmons, June 2019 4/
the Trump administration has imposed new taxes on almost $5 billion of medical exports from China, totaling about 26% of US health-care imports
Chad Bown說“中國醫療物資出口是全球抗疫中的希望之光”【7】,聽起來優點肉麻,但那出自一個美國專家之口。他說的,“Just as you don’t want to be too dependent on China, you don’t want to be too dependent on yourself. You have now walled yourself off from the only way you can potentially deal with this, in your time of greatest need, which is relying on the rest of the world.”,全世界那個國家都該想想。
Glutaraldehyde, which Lubrizol Corp. needs to make disinfectant effective at killing coronavirus
Viscose Rayon Fibers, which Berry Global Group (Benson, NC) needs to make sanitary wipes
Face Splash Guards, which HLP Clear Packaging Products needs to make eyes-nose-mouth coverings
Anesthesia Machines, which Mindray (NJ) needs because they have built-in ventilators
GM steps in to help fight COVID-19. Remember, GM makes cars
GM agrees to learn to make VENTILATORS - a complex machine to aid the human respiratory system
March 31: GM learns Trump still has 25% trade war tariffs on ventilator PARTS
(未加注明的文章出自《彼得森國際經濟研究所Peterson Institute for International Economics》)
After scuttling its partnership with Beijing on public health, the U.S. was unprepared for the pandemic
【10】《彭博》U.S., EU Are Far Apart on Reshoring Making of Medical Gear
We are experiencing a painful introduction to anti-globalism and its consequences
Diplomats, consultants create a made-for-Canada solution to get critical supplies from China
The United States’ secretive medical stockpile was prepped for a bombing, not a pandemic