
笨狼 (熱門博主)
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(2016-09-22 08:34:53) 下一個
大家都說媒體不停地給淳樸(Donald Trump)較勁、作對、揭短,甚至攻擊、造謠、誹謗、誣陷,你的死敵一切可能出手的,媒體都做了。
媒體不停地給淳樸較勁、作對、揭短,甚至攻擊,都是真的,大家討厭淳樸,也是真的(就我所知大家私下猜測的,美國傳媒界10人9個討厭淳樸,包括狐狸台的),造謠、誹謗、誣陷嘛,還不至於。不過這是個片麵的看法。媒體也不停地給克林頓(Hillary Clinton)較勁、作對、揭短,甚至攻擊,比起淳樸是有過之無不及,前一個月淳樸痛改前非,每次出場都老老實實念稿子,這一來,媒體沒八卦說了,大家一擁而上給克林頓挖垃圾,克林頓也不是賢惠的那種,醜聞一大堆,啥都不順眼,啥都有嫌疑,你一推導,原來她這麽陰險惡毒,這麽黑。
The Fragrance Foundation, a trade group for the perfume industry, paid former President Bill Clinton $260,000 to give a speech in January 2014 that lasted less than an hour.
In the months after the talk, the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation organized and partially funded an effort to get hundreds of farmers in Haiti to plant thousands of lime trees, a project designed to help both the impoverished farmers and the perfume and beverage industries, which had been hurt by a spike in lime prices caused by drought and crop blight.
The Clinton Foundation’s partner on the project was one of the world’s largest fragrance and flavoring suppliers, Firmenich International SA, along with the Swiss company’s U.S. charity. The Firmenich Charitable Foundation put up about $250,000 for the Haiti lime-tree project. Some of it went to a unit of the Clinton Foundation in Haiti and some to a charity recruited for the project that works with the Clinton Foundation in Haiti, records and interviews show.
The timing of Bill Clinton’s speech income, from a perfume trade group in which a large member would later benefit from a Clinton Foundation project in Haiti, represents the kind of overlapping of private and charitable interests that has become a political liability for his wife as she runs for office.
但可見媒體對克林頓一點兒也沒閑著,相反真正揭淳樸短的,就屬《華盛頓郵報》。《華郵》跟淳樸過不去是少有的,淳樸懷疑那是《華郵》老板傑夫·貝佐斯(Jeff Bezos,矽穀激進派)跟他過不去,要知道貝佐斯比淳樸有錢多了不是點點,而是一大截,比有錢,淳樸是比不過的,估計也不敢說“比你行”。貝佐斯有錢往下砸,《華郵》也就財大氣粗。
唯獨《華郵》不是等閑之輩,水平能力高人一截,報道實打實,完全建立在事實上,克林頓淳樸想逃也逃不掉,淳粉嘛自然幾個謠言就興高采烈,完全滿足,越想越恨,痛恨喜奶奶新仇舊恨重上心頭,鬥誌更加旺盛,《華郵》 此等左媒,說的自然是汙蔑,不足以信。
不過淳樸應付媒體的招數自然不像個學徒(畢竟他是[飛黃騰達](The Apprentice)一劇的老大),有一套法子。
In typical Washington Post fashion, they’ve gotten their facts wrong. It is the Clinton Foundation that is set up to make sure the Clintons personally enrich themselves by selling access and trading political favors. The Trump Foundation has no paid board, no management fees, no rent or overhead, and no family members on its payroll.
There was not, and could not be, any intent or motive for the Trump Foundation to make improper payments. All contributions are reported to the IRS, and all Foundation donations are publicly disclosed. Mr. Trump is generous both with his money and with his time. He has provided millions of dollars to fund his Foundation and a multitude of other charitable causes.
The Post’s reporting is peppered with inaccuracies and omissions from a biased reporter who is clearly intent on distracting attention away from the corrupt Clinton Foundation, a vehicle for the Clintons to peddle influence at the expense of the American people. Mr. Trump personally and the Trump Foundation, however, are staying focused on their charitable giving to veterans, the police, children and other deserving recipients.”
“克林頓基金會那麽黑你們不去計較,反而來跟咱糾纏,咋多清白,你居心叵測,完全是惡語中傷”。(《華郵》列舉了對克林頓基金會的揭露抨擊,表達自己的公正,淳樸班子自然充耳不聞:A porous ethical wall between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department。)
在這之前,《華郵》舉了另外一個例子,淳樸玩弄詭計給佛羅裏達檢察官(AG)巧妙捐一筆錢,好讓她不起訴淳樸大學(Trump University)的不歸行徑:
就是說,淳樸真的技高一籌,也難怪他遊刃有餘,令號八方。淳樸不是大放幾句厥詞,媒體以為釣到新的大魚,一撲而上,其實被淳樸轉移視線,讓大家把重要的都忘了。這是另外一個媒體無能的反應。再一個例子淳樸機會轉媒體條規空子,一是找幾個繡花枕頭(如Matt Lauer,老中叫這“文科生”),腦子真的不好使,照著稿子念,聽了答案也不知道啥意思,自然讓人逃之夭夭,二是知道電視台有時間限製,胡謅一把,把時間混過去,再精明的主持也沒招了(例子:Hellerman vs Conway)。
《新聞周刊》記者Kurt Eichenwald花了無數精力要搞清楚淳企(Trump Corporation)到底是什麽機構。淳企是淳樸生錢的唯一、主要機器,也是淳樸號稱其業績的基礎。Eichenwald說的,有大家都知道,卻置若罔聞的東西,如淳企其實是個皮包公司,啥也不生產,說”帶來了成千上萬“職位,言過其實。但那隻是個幌子。
“he’s been basically selling his name out to people who will pay him, without, apparently, a lot of due diligence into who these people are. I mean, a great example is, he has a deal right now with a fellow in Azerbaijan whose father is a major government official who has been identified by American intelligence as money laundering for the Iranian military”
Trump’s too smart a businessman not to know that he’s lying on this one.
You know, you start off, he’s had three explanations. One is that he’s going to put the company in a blind trust. A blind trust is something where you take a portfolio of investments, give it to an independent person, who then handles your trading and your transactions, and you never know what’s in it.
Well, Trump is saying: I will put this one company in a blind trust.
He knows what’s in it. It’s that one company. There’s nobody independent managing it. It’s his children. When he says he will sever all ties to it, you can’t have a company where you’re getting financial benefits, your children are getting financial benefits, and your children are running the company and say, I have severed my ties on it.
不說別的,淳樸說自己拯救國家的宏圖大略整個謊言。淳樸對自己的背景一向簡單拒絕公開,連體檢、稅表都不交出來,其實即使交了稅表也未必有淳企任何信息,淳樸再三拒絕,莫非有難言之隱(譬如,《紐約客》Does Donald Trump Pay Any Income Taxes at All?)?
大家在乎嗎?自然不,都忙著抓鬼(Pokémon GO)去了,哪有時間?Eichenwald的文章很長,哪有功夫?晚上回來重溫對克林頓的恨,新的一天又有精神了。
How Trump’s foreign dealings could pose conflicts of interest
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笨狼 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ahhhh' 的評論 :


ahhhh 回複 悄悄話 男克見了AG,他老婆就不被起訴了。這算什麽?