【1】一季度GDP增速定格6.7% 統計局稱階段性築底
【3】一季度全國財收逼近4萬億 3月地方賣地收入猛增
【4】一季度社會融資規模增量6.59萬億 同比多增1.93萬億
【5】3月出口由負轉正 春季廣交會或有較大改善
【8】一季度GDP同比增長6.7% 符合預期
【9】一季度固定投資增10.7% 大幅超出預期
【15】俞平康:數據大增難掩隱憂 經濟還處L型拐點起始階段
【16】匯豐:中國經濟顯示複蘇跡象 但政府仍需繼續支撐增長
【17】彭博經濟學家歐樂鷹:中國一季度增速保持穩定 加碼刺激必要性削弱
【19】一季度全國居民人均可支配收入同比增8.7% 跑贏GDP
【20】一季度全國財政收入同比增長6.5% 財政支出增長15.4%
【21】盛鬆成:M1增速22.1%符合調控目標 反映經濟企穩趨勢
【22】統計局:農村外出務工勞動力1.68億人 同比增長2.9%
【23】中國一季度進出口同比下降5.9% 3月出口轉正增長0.9%
【24】2016年3月規模以上工業增加值增長6.8% 增速環比加快(圖)
【26】《中金在線》海通證券:2季度GDP或回至6.8% 貨幣政策回歸穩健
【27】《每日經濟新聞》一季度新增信貸達4.6萬億 未來能否持續?
【30】《鳳凰財經》國泰君安周報(2016年04月17日):春季攻勢 勢如破竹
【32】《台灣中財網》中國一季GDP低於預期 引發黑風暴 解讀
【33】Chinese economy shows signs of debt-fueled recovery
【34】《RUSSELL專欄》中國取消鋼鐵出口補貼 實際影響有限但象征意義重大
中國3月社會消費品零售總額同比增長10.5%, 路透調查中值為10.4%
【38】《英國廣播公司》China's transition: What transition?
“China's economic figures show an economy that's still addicted to stimulus for growth"
【39】《南華早報》Back to 1997? Why Chinese yuan and Hong Kong property prices may go down by a fifth next year
裏昂證券●中信裏昂證券有限公司(CLSA Group):“人民幣明年將於美元脫鉤”,不過信這的人沒幾個。
【40】5 Things to Know About China’s First Quarter GDP Growth
【41】Economists React: China Q1 Growth Slows, But March Data Offer Hope
When the government talks about stability, infrastructure investment and real estate investment are quite important. In the first and second quarters, growth momentum will continue. But we don’t expect the improvement to last for the remainder of the year. Expanded fiscal and monetary policy will probably come to a half toward the middle of this year. The government will be comfortable they can achieve this year’s growth target. Deleveraging has obviously become secondary. The government still talks about deleveraging, but it’s now on paper rather than actually being implemented. Debt will continue to pile up. We echo concerns from the International Monetary Fund over China’s corporate debt issue. The latest credit growth adds to the risk. China needs to do some more serious work cleaning up balance sheets, not only through mergers and acquisitions but also through bankruptcies. That helps banks write off bad loans and supports growth in new sectors
【42】More Property, Less Pork: What’s Behind China’s Robust Economic Figures
Pork: Prices for pork, China’s staple meat, are surging, but the increase isn’t showing up in consumer-price inflation. March’s consumer price index came in unchanged from February’s level
3月規模以上工業增加值同比6.8%,預期5.9%。 1-3月規模以上工業增加值同比5.8%,預期5.5%,1-2月5.4%。
【44】外貿數據出來後 分析師都“瘋”了
【45】驚天大逆轉:中國3月出口猛增逾10% 進口降幅大幅縮窄
【47】人民幣企穩了 是否就可以高枕無憂?
【49】海通李迅雷:加杠杆、補庫存 換來開門紅——首季經濟數據解析
【51】China's Economy Stabilized in First Quarter
【52】China Averts a Hard Landing With a Credit-Powered Trampoline
Sugar Buzz●Currencies Rise●Consumers Spend●Debt Mountain
【53】What’s Behind China’s Stabilizing Economy?
【54】China’s Property Sector Helps Spur Economy
【55】China's GDP Data Shows a Very Predictable Pattern
【56】China's Worst Stocks Are Winning(垃圾股鹹魚翻生)
【57】Are Fears of a Hard Landing in China Justified?
【58】How Important Is China's GDP to the U.S.?
【59】PBOC's Yi (央行副行長易綱)Says Indicators Show `Robust' Economy Before GDP Data
【60】China's New Credit Growth Far Exceeds Expectations: Chart
【61】China March Home Sales Surge in Property Investment Rebound
【62】Why China’s Economy Will Be So Hard to Fix
【63】彭博北亞經濟學家歐樂鷹(Tom Orlik)在中國關係多,且彭博數據齊全,常有很多有用的信息。
“當前經濟運行正在發生微妙變化。”交通銀行首席經濟學家連平表示,房地產投資超預期回升有利於推動投資企穩反彈,新開工和施工項目計劃總投資大幅反彈,預示 未來基建投資增長上行,信貸增幅加大表明實體經濟需求明顯回升,工業企業利潤恢複正增長,通縮狀況正在改善,經濟正在企穩向好。
【66】一季度GDP漲6.7% 3月拉升顯著企穩還未鞏固
【69】3月M2增13.4%顯示流動性寬裕 產能過剩行業貸款首次下降
China debt load reaches record high as risk to economy mounts
Gabriel Wildau in Shanghai and Don Weinland in Hong Kong
US-style credit crunch or Japan-style grinding malaise seen as increasingly likely
The Guangdong Tower seen in Guangdong Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, 18 April 2016. The Canton Fair, officially called the China Import and Export Fair, is the largest trade fair in China.
China’s total debt rose to a record 237 per cent of gross domestic product in the first quarter, far above emerging-market counterparts, raising the risk of a financial crisis or a prolonged slowdown in growth, economists warn.
Beijing has turned to massive lending to boost economic growth, bringing total net debt to Rmb163tn ($25tn) at the end of March, including both domestic and foreign borrowing, according to Financial Times calculations.
Such levels of debt are much higher as a proportion of national income than in other developing economies, although they are comparable to levels in the US and the eurozone.
While the absolute size of China’s debt load is a concern, more worrying is the speed at which it has accumulated — Chinese debt was only 148 per cent of GDP at the end of 2007.
“Every major country with a rapid increase in debt has experienced either a financial crisis or a prolonged slowdown in GDP growth,” Ha Jiming, Goldman Sachs chief investment strategist, wrote in a report this year.
The country’s present level of debt, and its increasing links to global financial markets, partly informed the International Monetary Fund’s recent warning that China poses a growing risk to advanced economies.
Economists say it is difficult for any economy to deploy productively such a large amount of capital within a short period, given the limited number of profitable projects available at any given time. With returns spiralling downwards, more loans are at risk of turning sour.
According to data from the Bank for International Settlements for the third quarter last year, emerging markets as a group have much lower levels of debt, at 175 per cent of GDP.
China debt web cards
The BIS data, which is based on similar methodology to the FT, put Chinese debt at 249 per cent of GDP, which was broadly comparable with the eurozone’s figure of 270 per cent and the US level of 248 per cent.
Beijing is juggling spending to support short-term growth and deleveraging to ward off long-term financial risk. Recently, however, as fears of a hard landing have intensified, it has shifted decisively towards stimulus.
New borrowing increased by Rmb6.2tn in the first three months of 2016, the biggest three-month surge on record and more than 50 per cent ahead of last year’s pace, according to central bank data and FT calculations.
Economists widely agree that the health of the country’s economy is at risk. Where opinion is divided is on how this will play out.
At one end of the spectrum is acute financial crisis — a “Lehman moment” reminiscent of the US in 2008, when banks failed and paralysed credit markets. Other economists predict a chronic, Japan-style malaise in which growth slows for years or even decades.
China debt web cards
Jonathan Anderson, principal at Emerging Advisors Group, belongs to the first camp. He warns that banks driving the huge credit expansion since 2008 rely increasingly on volatile short-term funding through sales of high-yielding wealth management products, rather than stable deposits. As Lehman and Bear Stearns proved in 2008, this kind of funding can quickly evaporate when defaults rise and nerves fray.
“At the current rate of expansion, it is only a matter of time before some banks find themselves unable to fund all their assets safely,” Mr Anderson wrote last month. “And at that point, a financial crisis is likely.”
Others believe the People’s Bank of China will retain its ability to ward off crisis. By flooding the banking system with cash, the PBoC can ensure that banks remain liquid, even if non-performing loans rise sharply. The greater risk from excess debt, they argue, is the Japan scenario: a “lost decade” of slow growth and deflation.
Michael Pettis, professor at Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management, says rising debt inflicts “financial distress costs” on borrowers, which lead to reduced growth long before actual default.
“It is wrong to assume that ‘too much debt’ is bad only if it causes a crisis, and this is a typical assumption made by almost every economist," Prof Pettis wrote in a draft of an forthcoming paper shared with the Financial Times.
“The most obvious example is Japan after 1990. It had too much debt, all of which was domestic, and as a consequence its growth collapsed.”
Distress costs include increased labour churn as employees migrate to financially stronger companies; higher financing costs to compensate for increased default risk; demands for immediate payment from jittery suppliers; and loss of customers who worry a company may not survive to provide aftersales service.
Many are now concerned that China’s debt could lead to a so-called balance-sheet recession — a term coined by Richard Koo of Nomura to describe Japan’s stagnation in the 1990s and 2000s. When corporate debt reaches very high levels, he observed, conventional monetary policy loses its effectiveness because companies focus on paying down debt and refuse to borrow even at rock-bottom interest rates.
“A financial crisis is by no means preordained but in our view, if losses don’t manifest on financial institution balance sheets, they will do so via slowing growth and deflation, à la Japan, a path China arguably already is on,” Charlene Chu, senior partner at Autonomous Research Asia, wrote recently.
Methodology: debt load obscured by complexity
Despite increasing attention to the risk from China’s rising debt, there is surprisingly little consensus over basic facts such as how much China actually owes. The increasing complexity of China’s financial system adds to difficulties in producing an authoritative estimate.
The Financial Times’ estimate of Rmb163tn ($25tn), or 237 per cent of gross domestic product, at the end of March uses data from China’s central bank on so-called “total social financing” (TSF), which covers lending to the non-financial sector by both banks and non-banks. It then adds finance ministry and National Audit Office data on, respectively, central and local government debt. Finally, data from Wind Information, a Chinese financial database, is used for government bonds issued in early 2016 but not yet reflected in NAO and finance ministry figures.
The FT’s methodology is similar to that of the Bank for International Settlements, which in September released a database that tracks total debt in 42 big economies. In addition to drawing on more recent TSF and NAO data, the FT seeks to eliminate possible double-counting in the BIS figures. Double-counting may arise from local governments’ use of special-purpose vehicles to borrow. Such borrowing is counted as corporate debt in TSF data but as government debt by the NAO.
Some analysts estimate that China’s debt load is significantly higher than both the FT and BIS estimates. A widely cited report by McKinsey last year placed China’s debt at 282 per cent of GDP by mid-2014, an estimate that includes debt owed by financial institutions.
Many analysts believe the McKinsey estimate suffers from significant double counting, since the money that banks and other financial institutions borrow is lent on to non-financial borrowers. But some analysts also believe that for China, including at least some financial debt is necessary to capture shadow-bank lending that is not included by TSF.
Rodney Jones, principal of Beijing-based Wigram Capital Advisors, provides Asia macro analysis to billionaire investor George Soros, who last week likened China’s economy to the subprime-saddled US before 2008. Mr Jones says Chinese banks use investments in wealth management products to disguise corporate loans as financial debt. Based on a detailed analysis of financial statements by more than 100 banks, he estimates China’s debt-to-GDP ratio at 280 per cent at the end of 2015.
“The financial engineers have run amok again. They’ve run amok in the US and they’ve run amok here. That’s what George sees," says Mr Jones.