2016 (350)
2019 (201)
2020 (226)
2021 (189)
2023 (1)
美國卡萊爾解放軍討論會(Carlisle PLA Conference)是一個美國中層精英的研討年會,不怎麽有名,但說是已經辦了20十年了。盡管沒名,但美國國策多多少少受到這類研討的影響。
這是Lincoln Hines寫的總結,刊登在Andrew Erickson的網站上。討論會說的是大方向,有點泛泛而談的意思,說解放軍到時有可能壯大、維持原狀或者因某種因素受打擊減弱之類,像是廢話,壓根就沒有什麽到了2025年,解放軍就有了什麽武器裝備,作戰能力如何,作戰範圍多大之類的,估計大家軍迷覺得沒勁兒。
o Domestic, external, and technological drivers of China’s military modernization are examined.
o Three plausible scenarios for the modernization of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) that result from these drivers are explored.
o Implications of these futures for regional dynamics, the international system, and U.S.-China strategic dynamics are considered. Also, the potential “wild card” events which could undermine the futures discussed are explored.