
童年往事 — 姐姐

(2022-09-01 15:00:05) 下一個
















Childhood Stories -- My Sister

My sister is tall, and she has been taller than me by one head since I was a child. Her head is big, and her neck is long, too. When she walked with her tall friends, her shoulders could just be as high as theirs, but the bigger head and longer neck gave her a couple of more centimeters to edge over others. She could see better in a crowed and be spotted easier, too. Perhaps the most useful part of the bigger head is her smartness, which was well known by my family, neighbors and her classmates.

Here are a few stories when she was in her primary school.

One summer, our neighbor’s daughter, who was one grade higher than my sister, asked her to help solve a math problem of homework. Since my sister had not learned that part yet, she asked the neighbor to show her the math book. It took her just a couple of minutes to read through the book and find the answer.  

My sister was very quick in composition and her work was often got the highest score in her class, too. One day her teacher asked to turn in an essay, which she forgot to write. She told the teacher that she left it home, so she lied. Since our home was not far from the school, it normally was just a 10-minute walk. This time, however, it took her a little bit longer. She handed the teacher a quick essay of less than 10 minutes of work. As usual, it still earned her a top score.

One day Uncle bought us an alarm clock. It was painted sky blue and had an airplane turning around as the second hand. My sister became curious about the clock and wanted to know what’s inside. So, the alarm was found dead one day with parts scattered on the table. She was a little scared but fortunately was not punished for her curiosity.

One summer day she and I plotted a solo excursion to the Summer Palace. We got a few tens of cents, prepared a bag and went on our adventure. The bus ride was quite long and changed three times. With her student card, she bought a discount ticket, and I probably needed none. We wondered around to explore the park. Before long, we came to a famous Marble Boat. I asked her when the boat would sail and if we should wait there. A woman passed by and over heard what I said. She said: “That boat sailed yesterday, but today it will have a break.” I was very upset and asked my sister why we did not come yesterday.

But quickly I forgot the stone boat as we came to a grass land by the Jade Bridge, which had 17 arches. I was fascinated by the colorful, baby dragon flies. Unlike adult dragon flies, the babies had all kinds of colors: green, blue and red, very pretty. I even caught a couple of them and put them into my bag to take home.

After about a day of play in the Summer Palace, we were hungry and tired. I opened the bag, the dragon flies were all gone but a blue, heavy guy was sitting at the bottom. It was our alarm clock, which my sister carried to check time. Back to those days a wrist watch was still luxury. Thanks for my smart sister, we arrived home before dark.





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