

(2018-04-19 18:51:27) 下一個


“發生什麽事了?”我問自己。“怎麽會有警察在這裏?” 好像沒有聽到警笛聲,書店裏也沒有任何混亂。






-- My encounter with old Bush couple --
More than ten years ago, the 43rd was still the host of the White House. One day before Christmas, Ted and I went to our neighborhood Barnes & Nobles to get holiday cards and gifts. It was early afternoon, and the store was quiet. There were only a handful of shoppers around. I browsed the aisles for books and gifts that might attract my eyes while Ted was picking up holiday cards. Then I turned from the end of the aisle and walked toward the cashier. Suddenly, I saw a tall guy in a black suit standing down the aisle with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

“What’s wrong?” I asked myself. “Something happened? Police are here.” I did not hear any siren and saw no chaos around.

There were one or two lady shoppers nearby, who apparently stopped and stood watching. In the direction they were looking, it was the cashier. I saw an old couple, who dressed in ordinary clothes like any grandma and grandpa in Texas, with familiar faces I saw on TV many years ago. They were Barbara and George H.W. Bush, the nation’s 41st first lady and president. The men in black apparently were secret services agents protecting ex-presidents and their families.

The old couple looked quite pleasant and was in a great shape, but their backs showed some curve. They picked some small items and chatted with the cashiers a bit.
While the Bush couple was doing their business, my fellow shoppers, like me and Ted, stood at the same place watching them with smiles and admiration until they finished their shopping. When we walked out of the store, I saw two black and large suburban-like cars speed away.  

When I heard the passing of Grandma Barbara Bush Tuesday evening, my heart was filled with sadness and yet great admiration. Her relatives, close friends, and news media pictured her as a matriarch of the Bush dynasty or Texas dynasty, who was a loving and devoted wife, mother and grandma. She dedicated her life to adult and family literacy.

But in my mind, I always remember her as that down to earth grandma I encountered in the book store.

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