

Post from Investment BBS

(2005-09-21 14:45:43) 下一個
文章來源: 熊弟連 於 2005-09-21 13:14:58 人叁十五歲前靠"闖勁",靠"拚",叁十五歲後就要靠別的了.叁十五歲後,可能就要靠自己年青打拚的地位,關係....慢慢靠別的了. 所以年青人還是要以學業為重,珍惜時間.否則歲月蹉跎.國內玩股票的也隻是老頭老太多些.目前中國的狀況如何,國內"血汗工廠";國外設計"奴工".... 沒有基礎,遲早要被"清洗的".美國許多種族歧視政策的消失還沒有一百年... The person who could succeed in stock market, most likey does so in his career. The lattter is more secure and benefical to himself and the society. it's hard to judge 文章來源: SDRider 於 2005-09-21 14:15:09 unless you put on other people's shoe. I assume you are either from a very wealthy family or you started your successful wealth accumulation while you were very young. Most of us here came here in our 20s, got our degree and find a job in our early 30s and start the wealth accumulation. When I first came here, I had to borrow from my advisor to pay for the first month rent. Fortunatly for me, I got into the market pretty early and I'm way ahead of my classmates financially. But most people probably don't even net worth exceeding six figures. How can they feel as secure and easy as you? They have to take a chance somewhere if they want to have a chance not to be buried by routine day life and never-ending worry for fianacial security. Let's put the society aside 文章來源: SDRider 於 2005-09-21 14:34:41 and focus on ourselves first. The truth about Career in American cooperation is that your field and political ability will decide how far you can go. For most of use here, we're in science or technology fields and we're politically disadvantaged comparing to the majority of this country. Yes, you can be a good technical personel and in good demand by companies until your late 40s, but so what? Does that make you rich and your family financially secure? Hell not. I'm not saying they should all quit their jobs, but be sure to put some effort on your financial life aside from your career. That'll make a huge difference in the long run. I see too many financially stupid American friends, in their late 40s, have less than 6 figures in their bank accounts, living in an apartment. God bless social security will be there in 15, 20 years, because that's their only hope.
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