於是,姐妹二人分頭去通知鄉親們,交代他們夜裏去伏牛山下牽牛。夜裏,天上沒有月亮,也沒有星星,山前山後漆黑一片,看不到一點亮光,姐姐拉著妹妹從山前轉到山後,聽了聽,一點動靜也沒有,姐姐對妹妹說:“不要放棄,我們再等等。”就這樣等到了五更,忽然聽見山裏麵“嘩啦啦”作響,山北坡放出一道耀眼的金光,姐妹倆急忙朝發光的地方跑去,隻見那洞眼隻有手指頭那麽粗,順著洞眼往裏看,見到內有一張金方桌,方桌上整齊地擺著一排排饅頭大小的金牛。妹妹忙把銀喇叭拿出來插進山眼,姐姐忙念:“伏牛山,嘩嘩啦,開山要我這銀喇叭。”念了三遍,山眼慢慢變大了,但隻容一個人鑽進去,姐姐閃身就進去了,妹妹也跟著進去了。姐姐一進去就吹起了銀喇叭,頓時桌上的金牛都變活了,它們伸伸腿,抖抖毛,跳下桌子來,就都變成了大牛,它們順著山眼往外衝,當最後一頭牛剛剛伸出頭時,東方已經微微泛紅了,山眼慢慢變小了,這一下要急壞了姐妹倆,姐妹二人合力推牛屁股,就是推不動。 v 再說鄉親們,他們聽見喇叭響,就紛紛往伏牛山跑,隻見一頭頭牛滿山坡跑,他們跑上去,一人牽一頭牛,心裏好感激姐妹二人,都想去謝謝她們,就是找不到人影。這時有人發現被卡住的那頭牛,大家有的扯牛頭,有的扯牛腳,使命往外拽,就是拽不出,後來有人往牛鼻子上套了個鼻圈,再在鼻圈上拴了根長繩,大家齊心協力地拉,牛被拉疼了,一急,四蹄一蹬就出來了,山眼馬上就合攏了,姐妹倆被關在了山裏。
這兩段維基的解釋我摘編一下。 Most morning glory flowers unravel into full bloom in the early morning. The flowers usually start to fade a few hours before the "petals" start showing visible curling. They prefer full solar exposure throughout the day, and mesic soils. Some morning glories, such as Ipomoea muricata, are night-blooming flowers.
In some places, such as Australian bushland, some species of morning glories develop thick roots and tend to grow in dense thickets. They can quickly spread by way of long, creeping stems. By crowding out, blanketing and smothering other plants, morning glory has turned into a serious invasive weed problem.
In cultivation, most are treated as perennial plants in frost-free areas and as annual plants in colder climates, but some species tolerate winter cold. There are some species which are strictly annual (e.g. Ipomoea nil), producing many seeds, and some perennial species (e.g. I. indica) which are propagated by cuttings. Some moonflowers, which flower at night, are also in the morning glory family.
Because of their fast growth, twining habit, attractive flowers, and tolerance for poor, dry soils, some morning glories are excellent vines for creating summer shade on building walls when trellised, thus keeping the building cooler and reducing heating and cooling costs.
Popular varieties in contemporary western cultivation include 'Sunspots', 'Heavenly Blue', the moonflower, the cypress vine, and the cardinal climber. The cypress vine is a hybrid, with the cardinal climber as one parent.