
池塘、野鴨、烏龜,還有鷺 The Pond,Ducks,Tortoises and Blue Heron

(2014-06-02 19:15:09) 下一個


Rain comes, rain goes, and the pond is full with water.




A flock of wild ducks swim together at the pond. Birds can't resist joining in the fun, just like we do.

這裏湊了一堆:Here they are


In human's place, lovers don't want to join in any fun. It's same here for turkey ducks. The world is only for the two of them.

Shame, it's me, the photographer. Sorry to disturb you. ^o^ It's a luck day for me, coz they are kind enough to pose for photos. (Not to get mad and leave. Thanks God, thanks turkey ducks. All lovers love to show their romatic stories? Maybe...)


“ 老婆,咱去擺個POSE, 讓他們見識見識咱火雞鴨的風采。"

"My dear, let me pose and show them how turkey ducks look like."



"Look, a handsome guy!"


"GAGA, Me too"


"One more. Body shape S-style"


Let's go through the bridge. We will find some more.


A happy group occupies the water by the dam.


Big tortoise, "Donald, look at that poor little thing. He is one of my many pursuers. Nah.."


Donald, " Nah."


Little tortoise is singing, " A pretty girl is on the way. Turn around to the right, you will see a handsome guy..."



Big tortoise, ”Leave me a lone. I have Donald."


 "I strech my neck, look and look again. I want to see me in your eyes......"


"I'll wait, and wait, until a dark statue is made, by the water by your side ......"



Poor little tortoise, but don't worry about it. No one should be lonely and unloved.

If you wish, you will find your groups.





This is a blue heron. He is not alone at all.


撲騰一聲,拍拍翅膀,飛去同伴那裏了…… (不知在哪?想跟著飛去,看個究竟)

He flutters his wings and flies away, to his mate. (Where? Bad, no wings on me.)



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