
Let's Talk About Love

(2013-12-16 18:02:11) 下一個

Let's talk about love, shall we? (Fair warning - I am on my second glass of wine, so it could be the wine talking!)


在我看來,愛是 commitment and responsibility. The institute of marriage is against human nature but it imposes commitment and responsibility.為什麽這樣說呢? 想一想 在初戀的時候心裏是什麽樣的感覺?天藍水秀,兩個人臉上是多麽陽光燦爛!愛一個人是多麽簡單!Making love 是多麽美好! 可惜的是,that is not love, that's lust. And it is so easy, isn't it? 於是決定邁入婚姻殿堂。不幸的是,一切開始改變了。因為commitment and responsibility are hard. It requires dedication, sacrifice and the most difficult part - letting go of yourself. 美國人愛說的一句話是 "marriage is hard work." 中國人會說 "婚姻要經營"。 聽聽這兩句話就該明白, 婚姻該有多難!

有句俗語說:"do what you love and love what you do." 我借用一下, 我說:" marry who you LIKE and try to love who you married".The attraction that you felt will go away faster than you can say "I love you!" But commitment and responsibility stays. It shows up at picking up the kids, getting dinner done, taking out the trash and walking the dog in the morning when it is sub zero outside. And for the very few lucky ones, it could be nice dinners and significant jewelries once a while.

以前聽到那些可歌可泣的愛情故事總是不以唯然。 現在明白了,真有那樣的愛,是值得付出生命的。For the rest of us, we gotta work at it, for better or for worse.

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