美國媽媽 PK中國媽媽
(2013-12-12 16:26:45)
昨天的話題有無病呻吟的嫌疑,所以今天說點實在的。 (仍然早上345醒來 - I am beyond bitter at this point!)
很久以來一直在想, 是中國媽媽幸苦還是美國媽媽辛苦?我的結論是肯定美國媽媽幸苦。從懷孕, 生產,照顧小朋友 到長大成人, 美國媽媽都是一手包辦。幸運的可能有媽媽或in-law 在生產時幫忙幾天。 孩子大一些或許送到祖父母那裏親熱親熱。除此之外,全靠自己。 在她們眼裏,寧願辛苦一點也不願意放棄個人空間,由其是教育下一代。況且孩子是自己決定要的,把責任推給他人是不可想像的。
中國媽媽好像不是這樣。祖父母的參與是天經地義的,必需的。這樣的參與是從懷孕一直到孩子成人。當然尊老愛幼是我們的美德,無可厚誹。每次回到中國,總可以看見祖父母們照顧小朋友 - 公園裏有,住宅區裏有,更多的是在shopping mall 裏。每次看到小朋友在shopping mall 裏,我都覺得很不解。很想問問不想讓孩子輸在起跑線上的媽媽們是否想到孩子己經落後了?有了經濟能力很多事可以雇人做。養育下一代必須是親力親為。如果你準備投資巨額在教育上,有沒有想過最無價的投資其實是從小每一天的關愛和引導。比如餐桌禮節,clean after yourself, address people appropriately, 耐心,愛心。 最重要的是從小明白沒有誰是可以不努力就可以有收獲的。Too many kids are expected to be served and taking cared of. That's just absurd!
我不止一次聽到這樣的話:"我沒耐心,讓爺爺奶奶(保母)去管吧!" 實在讓人傷心。 我算是在美國的中國媽媽,因為來的時候剛過 legal drinking age. 所以也就學習了美國媽媽的方法。誠實的講,每次聽到我的妯娌們快樂的把孩子交出去,and either continued their career or able to take off traveling at moment's notice because there is grandparents to take care of the kids, I felt resentful.
我很累, 事業也要放一放。但是孩子們很不錯。好像至少現在他們懂得 they need to help around the house and work hard to get what they want. The life they grow up with may not necessary be what they can expect to live when they are on their own.
I've seen grandmothers taking care of babies, including taking them to baby music
classes, napping, feeding and so on. One grandma takes care two grandkids from her two daughters. Who can say American grandparents do nothing for the second generation.
My husband was raised by both his parents and maternal grandma. No kidding. Grandma made the most memorable dishes for the family, looked after all four of her grandkids until they went to college. Now it's the two granddaughters taking care of her!