

一把茶壺揭真相 量子優勢成笑談

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一把茶壺揭真相  量子優勢成笑談


上圖中的那位老先生是理查德·博徹茲(Richard Borcherds),他是英國著名數學家,目前從事量子場論研究。博徹茲教授以其在格、群論和無限維代數方麵的工作而聞名,他因此於 1998 年獲得菲爾茲獎—等同於數學界的諾貝尓獎。



02:53 視頻時間點





In order to test computational devices, you need to choose a problem. And the problem i'm really interested in is known as the teapot problem, and the teapot problem is the following, so as you take a teapot and you drop it on the floor the teapot problem asks calculate how many pieces does the teapot break into.

And if you think about this is an incredibly difficult problem for a digital computer to solve, because you need to simulate a teapot and a teapot has several million million million million atoms, and you need to solve a Schrodinger equation for that and so on and it's it's just way beyond the ability of any current digital computer to solve.

This problem however the teapot can solve in one second, well yeah, well since there's a borrowed teapot i don't think i wish to actually do that, but you can imagine it falling down. So the teapot can beat any digital computer at this problem. However it does undoubtedly occur to you that claiming a teapot is an advanced computational device is really really stupid. 

So what is wrong with my argument? Well the problem with the argument i gave about teapots being advanced computational devices is the first of all the problem i chose is completely and utterly pointless. I mean who cares how many pieces a teapot breaks into. But the major problem is it is highly biased towards teapots it was specially selected to be a problem that teapots are very good at solving but digital computers can't solve.

04:34 視頻時間點


So by selecting a problem you can make anything look better than almost anything else. You know suppose I want to prove that an anteater is smarter than Einstein. Well that's easy, I just administer an intelligence test the anteater and to Einstein and see who does better, and the intelligence test I choose is how many ants can you catch in one minute okay yeah so if you choose the test you can make anything look good.

05:43 視頻時間點



First of all we have this phrase quantum supremacy, and you know quantum computers have achieved quantum supremacy. It sounds really impressive that means does that mean they're better than classical computers? Well, no it doesn't, because if you look at the definition of quantum supremacy, it turns out to mean that there is some problem at which quantum computers are better than classical ones. Well as we've just seen this is sort of useless you can always find some problem which things are better than classical computers. 

My teapot for example has attained teapot supremacy over classical computers, because there's a problem it can solve better than classical computers. So quantum supremacy is a kind of really misleading term. It doesn't actually mean that quantum computers are better at anything useful the point is um quantum computers or for that matter teapots may be really hard to simulate on a classical computer that doesn't mean they're useful at computation.

視頻鏈接  https://youtu.be/sFhhQRxWTIM

博徹茲教授對“量子優勢”的質疑集中在“計算”的真正含義上,在這個問題上相信沒有什麽人會比這位菲爾茲獎得主更專業更權威,他對“量子優勢”的否定極具說服力。該視頻獲得過萬的觀看,500+點讚,4個反對,人心向背 一目了然。YouTube 視頻下麵的62條評論也值得一讀。

中科大的“九章”光學實驗裝置就是一把價值千萬的高擋茶壺,它和茶壺一樣根本不具備任何有實質意義的計算能力。“九章”剛麵世時,一幫吹鼓手們在大眾媒體上企圖把“九章”與求解矩陣的“積和式”勾連起來。但是經反複質疑後,人們方才明白“九章”與求解“積和式”風馬牛不相及。現在他們又用所謂的 Torontonian(多倫多人)函數來打扮粉飾“九章”。


  • Torontonian函數絕不是一個古老的數學問題,它產生於2018年的年底;
  • Torontonian函數是為某種特殊高斯玻色釆樣獲取量子優勢而特意定製的;
  • Torontonian函數並不能解決什麽實際問題。


更為詭異的是,“九章”通過200秒的光子采樣實驗,其實也不可能給出任何有意義的 Torontonian矩陣的函數值 [2],它隻能反複強調“九章”的實驗得到了一大堆的光子的分布數據,超級計算機通過計算Torontonian 函數得到相同的釆樣分布數據需要化費多少億萬年。這和茶壺實驗何其相似?所謂的茶壺優勢也不是茶壺的碎裂真能求解什麽數學問題,而是強調模擬茶壺碎裂過程需要對複雜係統求解薛定諤方程,而這遠遠超出了超級計算機的計算能力,所以茶壺對超級計算機具有計算優勢。茶壺和“九章”基於完全相同的邏輯,顛倒黑白莫此為甚!

需要注意的是,博徹茲教授質疑和反對的隻是“量子優勢”,並不是量子計算,他在視頻中多次指出研究 Shor量子算法破解公鑰密碼還是有實際意義的,因為茶壺對破解公鑰密碼完全無能為力。他還認為不同的量子計算機之間作比較也無可厚非,但是用一些似是而非的問題對量子計算機和經典計算機作比較會誤導公眾。

[1] 九章光學實驗解讀(中)數據不支持九章取得量子優勢

[2] 亞倫森教授博客對茶壺視頻的反應


  1. chorasimilarity Says: 
    Comment #129  May 1st, 2021 at 3:26 am

Came here to say that the problem of how an elastic brittle teapot cracks into pieces is mathematically well defined, but hard numerically. There is a whole mathematical and numerics field around smashing teapots. All starts from the Mumford-Shah functional (where Mumford is the great David Mumford), 


I know this because a long, long time ago it was a part of my phd thesis, for example the article Energy Minimizing Brittle Crack Propagation, J. of Elasticity, 52, 3 (1999) (submitted in 1997), pp 201-238
free pdf here: http://imar.ro/~mbuliga/brittle.pdf





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