
Cars 2-Chapter 1

(2013-03-16 10:42:38) 下一個

Cars 2
Chapter 1 the oil derrick

This is Leland Turbo” the British spy car said to his radio trying to reach the headquarters. I have a flash transmission for Finn McMissile. The spy was trying to scan around him. “Safe so far, you won’t believe what I found out here, this is bigger than we’ve seen, and no one knows it exists”.

    The audio statics made his words nearly indecipherable, but some words were crystal clear. “Finn I need a backup, transmitting my grids now .Good luck”.    

   In the pitch dark night a fearless little boat rose slammed down into the rough seas of the North Pacific. On board Agent Finn McMissle steeled himself as the boat .He had business, serious business.

   “All right we’re here, right where you paid me to bring you. The question is: Why?”

   “To find a car”. said Finn.

 “I’m sorry to break you but there isn’t anybody out here, said the little boat. Finn knew that he was wrong about that.

Headquarters tracked he was a couple of degree longitude. He wasn’t far.

   Suddenly a bright light from a massive combat ship targeted the little boat and said:

   “Turn back where you came from”. Finn took that as a clue that they were close to their enemy.as crabby left he called back

“Sorry buddy but this is as far as we can go. Buddy?” But he was already gone.

   As the combat ship navigated to the rough seas, he approached this oil derrick that caught his attention, so he used his magnetic tires to climb a metal pole, then to the top of the derrick.As he approched the top  he tried to radio turbo, but he got no signal so, he tried again, until he got annoyed he scanned him his signal came not so far, so Finn  was about to shoot a cable he heard an unmistakeable sound of German  engineering, a box like blue-green car rolled into the platform of the derrick, he was also shouting lots of orders. “Too many cars here, out of the way! Finn instantly recognised that car: Professor ZÜndapp. He was a gifted German scientist whose specialty was making and designing weapons. He was also on the top of Britain’s most wanted list. Professor ZÜndapp was willing to do terrible work, for anyone who was willing to pay the right price.

      “Here it is Professor” said a Pacer as he went to the next crate. You wanted to see it before we loaded it? “Not even Finn recognized the American agent Rod Redline, working undercover as a Pacer.

        “Ah Yes,” Professor ZÜndapp answered. “Show me please very carefully

        Finn silently fired off a gripping hook and slid on to the other side of the oil derrick. He watched as a forklift open the crate. Inside was a TV camera packed as careful as a brand new windshield. The letters WGP boldly stood out on the side of the camera. Professor Z. was most pleased.

       “Good, Good” he said with a thick German accent. This is valuable equipment. Make sure it is properly secured for the voyage. Then that Pacer said to Professor Z.

        “How does this work?” “This is a camera that products an electromagnet rotation, and if it hits a car filled with allinol it will blow up. Now let’s close it up.” At the same time Finn was taking pictures of the camera. Then the forklift closed it up again. They were sending it to a cargo boat and it was heading to a mysterious place. Finn made a note to self: to find where the cargo ship was heading at the same time something else caught his attention. Gremlin aptly named Grem was shouting to Professor Z

     “Hey Professor, this is one of the spies we told you about” Professor Z knew who it was, agent Leland Turbo. Finns eyes widened when he saw Leland all crushed and cubed. Then a blast of flame from the derrick suddenly cast Finn’s shadow and Professor Z saw it and yelled:     

   “It’s Finn Missile! “Ordering to chase down the spy. All lemons raced up to the top and their weapons were ready, but Finn was faster and more agile. He shot his cables and, using one cable to swing and land on the cranes arm and rolled to another level. A Pacer heard him on that level and was chasing him. He used every trick to escape. First, he shot out some oil from the back of his rear headlights. That lets every car that wants to go on that road slip and fall into the water and break. As he went around the turn, more cars chased him to the loop-the-loop. He used his guns to shot out some oil drums and but a bomb the first one, that lets the first one to explode and when the second one touches fire, it would explode. When he got to the top he had nowhere to go so, he slammed on reverse and fell 1000 and 1000 feet below.

       All lemons rushed to see what is going to happen. In a burst of splashing water Finn transformed into a hydrofoil.

   “He’s getting away!” shouted Acer the Pacer.

   “Not for long.” Said the combat ship, as he fired a rocket. The cars on the derrick watched the missile exploded. Finn sank a couple of meters below. He transformed to submarine mode and released his tires. Grem radioed Professor Z that he was dead, but he was wrong.                                        

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