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The Korean Lady's White Book

(2019-04-08 09:07:58) 下一個

The Korean Lady's White Book




順便介紹作家韓江,現48歲,韓國文學新銳,父、兄皆作家,父女都得過韓國中短篇小說最高獎“李箱文學獎”。韓江更是勝於藍,在國際上頻頻得獎。這本書於2018年被英國文學大獎曼布克獎國際類提名,原書草稿寫於2015年。作者在2014年她的Human Acts快寫完之際,感覺身心疲憊。曆史小說Human Acts是寫韓國1980年發生的5.18光州民主運動,聲討全鬥煥獨裁統治。書不長,但作者力求曆史事實全部真實,自然累倒。於是欣然接受波蘭一大學邀請,在華沙休息半年。這半年,陸續寫出《白書》前兩章。陌生的國度,冷冷的華沙,有了白白的文字。




My hands wanted to reach next books in line, waiting keenly by my side.

My heart wanted to linger, one more moment in the pages my eyes just departed.

Between the covers was flora and fauna of white, revealed to me stroke by stroke, with the hands of a Korean author. The book was light, yet weighted down by scattered melancholy. The melancholy carried a scent, like my laundry linen. The smell of the spring, the smell of papers, sinking deeper in my body, as the day grew thicker, heavy with the dense air.

Unaware of the topic, only knew it got shortlisted by the renowned Man Booker, I made my city library to purchase a copy, 2 months before the book was in the market. As its first reader caressing the jacket, so neat and bright, waiting to take root, I arrived. How delight, before I set eyes on the black print against the stark white. Compelled to wash clean, my fingers slowed down to leaf through with care. The rustling unlocked my heart, with the touch of the unusual thickness and whiteness of the paper. What’s more, there was so much blank space, on every other page between both margins, soaking me with dampness found in snow white. Oh mama mia, I just stepped out of the frigid weather, why did Han Kang drag me all the way back, with both gentleness and vigor? How unfortunate! And how fortunate, to meet face to face a surprise, a much welcomed one.

It’s about the author living through the memory of her dead baby sister, in winter Warsaw, with fictious bite size narration. How to make out the genre of the book is of little concern. Less than half way through, I was awakened by recognition of what this book was about. The whispers, the murmurs, the hums heaved louder. I no longer desired to finish the book in one shot, as intended before turning the cover.  I let my eyes wander, around the blank pages, to pick up what the author dropped. How empty did she endure, in a foreign city barely known, walking long hours each day? How sad could it be, to pass through buildings once 95% smashed in ruins, to see with the eyes and flesh of her unmet sister? How cold was it for her, to shoulder the open questions about fragile life, in a bone chill winter, without an answer? Nothing could describe these all weaved together, except the color of white.

At the mentioning of the color of white, tell me your first thought.

  • Peaceful?

  • Sad?

  • Lightheaded?

  • Cold?

  • Pure?

  • Open?

  • Blank?

  • Clean?

  • Soft?

  • Spiritual?

  • Simple?

  • Drifting?

All of the above!

It is true, 157 pages, on all of the above.

Years ago, I started my list of 50 white objects to photograph. A stalled project, Han Kang finished it for me, with words more elegant photos would depict, sharper than eyes can see ——

  •  To her, flash is a thousand points of silver.

  • Milky way like grains of salt, streaming down, scouring her mind of all memories.

  • The sight of a dish of wrapped sugar cubes evokes the sense of witnessing something precious, as if saving from the ravages of time and suffering.

  • White nights are days in which darkness and light are both imperfect swell with memories of the past.

  • stage is an island of light, beyond which is a sea of black. Do you go down into that ocean floor, or stand your ground here in this island of light?

  • She remembers one of her bosses, a middle-aged man who used to say how he longed to see a former lover again in old age, when her hair would be feather-white. When we’re really old... when every single strand of our hair has gone white, I want to see her then, absolutely.

If there was a time when he would want to see her again, it would certainly be then.

When both young and flesh would have fallen away.

When there would be no time left for desire.

When only one thing would remain to be done once that meeting was over: to separate. To part from their own bodies, and thus to part forever.

If you ever imagine the book is a collection of smart talks, the blame is on me. It's unreasonable of you if you ever expect drama, for it is far from a novel. I surely saw a butterfly flapping between her lines, beautiful yet slippery to catch. Alright, forget what it is, come with a pair of wings, dissolving into her words, in peace will your admiration emerge. 

作家韓江 攝影 Lee Chunhee


At the late-night desk, my comfort lies in the possibility of introducing an otherwise impossible book, done beautifully by the British translator Debra Smith. My first read of Han Kang Human Acts was just another book on my list, The White Book, however, turned it around -- Han Kang earned a special spot on my catalog. Hours later, when the day breaks, The Vegetarian will be my third read, her 2016 Man Booker International Prize winner. Translator Debra can be a writer herself, she chose instead to be a writers’ cloak. This is a gift, from her through me to you.













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閱讀 ()評論 (20)
夕陽影裏一歸舟 回複 悄悄話 多謝彩煙遊士、碧藍天、山韭菜臨貼和留言!最近太忙了,遲複為歉。
山韭菜 回複 悄悄話 照片的意境真美!問好,祝周末愉快!
碧藍天 回複 悄悄話 至簡至靜的美。
彩煙遊士 回複 悄悄話 歸舟的這幾張照片很有情調。隻有女攝影家,才能拍得出這種意境。
夕陽影裏一歸舟 回複 悄悄話 回複 '風語BusyBee' 的評論 : 風語的英詩也棒(想看的朋友可以去公眾號的留言處看到),妙語連珠。想到和大家玩得不亦樂乎,吭哧吭哧寫,也值得:-)

計劃今年是我的國際年,目前讀的兩本都不錯: A Horse Walked Into a Bar (以色列),還有就是這本The White Book(韓國)。可惜前一本不是你的菜,希望下一本能精彩。
風語BusyBee 回複 悄悄話 詩意的文字詩意的圖片,四月裏的白色是生機。
夕陽影裏一歸舟 回複 悄悄話 回複 '過客手箋' 的評論 : 九月過獎,其實是平淡的,隻不過在熱鬧的文學城,有些異樣:-)很高興你喜歡!
過客手箋 回複 悄悄話 你的文筆和你的攝影都令我驚豔!當然,你的思想更是。。。
夕陽影裏一歸舟 回複 悄悄話 回複 'ziqiao123' 的評論 : 子喬說得很有道理,大約宋人簡約,唐人繁複。繁之後的簡,比先簡,更高一個層次,美學果然深奧。我的的攝影有些添足,書本身就夠美了。
ziqiao123 回複 悄悄話 大片的留白是中國或者東方的一種審美方式。宋朝之後,中國的水墨山水畫就特別講究留白。看來歸舟的攝影和韓江的書找到了互相契合的意境。非常美的攝影。
夕陽影裏一歸舟 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 謝菲兒!你上哪兒去啦?我去你家瞧了好幾次,不見宴席:-)無論如何,天天快樂!
夕陽影裏一歸舟 回複 悄悄話 回複 '水沫' 的評論 : 英文寫短了還湊合,長了就露馬腳,嘻嘻。我一點點長,最後把馬腳都蓋住:-) 以前玩了幾年攝影,後來發現沒啥天賦,隻好轉方向,哪裏是才,不才的結果。。。謝謝水沫鼓勵!
夕陽影裏一歸舟 回複 悄悄話 回複 '每天一講' 的評論 : 被一講一說,倒真像是那麽回事:-)照片你能看出甘鹹,厲害啊!以後做視覺作品,還需要考慮口感,great inspiration.
夕陽影裏一歸舟 回複 悄悄話 回複 'yy56' 的評論 : 看來聞香也讀過啊,確實很多意識流。The Vegetarian感覺怎麽樣?我才開始讀。我讀過她的前後兩本,風格迥異,不知道這本如何。謝謝聞香偏愛!攝影白色係列看來需要繼續下去,就是玩攝影就讀不了書,2個都是啃時間大戶。
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 冒泡和朋友們一起讚歸舟的英文攝影帖,耳目一新啊!:)
水沫 回複 悄悄話 歸舟的英文也這麽棒,攝影也這麽讚,做什麽都專業,真是大大的才女~~~

每天一講 回複 悄悄話 太喜歡歸舟的攝影作品,或甘抑或鹹,有包容也不吝破碎,在無聲無息中,羽毛如雪花般悄悄地滑過,淡淡的往日情懷。。。。。
yy56 回複 悄悄話 看來這本被韓江稱為“人類內在的某種不可摧毀的力”的書讓你和作者在感情上融匯,在意識流中碰撞。在她的空白葉麵上,你寫下了你的字,不光是讀後感,還有你的被觸發了的思想火花。

沒讀過她的這本書,但是讀過《The Vegetarian》。

夕陽影裏一歸舟 回複 悄悄話 回複 '暖冬cool夏' 的評論 : 多謝暖冬指正!看再多遍,總有遺漏,需要借妹妹的眼:-)不急,慢慢來。
暖冬cool夏 回複 悄悄話 沙發!歸舟妹妹的英文也漂亮極了,優美,我都以為是專業評論了。我等下再來細細品讀。攝影也很棒,別樣的白色美。btw,最後一句多了一個s:)