這世界總有些女人或讓你敬仰,或讓你佩服,或讓你羨慕,或讓你喜歡,或讓你想成為她。比如:宋氏姐妹,林徽因。 比如:趙小蘭,vera wang. 比如:Hillary Clinton, Nancy pelosi. 比如:日本皇太妃小和田雅子。這些人,無一例外地,背後都有個非常好的家庭背景。
interior designer Sarah Richardson。她基本就是我想成為的人。她的工作正是我的dream job. 而且她做得那末出色。看了她的家庭,也很不錯啊!( Her mother, Susan Cuddy, was director of design and development for the old City of Toronto.[2] Her father, Douglas Richardson, is a retired professor of history of art and architecture at the University of Toronto.)。
Sarah Richardson and her design