2012 (2)
觀時事 識英文
Shoot oneself in the foot
最近,英國議會下院投票否決“脫歐”協議,特雷莎·梅政府遭遇滑鐵盧。西方媒體稱Britain shot itself in the foot with Brexit(英國“脫歐”,自找麻煩)。
Shoot oneself in the foot(自找麻煩,反受其害)這一習語源自何處,各說不一。一說是一戰士兵為當逃兵,開槍自傷其腳,也有人說是美國舊時西部牛仔拔槍太快,走火傷腳。時至今日,這個習語的語義已經有所演變,柯林斯英語詞典的釋義是to damage one's own cause inadvertently,劍橋英語詞典的釋義是to do something without intendingto which spoils a situation for yourself,朗文當代英語詞典的釋義是to say or do something stupid that will cause you a lot of trouble。Shoot oneself in the foot與中文習語 “搬起石頭砸自己的腳”類似,其用法如:Trump shoots himself in the foot on tariffs and trade(在關稅貿易問題上,川普搬起石頭砸了自己的腳)。又如:The Federal government seems to have shot itself in the foot over this issue(聯邦政府在這個問題上好像搬起石頭砸了自己的腳)。再如:“If we just let him keep talking, soon he's going to shoot himself in the foot.”