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看見這個調侃的圖片,我想起當年的流行語,便在朋友圏寫道:“九十年代在美國流行這種說法:一等美女嫁美軍,二等美女嫁德軍(包括歐洲), 三等美女嫁日軍,四等美女嫁偽軍,五等美女嫁共軍。看來劉欣勉強屬於二等美女,嫁了土爾其德軍[呲牙][偷笑][偷笑]”
我師兄在八十年代中後期拿到公派留德的通知時,還在耿耿於懷,稱留美名額被北京的機構獨吞了,歐洲機會留給我們武漢的。當年怒對克林頓的北大女生嫁美國人,使館被炸後學生們白天遊行,晚上準備托福和GRE,所以當年一等美女嫁美軍是千真萬確的。現在則不見得,我今年的學生拒絕Boston College選擇倫敦的King’s College。
我說:“回答你的hypothetical question 用的[呲牙]”
“央視劉欣對決Fox News的Trish Regan, 黑發對不太傻的金發碧眼[呲牙][偷笑]。也是南大對哥大,隔著太平洋的在Fox News辯論,好戲即將在下周三登場,可惜我家沒有電視[呲牙][強]。天朝也想想能否允許這樣的公開辯論在央視發生?朋友說:“給劉欣支個招:先讓楊瀾和魯豫對戰,劉欣觀戰,再認劉分別與這兩位交鋒”。Trish資質超群,經驗會豐富很多,New Hampshire小姐,頂級私高Exeter和哥大。有點奇怪,這種背景的人很少去保守的Fox News”;
我們以美國政策辯論(Policy debate)來類比,劉欣和Trish在辯前都發表了各自的觀點,我們權當她們完成了辯論中的Speech部分,也就是陳述階段。這次電視交鋒則是政策辯論的Cross examination(對質)階段,正方的議題一般是被大多數民眾所接受的,所以給他們的證據很充分。這時候我們是需要給反方機會的,反方隻要抓住正方的關鍵點的漏洞絕地反擊,正方如果不能有效地辯解,裁判就有可能判正方輸,因為反方不容易。這裏Trish是邀請方,以她發問,正方角色很明顯,劉欣沒有抓到機會反擊,比較遺憾,她基本上以回答問題為主。我在輔導學生參加大學麵試時,也十分強調作為學生,你不能僅僅是回答問題,還要發問才能顯示你對這所大學的興趣。
但是劉欣本人的表現還是相當不錯的,在大量事實使她處於被動的情況下,這個結果值得祝賀,體現了中國新生代的自信與開放。以我的本科智力決定論去解釋,南大還是強過夜大學的。當然這決定論隻是我隨便說的,大量反例可以挑戰它。Trish沒有說劉欣是共產黨員,隻是說黨控製CCTV, 這應該沒有說錯,黨也強調央視是喉舌。劉欣撇開自己不是黨員完全是給美國人聽的,因為在美國共產黨是與納粹並列的。另外,劉欣也很明顯地承認天朝存在對知識產權的侵犯,語氣中還覺得這無所謂,這態度在西方是行不通的,Trish也沒在這點上嘖嘖逼人。總之雙方的表現都可圈可點,值得稱讚,也希望這能促使中美的良性互動。
唐西 2019-06-03 06:09:21 回複 悄悄話 回複 'SwissArmy' 的評論 : 我在美國的時候你在哪裏,在Swiss,那窮山溝好不容易翻了身,有錢了,所以對中國特別好,來錢吧,Swiss Welcome!這裏最安全!
唐西 2019-06-02 12:54:17 回複 悄悄話 回複 'SwissArmy' 的評論 : 那你來說說,接受你的批評執教。
白底黑字在這擺著,你自己說接受我的批評指教,然後這麽快就翻臉不認帳,讓人怎麽跟你講道理? 跟共產黨的無恥如出一轍。
我佩服你,用英文還真敵不過你毫無邏輯的東拉西扯打遊擊 -- 真是共黨好學生---加上豪言壯語的黨八股,連中文諧音都成為論據了。 我一時半會兒還真想不出懟文革黨八股的英文。 還自稱是工科出生,邏輯如此混亂,是否畢業都值得懷疑。你是不是老一輩傳說中的工農兵學員?不過搞了半天是棄了國籍的愛國賊,還是黨的棄嬰。忠心可嘉可歎。還呆在外國幹什麽,還不趕緊回中國叫黨媽?是你黨媽嫌棄你,還是你嫌棄你黨媽?
You have nothing to say about my refutation of the topic on ownership?
You are ridiculous. What is wrong with using English? Are you not in the US on a US base website? You seem to understand English despite your idiocy. I am bilingual and am free to type whatever fits my mood and liking.
"且是個灣貨"? Ha, your observational capability is as keen as your judgement.
You are more forthcoming than I expected: "什麽知識產權,什麽貿易戰,都扯蛋。" acknowledging your shamelessness with theft and robbery. A true communist. At least you are more honest than CCP who tries to weasel its way when caught red handed. Your declaration betrays the true nature of communism and leaves nothing more to prove my point that people like you who believe in communism are by nature robbers and thieves who despise the concept of property rights and are utterly shameless with regard to theft and robbery. One does not need to look far than Mao Zedong's Lenin's massacre of the land owners for their wealth. There is nothing to negotiate with these scum of the earth, but to crush them like we have the evil empire the Soviet Union.
"在軍事準裝備上誰在講知識產權,小心腦袋開花。 " Yes, you'd better make sure whose head would explode. You are more ignorant and more of a hilarious braggart than 胡鞍鋼. Let us see which military is more potent. Two US destroyers just sailed through the Taiwan Strait last Wednesday. This was not the first time US warships either passed through or docked at Taiwan. Did the some Chinese general who sounded just like you not proclaim the day any US warship passed near Taiwan would be the day the PLA occupied Taiwan. Great, where is the victorious PLA armada? They must be in your exploding head.
What does who invented capitalism have to do with anything? What does the length of history have to do with anything? You cannot even think straight.
Thirty years ago on the eve of June 4th Massacre in 1989, America under George Bush erred in not truly sanctioning China but chose appeasement. The appeasement policy was further enlarged by Clinton. It have already said in my last comment it was the small superficial dose of capitalism and the hard toil of the Chinese people, and the US provision of its huge market and capital that made China rich, in spite of the shackle on China that is CCP, not because of it.
Of course I see the institutional advantages. Along with the Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, it has the incredible efficiency and ease of killing hundreds of millions of people the government deems state enemies, with the massacre of the Beijing citizens on Tian An Man Square being just a puny afterthought, or milking the toiling working Chinese for the benefit of the countless CCP high officials so they can send their loot and concubines and children to US.
Oh, right, the CCP is now employing the institutional advantage to urge Chinese get ready to tighten their belt, "eat grass" and embrace unemployment with gratitude towards the Party Mother. It is urging the unemployed migrant workers to return to their farming land. What have you done to be a good communist party member?
You are right.
中國還是發展中的國家,就這個”發展中”的說法就已經讓人感到抖了,要是改天成發達國家了,那麽nightrider就多來點My God,My God吧。
英國人,特別是民間的人士看中美貿易戰,都笑噴啦。美國怎麽來的,美語又怎麽來的,還不是Copy, more copy.
Idiocy or lunacy? Yes! nightrider is!
Your God, you are more stupid and pretend to be.
The sanctity of private property rights and contractual obligation is the foundation of free market capitalism. The fundamental principle of communism and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) stands diametrically opposite of the aforementioned foundation. They are mortal enemies of each other. The conflict is inevitable. CCP can not possibly respect property rights, least of all intellectual property rights. You are right, Liu Xin has to toe the CCP party line because she is owned by the CCP. But you, choose to believe in communism in the land of free market capitalism. Is it idiocy or lunacy?
It just begs the question: why are you still in the US or the West and do you not go back to the land of your dream, mainland China and stay there?
Your statement "而今天的中國共產黨卻讓人耳目一新,居然在短時間裏狂掃貧困,發財致富,把新的neo政治經濟學推上了新高度,人們又開始重新學習,研究中國共產黨。" is another absurdity. It is the hard working Chinese people who made themselves rich. It is only after the communist party loosened control and adopted some superficial policies akin to capitalism, let the free market work to some very limited extent, that the hard working Chinese people gained a small breath of freedom to work hard for themselves and enrich themselves. There is no fucking neo political economy, it is the God damn good old free market capitalism, that even a sliver of it that had made the nation rich. In the process, through not thoroughly adopting the free market capitalism but blatantly holding on to monopolistic political and economic power and egregiously encroachment on private property rights, the Chinese Communist Party enriched themselves through rent seeking parasitic behavior. It has now even gotten emboldened enough to even go beyond its own border and had the gall to infringe on the property rights of the US and other western countries. The trade war is but the beginning and the first blow of an inevitable counter attack from all those who love liberty and the free market capitalism that generates it against the evil ideology that is communism.
My God, you are either stupid or pretend to be. "環看一下歐美的、所謂的民主國家都是由一個或多個政黨組成並執政的,他們都有各自的媒體在後麵撐腰。 中國由中國共產黨執政, CCTV,CGTN當然要受中國政府管理, 其員工當然要為老板說話,這有什麽不對嗎?如果博主在穀歌,微軟或蘋果打工,敢不做其喉舌嗎?" There are so many things wrong with this statement. Who are the owner of CCTV, CGTN? First, the government owning a media company is already questionable. CCTV,CGTN are government agencies. How is a government agency comparable with Microsoft and Google, both are private owned companies? Second, in the democratic countries when a political party is in power or in your words 執政, it does so temporarily, it does NOT OWN the state, whereas the Chinese Communist Party owns the state and its agencies for the past 70 years and for the foreseeable future. As you said, the CCP owned CGTN, and Liu Xin herself. The Republican Party, even if Trish is a member of, does not own her at all.
It is not surprising to hear these absurdity from you, a communist sympathizer.
現在則不見得,我今年的學生拒絕Boston College選擇倫敦的King’s College。
有點奇怪,這種背景的人很少去保守的Fox News”
隻是說黨控製CCTV, 這應該沒有說錯,黨也強調央視是喉舌。