2013 (154)
2015 (47)
2016 (67)
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2019 (93)
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2021 (141)
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2023 (174)
第一。同濟應該重視醫生科學家(Physician Scientist)的培養。在美國的醫學學術界,醫生科學家是指一批學臨床出身的醫生最終走向了以探索生物醫學的未知為主體的科學研究的職業生涯。這裏並不一定強求醫生科學家從事與疾病相關的研究,但是他們即使做純粹基礎研究的領域都帶著不同的視野。美國的經驗證明,醫生科學家的研究成果推動了我們對未知世界的認識、臨床診療水準的提高和對醫療產業的推動。舉個著名的例子,醫生科學家研究脂蛋白運輸的分子機製最終直接造福於包括糖尿病的各類代謝性疾病。而小的例子,大家知道高濃度的單克隆抗體可以存在於雜交瘤刺激產生的腹水中,而腹水產生的病理機製恐怕隻有學醫的人最明白。學醫出身的醫生們習慣於起早貪黑的臨床訓練,他們更願意花費大量的時間在自己選定的並且熱愛的基礎科學領域裏耕耘,這些特質對他們的成功幫助巨大。
雖然美國的醫生科學家也因與臨床同行賺錢的巨大差值而麵臨壓力,但是美國仍然是醫生從事科學研究的最佳國家,早期美國的很多諾貝爾獎的原創性工作是由純粹的MD背景的科學家完成的,包括DNA聚合酶、限製性內切酶、癌基因、LDL受體和朊病毒的發現。在美國頂尖的醫學院裏,你可以欣賞到一些科研做到蛋白質結構域的精細程度而臨床上又是美國最佳醫生的醫生科學家。在聖路易斯華盛頓大學醫學院,細胞調亡係列蛋白,免疫分子(CD46、CD47和CD2AP)和淋巴細胞的陽性和陰性選擇原理這些涉及基本生命規律的重大發現都是在醫生科學家的實驗室完成的。美國諾貝爾醫學獎得主Joe Goldstein總結了NIH在1964-1972的八年間產生的九位諾貝爾獎得主的經曆,9位裏麵的7位僅有MD學位,另外兩位擁有MD和PhD雙博士學位,他們這些傑出醫生科學家的代表幾乎都是在NIH才開始學習如何成為實驗科學家的,從拿試管和加樣器開始的。當然深層的原因是NIH在越戰期間能夠招到最為聰明的醫學畢業生,因為進去了就屬於已經在為美國政府服務,而不必擔心被招募入伍去越南打仗。
美國現在的醫生科學家的絕大部分來源於MSTP培養計劃,也就是Medical Scientist Training Program或醫學科學家培訓計劃,為美國NIH資助的學費全免的人才計劃。聖路易斯華盛頓大學醫學院的MSTP為全美人數之最,原因是它早在NIH資助之前就有,NIH資助實施後,華大仍然保持自己原來的資助額度,再加上NIH的,所以華大可以擁有其他名牌醫學院一倍的雙博士人數。該計劃的程序是本科畢業生進入醫學院後,先讀1.5年左右的醫學基礎課程,然後進入實驗室花費4-6年完成哲學博士研究,再回到醫學院用1.5年左右的時間完成臨床課程的學習和見習,所以總共需要7-9年才能完成MD和PhD的雙博士學位。中國的優勢是高中就進醫學院讀相當於MD的醫學本科,隻要讀博士就是相當於美國的MD和PhD,所以僅從程序上能夠使大量的值得培養的人才走上醫生科學家的職業道路,關健是需要營造從事原創性科研的環境以及對醫生科學家的政策性支持。
同濟應該規定所有臨床科室的主任必須擁有運用現代生物學技術從事科學研究的實驗室,對內、外、婦、兒這些大係裏的亞專科的主任們也應該有同樣的要求。每個係和專科都應該具有一定數量的主要從事科學研究並且擁有獨立實驗室的醫生科學家。臨床科係的醫生科學家的薪金應該至少達到全職同級臨床教授的總收入的80%,並且在時間上應該保證醫生科學家有80%左右的時間從事與經營實驗室有關的科學研究,各係和專科的學術結構以醫生科學家為主體。全職臨床醫生教授的評價指標,應該以臨床療效而不是以所謂的SCI論文為標準,而醫生科學家則應該相當看重原始科研論文的質量和數量以及吸引到的研究經費。醫生科學家的追求最終必將推動醫學的發展,開創了現代免疫治療的美國科學家Steven Rosenberg是位外科醫生,工作於美國NIH的臨床中心。他在幾十年前首先嚐試將病人的淋巴細胞在體外誘導成殺傷細胞,然後輸入病人用於抗腫瘤治療。大家知道美國的外科醫生的薪酬在醫生行業裏都是高的,Rosenberg的工作單位如果不給他在薪金和時間上的外科醫生級別的保護,他肯定不會做出這個造福全人類的進展。無獨有偶,應用抗血管生成成功阻斷癌轉移途經而開創癌症治療新領域的哈佛教授Judah Folkman,也是一位外科醫生。
It's highly unlikely, particular for Shanghai Second Medical College.
上海第一醫學院一級教授: 顏福慶 黃家駟 胡懋廉 錢悳 張昌紹 榮獨山 徐豐彥 穀鏡汧 林兆耆 楊國亮 吳紹青 陳翠貞 王淑貞 郭秉寬 沈克非 蘇德隆
上海第二醫學院一級教授:高鏡朗 蘭錫純 鄺安堃 葉衍慶 餘賀 胡文耀 倪葆春 黃銘新 傅培彬
複旦大學一級教授:陳建功 蘇步青 周同慶 郭紹虞 周穀城 盧鶴紱 陳望道(校長)
武漢醫學院一級教授:姚永政 於光元 李賦京 梁之彥 李寶實 金問淇 陶桓樂 楊述祖
武漢大學一級教授:李劍農、 李國平、 高尚蔭 劉永濟 劉賾(博平) 李達(校長)
it is true.複旦當年連談家楨都沒上一級。Shanghai Second Medical College.的臨床優於上一醫,這是國內醫學界,至少是上海醫學界的共識或常識,而臨床教授的數量超過基礎教授。
It's highly unlikely, particular for Shanghai Second Medical College.
I just made a statement without attention to argue with you.
what are you talking about? 醫科院不屬衛生部?
上海同濟 武漢同濟 (2010-09-20 06:20:10)
標簽: 武漢 同濟 教育
雅美途's Notes: We are surprised to realize that we have already arrived in an age that we are able to tell a decade-old story. In the fall of 1998, we sensed an upcoming transition that our Alma Mater, Tongji Medical University, may have to face in the era when the new Zhijiang University was emerging through the combination of four different schools in Hangzhou. My browse activities led me find a newly developed website of Tongji University America Alumni Association (TJUAAA) under the leadership of their president Jian Wu. He was a computer science major from Shanghai Tongji and had been working as a software engineer in the Bay area of California. My email communication with Jian received an enthusiastic response on my initial proposal of exploring the possibility to merge two Tongjis in the future. After a few round of discussions, we believed it would be a good idea to have a combined Tongji website to serve all of the Tongji alumni. I drafted an essay to explain our joined mission and this article was put into the combined Tongji alumni website.
Unlike the strong influential alumni groups in the United States, our voice had a limited calling power as this campaign was ultimately unsuccessful and we are now part of HUST since 2000. One positive outcome from this is that I got reconnected with one classmate who was doing the postdoctoral training in Germany, while I was coordinated to collect the communication list of the alumni from Wuhan Tongji. Later on, we all were aware of Chen Ligong's noted article on the opposition of Wuhan Tongji's merge with HUST, and some details in the nearly humiliated negotiation process with Wuhan University. We completely understood the feeling when Qiu Fazhu and Wu Zhongbi were in a position to defend Tongji’s brand in their talks with the arrogant Wuda officials. Reading through these twelve-year old words, the emotion is still there.
Essay written in 1998 for combined Tongji website:
“As one of the most prestigious universities in China, Tongji started her prospective journey as a medical school in Shanghai, which was established by German physician Dr. Bolon in 1907. Early Tongji Medical School with its special relationship with Germany, while a powerhouse in medical education and research, had served as a unique academic basis to introduce modern western medicine to ancient China.
The rich history on medical education has been associated with Tongji University for almost a half century. However, the order of separating Tongji's Medical School from its main campus in 1950s had a terrible impact on Tongji University's operation as a first-class university although the separated Tongji Medical University in Wuhan has been developed into one of the finest medical schools in China. Last year, thousands of Tongji alumni around the world, together with faculties and students of Tongji University in Shanghai (Shanghai Tongji) and Tongji Medical University in Wuhan (Wuhan Tongji), simultaneously celebrated our Alma Mater's 90 years birthday. Looking back, the two universities of Tongji not only share the respected name but also the tradition of excellence on teaching and research; Looking forward, the two Tongjis have to face the future challenge: recombination of the high education system in response to the merging China's economic power.
The idea of potentially merging Shanghai Tongji and Wuhan Tongji in a near future has received a strong positive response from numerous alumni and friends associated with both universities. It will be an exciting project to pursue in terms of combining two solid schools with a similar history. In a united Tongji University, medical students need spend three to four years of their college life in the main campus of Shanghai Tongji to build a solid foundation on basic science and humanity knowledge. With a deep understanding of the laws about how nature and society operate and function, the medical students will have more broad views to go back to Wuhan Tongji for finishing their formal medical training. The requirement of completed college education prior to medical school, beginning at Johns Hopkins University approximately one hundred years ago, is a characterized principle of America's medical education system. This system is renowned for its ability of producing not only highly quality clinical practitioners for manage care but also the outstanding physician scientists for scientific discovery and innovation. If we could establish this system in Tongji successfully, the demands of high quality pre-medical education are also a driving force to enhance Shanghai Tongji's development on basic science and humanity departments, a transition from a technical institute into a real comprehensive university.
It is obvious that we need work hard to overcome the geographic barrier between Wuhan and Shanghai, but these concerns can be minimized in the situation when China becomes more advanced in electrical communication and transportation. In the United States, one of Ivy League, Cornell University has been successfully operating its medical school in New York City, several hundred miles from its main campus in Ithaca, Upstate New York. We even can view this problem positively, medical students who have a privilege to study in the environment of both Shanghai and Wuhan sub-cultures will enrich their life experiences in a wonderful young age.
It is also a privilege for any comprehensive university (even in the United States) to host a medical school. There are only 128 medical schools in this country compared with more than one thousand universities and colleges around the fifty states. If you consider the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) as a medical school of UC, Berkeley, Princeton University may be the only elite comprehensive university who does not have a medical school in the United States. We have impressed that the medical schools in this country are almost always the largest and most important component in the university. The reason for this phenomenon is very simple, that is because human being cares about themselves, life science has a direct beneficial impact on the mankind.
We have demonstrated that the unification of two universities of Tongji is an exciting project to explore. The positive results of the project will benefit both universities and significantly improve Tongji University's position in the map of China's high education. We have agreed to unite our America's Alumni organization of both schools as one of the initial steps. Let's work together to push this project forward and turn our dream into a reality as soon as it can.”
中南同濟醫學院與遷離上海的同濟大學醫學院合並成武漢醫學院,但你們提同濟時是refer 它嗎?