耶魯今年共授予1266個學士學位,其中的文學士(Bachelor of Arts)為940而理學士(Bachelor of Science)則為326,文理學生比例大概三比一。這個比例每年波動不大,不知耶魯現在加強理科招生會不會增加學生對科學與工程的熱情。然而,數學係或物理係的畢業生也能獲得耶魯文學士(BA), 如果要在數學專業獲得理學士(BS) 則需多修幾門理科的課。
Stacey S. Chen — the Arthur Twining Hadley Prize。
The ARTHUR TWINING HADLEY PRIZE is awarded annually to the senior in YaleCollege in the social sciences who ranks the highest in scholarship.
The RUSSELL HENRY CHITTENDEN PRIZE is awarded annually to the senior in YaleCollege majoring in the natural sciences or mathematics who ranks the highest in scholarship.
耶魯大學Ezra Stiles學院的 Jonathan J. Liang, 主修分子生物物理和生物化學,完成的42門課程中除二門隻需通過外其他40門功課全為A,同時獲耶魯學士和碩士學位。他在課外曾為"耶魯科學雜誌"寫稿,他將以丘吉爾學者在英國劍橋大學讀計算生物學的碩士。
Yangtze4300302013-05-31 09:49:58回複悄悄話
My guess is her high school friends are in Saybrook?
雅美之途2013-05-31 08:37:04回複悄悄話
Thank you for the information and comments, they are all useful and interesting. Transfer between residential colleges? that is rare, she must be tired about fighting with Branford.
Yangtze4300302013-05-31 08:08:00回複悄悄話
Stacy Chen was in Jonathan Edwards but tranferred to Saybrook. JE is the richest college at Yale and JE students rarely transfer to other colleges. Don't know why she did it though. At Yale, some students take double the number of classes than the minimum required for the degrees. They just count who earned most As though they may have some Bs. But anybody who take double the load must be very smart and good at study and tests. There are also some smart students just choose to spend more time on something else. I heard even some prizes at colleges level (like JE) received a check of at least $10K.
記住! 這是開始, 繼續努力!
Thank you for the information and comments, they are all useful and interesting. Transfer between residential colleges? that is rare, she must be tired about fighting with Branford.