法國名牌路易威登創建於1854年,穿越了兩個世紀,至今已有一百五十年的曆史。品牌是以其第一代設計師 Louis Vuitton 的名字而命名的。他當時洞察到由蒸汽列車帶來的旅行前景,設計製造出各類精致豪華的旅行皮箱和手提袋,頗受上流社會,特別是貴族婦女的喜愛。高檔次產品除了各類皮件外,還包括了男女時裝,絲巾,鋼筆等。。。百年來,LV品牌登峰造極,名揚四海,也成了人們追求豪華浪漫,富裕層次的一個時尚標記,可謂領盡風騷。
fayfei2012-07-29 06:19:42回複悄悄話
I agree. Some people enjoy taking and posting anything as sour grapes and take any grape seriously:)
Anyway, thanks for your hard work in going out of your way to bring the grapes from vineyards to your own garden. Hope your sour grapes grow evergreen!
南國鐵樹2012-07-28 21:10:01回複悄悄話
Some people enjoy being negative, provided the smack of sour grapes. However, it's interesting and thank you for sharing.
fayfei2012-07-28 16:34:39回複悄悄話
The nickname f LV bag in China is Donkey Bag, which goes well with the pronunciation of LV and those who are silly enough to carry a LV bag.
Anyway, thanks for your hard work in going out of your way to bring the grapes from vineyards to your own garden. Hope your sour grapes grow evergreen!
Some people enjoy being negative, provided the smack of sour grapes. However, it's interesting and thank you for sharing.