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Basic English is an English-based controlled language created by linguist and philosopher Charles Kay Ogden as an international auxiliary language, and as an aid for teaching English as a second language. Basic English is, in essence, a simplified subset of regular English. It was presented in Ogden's book Basic English: A General Introduction with Rules and Grammar (1930).

Charles K. Ogden是一個哲學家又是一個語言學家。他創立了旨在幫助學習英語這個第二語言的,把英語作為國際通用語言的,核心基礎英語(Basic English)。

核心基礎英語由850個單詞組成。 翻看一下牛津袖珍英語字典你發現裏麵的兩萬五千個英語單詞(25,000)去除語言的冗餘部分,去除可以用構詞法構成的單詞,字典裏麵90%的概念可以用850個單詞來解釋完成。這個縮短的詞匯表使得拚寫不規則的詞匯簡單了,掌握發音也簡單了。

Ogden 創建了Orthological Institute, 這個研究所致力於開發教授核心基礎英語的工具。他的一個著名的助手就是I.A. Richards。I.A. Richards 和編撰了ETP這個教材。


1. What is Basic English?

Basic English is an attempt to give everyone a second, or international language, which will take as little of the learner's time as possible.

The number of 850 was found with 600 names of things, 150 are names of qualities, and the last 100 are the words which put the others into operation and make them do their work in statements.


  If one were to take the 25,000 word Oxford Pocket English Dictionary and take away the redundancies of our rich language and eliminate the words that can be made by putting together simpler words, we find that 90% of the concepts in that dictionary can be achieved with 850 words. The shortened list makes simpler the effort to learn spelling and pronunciation irregularities. The rules of usage are identical to full English so that the practitioner communicates in perfectly good, but simple, English.

We call this simplified language Basic English, the developer is Charles K. Ogden, and was released in 1930 with the book: Basic English: A General Introduction with Rules and Grammar. He founded the Orthological Institute to develop the tools for teaching Basic English. His most famous associate, I.A. Richards, led the effort in the Orient, which uses the techniques to this day.


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